Chapter 242: Trouble on the Crypt Frontline, Ghost Banshee (4,000 that day)

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Safuri was a little anxious. She must not miss the clues she finally found.

She had concluded in her heart that most of the secret materials stolen were those hateful goblins.

I'm thinking about how to make those nasty goblins pay the price.

They followed the track tracks and headed southwest...

On the other side, Zong Shen has led the soldiers to the front line of the cave.

He tied all the prairie horses under the arrow tower and checked the situation on the front line.

At this time, everything seemed to be normal on the front line of the crypt. The soldiers hid in the hut, taking shelter from the rain while aiming at the refresh exit of the crypt from the gap in the hut, ready to launch an attack at any time.

The same was true for Vereesa, but her body was completely soaked by the rain, and water droplets dripped from her hooded robe and armor to the ground. It was obvious that she had just walked into the hut through the rain.

At this time, in front of the cave entrance and outside the city wall, the hayloft that was originally used as a barrier had been destroyed, leaving only broken remains.

The sturdiness value of the straw sheds is not high, so it is not surprising that they will be destroyed. Zong Shen originally built these straw sheds just as cheap obstacles. They can not only delay the attack of the cave monsters, but also provide frontline soldiers with a

A place to rest.

So far, this is the first time that haylofts have been destroyed in frontline positions.

This shows that the pressure on the front line has indeed increased a lot.

The rain is very strong, it has been falling steadily for more than ten minutes, and it shows no sign of letting up.

The rainwater fell on Zong Shen's horned helmet, and the "ding-ding-ding-ding" echoed in his ears.

Vereesa saw Zong Shen who had brought reinforcements, and quickly walked out of the hut to greet him.

"Sir, you are here!"

She bowed to Zong Shen, her expression unusually solemn.

This shows that the new monsters appearing in the crypt are indeed a bit tricky.

Zong Shen nodded and took the lead into a straw shed. At the same time, he asked the soldiers of the exploration team to take shelter from the rain in nearby vacant straw sheds.

With their physical constitution, although they will not get sick if they are exposed to the rain, they will still feel very uncomfortable if they are exposed to the rain all the time.

Entering the hut, Zong Shen began to ask Vereesa seriously.

"Tell me, what kind of monster is it that makes you feel a little bit difficult to deal with it?"

"I'm very curious. Considering your experience and combat qualities, you find it difficult to deal with. How powerful is this monster?"

Zong Shen asked with a smile on his face. Vereesa was already very loyal to him, so the communication between them became much more relaxed, not as serious and rigid as before.

When Vereesa heard this, she lowered her head and thought for a few seconds, then raised her head and looked directly into Zong Shen's eyes, and slowly told the whole story.

"Just over twenty minutes ago, that is, just before it was going to rain."

"The crypt began to flash red light, and after the red light, a new batch of monsters began to appear in the crypt."

"Among these monsters is a banshee."

"This is a leader-level banshee. It is powerful and can reduce some of the physical damage."

"At the same time, it is also immune to magic attacks. Any magic damage that hits it will be absorbed."

"In addition to these characteristics, the banshee also possesses a very terrifying skill."

"It can transform into a ghost form and occupy the body of a certain warrior."

"As long as you occupy it for five minutes, you will permanently gain control of this body."

Vereesa said with lingering fear. It was obvious that the appearance of the banshee caught her off guard and brought a lot of trouble to the front lines of the crypt.

"Then how did you deal with it in the end?"

Zong Shen asked with some curiosity. According to the characteristics of this new crypt monster, it would indeed cause a headache. He was more curious about how Vereesa and the others solved it in the end.

Vereesa was silent for a while after hearing this, and then she continued to add after she organized her words.

"It has taken over the body of the mad axe warrior Rudnev..."

"We were forced to attack Rudnev."

"As long as the health of the host occupied by it drops below half, or suffers serious injuries, the banshee will also suffer the same injuries and damage, and will exit the occupied state at the same time."

"The banshee is most vulnerable to being killed at this time. You only need to focus the fire in time to eliminate it."

Zong Shen couldn't help but frown after hearing Veresa's words.

In this way, this thing is indeed difficult to deal with. It can occupy the body of an ally, and if left alone, it will permanently occupy the body after five minutes.

