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Chapter 1,374 The Idol of the Holy Light and the Church of Grace

The process of offering candles is not long.

It even seems a bit monotonous and simple.

There is no chanting, no prayer, and no lengthy ceremony.

Aysia just held the white candle with both hands, and then respectfully inserted it into the candlestick.

In fact, Aisia is not as fanatical as Zong Shen imagined.

Piety and fanaticism are two different things.

Otherwise there would be no distinction between ordinary believers and fanatic believers in the church.

After completing the simple process, Aisia returned to him.

On the row of candlesticks not far away, the candles that had just been lit were slowly swaying.

No matter what, after building this church, Aisia still seemed very happy.

For a Holy Light Priest like her, it is equivalent to having a place in the territory where they can pray and pray daily.

The fully built Akaru Holy Light Church is very large.

According to the area, it can be roughly divided into three parts: front, middle and back.

In front is mainly the statue of the Lord of Holy Light, plus the small square.

In the middle is the main building of the church, which is a very traditional steeple church.

The highest point is about twenty or thirty meters above the ground.

The hall inside has a relatively high floor height and is used for prayers and gatherings.

There is also a backyard at the back, where there is the holy pool that Zong Shen is more concerned about.

It is worth mentioning that the three partitions have three different types of information.

It proves that they are not a pure whole.

There are still differences on the detailed issue of attribution.

Zong Shen first looked at the statue of the Lord of Holy Light that had been restored to its original state.

The height of this statue is a hundred meters, equivalent to a normal thirty-story building.

The base alone is more than thirty meters high.

Viewed from a distance, it is actually similar to the Statue of Liberty in America on Earth, and even slightly larger.

You know, the total height of the Statue of Liberty seems to be only over ninety meters.

However, in the world of Endless Continent, where “large quantities are sufficient and control is sufficient”.

A height of more than 100 meters is nothing.

On the stone base, the main body of the statue is made of bronze and mithril.

The chest and head are made of fine gold.

It's just that they are all covered with a layer of stone shell.

Make it look ordinary.

Let’s not talk about whether this statue has special effects.

Even if it is just a whiteboard, just dismantling materials has a lot of material value.

After looking at it for a while, Zong Shen raised his head and looked at the head of the statue.

The position of the eyes is not carefully crafted.

Instead, a rough depression was left specifically, and there seemed to be some taboo on adding eye-catching touches to the statue.

In other words, the Eye of God contains a more special meaning.

Without continuing to observe, Zong Shen squinted his eyes slightly and mobilized the strategy module and system information.

Immediately, a line-by-line list appeared.

There are notes written in gold next to the list. This is the real situation displayed in front of Zong Shen after the strategy is combined with the system information.

System information is basic, but the information provided is relatively brief.

The golden tips are supplementary and an expansion of the brief information.

[Idol of Holy Light (Special)]

[Quality: Special]

[Sturdiness value: 120000/120000]

【Sacred Power Faith】:10/10000000】

[Armor value: 435]

[Magic Resistance: 430]

[Passive effect: Holy Light Sacrifice (offer sacrifices to the Lord of Holy Light, including but not limited to evil blood, flesh, and souls. The minimum sacrifice quality must not be lower than the ordinary level. The higher the quality, the greater the sacrifice feedback obtained.

Well, you can get specified types of power blessings or items with various holy light characteristics.

Holy Light Divine Eye (lack of Holy Light Divine Eye gemstone, the effect cannot be activated)

Blessing of the Holy God (all believers belonging to the Holy Light Church/Temple will receive a 5% increase in all attributes, the maximum total attribute gain will not exceed 300 points, and an additional 10% increase in damage to evil creatures within a certain range)

Worship with piety (come to worship or pray with a pious heart, and the idol can obtain [Holy Power Faith] of varying values, and using faith can activate a variety of Holy Power powers)]

[Active effect: Feedback from God’s Favorite (consumes 100,000 points of Holy Power Faith to give a feedback from God’s Favorite, making the target of the Holy Light system become a favored one by God. This effect can only be activated once every 30 days)

Holy Blessing (consumes 100 points of [Holy Power Faith] to apply holy blessings to different targets. The attack will cause an additional 100 points of holy light damage, while adding 50 points of double resistance, lasting for 4 hours, this effect has no cooldown)

Bird of Holy Light (can gradually transform nearby raptor monsters into birds of holy light, up to 2 birds per week. After being transformed into birds of holy light, the attack attributes of the raptor monsters will be changed, and at the same time, the basic attributes will be higher than those of the same level.

