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Chapter 532 Shu Hua

 Although they are not biological siblings from the same father and mother, Huang Ling has a stronger affection for Chu Di than her biological siblings. The reason is very simple, because Chu Di once avenged her and killed her murderer.

Hao Yunlai, his father’s enemy.

Huang Ling knew very well that 10,000 Earth years ago, when the Gendaya people invaded and occupied the earth for the third time, Hao Yunlai had already attached himself to the Gendaya people and became a senior general in the earth's puppet army. If

If Chu Di hadn't taken action, no one else would have been able to kill Hao Yunlai.

It would be fine if Chu Di and she were siblings from the same father and mother, because then Chu Di would be avenging his own father.

However, this is not the case. Chu Di, who has no blood relationship with his father, Chef Huang, and has never met him, does not have the responsibility to kill Hao Yunlai for the Huang family.

So Huang Ling felt that Chu Di was very kind to her.

But how to repay this grand kindness? As half-siblings, Huang Ling couldn't figure it out.

My martial arts is definitely far inferior to Chu Di's, and my resourcefulness, responsibility, and connections are also inferior to Chu Di's. Chu Di can do things that I can't do, and I definitely can't do things that Chu Di can't do.

So what else can I do for Chu Di? I might as well die with Chu Di.

Having made up her mind, Huang Ling decisively left the Ministry of National Defense Monitoring Center and flew to Wangfu Mountain.

Wangfu Mountain is the highest elevation of Silver Star and is located in the capital Qinglian City, which is the center of the city where Tao Bao's family lives.

Qinglian City is built on the highest plateau on the celestial hemisphere of the Galaxy. The Galaxy does not rotate, so Tao Bao named the hemisphere facing the cosmic window the celestial hemisphere, and the other hemisphere facing the Weoshui River the earth hemisphere.


Qinglian City and Wangfu Mountain surrounded by Qinglian City are places that the Ruoshui River can never reach, even if the White Snake comes.

Qinglian City was designed by Tao Bao himself. The combination of all the architectural landmarks in the city, plus Wangfu Mountain in the city center, formed its LOGO, a peerless and independent Qinglian.

Tao Bao's original intention of designing this way was naturally based on his love for his wife Yin Qinglian. However, when all the buildings were completed, Tao Bao named the city Chudi City.

The reason given by Tao Bao is that if Chu Di really comes to the Hulantou Star Territory one day, as soon as he hears that the capital of the Science and Technology Kingdom is called Chu Di City, he will come over as soon as possible.

At that time, Yin Qinglian was very dissatisfied with the naming. The city was obviously designed with the image of my name, so why should it be named after Chu Di?

However, the things that Tao Bao was sure of could not be changed by others. Even if Yin Qinglian cried about it several times, it was useless. Until Tao Bao entered a state of suspended animation and stopped asking about political affairs, Yin Qinglian immediately changed the name of the city.

Come back and tell the world.

Similar to the origin of the name of Qinglian City, the name of Wangfu Mountain was also changed later, and the person who changed the name was Xu Yanfei.

Out of respect for Chu Di and Long Yujing, Tao Bao gave Xu Yanfei and Long Yujing the highest altitude of Silver Star. He not only built them the most luxurious villa on Silver Star at the time on the top of the mountain, but also built the mountain for them.

The naming rights were given to Long Yujing.

Long Yujing was weak-minded and refused to name the mountain, so he gave this power to Xu Yanfei. However, Xu Yanfei refused to override Long Yujing. The two women rejected each other for many years, so that the mountain never had an official name.

, so people at that time called this mountain Qinglian Mountain.

The mountain in the center of Qinglian City should naturally be called Qinglian Mountain, not to mention that without this mountain peak, the overall image of Qinglian City would not be Qinglian.

The name Qinglian Mountain has been used for three thousand earth years. During this period, even if Yin Qinglian changed Chudi City back to Qinglian City, Xu Yanfei did not change the name of the mountain.

Until the Demon Cloud army attacked the Kingdom of Science and Technology, Long Yujing and Xu Yanfei, who were among the top two forces in the Kingdom of Science and Technology, were both injured. Xu Yanfei, who was in great pain, could no longer suppress his longing for Chu Di, so he changed the name of the mountain to Wangfu


From then on, Xu Yanfei would always stand at the top of the mountain, sending out spiritual calls to the infinite universe, hoping that her husband Chu Di could receive her telepathic waves and come to Silver Star to rescue her and Long Yujing, who were suffering from injuries.

It is said that Xu Yanfei asked Long Yujing for his opinion when choosing this name, asking whether it would be bad to change it like this and whether it would infringe on your rights?

