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Chapter 1,175: Enhanced version of time stop, nuclear surgery [Please subscribe]

Until Zong Shen pulled the demon mirror and flashed away from the place.

Only then did the defeated [Crystal Wall Guardian] exert its subsequent effect.

The invisible shock wave suddenly blocked the extremely fast-moving Lilia, repelling her and sending her back 150 meters away. This was the function of the skill rules.

Caught off guard, Liliya, who transformed into a great demon, flew backwards.

But in less than a second, the ghostly afterimage struck again.

Zong Shen, who was floating in the air, used his mind to control the two demonic mirror images to spread out, one on the left and the other on the right.

And his body condensed two balls of light and threw them towards Lilia.

Her speed is extremely fast, and neither the ground nor the air can stop her progress.

With the blessing of the ultra-high [Agility] attribute, her nerve reactions and muscle speed have increased to an unimaginable height.

Two balls of light flashed past, and the pseudo-demon Lilia roared like a beast, waving her huge claws, and arrived in front of Zong Shen almost in an instant.

Without any hesitation, Zong Shen flashed again and disappeared from where he was.

The two sides are now in a strange cycle.

Neither Lilia nor Zong Shen could face the other party's attack directly.

This time he did not leave in the flash, but appeared several hundred meters away in the opposite direction.

After he got out of the way, the two light balls he threw earlier hit the street below.


The huge attribute increase makes his light ball comparable to a blockbuster.

Almost as soon as it hit the ground, there were two earth-shaking loud noises.

At the same time, two craters with a diameter of more than ten meters were blasted on the solid stone street!

The annihilation effect attached to chaos damage is like a melta knife.

Within the area, all buildings, stone floors, and aboriginal people passing by to eat melons were completely wiped out.

Two damage values ​​of hundreds of thousands of points floated one after another, and the number of digits was long enough to frighten all the lords who could see it.

It is no exaggeration to say that if the two of them used all their strength to destroy, they would be able to destroy large areas of the giant city.

In addition to the aborigines in the city, there are also many surrounding lords mixed in.

They make a living in the city, some looking for tasks, and some focusing on trade.

They are all using non-force methods to draw nutrients for territorial development from the giant city of Lentax.

At this moment, there were several lords around the place where the incident occurred.

They looked at the big demonic monsters in the sky, and their hearts were filled with shock.

Regardless of whether it was Lilia or Zong Shen, every move made an afterimage appear in the eyes of outsiders.

You must know that Mr. Zong’s [Agility] attribute also has thousands of points.

Although it is not as exaggerated as the pseudo-demon Lilia, the basic speed still reaches an astonishing limit.

After the lords saw the big pit created by the light ball, they immediately did not dare to stay where they were and watch the fun.

They knew each other well and often lived in the city on weekdays.

He also has some understanding of the power structure of the giant city.

We were ready to evacuate the scene first and observe the situation from a commanding height near the front.

See if there is any chance of missing something.

As they were getting serious, two big demonic monsters were chasing each other in the air.

The demon with the big horns of an argali belongs to the fleeing party, while the other bloated demon whose figure cannot be seen clearly seems to be the chasing party.

In addition, there are two dark-colored ram-horned demons that are sneaking around in different directions, not knowing what to do.

Just as these lords were evacuating the scene, one of the lords named [Inoue Yukihei 1997313] turned around, inadvertently used his lord authority, and took a cursory glance at the big ram-horned devil.

Then he was stunned.

[Lord: Zong Shen 1999514]

Ordinary lords can view rough information about other lords in person.

Include name and corresponding number.

Inoue Yukihei saw his true identity when Somou didn't deliberately conceal his identity.

Speaking of which, Zong Shen also has a camouflage vest named [Ma Huateng 1988818].

It's just that after he experienced many golden banner announcements, he was too lazy to continue pretending.

As the saying goes, if there are too many lice, they won't bite.

Now that his reputation among the lords has spread far and wide, there is no need to go to Jinyi Night Walk again.

So when he came to the giant city of Lentax this time, he had already considered that there would be lords active in the city.

But he still had no intention of concealing his identity.

"He...he is actually the first lord!"

"And he turned into a demon?"

