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Chapter 314 The mother-in-law stole the daughter-in-law

 After destroying the puppet troops and aliens, capturing Xiao Boran, and subduing Ding Junchao, tranquility was restored to the Sea Palace.

Xun Changjun proposed to hold a bonfire party to celebrate, allowing the soldiers to have a good meal of seafood from the cave world, and then return home in triumph. Chu Di thought that the aliens on the surface and in the solar system had been eliminated, so he stayed in the cave for one more night.

, only 2 hours have passed since the surface, so it shouldn’t delay anything, so I agreed.

Under Xun Changjun's order, all members of the Space Force were mobilized. With the help of the female soldiers of the Sea Palace, they spent a whole afternoon preparing ingredients. That night, nearly ten thousand bonfires were lit on the "island" and a grand celebration began.

Although Chu Di's martial arts has entered the country again and again, and the ALS he suffered from since childhood has long since disappeared, for some unknown reason, his addiction to alcohol has become more and more serious. It's not that he can't live without drinking, but as long as he sees alcohol,

You must drink enough.

Drinking has become a great joy in Chu Di's life.

The great benefactor loves to drink, so the Space Force should do its best to accompany him, but only the elderly Xun Changjun can drink with Chu Di.

In the early years, the liquid brewing method flooded the market, and people would experience various discomforts after drinking alcohol. As a result, more and more Chinese youths were isolated from alcohol. Moreover, because alcohol was taboo in the military, not even many soldiers in the Space Force could

for drink.

This generation of Space Force soldiers all grew up drinking milk or milk tea.

However, Xun Changjun's drinking capacity was not enough to compensate for Chu Di's enjoyment. The wine in the underground cave was mellow and sweet, but it had full stamina.

Just when Xun Changjun was about to let his son succeed him, Chu Di said: "No, Commander Xun, I can't drink anymore."

Lao Xun was very surprised, thinking that Chu Di was making excuses for his own sake, so he said: "Brother Chu, you are out of sight now. I don't think you are drunk at all, why can't you drink? Don't think about me,

I was drunk and there was my son."

Chu Di said: "Commander Xun, you misunderstood. I just received a message from outer space on the surface. Something happened to my relatives and I must return to the surface immediately."

Xun Changjun asked strangely: "Don't you have a personal terminal? And even if you have a personal terminal, it can't be used in this cave world. How did you get the information?"

Chu Di smiled and said: "What I received is quantum communication, which ignores the transmission distance and is not affected by the interface plane."

Xun Changjun was not illiterate in science and technology. Hearing this, he was surprised and said: "You mean, we people on earth can already use quantum communication? Was it you...oh no, was it invented by Tao Bao?"

Chu Di shook his head and said: "It's neither me nor Tao Bao. Tao Bao is researching technology in this area. My quantum communication is natural."

The message Chu Di received was from Xu Yanfei.

As early as when Chu Di and Long Yaojing followed the Dawn aircraft carrier to Venus, Chu Di had felt Xu Yanfei's thoughts. Later, when he met Xu Yanfei, got along with each other and established a relationship as an unmarried couple, he felt it many times.

I have seen Xu Yanfei’s love and longing.

And after he absorbed half of the heat from Sirius, came out and found his relatives and friends on the mermaid planet, he told Tao Bao about it and asked about the reason.

Tao Bao said that this is pure natural quantum communication. If we use the terminology of ancient Chinese to describe it, it is called telepathy.

Tao Bao said that the pineal gland in the cranial cavity of every human on earth is a natural information transceiver, or a mind transceiver area. Everyone living in the world will be liked or disliked by familiar people. When acquaintances are behind their backs,

When thinking of you, cursing, or missing you, the acquaintance's pineal gland will emit two different thoughts of love or hate.

Taobao said that if this kind of thought is strong enough, you can feel it, even if you are far away from that acquaintance.

Tao Bao also said that some people's pineal gland is not developed enough, or it can be considered undeveloped, so they are unable to perceive other people's thoughts.

And people like Chu Di and Xu Yanfei are extremely special beings. They can feel each other's mood at the same time. As long as one party is thinking about the other, the other party can receive this kind of missing, and even feel the missing.

The specific content becomes typical quantum communication.

In order to study this kind of communication, Tao Bao also asked Chu Di and Xu Yanfei to conduct several experiments, which proved that Chu Di and Xu Yanfei did have the instinct for quantum communication.

The message Xu Yanfei just sent to Chu Di was: In outer space 3 light years away from the earth, Long Yaojing was picked up by her mother Yu Shang, and her whereabouts are unknown.

Chu Di immediately asked for details, and Xu Yanfei told the whole story.

What happened was this: Tao Bao piloted the Gendaya aircraft carrier through three hyperspace jumps and reached a position 3 light years away from the earth. When he was about to start the next hyperspace jump, Long Yaojing's mother Yu Shang suddenly entered the aircraft carrier.

Internally, Long Yaojing was asked to go with her without saying why.

Of course Long Yaojing didn't want to leave with her mother. She told her mother about her engagement with Chu Di, saying that even if she left with her mother, she should meet up with Chu Di first, win Chu Di's consent, and then go with her mother with Chu Di.

But Long Yaojing's proposal was rejected by her mother Yu Shang.

Yu Shang not only rejected Long Yaojing's proposal, but also rejected Long Yaojing's love. Who is Chu Di? Isn't he just an earthly man? You can't marry Chu Di!

After Yu Shang expressed her attitude, she forcibly took her second daughter away without telling her where she was going. She also did not allow Long Yujing and Xu Yanfei to follow her.

Chu Di became angry after reading Xu Yanfei's message.

He didn't have to marry Long Yaojing originally. This engagement was originally Long Yaojing's wishful thinking. But Yu Shang despised him so much and forcibly separated Long Yaojing and him. It was hard to swallow.

At this moment, he felt very regretful. Since Xu Yanfei was also on the Gendaya mothership, he could have monitored the mothership at all times.

Although his spiritual consciousness cannot penetrate the interface between the cave and the surface, he can drive his spiritual consciousness to go around the two entrances of the North Pole or Cairo on the surface to explore the universe. However, he felt that it was not necessary, but unexpectedly something like this happened.


Now he needs to return to the surface immediately, use his spiritual consciousness and Kunpeng Eyes to search space at the same time, find the locations of Yu Shang and Long Yaojing, and then chase them to snatch them.

Of course, there was no need for him to explain this matter clearly to Xun Changjun. Lao Xun would not understand even if he told him. Moreover, this was his own family matter and there was no need to explain it to outsiders.

He immediately called Lao Xun and Xu Jingyuan to escort Xiao Boran and Ding Junchao back to the surface, and ordered the others to return to the surface in batches, leaving the sea palace to Shen Xinzi, who had become Zhuang Siyu's wife.

This chapter has been completed!
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