Unless there is a range of magic expulsion, the most effective way is to attack friendly troops and reduce their health points to less than 50%. This is an act of injuring the enemy by 1,000 and damaging yourself by 800.

"How's Rudnev?"

"Is the injury serious?"

Zong Shen asked with concern. There was only such a mad ax warrior in the territory. He was transferred to the combat team under Vereesa. Every professional soldier was his treasure. Zong Shen didn’t want Rudenev to

Something unexpected happened.

"We didn't attack his vital points."

"Now I have been fed with water from the Luna Spring, and my injuries are recovering."

Vereesa said truthfully, and Zong Shen felt relieved.

At this time, more than twenty minutes have passed since the last time the Ghost Banshee was refreshed.

There has not been a second refresh yet.

Now we need to evaluate the harm of this banshee through the refresh frequency.

Judging from the previous refresh probability of gargoyles, as a leader-level monster, the total number of banshees is probably only one-fifth of the gargoyles at most.

The refresh rate of gargoyles is 5%, which means that for every 100 crypt monsters refreshed, there are 5 gargoyles.

Then the refresh rate of the banshee is very likely to be 1%, and one out of 100 crypt monsters will appear.

Based on the frequency of five monsters being refreshed every three minutes, one Banshee will be refreshed in about an hour, or 20 waves of crypt monsters.

Of course, this is an inference based on the refresh rate of the gargoyle, and may not be accurate.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! If there is no problem with this speculation, a banshee will appear again in more than half an hour at most.

Zong Shen decided to squat on the front line to see the attributes and true strength of the Crypt Banshee, and then decide how to solve this problem.

At the same time, he opened the [Friends and Relatives Channel] and the [Legion Channel], briefly explained the situation of the banshee emerging from the crypt, and reminded them to take precautions.

Then, he walked to the hut where Rudnev rested, preparing to visit the wounded.

Rudnev was resting in another hut, and a water mage from the combat team was taking care of him.

The defense of the Axe-Crazy Warriors is not high, they don't wear armor, and most of their bodies are naked.

Therefore, we can see that his body is covered with scars, most of them are penetrating wounds caused by arrows, and there are also injuries caused by spears. These guys really have no mercy!

But these injuries are all on the shoulders, back, and even hips.

As Vereesa said, there were indeed no fatal injuries or sequelae such as physical disability.

But there is absolutely no need to eat less of some physical pain.

When Rudnev saw Zong Shen arriving, a surprised expression appeared on his face.

He struggled to get up and wanted to salute, even though Rudnev had never fought alongside Zong Shen.

But I have also heard soldiers from the exploration team mention Zong Shen's strength.

Especially Zong Shen’s heroic deeds when he transformed into a demon in the mine and defeated the spider web monster Lord Leopold.

Rudnev admired him very much, and the soldiers also chatted and gossiped among themselves in private.

Zong Shen's fierce fighting prowess has already spread to the ears of every warrior.

Especially his demon transformation, which can control the power of demons and keep his soul and mind pure. In the hearts of these aboriginal warriors, he is definitely an extraordinary existence!

After the novice period ended, the rules were adjusted, and these soldiers became miserable.

In the past, let alone only losing 50% of your health, even if you lost 90%, the 1% difference would not cause you to enter a weak state. Unlike now, when you are injured, you are truly injured.

Even if you take the best healing medicine, it will take some time to recover from the injury.

In an unhealed state, combat effectiveness will be affected to some extent.

Zong Shen saw Rudnev and quickly waved him to lie down, stretched out his right hand and shook hands with him vigorously, comforted him, and at the same time gave him two more [Soldier Strengthening Beads (Green)].

After some operations, Rudnev was very moved, and all the grievances in his heart disappeared, and his loyalty increased by more than ten points. After all, no one knew whose body the banshee would occupy.

In the final analysis, it can only be said that Rudnev himself is unlucky. Everyone attacking him is actually saving him, otherwise he would be completely cold after five minutes.

After some condolences, Zong Shen left the hut and calculated the time. In fifteen or six minutes, the banshee should be refreshed. He had to be prepared.

He took out the goblin merchant Boswell's [Satin Boots of Exorcism (blue)] and gave it to Vereesa, asking her to stuff half of her foot into the boots at the critical moment and use magic to expel the banshee.