The level of Raptor Monster is 50% higher and its size increases, but it will not be able to reproduce after being transformed into a Bird of Holy Light)

Deterrence (consecrate sacrifices and emit the deterrent of holy light. Non-believers in the area will be greatly frightened. At the same time, it will cause psychological trauma that lasts for 15 days to targets whose level does not exceed level six. They will be frightened and blessed when they fall asleep.

, the deterrent effect against evil ethnic groups will be doubled)

Devotee Ritual (can only be used by devotees whose belief level reaches the specified standard, offering sacrifices to obtain a certain increase in all attributes, this effect has an upper limit)

Holy Light Giant (consumes one million points of [Holy Power Faith] to summon a Holy Light Giant. The giant has a fixed level of LV60 and a fixed four attributes of 6666 points. It can master a variety of Holy Light combat skills and can exist at most

12 hours, this effect can only be activated once every 7 days)

Holy reproduction (believers within a radius of 1,000 kilometers, the reproduction efficiency is increased by 200%)

Spiritual prayer (praying devoutly for 12 hours can obtain 1 point of random attribute gain. The upper limit of attributes obtained by a single person is 500 points. Up to 3,600 believers can pray at the same time)

Rain of Holy Light (consumes 500,000 points of [Holy Power Faith], rains Holy Light within a radius of 100 kilometers, lasting for 30 minutes, non-evil ethnic groups bathing in the Rain of Holy Light will gain 25 points per second

Points of strong healing effect, on the contrary, the enemy will suffer 25 points of holy strike effect per second. This damage is doubled for evil races. This effect can only be activated once every 72 hours)

Large increase (consumes 3 million points of [Holy Power Faith], increases all attributes of one's Holy Light units by 30%, the total attribute increase limit shall not exceed 4000 points, and increases all attributes of one's non-Holy Light units by 10%, and the total increase limit shall not exceed 4,000 points).

Must not exceed 1200 points, last 12 hours, this effect can only be activated once every 120 days)

Divine Will Descends (consumes 8 million points of [Holy Power Faith] at one time to summon Holy Light and Divine Will Descends. The strength ranges from high-level legend to low-level demigod. A specific carrier is required)]

(The statue of the Lord of Holy Light is made of fine gold and has been worshiped and worshiped for thousands of years.

Long-term prayer can improve attributes of a certain value, but there is an upper limit for obtaining them.

The statue's eye gems are missing, making some effects unusable.

At the same time, this statue has a variety of actively activated buffing effects, but it requires the consumption of [Holy Power Faith]

This thing is equivalent to the blue bar of the statue)

After reading all the information silently, Zong Shen couldn't help but marvel.

"Tsk, the strategy module is incredible now."

"I even know the concept of blue bars."

This statue has many functions.

Covers attribute improvement, talent training, a wide range of auxiliary gains, etc.

It can even summon the divine will of the Lord of Holy Light to come.

Zong Shen had already seen the power of this move from the Calamity Raven Church before.

However, the cost of summoning divine will is also staggering.

It requires up to 8 million points of [Holy Power Faith].

Just now, Aisiya only got 12 points when she offered the white candle.

It shows that this thing is not good.

It seems that from now on, the Holy Light people in the territory will have to be mobilized to hold regular prayer activities.

In addition to accumulating [Holy Power Belief], you must also maximize the role of [Spiritual Prayer].

Let everyone pull up the attributes.

In addition, the once-a-month divine blessing opportunity is not to be missed.

God's Favored Ones are almost ten times stronger than ordinary soldiers of the same level.

"Let's just call it a good thing."

Zong Shen made a simple evaluation in his heart.

There are advantages and disadvantages to the idol. At least judging from the current situation, the advantages definitely outweigh the disadvantages.

There is no need to be afraid of it, and there is no need to be too concerned about it.

Just think of it as a range of auxiliary buildings.

Except for the ability to summon divine will, which needs to be treated with caution, other abilities don't seem to be sensitive.

Of course, it is not an easy task to accumulate all the eight million points of [Holy Power Faith] needed to summon the divine will.

And the eyes of this statue can also be completed.

This is somewhat similar to the raven statue Zong Shen saw in the ice cave.

It seems that the eyes of the statues seem to have a lot of attention to detail, otherwise why are they all left blank?

Shaking his head, Zong Shen turned his attention away from the statue.

Turned to the main body of the church.

White walls, red tiles, and glazed windows.

