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Chapter 397 Melee

 The person who spoke was none other than Chu Di.

Chu Di's understanding of the laws of space is not only far superior to that of Yao Ji and Tu Long, but also exceeds the limitations of the magic weapon of the Lord of the Demon Cloud Realm.

Again, the so-called law of space is like the key to a lock. When many people have the key, one of them cannot block the space with his own key.

Slaying the dragon cannot block this space of the original universe, nor can the magic weapon of stealing the sky and changing the sun block the multi-dimensional space it constructed. Chu Di can come and go freely in these spaces.

Everyone on the scene naturally heard that it was Chu Di who was talking. They were all shocked and thought: How dare he come out?

While shocked, people naturally looked up into the air. The three prisoners, Metal Killer, Shu Ya and Wen Daochen, who were restrained by Dragon Slayer, were in the same position where Chu Di and Julie disappeared.

People felt that Chu Di could only appear from this position.

But what surprised people was that there was no figure of Chu Di in this airspace.

Can Chu Di talk to people in this space in another space? How is that possible?

If two cosmic spaces can be connected by sound propagation, then they do not constitute two cosmic spaces, but one. This is the simplest truth, even people who do not understand the laws of space at all can understand it.

However, if Chu Di never hid in another universe, how could he disappear under people's eyes?

You must know that there are many masters with divine consciousness on the field. Even if they are transformed into gas, as long as there is still mass, it is impossible to escape the scanning and search of divine consciousness.

So Chu Di must have hid in another universe just now. Anyone who understands the concept of broken void, or tearing space, knows that there are always countless alien universes around everyone living in this universe.

The space depends on whether you can get in.

If you can't go in, these cosmic spaces are as if they don't exist. And if you can go in, it's hard to say what it will be like after you go in. There are senior powerful people who had such managers, and the stories they tell are still frightening.

Tangible enemies are not scary, but unknown dangers are the scariest.

People were looking for Chu Di in panic, but they heard Chu Di's disdainful voice sounded again: "Stop looking, I'm here."

This time, Chu Di chose the normal method of making sounds so that everyone on the field could see him at the source of the sound.

He was standing behind Tulong.

When Tu Long turned around, he was already breaking out in a cold sweat. If Chu Di hadn't said anything just now and just attacked, it would be hard to tell whether he would still be alive or not.

Although you have become immortal, immortality has always been a relative concept. Of course, you will be indestructible when facing the weak, but what if you face the strong?

Not to mention anything else, just because Chu Di appeared like a ghost every time he came and went, Tu Long had to treat Chu Di as a strong man.

At this moment, Long Yaojing suddenly said coldly: "Why are you coming back? Are you going to die?"

Chu Di glanced at Long Yaojing coldly and said, "I will settle the accounts between us later with you alone. I have no time to talk to you now!"

Chu Di could no longer be polite to Long Yaojing. Even though he had already suspected that Long Yaojing had other reasons for betraying him, he had no intention of being nice to Long Yaojing.

Why should he be so nice to her? A woman who has been teased around by a man like Ling Rui without complaining, does she deserve to be nice to her?

After saying this, Chu Di didn't wait for Long Yaojing to say anything else, and looked directly at Tu Long and said: "Since you want to kill me so much, I will give you a chance, but I think you should understand one thing before doing it.


"What's the matter?" Slaying the Dragon looked like he was facing a powerful enemy, but still managed to stay calm and asked back.

The reason why it is said that Slaying the Dragon is forcing his composure is because the two of them are so close to each other at this moment, and the real big hand cannot be used. You can't just slap it down with one big hand and slap yourself to death together, right?

Chu Di said calmly: "You understand some space laws, but you should understand that you are not the only one who understands space laws."

Seeing Tu Long's somewhat confused look, Chu Di added: "In other words, this space does not belong to you alone, and it is not something you can lock if you want, and then there is your big hand that transforms into reality...


At this point, Chu Di turned to look at Niu Wenshan and said: "You can cover the sky with one hand, and you won't be afraid of the wind flashing your tongue when you speak! If the sky can be covered with one hand, is it still heaven? That's not the case.


Niu Wenshan did not dare to take action rashly, fearing that Chu Di would attack him first. Before he knew Chu Di's true strength, it would be safer to let Slay the Dragon test the waters first.

Chu Di didn't wait for Niu Wenshan to speak. He turned around and looked at Tu Long again: "You can't even restrain me, so why are you talking about covering up the sky? Aren't you ashamed?"

Before Chu Di was dragged into stealing the magic weapon from heaven and earth by Julie, Niu Wenshan, Dragon Slaying and Dragon Slaying's apprentice Nie Han praised each other a lot. At that time, Chu Di wanted to slap the three of them in the face, but Julie did not.

After a fight, the fight failed, which made Chu Di very unhappy.

When he came out of the magic weapon at this time, even though the two sides were already at loggerheads and were fighting to the death, Chu Di couldn't help but want to slap him in the face first, and then say anything else.

Perhaps Chu Di himself had never realized that in his subconscious, what he wanted to prove was that he was the strongest man on the Green Star, rather than a weakling who was included in the bed curtains of the empress based on some special skills as people thought before.


Chu Di thinks so, but Tu Long doesn't think so. How long has it been? It's about to be a life-and-death fight. Who cares about space and covering the sky with you?

As long as you take action, whoever lives will be right. On the other hand, if you die, do you still need to understand the truth?

So Tu Long didn't bother with this issue at all, and took action directly, punching Chu Di on the bridge of the nose.

At such a short distance, the only way to hurt people is with fists and kicks. Tu Long is also the director of the Martial Arts Research Institute and has studied the martial arts of all martial civilizations in the galaxy. Naturally, he also has profound knowledge in fists and kicks.

The audience could clearly see that Tulong's punch was exactly the same punch that Nie Han had used when fighting the metal killer, the gold-shattering fist!

The palm strike is called Broken Gold Palm, and the punch is called Broken Gold Fist. Broken Gold Fist Palm is a unique boxing technique that Tu Long has studied for many years.

People just couldn't understand it. The speed of Dragon Tu's punch seemed to be much slower than Nie Han's back then.

Slow punching means giving the opponent enough time to dodge.

People can't help but ask: Can Tu Long's slow punches hit Chu Di?

This chapter has been completed!
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