Occupy effect.

At this time, Favid and the others are assisting the front line, killing monsters that refresh every three minutes in the crypt.

Since changing his staff, Favid has become more and more enthusiastic about fighting.

The hell dog was taken with him like a pet, following him not far or near.

On such a rainy day, his fire magic was severely weakened. As soon as the fist-sized fireball was shot, it was splashed by raindrops and made a sizzling sound.

By the time the fireball flew to the monster's side, it was only half its original size.

However, Farvid is still enjoying it, even if he kills one more monster, he will be very happy.

[The Killing Staff of Theseus] indeed has a different kind of magic power, which can make the person who gets it gradually like killing without any effort.

But at least for now, the changes in Favid have more advantages than disadvantages. Zong Shen needs Favid who is enthusiastic about fighting, so that he can increase the team's combat effectiveness.

In addition, he will always pay attention to the status of Favid. Logically speaking, there should be no problem with [Theseus's Killing Staff], because there was no special problem with the system's evaluation of this item.

Thinking of this, Zong Shen decided to ask about the strategy again just to be on the safe side.

"Is there something wrong with [Theseus' Killing Staff]?"

"Is Farvid affected?"

(Theseus is the famous Son of Slaughter, a madman who was expelled from the Mage Association. His staff can extract power from killing. The killing points are the embodiment of the killing power. These killing powers can be used to exchange for the allegiance of hell creatures. The staff

There is no problem in itself, it was not the killing that caused Favid's change, but the greed for power)

Zong Shen nodded and dismissed the reminder with a thought.

The tips from the strategy were similar to his guess. Greed for power can indeed change a person.

Even Zong Shen is actually not exempt from vulgarity, but because he looks at the problem from a different perspective, he has a clearer understanding of himself.

Ten minutes passed quickly.

Zong Shen recalled all the soldiers of the exploration team, and at the same time asked all the soldiers of the frontline combat team to retreat, waiting for this wave of refreshes to end before going to the frontier.

Soon the entrance to the cave began to flash red light, just as Zong Shen had speculated before.

The refresh rate of leader-level monsters is indeed only 1%.

Zong Shen drew out the Dragon-Slaying Heavy Sword and took it seriously.

There was a flash of red light! Several figures appeared outside the cave entrance.

In addition to the most common zombies, there is also a figure that is in a translucent light blue state and floats leisurely.

Its face was ferocious, and its long hair seemed to spread out around the back of its head, standing straight up.

The whole body is in a light blue translucent state, and the facial features appear to be that of a woman. Although the face is expressionless, it is inexplicably creepy.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "'s coming!"

Vereesa raised the [Horned Eagle Battle Bow], drew out a sharp arrow, and stood ready!

Zong Shen took a step back slightly, narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked forward.

Rows of properties emerged.

[Ghost Banshee lv20 (Purple)]

[Purple Commander Level]

[Race: Undead]

[Magic damage: 96~99]

[Health value: 1000]

[Armor value: 0]

[Magic Resistance: Magic Immunity]

[Skill: Wail lv20 (The ghost banshee wails, causing 1.0 times magic damage to two random targets within 100 meters, cooling time is 1 minute)

Occupying level 10 (when this skill is used, the target unit will be unable to move for 5 seconds. During this period, the banshee will also be unable to move and receive 225% damage. If the banshee still exists after 5 seconds, it will disappear at the same time.

Occupying this unit, during which the health of the occupied unit is reduced by more than 50%, the banshee will be forcibly driven away. If the banshee occupies it for 5 minutes, it will completely control the body. This skill can only be used once, and after the occupation is successful,

, the Banshee’s own characteristics and skills will disappear)

Chaos Curse lv10 (Curse an enemy unit, causing it to have a 33% chance of an attack error when attacking, lasting 30 seconds, with a cooldown of 30 minutes)

Passive skill: Ghost (reduces 50% of physical attacks received)

Anti-element shell (ghost repels elements, immune to magic damage)]

(A banshee that can occupy other people's bodies is not afraid of elemental magic, but can be affected by expulsion magic and purification magic. The five seconds it takes possession of are the best chance to defeat it.)

This chapter has been completed!
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