Chapter 1,262 The Roaring Staff of the Red Dragon, Guardian of the Forest

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Sure enough, it still takes "industry insiders" like Xiao Heizi to speak out.

Only then can we prove how powerful the red dragon staff and the [Mighty Armor of White Dragon Scales (Level 3 Shining Light Level)] are to attract dragon hatred.

As long as the pure-blood dragon is not a dull dragon beast, it basically has inherited memories.

The so-called inherited memory is the memory accumulated through reproduction from generation to generation by the ancestors of the dragon bloodline.

Some of these memories even originate from Blackwing Tyrant, Blackwing's mother.

This is the characteristic of True Dragon inheritance.

Under such circumstances, what is passed down is not only knowledge and combat skills.

There are also all kinds of taboos and hatreds.

In other words, dragons, especially five-color dragons, are very vindictive.

Of these two pieces of equipment, one is made from the scales and blood of a white dragon, and the other is directly made from a complete red dragon. It is impossible to say that there are no hidden dangers.

Invoking the hatred of dragons is the biggest hidden danger that this type of equipment may have.

"alright, I got it."

Putting away the white dragon scale armor, Zong Shen waved his hand.

"Then you, kid, fly to another place and stay there."

"I need to check that red dragon staff!"

Since Xiao Heizi, who is a black dragon, doesn't like seeing these two pieces of equipment, then just get rid of them.

Avoid triggering its dragon heritage and being constantly stressed.

Today's Xiao Heizi's loyalty has already been stretched to the MAX.

Presumably under the influence of the dragon's hatred, its heart must be very contradictory.

So there is no need to let it stay here and suffer.

It's better to get rid of Xiao Heizi as soon as possible.

Hearing his master say this, he can completely understand.

"I understand Master."

"You can always find me outside the ice shell later."

Xiao Heizi, who had transformed into a human form, bowed towards him uprightly.

Then he jumped more than twenty meters and returned to the form of a huge dragon in mid-air.

The black wings flapped and flew out of the ice shell.

When the black shadow gradually moved away, Zong Shen took out the red dragon staff again.

This thing stimulates the dragon too much.

Even Xiao Heizi, who is full of loyalty to him, can be affected.

If other five-color dragons really saw it, they might actually start a fight.

However, drawing hatred also has the advantage of drawing hatred.

It depends on what occasion it is used for.

Thinking of this, Zong Shen took out the red dragon staff again.

Look at it carefully and check its attribute information.

[Roaring Staff of the Red Dragon (Glory Level 7)]


[Quality: Glory Level 7]

[Magic damage:1787~1913]

[Singing speed: 35%]

[Equipment effects: Wisdom 300, maximum magic value 6500, fire magic singing speed 50%, power - 30%, magic value recovery speed 100%]

[Durability: 18000]

[Active skill: Level 7 Dragon Flame Breath (emits a dragon flame breath with scorching properties, causing 4350 points of burning damage per second to the target and 20 points of equipment durability, melt attack, lasting 30 seconds, the dragon flame can burn

Melting objects generates sub-magma, which lasts for 10 minutes. It causes 150 points of burning damage and 20 points of durability loss per second to objects affected by the burning. The burning damage doubles the solid value of buildings. The current staff is stored

The upper limit of Dragon Flame Breath can be used to launch three consecutive 30-second breaths. After all the breaths are completed, it will take 6 hours to be fully charged)

Flame Burning Sky (Summons the sky full of flames, completely covering the airspace within a radius of 300 meters, and then the flames will fall from the top, causing a 5.0 times magic damage to all targets along the way, and an additional 10 seconds of 850 points of burning per second)

Burn damage, duration 30 seconds, skill cooldown 4 hours)

Super-condensed hurricane flame (condensing an extremely solid super-giant hurricane flame that sweeps forward. The flame reaches a height of 100 meters, and the trajectory covers a radius of 30 meters. It can cause damage to all targets along the way.

2250 points of burning damage per second, the flame stream can last up to 180 seconds, and the skill cooldown time is 12 hours)

Flame Dragon Bombs (Chant for 12 seconds, summon 12 Flame Dragon Bombs, and bombard different targets. After each bomb hits, it will cause explosion damage equivalent to 3.0 times within a 20-meter radius. At the same time

It has a burning effect that lasts for 60 seconds, causing 550 points of burning damage per second to the target within it, and the skill cooldown time is 4 hours)

Breath spray (consumes 55 magic points per second, sprays breath 100 meters in front, can cause 800 points of burning damage per second, the duration depends on the magic value, the time between two breath sprays is not less than

3 minutes)

Furious Red Lotus Dragon Shadow (activates the condensed dragon soul of the Red Dragon Staff to summon the Red Lotus Dragon Shadow. The four attributes are fixed at 3500 points. It has 350000 points of health and 450 points of dual resistance. The dragon shadow can last for 30 minutes.

