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Chapter 702 The truth

 Ding Junchao boasted so loudly that all the women in the tower had to look at him again, feeling quite impressed.

This guy turned out to be Chu Di's childhood friend. Chu Di's family also owed his family real estate and debts. The relationship was really extraordinary. In this way, we couldn't be rude to him.

Feeling the changes in the eyes of the women, Ding Junchao became more and more proud. It felt really good to die without any evidence.

In fact, he is not afraid even if Chu Di is alive, because the past events he is talking about are not from his own memory. Who can remember things so clearly before the age of 5? He believes that Chu Di will not remember it either.

The things he said were all told by his mother Mi Qian. Ever since Chu Di led the solar system coalition forces to defeat the Gendaya people, Mi Qian wished she could talk about the matter between her and Chu Di's mother Chu Ling every day, and then complain.

Chu Di would not repay his kindness.

However, if Chu Di was still alive at this time, he would not dare to add fuel to the fire as unscrupulously as he does now in front of Chu Di.

Seeing that after his bragging, the girls here had already acquiesced in his identity and qualifications, Ding Junchao couldn't help but feel relaxed, and looked at Julie again. The meaning was clearly: I have given you my identity, and I am asking you whether you accept it or not.

Julie was speechless about this.

Although she knew that Chu Di was not a human being from the Tianhe Realm at all, she was helpless that Chu Di valued his "relative" friends in the Tianhe Realm very much.

Especially the four of them, Long Yaojing, Long Yujing, Xu Yanfei and Tao Bao, must not be offended, otherwise it would be equivalent to offending Chu Di himself, and the consequences would even be more serious than offending Chu Di himself.

At this time, another Ding Junchao appeared. Judging from the authenticity of his words, even Chu Di's sister Huang Ling and his wife Xu Yanfei did not say anything to expose it. They were afraid that he was really Chu Di's "buddy". Such a

How does the character himself get offended?

So at this time, Julie has secretly decided to say soft words to calm the matter. But she doesn't know that no one here knows about Chu Di's things before he was 5 years old. Not to mention Chu Di's wife Xu Yanfei, even Chu Di's sister Huang Ling doesn't know.


In fact, Chu Ling had already divorced Huang Ling's father when she was raising Chu Di. Huang Ling lived with her father and only saw the young Chu Di once or twice in the following years. How did she know that?

What about her mother and Ding Junchao’s parents?

So, when Ding Junchao looked over again, Julie said apologetically: "Okay, I was the one who offended just now..."

"No! You didn't offend him!"

A cold female voice came from outside the tower, cutting off Julie's apology like an ice sword.

Everyone in the tower was shocked. When did this woman come outside the tower?

Prior to this, Hua Youqing, Tao Chumu, Qu Xiaoqing and Ding Junchao were all discovered when they were still far away from Wangfu Mountain.

So when the above four people came to the red crystal turret, the girls in the tower were not shocked - if they were friends, they would just talk, if they were enemies, they would hit them with energy cannons. What's the shock?

But at this time, this woman was completely different from those who came before. Before this woman spoke, the red jade and blue jade guards in front of the observation entrance, Tian Wu and Liu Tianjiao, did not sound the alarm. What does this mean?

This shows that this woman may have the ability to become invisible!

Everyone was shocked by this, but they didn't know that what was even more shocking was what happened next. Before the woman could finish her words, she actually appeared in the center of the tower.

Teleport through walls!

Everyone in the arena was an expert, and they almost immediately analyzed the person's strength. He was actually an extremely skilled player, and his skills were only above Chu Di's, not below him.

Especially the six ruby ​​girls who have been in the blue crystal turret on White 22 know the strength of the coming person better than others. Because the skill of teleporting through walls is also divided into three, six and nine levels!

For example, if it is just an ordinary house with a concrete structure, teleporting from outdoor to indoor is the elementary level of teleporting through the wall, then the level of teleporting through the blue crystal turret is the intermediate level.

In the same way, the level of teleportation from the outside of the red crystal turret to the inside of the tower is definitely advanced.

