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Chapter 704: Died Ten Thousand Years Ago

No one can figure it out. Chu Di was clearly plotted by Ling Tian first and killed by Yin Qinglian's super-heavy hydrogen energy cannon. After his death, his soul didn't stay near his body. Why did he travel to 10,000 years ago?

Huang Ling's guess is: "He may have thought that no one could save him this time, so he gave up his life and reputation..."

Julie has a different view on this, "I guess it's for Long Yaojing. He wants to change his body to find Long Yaojing! That way there won't be any embarrassment between him and Long Yaojing."

Regarding Yu Shang and Yao Ji's narration about Chu Di's life experience, only Julie among the girls here has heard it, and her guess is consistent with Chu Di's previous feelings for Long Yaojing.

"What are you thinking about? What a woman's opinion!"

When the girls returned to Tianji Pavilion with Tao Chumu, Tao Bao decisively rejected all the girls' guesses.

The girls came to Tao Bao because they felt that with Tao Bao's computing power, which is as powerful as the pinnacle of the universe, they might be able to calculate the time and space coordinates of Chu Di's soul, that is, what time period and place Chu Di returned to.

As a result, the answer given by Tao Bao was not very accurate: "I can only calculate one fact, that is, Ling Tian traveled to 10,000 years ago and killed Chu Di 10,000 years ago."


All the girls were shocked. It was only now that they understood that Chu Di was not killed by the super heavy hydrogen star destroyer cannon, but died under the law of cause and effect.

To be precise, at the moment when Yin Qinglian commanded the superheavy hydrogen star destroyer cannon to hit Chu Di, the "cause" from 10,000 years ago was transmitted, and the "result" caused by this "cause" was Chu Di's death.


Qianqian asked: "You mean, Chu Di died ten thousand years ago, and what we see are only the consequences of his death."

This is originally a very simple truth. How can a person who died ten thousand years ago be still alive ten thousand years later?

But Qianqian still asked. I really don't know if she was too shrewd.

Unexpectedly, Tao Bao also answered Qian Qian solemnly: "Yes. Chu Di is not an ordinary person. At the moment when the causal relationship was formed, he must have realized the real cause of his death and found a solution, so he immediately

The soul goes back."

Under the law of cause and effect, the result cannot be changed. But since the "effect" cannot be changed, the only way is to change the "cause".

Qian Qian suddenly remembered the gaze she had with Chu Di 80,000 light years ago ten thousand years ago, and then said: "Does that mean that Chu Di's soul traveled back to kill Ling Tian?"

Tao Baodao: "That's pretty much it, but I don't think it's necessary to kill Ling Tian, ​​as long as we can avoid Ling Tian's attack on him."


Qian Qian decisively rejected Tao Bao.

This is the first time that Tao Bao has been so decisively denied since he founded the kingdom of science and technology. Everyone on the sidelines is shocked. Does anyone dare to question the conclusion made by the world's number one scientific master?

However, the reason given by Qian Qian is even more difficult to refute: "You can't be merciful in this kind of thing! Since Ling Tian went back in time and killed him ten thousand years ago, as long as Ling Tian is still alive, it's okay

Repeat such killings countless times!"

The next moment, Tao Bao's answer was even more shocking: "Well, you are right. Science has nothing to do with kindness. It seems that I also have a bit of womanly kindness."

The great ancestor of the Kingdom of Science and Technology actually admitted his mistake to a female warrior. Unless he saw it with his own eyes, no one would believe it.

However, as the person involved, Qian Qian did not feel any pride because of this, and asked directly: "I just want to ask you a question, can you calculate the time and space coordinates of Chu Di's soul travel?"

This time, Tao Bao pondered for a long time before saying, "No."

Qian Qian didn't save any face for Tao Bao, and asked directly: "Why? Don't you claim to be a perfect calculator and be able to calculate the movement trajectories of all matter in the universe?"

Tao Bao's voice was full of shame, "To be honest, I am only inaccurate about Chu Di's behavior. And if you analyze it yourself, you can understand that the point at which Chu Di traveled back may not be the moment when Ling Tian killed him.


Qianqian was sent to the Tianhe Realm by Moyun Supreme, and among her missions, in addition to welcoming Chu Di, she also had an important task, which was to monitor Qingdi, Xiangliu and Lingtian.


Just like in the most basic thermal weapons war in the universe, spies are dispatched to provide targets for one's own artillery or bombers, Qianqian is the spy who locates the three elders of Qianwu Continent for Moyun Supreme.

Once these three elders leave their respective lairs and are discovered by Qian Qian, Mo Yun Supreme will activate her void annihilation method to carry out precise killing.

So when Tao Chumu said that Tao Bao had calculated that Chu Di's death was related to Emperor Lingtian, he immediately checked around Lingtian's residence and found that Lingtian was no longer in Qianwu Continent.

Then she told Tao Bao the news. Just like determining an unknown number in a multivariate equation, Tao Bao immediately calculated that Ling Tian traveled back to 10,000 years ago and killed Chu Di.

Then, through this calculation result, it is not difficult to get another clue, that is, Ling Tian's time-travel was not soul time-travel, but the whole person time-traveled back.

Of course Qian Qian understands what Tao Bao means. Since Ling Tian actually traveled back to 10,000 years ago, it means that Ling Tian from 10,000 years ago has the same strength as he will have 10,000 years from now.

As for Chu Di's soul, even if his soul travels back to the moment before Ling Tian killed him, even if his soul travels back to himself ten thousand years ago, he still cannot defeat Ling Tian, ​​and the result will inevitably be the same.

Killed by Ling Tian.

Therefore, if you want to kill Ling Tian in advance, you can only go back in time as much as possible, and the further forward, the better. For example, go back to a hundred thousand years ago or even a million years ago. It is best to go back to Ling Tian and still be alive.

When he was in his mother's womb, he was killed in the embryonic state!

Of course, that is just an idealization, because almost no one in this universe knows exactly when Ling Tian was born.

What's more, Chu Di must not have been born when Ling Tian was born, so Chu Di's soul would not be able to travel back to his own body, and his host would be another person in history.

Qianqian was speechless for a while, then Tao Bao smiled and said: "You should understand, right? So, don't say that I can't calculate Chu Di's time and space coordinates. Even if I can, you can't go back and find him."

Qian Qian nodded reluctantly, with too much sadness in her expression.

As if out of intolerance, Tao Bao then comforted him and said: "Chu Di's affairs can only be solved by himself, but don't be too anxious. I believe he can handle this crisis and come back to us. I

Have faith in him!"

This chapter has been completed!
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