, during this period, you will be controlled by the staff holder to launch an attack on the designated target. The cooldown time of this skill is 192 hours)]

[Passive skill: Flame Affinity (increases fire element perception by 80%, reduces fire damage below level 7 by 80%)

Dragon spell (there is a 0.01% chance of comprehending a dragon spell related to the fire element system from the hateful roar and murmur of the red dragon soul every day)

The hatred of the five-color dragon (because the forging method of the staff is too cruel, it is resisted by the five-color dragon clan. When holding this staff, there is a 100% probability of increasing the hatred value of the five-color dragon by 30 points, a 40% probability of increasing the hatred value of the five-color dragon by 50 points, and a 15% probability.

The probability of increasing the hatred value by 70 points. This effect also works on the five-color dragons of friendly units. Long-term holding will gradually reduce loyalty)

The Grudge of Gurren Patel (This staff is infused with the red dragon, the Grudge of Gurren Patel. During the Fire Moon, there will be a chance to hear its curse on the forger, and there is a smaller chance.

Heard the location of its treasure trove)

This chapter is not over yet, please click the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Dragon Soul Self-healing (when out of combat, 100 points of equipment durability are restored every hour)]

(Using a cruel staff forged by a complete red dragon with secret methods

Possessing powerful fire attack capabilities and spellcasting buffs

But holding this staff blatantly will result in the hatred of the five-color dragon clan.

So please choose the right occasion to hold it

This staff gives you impressive fire attack capabilities

Fire attack magic can produce good results in city raids and large-scale enemy clusters.

In addition, fire attacks are also more effective against undead and undead.

Keep it, but rarely take it out to play with when nothing happens)

This staff is indeed easy to attract dragon hatred.

But aside from this, it is a fire staff with great practical value.

The skills attached to it are so powerful that even mid-level and even high-level legendaries cannot ignore them.

When some effects are superimposed, they can even threaten demigods.

In addition, the magic attack attached to the staff should not be underestimated.

The gain of basic magic attack is more impressive than that of slashing damage, but Zong Shen is no longer a serious spell caster.

After putting on the black gloves, his elemental sensing talent turned gray.

The two attribute values ​​​​of [Magic Value] and [Psychic Power] in the attribute column have turned gray, and are in a state of confinement that cannot be used.

However, this does not affect his ability to use most of the skills in [Red Dragon's Roaring Staff (Luminous Level 7)].

Except for [Jet Breath] which requires continuous input of magic values.

He can activate any active skills freely.

And when necessary, he can take off his black gloves and reactivate [Magic Value].

At the same time, enjoy the increased magic value of the Red Dragon's Roaring Staff.

To sum up, as long as you pay attention to its ability to attract dragon hatred, this thing is still a very good staff.

Anyway, there are not many pure-blooded dragons, especially when they are diluted throughout the continent.

It is rare to see a giant dragon on weekdays, let alone a five-color dragon.

So you don’t have to worry too much when using it in daily combat.

You just need to pay attention to the emotions of Xiao Heizi and Lan Xiaodai.

This is not difficult and can be solved with a little attention.

Zong Shen took off his black gloves and thought deeply, inputting the magic value into [Red Dragon's Roaring Staff (7th Level of Shining Light)].

The active skill [Jet Breath] was activated.

I saw the dragon head at the top suddenly open, and the mini dragon body that served as the staff also transferred scalding heat.

Fortunately, this heat does not burn the holder, but allows Zong Shen to feel enough heat.

Then, there was a dense orange-red fire in the dragon's skull, as well as the endlessly jumping magma and sparks.

Zong Shen turned his staff and pointed it at the ice in the open space in front of him.

The next second, the dragon head suddenly sprayed out a cluster of flames.

The flames first became thinner and then thicker, until they extended to a hundred meters away.

And the cluster flame is composed of several layers.

The outermost is a corona-like flame, and the center is an orange-red flame layer.

At the very core is the deep red flame heart.