Inoue Yukihira was immediately stunned.

After this period of development, some lords have already discovered the secret of the changing era.

A lot of information about the coming of the devil has been found in various ruins, ancient books and murals.

This part of the information is quickly spread through the [Regional Channel] and [World Channel] within the lord.

It soon became common knowledge about the world background that most of the lords knew.

Under the influence of semi-digitalization, even after experiencing many tests and life and death crises.

In the subconscious mind of the lord, Advent is still regarded as a game.

Don't look at [World Channel]. There is a speech limit per person per day, but it cannot handle the refresh rate of the lord base.

Some news will always be mentioned repeatedly in the channel for days.

This allows lords to indirectly exchange information about the background of the big world.

It's just that the lords' understanding of the background information is quite superficial.

Calculated, it is almost the same as Zong Shen when he first arrived a few days ago, and he has just learned a little bit about the change of eras.

As for concepts such as ancient rotation, dimensional wars, and gods, most lords are not aware of it, but it cannot be ruled out that a small number of lords have discovered the clues.

After all, personal encounters will be infinitely magnified under a huge base.

Among the billions of lords, I am afraid that all kinds of things will happen.

After just being stunned for a moment, Inoue Yukihei was hurried away by his companions.

Even though his body was dragged away, his eyes were still staring at the sky.

In just ten seconds, Zong Shen and Lilia exchanged several moves.

The light balls thrown by the former fell everywhere on the ground, creating terrifying large craters.

The claws wielded by the latter will also affect those buildings.

Wherever the two of them passed, there were scenes of walls falling down and houses collapsing.

Many innocent aborigines died in the aftermath of the battle.

There were hundreds of killing prompts that appeared in Zong Shen's mind alone.

Seeing that the situation was not right, the aboriginal people did not dare to stay where they were, and fled in all directions, crying and mourning.

At several nearby street intersections, there were large groups of garrisons coming from all directions.

There are even light gates representing spatial displacement flashing in the distance.

Apparently, the fight between Lilia and Zong Shen triggered the emergency defense mechanism of the giant city.

Pushed out from the teleportation light gate are rune giant crossbows and magic energy heavy cannons.

At the same time, the situation here is being urgently reported to the Marquis Castle, and legendary strongmen from the giant city garrison are also on their way.

The movement here is really too great. After the effect of [Star Ban] is lifted, it will inevitably trigger a counterattack from the giant city forces.

But at this moment, Zong Shen didn't take these garrison troops seriously.

He is focusing on capturing the trajectory of the demon Lilia.

There are not many opportunities left for him, because [Wandering Wandering] has two chances left before entering the cool-down period.

It's almost time to lure Lilia into the trap.

Every time he flashes, Zong Shen does not move randomly, but moves in a premeditated direction in a designated direction.

At the same time, the two demonic mirrors formed a unique angle from the two wings.

Lilia's current [half-demon state] was forcibly inspired by the black-robed bishop Gillis with his own blood.

Different from active activation, her main will is being severely suppressed at this time, and her belief is just endless madness. This is also one of the drawbacks of the church's forcible control of her.

Affected by this, many spells and physical techniques cannot be performed.

And all her thoughts were about killing Zong Shen, so Gillis gave her a command similar to an "oracle" through the essence and blood ritual.

However, the black-robed bishop can transform even if he doesn't count on Zong Shen.

And the increase after transformation is also extremely strong.

Combined with the flash effect of [Wandering Walk], it can offset Lilia's speed advantage to a certain extent.

After all, without the ability to cast spells and physical skills, Demonized Lilia's biggest threat is her powerful speed, physical strength, and chaotic damage attacks that ignore armor effects.

But Zong Shen's requirements are not many, and Lilia's lack of brains is his biggest advantage.

After narrowly avoiding another attack.

He flashed again and entered the range of the trap.

At this time, Lilia came in pursuit again.

Zong Shen still had one chance to flash before cooling down, but he did not continue to flash and escape.

Instead, he took out the [Time Stop Orb (Gold)].

This orb has been covered in cracks after many uses.

And although its effectiveness is based on the time law in the world rules, it is extended.

But it is not so easy to use against strong men of level six and above.