After all, Long Yujing is not Chu Di’s wife, she is just Chu Di’s future sister-in-law. Long Yujing also lives on this mountain and named the mountain Wangfu Mountain. Doesn’t it mean that the relationship between Long Yujing and Chu Di has also changed?

Really? Do two women want the same husband?

However, Long Yujing did not raise any objections, leaving everything to Xu Yanfei's decision.

When Huang Ling came to Wangfu Mountain, she had no intention of telling Long Yujing and Xu Yanfei about Chu Di. These two female masters were suffering from old injuries that had not healed for many years. Not to mention going to Bai 22 to rescue Chu Di, they just let them

It is difficult to walk down the mountain.

In the same way, Huang Ling did not intend to tell them about Yin Qinglian and Qu Xiaoqing's indifference. Doing so would have no meaning other than arousing their resentment and hatred towards the two daughters Yin and Qu.

Huang Ling came to Wangfu Mountain for only one purpose, and that was to call her apprentice Shuhua.

Shuhua is the descendant of Shuya. Shuya was brought to Silver Star by the mysterious woman Julie.

At that time, Julie came forward to mediate and facilitated a truce between Moyun's army and the Kingdom of Science and Technology. She urged Moyun's army to withdraw and then left quietly. However, before leaving, she left a woman named Shuya behind in Silver Star, entrusting her to

To Huang Ling.

According to Julie, this woman named Shuya comes from the empire. Shuya introduced herself as Chu Di’s female orderly.

Shu Ya was very sad at that time, saying that five years ago, she met Chu Di on the Green Star, and then in the Betelgeuse galaxy, Chu Di appointed her as his female orderly, so she could stay with Chu Di.

Unfortunately, not long after, he lost contact with Chu Di on the flying star.

Shu Ya knew everything about Huang Ling, Xu Yanfei and Long Yujing. She told all about Chu Di's experiences on the Green Star, Betelgeuse and Feyman Star. Finally, she told Huang Ling and others that Chu Di was

Missing in the underground arena of Flying Star.

Shu Ya felt that Chu Di was probably dead. Although she didn't see the body, there were too many ways to turn the carbon-based human body into nothingness in the universe. Not to mention the powerful void annihilation method of Demon Cloud, only ordinary people.

If you throw a person into an ordinary Samadhi True Fire or a metal smelting furnace, wouldn't it turn into smoke in an instant?

Most of what Shu Ya saw and said was true and not unreasonable. Now even Xu Yanfei believed it and felt that Chu Di might have been framed by the people from Feimangxing Changwu Kingdom. Otherwise, why would it last for thousands of earth years?

No news from Chu Di?

Even if Chu Di can't receive any news from him, Chu Di should always think of himself once, right? As long as Chu Di thinks of himself, he can feel it.

But in fact Xu Yanfei was never able to receive Chu Di's thoughts.

Xu Yanfei felt that Chu Di might really be dead, but Long Yujing and Huang Ling didn't believe it.

Long Yujing had no basis, but refused to believe that Chu Di was dead no matter what, but Huang Ling was certain that Chu Di was still alive based on Tao Bao's calculations.

Although Tao Bao couldn't figure out where Chu Di had gone, he could figure out that Chu Di would not die. No matter in the past, present or future, Chu Di would not die!

At the insistence of Long Yujing and Huang Ling, Shuya waited for Chu Di for ten weak years in Yinxing. After not hearing any news about Chu Di for ten years, Shuya left Yinxing.

Shuya said that she wanted to return to her hometown of El Star, saying that she had reached the deadline for giving birth, and she had to find a man to get married, get pregnant with the man's child, and then return to El Star to give birth. This was the rule of their civilization.

, cannot be violated.

Before Shu Ya left, she made an agreement with Huang Ling. Shu Ya said that the daughter she gave birth to would return to Silver Star to be Huang Ling's apprentice, and would continue to watch over Chu Di in her place.

After several weak water years passed, Shu Ya's daughter really came to Silver Star and became Huang Ling's apprentice as promised. However, Shu Ya's daughter also failed to wait for Chu Di and left again when the birth date was approaching.

, but promised to let her daughter come again.

Shu Ya said that women on El Planet can only give birth to girls, and their unique physiological structure makes it impossible for them to give birth to boys.

In this way, generations of Shu Ya's granddaughters, great-granddaughters, and descendants came to Silver Star one after another, became Huang Ling's apprentices one after another, and then returned to El Star one after another. When Shu Hua's generation came, even Huang Ling could not remember it.

Knowing exactly which generation of Shu Ya she was, but the agreement between them still had to be fulfilled, she accepted Shu Hua as her apprentice.

The reason why Huang Ling wanted to find Shuhua was because Shuhua practiced a very unique martial arts, and Huang Ling thought that this martial arts might be able to help Chu Di.

This chapter has been completed!
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