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Chapter 348 Green 'Earth'

   In the next few days, accompanied by Bai Tianyu, Chu Di visited the production workshop of Feiteng Shipyard and also visited some scenic spots on Feiteng Planet.

You must go to the Green Star, not only to find Long Yaojing, but also because the Green Star is the only way to the edge of the galaxy.

According to Bai Tianyu, Green Star is the transportation hub in this area of ​​​​the sky and the intersection of every safe channel in all directions. It’s not that you will definitely not be able to go to the edge of the galaxy if you don’t take this road, but the space in other directions is full of dangers.


Just like the swampy deserts on the surface of the planet, with unknown dangers lurking everywhere, the universe is not as clean as it seems. In addition to stars, planets, satellites and small celestial bodies, there are also dangers in space, such as the dark matter space that can make people lose their way.

Wormholes where and when, invisible turbulence in space that kills people, etc.

Since it was certain that Chu Di was going to Green Star, Bai Tianyu knew everything. In addition to telling Chu Di about the situation of Green Star Empress Yaoji, he also told Chu Di what he knew about Green Star.


 Tian Yu said that Yao Ji is not the only one on the Green Star who is powerful, the humans on the Green Star are even more powerful in combat.

Bai Tianyu told Chu Di that the humans on Green Star advocate martial arts and are the most powerful ethnic group in the entire galaxy. They can not only defeat other martial arts civilizations in the galaxy, but also defeat all civilizations in Hanoi that use science and technology as their development route. There is no one in the galaxy.

Any force that competes with it is truly the overlord of Hanoi.

Bai Tianyu also said that just like sports events in other civilizations, Green Star conducts martial arts selections almost all year round. From auditions to city competitions to county competitions and national competitions, the selected winners can

Obtain the qualification to join the Green Star Tianhe Army.

The Green Star Tianhe Army is not only an army directly under the jurisdiction of Empress Yaoji, but also the main force in the Galaxy Edge War. Green Star sends a large number of recruits to the Galaxy Edge every year to participate in the defense war of the Galaxy. Another sign that Feiteng Civilization is enslaved is the free

An officer of the Tianhe Army customized a spaceship.

 Bai Tianyu also told Chu Di that every year, a group of new officers from the Tianhe Army would come to Green Star, take away their customized spaceships, and fly their recruits to the "riverside".

Hearing this, Chu Di understood what the third condition of Feiteng Shipyard's custom-made spaceship was. It turned out to be the result of being enslaved.

“The officers of the Green Star Tianhe Army are very powerful. Among them are not only elite warriors who grew up in Green Star, but also strong men from various martial arts civilizations in the galaxy.”

Bai Tianyu began to introduce to Chu Di what he knew about the Green Star Tianhe Army, "How strong is the Tianhe Army? Let me put it this way. If Green Star and Feiteng Planet go to war, the Tianhe Army only needs to deploy one division of troops to sweep them across.

Our entire planet."

Chu Di felt very incredible after hearing this and asked: "Brother Bai, I don't understand this. Aren't you all descendants of senior Bai Qin? Are you the only one who has practiced the Heluo Divine Art?"

Bai Tianyu smiled bitterly and said: "The Heluo Divine Art is not something that anyone can practice if they want to. Not to mention that everyone has different qualifications, whether they can understand the true meaning of this magical art, it is just that it is impossible for my great-uncle to be taught without distinction."

Right? He only gave one disciple, and that was me."



 Seven days later, Chu Di shook hands with Bai Tianyu and said goodbye, driving the spaceship specially built for him by Feiteng Shipyard, and left the Feiteng planet.

 Compared with the spacecraft driven by Chu Di, the spaceships built by the people on earth are not worthy of being called spaceships at all.

I really don’t know what the people on earth thought back then. If they build a spaceship that can fly away from the earth, do they dare to name it a spaceship?

 This is simply a blasphemy of the word "universe". How big is the universe? How far can the spacecraft of the people on earth fly?

The spacecraft Chu Di is driving at the moment can indeed be called a spaceship, because it can travel across galaxies, not only at a speed infinitely close to the speed of light, but also can make frequent hyperspace jumps.

The spacecraft was designed like Figure 2 according to Chu Di’s request to commemorate his original space journey with Tao Bao and Long Yujing.

The appearance of the spacecraft is not important, what is important is its power system. According to Tao Bao's suggestion, this rustic-looking spacecraft has two sets of drive systems, one is an antimatter drive system, and the other is an internal force drive system.


Antimatter is the anti-state of normal matter. It itself does not have much energy, but when it meets matter, the two sides will annihilate and cancel each other out, explode and produce huge energy.

Someone once calculated that when matter and antimatter meet, the explosive power produced by the annihilation of 1 gram of antimatter is the equivalent of 21,608 tons of TNT.

Since the Feiteng civilization is not outstanding in martial arts, it can neither resist foreign enemies nor protect the living needs of its people. Therefore, if they want to occupy a place in the universe, they can only focus on the development of science and technology.

 Scientists of the Feiteng Civilization have mastered the method of capturing antimatter in space, and have been able to utilize the annihilation energy of antimatter within a controllable range and apply it to the power system and weapon system of the spacecraft. This is a unique secret.

 In addition to the antimatter power system, another power system was manufactured in accordance with Chu Di's requirements, namely the internal force drive system.

The power of this system is provided by Chu Di himself. Now the internal force in his body has exploded, which is equivalent to the work of 10 suns. The energy is greater than the energy generated by the annihilation of antimatter.

Although if the antimatter reactor is large enough and there is enough antimatter involved in annihilation, the energy it generates can exceed Chu Di's internal force, but there is not much space inside the spacecraft designed according to the Figure-2 model and cannot be loaded.

A larger antimatter reactor.

The reason why Chu Di has such requirements in terms of power system is to exercise his throughput ability. The internal force accumulated in the body needs to be released frequently. After it is released, it can be replenished by absorbing the light of all the stars in the sky. This is a kind of Heluo Divine Art.

Daily exercise methods.

 Because of this demand, the antimatter power system can only be used as a backup system to function in unexpected situations, such as serious injury or imminent death.

 After leaving the Feiteng planet, Chu Di immediately used the internal force system to perform a hyperspace jump, which was equivalent to him carrying the Tu-2 and performing a teleportation.

The teleportation distance is 150 light-years. After three teleportations, a green "Earth" appeared in the windshield of the cockpit. After seeing it, Chu Di couldn't help but sigh, and said to the quantum phone: "What a pity."

Ah, it's not the real Earth."

This chapter has been completed!
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