As an "artifact" that accompanies him through all the difficulties in the early days of his arrival, [Time Stop Orb (Gold)] still has a chance to burst out the last spark.

Through the strategy module, Zong Shen learned about the hidden purpose of this orb.

Without any hesitation, after taking out the orb, he squeezed it hard with the claws of his right arm.

The golden epic-level [Time Stop Orb] shattered under the tremendous force.

The power of the laws of timing contained in it was released in an instant.

Within a billionth of a second, the ripples that stopped rippled out.

It spread to more than one kilometer, but covered almost half of the city.

Everything around him suddenly fell into a state of absolute silence.

Darkness fell instantly, and even the light was stopped.

Air and energy have become extremely obscure and difficult to mobilize effectively.

Fortunately, the rules for using the orb itself can still play some role, and Zong Shen and the two demonic mirror images sticking out of it are not affected by the time-stop of this enhanced version.

A golden countdown appeared in front of Zong Shen's eyes.

[3 minutes and 39 seconds]

This is the time that the strengthening period buys for him.

Using violent means to release the power of the law of time in the orb in advance, even the legend cannot break free.

Through keen mental perception, Zong Shen knew that Lilia in the semi-demon state was in front of him, and the distance between the two sides was less than half a meter.

She felt like a sculpture, her waving claws frozen in mid-air.

Lilia, who is as fast as an afterimage, can only become a certain frame when encountering a time stop.

Without wasting time, Zong Shen was distracted by his thoughts and controlled two demon mirrors, one on the left and one on the right, to come behind Lilia.

He held his breath and concentrated, looking down at his chest.

Then he used his thoughts to force out the [Heart of Evil Energy Devouring Body (Unknown)] that had been integrated into his body.

This heart mutated from the aggregation of evil energy has magical powers.

It can swallow all kinds of flesh and blood.

The fel body was born out of Cthulhu, the alien god with unknown powers.

Zong Shen was ready to see if [Heart of Evil Devouring Body (Unknown)] could swallow the [Evil Core] and [Shackles of Divine Will] in her body.

Use the rules of the outer gods to test the bottom line of evil creatures.

After taking out the heart of the Devouring Body, he put it into the body of one of the demonic mirror images.

Then he controlled the demonic mirror image integrated into the [Heart of Evil Devouring Body (Unknown)] and stretched out a sharp and curved claw, slowly digging into Lilia's body from the side and front.

In the golden circle mark of the strategy module, that position is close to the lower abdomen.

However, Lilia's body has been transformed, and the inside is not like a human's.

Moreover, her skin and the black runes on the surface are almost one body.

When the devil's claws penetrated, several tens of thousands of injuries emerged from her head.

The penetration of a single claw was not enough to cause fatal damage to her, but there was no telling what would happen next.

I saw the devil's claw that the devil's mirror had penetrated, caressing it carefully.

Soon he touched a hard object.

It's the size of an egg, but it seems to be riveted into Lilia's body.

The invisible force uses flesh and blood as a bond to firmly bind this [Evil Core] and Lilia together.

The devil's claw was like a sharp scalpel, slowly cutting around the core.

It took more than a minute for the core to finally loosen.

Then Zong Shen controlled the sharp claw again and drew it out bit by bit.

This step is particularly difficult, because for every inch drawn out, the [Evil Core] will struggle a little.

And it will extend its pitch-black tentacles to grasp the body again.

Moreover, during this period of time, Lilia's health dropped by about two-fifths.

Stopping while strengthening, it is not difficult for Zong Shen to kill her, but this is not his purpose!

He wants to take away the "evil core" in Lilia's body to break the shackles of the "shackles of divine will".

Then he took him under his wing.

After being patient and waiting for another half a minute, the [evil core] was finally taken out.

It was firmly attached to the knife edge, and its densely packed tentacles defied time and took root on Lilia's skin with black runes, like an octopus that had landed on the beach.

But for Zong Shen, this step is enough.

The Demonic Mirror Body gently touched the [Evil Core], and the [Evil Devouring Heart (Unknown)] in the body reacted instinctively.

A mass of dark red material surged out from the body of the mirror body and enveloped the [Evil Core]!

This chapter has been completed!
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