When the flames hit the ice a hundred meters away, they bloomed instantly when they were blocked.

Like a fiery red lotus blooming wantonly.

The collision of fire and ice is particularly eye-catching.

A large hole was burned into the solid blue ice layer visible to the naked eye.

And as the jet breath continues, this big hole is rapidly expanding until it turns into a huge pit.

After the experiment, Zong Shen chose to stop.

He did not try other powerful active skills.

Because it's no longer necessary.

This staff is definitely a good piece of equipment for destroying cities and homes.

After making a judgment in his mind, he put the red dragon staff into the storage compartment.

At this point, all the dazzling-level equipment selected by the strategy module from this batch of collection-level equipment have been viewed.

There are two pieces of equipment left.

They are broken inheritance-level weapons and fragments of demigod-level equipment.

It can be understood as scrap metal.

However, the inheritance level and the demigod level are both special.

Its value is far better than ordinary brilliance-level equipment.

Therefore, even broken fragments may contain unique value.

Therefore, Zong Shen directly took out the remaining two "tatters" with his backhand.

They are [Broken Forest Guardian Wand (Level 1 Heritage)] and [Sunlight Crest (Low Demigod Level·Fragment 7)].

It's said to be shabby, but actually it looks quite beautiful.

The former is a light green wand that was broken into half.

The carvings carved on it are still clearly visible.

There are trees, flowers, and vines with distinctive details.

This part of the wand belongs to the lower part, and I don't know where the upper part went.

As for the latter, it is part of a coat of arms.

It looks like it should be one-ninth of that.

Moreover, this damage was not caused by fighting, but more likely caused by artificial division.

Just like those [Elf Keys (orange)] that Zong Shen got.

I'm afraid it should be some kind of token, rather than simply a part of demigod-level equipment.

Zong Shen's guess is very accurate.

However, the real answer to questions must be left to the strategy module.

After ending his speculation, he stared at the wand and heraldic fragments respectively.

Lines of information subtitles appeared, answering his doubts.

[Broken Forest Guardian Wand (Level 1 Heritage)]


[Quality: Heritage]

[Magic damage: Inheriter’s wisdom attribute x0.4 multiple]

[Blunt damage: Inheriter’s strength attribute x 0.5 times]

[Attack speed: Inheriter’s wisdom attribute x 0.05 multiple x percentage]

【Durability: 32713】

[Requirement: Forest Guardian inheritance mark (in broken state, the requirement is invalid)]

[Active skill: Endless vine guardian (summons endless vine guardian in the area within a specified radius of 100 meters until the soil fertility is completely exhausted. This skill cannot be used on non-soil-covered ground, and the skill cooling time is 2 hours)

Forest Guardian Armor (tempering the power of nature, condensing it into a protective armor, with 800,000 points of solid value and 1,000 points of double resistance, and can withstand chaos damage and shadow damage with priority)

This chapter is not finished yet, please click the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Verdant and lush (can change the environment within a specified radius of 300 meters, making it green and upgraded, growing lush trees and vegetation, lasting permanently,

Skill cooldown time: 120 days)

Tree wall (summons 120 giant trees to build a tree wall. Each giant tree has 1,200,000 solid points and 1,200 double resistance points and can continue to exist, but it requires land fertility. The skill cooldown time is 22 days)

The wand is broken and cannot be used (…)


[Passive skill: Forest Guardian·Remnant (in a forest environment, all attributes are increased by 20%, the maximum health value is increased by 50%, and the cooldown time of all skills is reduced by 15%)]

(The broken forest guardian wand, as a heritage-level weapon, still has a good effect

And because it's in a broken state, you can still use it even if you don't get the inheritance mark of the forest guardian.

It can summon endless vines to protect you, and it can also condense guardian armor that has an astonishingly high solidity value and can resist chaos damage and shadow damage.

It can also permanently change the environment and summon tree walls

Tree walls are good walls, suitable for building forts in the wild.

It only takes 88 days to build a four-sided fortress surrounded by tree walls.

In addition, it also comes with a powerful environmental gain effect [Forest Guard·Remnant]

As long as you are in a forest environment, it can greatly improve your attributes.

Even if there is no forest environment, you can still create a forest when necessary by using the active skill [Verdant Green]

Therefore, even if this wand is in a damaged state, it still has the value of being carried around.

It can greatly enhance your life-saving ability, and can also improve temporary infrastructure capabilities)

This chapter has been completed!
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