The main body of the church looks majestic and majestic.

After all, it is also the Cathedral of the Holy Light in the Akaru region.

This was also a relatively high-standard church in the Holy Light Church back then.

We can get a clue about this from the information about the statues.

After all, the population back then was nowhere near as large as it is now.

A church of this size is already quite large.

After looking at it for a while, Zong Shen squinted his eyes and checked the "reference answers".

Information emerged in his mind, and he read it carefully.

【Grace Cathedral (Special)】

[Quality: Special]

[The ancient church contains ancient sacred patterns of faith]

[Holy Light Cathedral in Akaru Region]

[The building is in a complete state of origin, retaining its original style and runes]

[Sturdiness value: 86000]

[Building Armor: 600 (same as above)]

[Building magic resistance: 600 as above 1)]

[Passive effect: Prayer of grace (enter the church to pray for grace, you can get double [Holy Power Faith] income)

Belief transformation (allowing civilians to have a certain chance of obtaining the faith and talent of the Holy Light system)】

[Active effect: Grace Healing (can only be used once every 72 hours, can completely heal all injuries of a single target whose level does not exceed the median demigod level and restore body damage. The healing effect on super-level targets will decrease)

Holy Light Priest transfer (allows ordinary people to transfer to priests, which requires basic wisdom attribute ≥ 20 points. Only 120 Holy Light Priests can be transferred each month. After successful transfer, they will master the relevant skills of Holy Light Priest)

Waiter of Holy Light job transfer (can make ordinary people transfer to Waiter of Holy Light. It requires basic attributes ≥ 15 points and agility attribute ≥ 10 points. Only 120 Servers of Holy Light can be transferred to the job every month. After the job transfer is successful, they will master the Holy Light.

Light Waiter’s related skills)

Promotion of holy professions (holy professions from second to sixth levels can be promoted here. The promotion quotas for each level each month are 200/120/80/40/20 respectively. Basic familiarity is required to complete the promotion operation.


Bright blessing (every 12 hours, you can choose a target with a radius of 100 kilometers for bright blessing, passively restore 50 points of health and equivalent injuries every second, the recovery time of broken limbs and open wounds will be extended, the blessing lasts 4

Hours, when blessing the enemy, me, neutral undead, purgatory, hell, demon, abyss and other creatures, the target will be eroded by 200 points of life that ignores armor per second, which also lasts for 4 hours)]

(The ancient faith building is blessed with divine patterns, so it can cultivate and give holy soldiers the opportunity to be promoted.

At the same time, it has a significant amplifying effect on obtaining [Holy Power Faith].

It is not only a church, but also a barracks of the Holy Light Department)

"Well, not bad!"

Zong Shen immediately started to comment.

The attributes of this church are also very good. It is an upright Holy Light-based building.

It's just that he also has some functions of the Holy Light Barracks.

Can be used to cultivate holy troops.

[Holy Light Priest] and [Holy Light Attendant] correspond to the first-level warriors and spellcasters of the Holy Light system respectively.

And the effect of [Holy Career Promotion] is a new way out for those Holy Light veterans in the territory who have been stuck in one stage for a long time.

It can be seen that this church is different from the current Holy Light Temple and church.

The reason why it can transform arms and provide channels for promotion is that it is an ancient cathedral.

Possessing the so-called "divine pattern".

In Zong Shen's view, this should be a special authority of faith.

So this wave is indeed a profit.

It also allowed Zong Shen to confirm the feasibility of [All Things Retrace·Remnant] to restore ruins and buildings.

Not to mention the distance, there are a lot of buildings left in the ruins of Azshara alone.

The only drawback is that the single cooldown time of [All Things Retrace·Remnant] is too long.

But assuming that Zong Shen passes the prologue test in the future.

Then you will have a lot of time to trace the ruins and buildings that interest you.

Look back to the church itself.

It seems that the quality of the building has changed.

It creates a discrepancy with the originally observed data.

This difference seems a bit puzzling.

But his doubts were soon lifted.

Because the building in front of you is quite special, it can be regarded as three different buildings.

It can also be regarded as a whole.

When they come together, the quality of the building changes.

It directly becomes a special building.

At this time, it is a state of gathering, thanks to the magical [All Things Retrace·Residue].

For Zong Shen, this is a good thing.

When the three buildings are put together, they are considered a combined type of building.

can produce mutual amplification effects.

After all, they are consistent in nature.

Belonging to the same origin and origin.

This chapter has been completed!
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