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Chapter 453: My buddy becomes an uncle

 Li Zhihui's trace was hard to find, and the discussion between Li Zhiyun and Chu Di reached a deadlock. The two were silent for a while, and Li Zhiyun suddenly asked, "After saying so much, you didn't even ask me why I didn't try to protect Tao before.

Bao, did I entrust you to do this after I met you?"

Li Zhiyun's question makes sense. Since Tao Bao is already in his twenties, doesn't he need care and protection before he turns twenty?

The reason why Li Zhiyun asked Chu Di in turn was because he was worried that Chu Di didn't take the matter seriously and just agreed casually, without bothering to fulfill his promise afterwards.

Chu Di understood what Li Zhiyun meant and said, "I do things for you unconditionally. Even if there are some puzzling things about this matter, since you don't tell me, why should I ask?"

Li Zhiyun stared at Chu Di for a while and then said: "I really didn't save you wrongly at the beginning. There are fewer and fewer people in this world who know how to repay their kindness. Even if it is a life-saving grace, it may be worthless, but you

But it makes me happy.”

Chu Di received high praise, and when he was about to say a few polite words, Li Zhiyun said again: "But even if you don't ask, I will tell you the reason. No one knew that Tao Bao was my child, and no one knew that Tao Bao was there.

Intellectual potential, so he will not be subject to any real threats, but it is different now. Now he has invented many high-tech products in succession..."

Chu Di couldn't help but interrupt when he heard this: "You can't go to the earth, right? And your wife has always been with you. How do you know that he has invented many high-tech products in succession?"

Li Zhiyun said: "I said that I have more than one wife. In addition to Tao Bao who is willing to float in space to accompany me, there are several wives living in the small universe I created. A few days ago, one of my wives suddenly wanted to go home.

I wanted to go back and have a look. When I came back, I told me about what I had seen in my hometown. Among them were several of the latest inventions of mankind on earth. The inventor was named Tao Bao. As soon as I heard about it, I knew that Tao Bao was in danger."

Chu Di was also very nervous when he heard this, and interrupted: "What danger does Tao Bao face? Who wants to deal with him?"

Li Zhiyun smiled and said, "Don't be nervous. Tao Bao has only one enemy on earth, and that is Li Zhizhi. Although Li Zhizhi doesn't know that Tao Bao is also my son, he has a problem, that is, he does not allow anyone to be smarter than him.

.In other words, he does not allow anyone smarter than him to live in the world."

Chu Didao: "They are people like Zhou Yu of the Three Kingdoms, right?"

Li Zhiyun said: "It's a bit similar, but Li Zhizhi is much more ruthless than Zhou Yu. Zhou Yu can temporarily let Zhuge Liang go for the sake of the overall situation, but Li Zhizhi will not. Once he finds out that Tao Bao is smarter than him, he will kill Tao Bao. Fortunately,

You said he is no longer on earth, otherwise Tao Bao might have been poisoned by him by now."

Chu Di was silent after hearing this, thinking how to determine whether someone is smart or not? It can only be compared through practice. If Tao Bao's inventions and creations exceed smart technology, doesn't it mean that Tao Bao is smarter than Li?


Thinking of this, Chu Di couldn't help but break into a cold sweat. Tao Bao had just helped Wisdom Technology solve a problem, and had also cooperated with Wisdom Technology to produce pineal gland protective fluid. If Li Zhihui knew about this, Li Zhihui happened to be there.

Earth, then hasn’t Tao Bao’s life been revealed?

Chu Di was scared here, but Li Zhiyun was much relieved. He could see that Chu Di was really concerned about Tao Bao's safety, and his concern was much stronger than he expected.

He was even a little surprised. Was Chu Di's sincere concern too much? It felt like Tao Bao was his sibling.

It's strange, but you can't ask this, otherwise it will easily hurt Chu Di. Oh, what's the matter? Are you dissatisfied that I care about your son? Well, then I don't care, okay?

Having said this, both Li and Chu were temporarily relieved. As long as Li Zhihui was really at the border of the Milky Way, Tao Bao would not be in much danger. Chu Di, in particular, was confident. After all, Tao Bao

There are also masters like Long Yujing and Xu Yanfei around me.

Although the abilities of Long and Xu are not enough to enter the universe, they are definitely unmatched by others in this small place in the solar system.

After a moment of silence, Chu Di said: "I think we'd better find Li Zhihui as soon as possible. As long as we find him, even if we can't catch him, as long as we can be sure that he is indeed at the edge of the galaxy, I will feel relieved."

Li Zhiyun said, "I think so too, but you really shouldn't have too much hope in this matter, he will definitely change his appearance."

Chu Di said: "I have an idea. Didn't you say that he has a problem and does not allow others to be smarter than him? Then I will go to the edge of the Galaxy to show off my IQ. How about it?"

Li Zhiyun thought for a while and said: "You can practice the Heluo Divine Art to such an extent. Even if you don't have my level of brain development, you should be a very smart person. But... I have something to say that you may not like.

Listen, but I must also say, you must not overestimate your IQ, even I don’t think you are smarter than Li Zhizhi.”

Chu Di said: "If you only talk about intelligence, I am definitely not as good as Tao Bao..."

"Wait!" Li Zhiyun interrupted instantly and asked: "Why do I feel like you know Tao Bao? Have you heard about him before on Earth?"

Chu Di smiled and said, "It's embarrassing to say it. I do know Tao Bao. Not only did we know each other, but he and I were once classmates in the same grade, and then we became friends of life and death. He and I have shared joys and sorrows.

, we eat together, sleep in the same bed, and even the words "sympathetic brotherhood" are not enough to describe the relationship between me and him."

"Haha... It's so hard for you to hide it from me!" Li Zhiyun was overjoyed, "Okay, stop describing your feelings. If you continue to talk, I will suspect that my son is having sex with you."

Chu Di said: "Actually, I really don't want to tell you this. Originally, you said that we are friends as equals. Once this relationship is revealed, I will have to call you uncle from now on."

Li Zhiyun said: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. You can continue to call me by my name. Let's talk about our own affairs. Please tell us how you and Tao Bao share the joys and sorrows together? I want to hear it!"

Chu Di could see that Li Zhiyun was happy from the bottom of his heart. This was the reaction that a father who missed his son should have. He immediately briefly talked about his and Tao Bao's past experiences, which shocked Li Zhiyun. After listening,

He sighed: "It turns out that your experience is not much smoother than mine. You have also encountered so many dangers."

Chu Di humbly said: "No, I don't dare to compare with you. You are the one who was given three points by Nuwa, so who am I? I was almost killed by her apprentice. Okay, let's not talk about this anymore.

Can you give me an overview of the edge of the galaxy and what the war is going on there?"

This chapter has been completed!
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