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Chapter 273 sit back and wait

  Numa’s prophecy sent chills down Xun Changjun’s back.

What is the concept of a large-scale connection between the two worlds of the surface and the cave? That will lead to a large-scale invasion of the cave creatures into the surface.

Yes, the underground city where I am now does have traces of the activities of burrow creatures, but in the past, burrow creatures that appeared here and tried to break into the surface world were an isolated phenomenon.

If what Numa said is true, then these individual cave creatures that came to the underground city would not be able to reach the surface at all, and would be killed by the energy array of the pyramid or forced back into the cave.

 So in the past years, although there have been corpses or traces of activities of burrow creatures in the underground city, there has never been a case of burrow creatures emerging from the surface.

If what Numa said is true, then after August, what he will face is the attack from the cave creatures and the Gendayas. If he fights upward, he will not be able to defeat the Gendayians with advanced thermal weapons; downwards

Fighting, let alone cold weapons that cannot defeat the creatures in the cave, isn't this a dead end?

After thinking of this terrible result, he no longer thought about Chu Di. No matter whether Chu Di was in Sirius or not, water from afar could not quench his thirst for nearness.

 The question now is whether the Gendayans and the cave creatures understand this situation. If they do not understand this, their team will still have a way to survive. If not, they will not even have a place to run.

With the exception of Africa, the Earth has been occupied by the Gendaya people. After completing their occupation, the Gendaya people will definitely gradually block various underground transportation routes and civil defense projects, trapping their own team alive in the Nile Delta.

All in all, Xun Changjun felt that he should rather believe what Numa said, and generously exempted the Dogon people from paying taxes, and then he was not ashamed to ask Numa for advice.

Since you reminded me, how about you help me find a way to be a good person and send Buddha to the West?

Numa actually came up with a way to open the sluice and release the water.

For a long time, African people have not thought about the benefits of the flooding of the Nile River. People only know that no one is happy when the river overflows and floods their homes. Therefore, for thousands of years, many dams have been built in various basins of the Nile River.

With the protection of the dam, the regular flooding of the Nile River will not cause flood disasters, nor will it affect its delivery of energy to the pyramids in the underground water layer. As long as it enters the flood season, the underground water level will definitely rise. It doesn’t matter whether the African people know this.

, whether you know it or not, you have to build a dam.

When the Nile River floods, the dams will block the flood. But this year, the Nile River is not flooding, and the amount of water downstream is far from enough. Although it will not dry up, at least the groundwater level will not rise.

On the other hand, if water is released selectively and in a controlled manner, the groundwater level can be raised to a certain extent. For the pyramid, even if it cannot achieve the energy supply of previous years, it will not deplete its energy.

Xun Changjun adopted Numa's suggestion and sent troops to the upper reaches of the Nile. Regardless of whether it was the Blue Nile or the White Nile, water would be released if there were dams.

The Earth Alliance Space Force released water in the Nile River. Naturally, this matter could not be hidden from the eyes and ears of the Gendaya people. At the Gendaya Advance Army Headquarters located at Lidong Zhiyun Military Academy, three commanders, one sergeant, two deputies, exchanged views on this matter.


The commander-in-chief of the advance army that came to the solar system this time was Heloin, and the two deputy commanders were Cookin and Soroin.

All three people were puzzled by Xun Changjun's move: "It is a good thing for them that the Nile River is not flooding. It is just conducive to holding on. Why do they need to release water?"

 It is a coincidence that Liu Qingzhi, a lecturer at Zhiyun Military Academy, published a paper online about the dimming of Sirius at this time. The paper talked about the impact of the dimming of Sirius on the Nile River.

Liu Qingzhi did not evacuate to Africa with the Space Force, she surrendered - I am just a science teacher, I can't fight with the soldiers, as long as the aliens don't kill me, I will continue to live my small life, science

There are no borders.

The Gendaya people did not kill Liu Qingzhi. As long as they surrendered, they would not kill them. Not only did they not kill them, but they also gave them the opportunity to continue working. Therefore, Liu Qingzhi published this paper, but provided new information to the invaders.


“Could it be that the flooding of the Nile River is related to their pyramid energy array?”

 There is a pyramid energy array in Africa that can fight against civilizations from outside the earth. This is not a secret to the Gendaya people, they even knew it when they left the earth.

Who said that the pyramids were built thousands of years ago? It has been known for a long time! People on the earth don't know, but the people of Gendaya know.

Holoin almost guessed the "standard answer" directly. Heloin said: "Whether it is related to the pyramid or not, we only need to remember one thing, that is, whatever our opponents want to do, we must destroy it!"

 Cookin agreed: "Yes, we can't fight near the pyramids. We can take action along the Nile River to prevent them from opening the floodgates to release water! If the gates have been opened, close them again."

"Yes! Just do it this way, you can't go wrong! We don't dare to fight them in the space above the pyramid array. It should be no problem on both sides of the upper reaches of the Nile River, right?" Soloin also agreed.

So Khloin sent 10,000 infantrymen and rushed to Africa in 100 spaceships. When they arrived, they immediately launched three units and sent them to various dams along the Nile River. The mission was very simple, which was to annihilate the Earth Alliance space force who opened the gates to release water.

The Gendaya spacecraft is very fast, and its flight in the Earth's atmosphere is even more incredible. It only takes a matter of minutes to get from East Asia to East Africa.

Arriving over East and Central Africa, the spacecraft dispersed and hovered over the former Burundi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya, Zaire and Sudan. They used air-to-ground tactics and killed all the ground in less than an hour.

The Allied Space Force sent 5,000 soldiers to release water.

In the underground city of the Nile Delta, Xun Changjun couldn't help being shocked and angry after hearing the news.

Now it is certain that opening the floodgates and releasing water can indeed pose a strategic threat to aliens. Otherwise, how could the aliens come so quickly?

Although he can determine the importance of releasing water, he is helpless against the enemy's tactics.

How to fight? Use shield machines to dig underground fortifications in the Central African region? Not only is there not enough time, but also, if the Gendayas use ground-penetrating missiles again, one missile can take out one of their divisions.

It is possible to use guerrilla warfare and harassment to compete with aliens in the middle and upper reaches of the Nile River, but the focus of the dispute between the two sides now is the dam, and harassment tactics cannot solve the water supply problem in the lower reaches of the Nile River.

He couldn't think of a solution after much thought. According to the report given by the ground radar vehicle, the Gendaya spacecraft did not approach Egypt after killing all the space forces in the middle and upper reaches of the Nile River, but it did not fly away, let alone

The army was sent ashore and guarded over the dam in the middle and upper reaches.

 It’s so uncomfortable not having air control!

In this case, I can only defend the dungeon and wait for the pyramid defense to fail.

Are you just going to sit back and wait for death? Xun Changjun was not willing to give in after all. He sent a thousand top soldiers to enter the cave world in advance and asked them to lurk near the interface after entering the cave. Do not go deep. Pay attention to the environment and see if there is anything near the interface.

Guarded by a large number of cave creatures.

This chapter has been completed!
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