Hongyu and others clearly remembered that when Lehong guided them in building the red crystal turret, Lehong once proudly told Chu Di that even a master like Ling Rui could not teleport from outside the tower to the tower.

Because the spatial structure of the red crystal turret wall is a hundred times more complex than that of the blue crystal turret.

But at this moment, this woman can easily pass through. How powerful is this ability? Even Chu Di before her dantian was locked is not as good as her!

The woman appeared on the left side of Chu Di's body. As soon as she appeared, she attracted the attention of everyone present.

This kind of attraction is not only because of her powerful abilities, but also because she is a natural center of attention, with a kind of charm that attracts everyone's attention.

The woman was wearing a very ordinary white dress, so ordinary that it had no decorations. However, such an ordinary dress looked so fit and highlighted her extremely perfect figure.

It feels like this dress is blooming with waves of light, like the ripples of autumn water, exuding infinite charm.

As the only male in the room, Ding Junchao felt as if he had been struck by lightning after just one glance at this woman. His head suddenly felt swollen and his mouth was dry.

Before he even had time to see the woman's appearance clearly, he was already astonished. There was only one thought repeating in his mind: How could there be such a beautiful woman in this universe?

Yes, that's how it feels. Not only Ding Junchao, but also stunning beauties like the enchanting Yu Wuxia felt ashamed after taking one look at this woman.

It's strange to say that this woman is obviously the center of attention and has attracted everyone's attention to her. However, including Ding Junchao, everyone in the room did not dare to look at her more.

Anyone who blasphemes against her will commit an unforgivable crime.

To the point that, facing this woman, everyone in the room felt afraid to speak, so that for a moment, the tower became so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

However, at the moment when people turned their eyes away, Julie and Lehong spoke at the same time.

What Julie said was: "I'm here to see the Crown Princess. Crown Princess, you are back!"

What Lehong said was: "The disciple paid homage to the master. The disciple failed to protect the master. Please punish him!"

Most of the people paid attention to what Julie said because Julie showed extreme humility and respect when she spoke.

Who is this princess who can make a powerful person like Julie so humble and respectful?

Only Xu Yanfei had a different focus than everyone else. She listened emphatically to Le Hong's words, and then she was struck by thunder, and all her thoughts were shattered.

It turns out that she is Lehong’s master!

It turns out that she is Chu Di’s new love!

No wonder Chu Di has never contacted me once in ten thousand years. No wonder Chu Di doesn’t have any passion for a newlywed after a long absence. It turns out that he actually found this woman to have a baby with!

Before this, Xu Yanfei really didn't know that this woman was Qian Qian, but she had known this woman for a long time.

In that battle when Demon Cloud's army attacked Silver Star, it was this woman who seriously injured her and Long Yujing. If Julie hadn't stopped them in time, she and Long Yujing would have died at the hands of this woman.

On hand!

It can be said that if this woman hadn't seriously injured her and Long Yujing first, she wouldn't be suffering from chronic illness today! Long Yujing wouldn't be disfigured!

Chu Di actually...married her!

At this moment, Xu Yanfei understood everything and couldn't help but smile sadly.

Perhaps aware of Xu Yanfei's sad smile, Qian Qian ignored the greetings from Julie and Le Hong, but looked at Long Yujing and Xu Yanfei and said, "Sisters Long and Xu, I hope you can keep your original promise!"

After saying that, without waiting for Long Yujing and Xu Yanfei to reply, he suddenly turned to Ding Junchao and said: "Originally, a set of real estate and a few Galaxy coins are nothing to you and me..."

Ding Junchao didn't expect that the most beautiful woman in the universe he had ever seen would actually speak to him. He was immediately at a loss and stammered: "No... right... it really doesn't mean anything, and I don't intend to let Chu Di return...


Unexpectedly, the beauty suddenly interrupted in a cold voice: "But we need to find out who owes whom. It is obviously your Ding family who lived in the Chu family's house for free. It is obviously my mother-in-law who left a sum of cash to your family. Why?

When it comes to your mouth, everything is reversed?"

This chapter has been completed!
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