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Chapter 265: Dealing with gold diggers, slave trade [asking for monthly votes]

Hearing what Zong Shen said, the smile on Bamogo's face became even bigger.

Before becoming a slave trader, this guy was also a fierce bandit who often did things like robbing people.

Most of the plundered people were also sold to slave traders by him. This was the most direct way to convert the people into dinars, which are commonly used in the mainland.

Among them, strong men, beautiful women, and talents with certain skills such as blacksmiths, tailors, and chefs can all be sold for a good price.

However, the most valuable ones are those soldiers and prisoners of war, including various church heretics, major guild forces, ethnic forces, local knights, and even the kingdom's regular army. The higher the rank and grade of the soldiers, the higher the price.

Of course, those powerful regular armies and soldiers are usually not just gangsters or rogues, but can handle the situation like bandits.

Only by building a good relationship with the lords or commanders on the battlefield can you have the opportunity to obtain the prisoners of war captured during the battle. Some big slave merchants can even buy slaves of high status.

However, there has not been much friction between the human kingdoms in recent years. It is difficult for regular troops to obtain them, but it is still possible to buy them from church heretics and other warriors.

"Do you want to buy a slave, or sell a slave?"

Bamogo rubbed his hands. He had already seen the two gold diggers hanging in the yard.

A ray of light flashed in his eyes. With his eyes, he could roughly assess a person's "value" with just one glance. Although he didn't know the level and attributes of the gold diggers, in his eyes, these two people were already

It's considered to be an above-average product.

Zong Shen followed his gaze, looked back at the hoisted gold digger, showed a smile on his face, and said to Mariel beside him.

"Find some warriors, bring the blade warriors over, and put these two guys down first."

Mariel nodded and walked out quickly. She followed Zong Shen's instructions to find someone.

After watching Mariel go away, Zong Shen nodded slightly to Bamogo.

"I want to sell as well as buy. You have to take a look at my goods first."

"Let's take turns, one after another."

Zong Shen stood with his hands behind his hands and said with a smile.

Bamogo also smiled and nodded, while silently looking at Zong Shen's territory.

In this world, slave trading is not a rare thing. Many kingdoms have acquiesced in the existence of this industry. Many nobles and landowners will buy slaves and turn a blind eye to the origin of slaves. Among them, there are

There are many sneaky places.

For example, those rogue bandits plundered their own villages and sold the plundered people to slave traders to cash in. The plundered people were instantly transformed from civilians into slaves.

However, slave merchants have always conducted transactions across regions and even kingdoms, purchasing people along the way and selling them to the next administrative region.

If you sell in the same region, there may be some troubles, but as long as you sell across regions, there will be no such problem.

If they get the best goods, such as beautiful women, powerful warriors, or extremely rare foreign women, these slave traders will even go to state cities or even giant cities to hold auctions.

For example, elven women are a rare good thing. Elf women are naturally beautiful, with fair skin and slender pointed elf ears. They also have a unique aura that can make those princes, nobles and playboys flock to them.


There are also orc girls from various orc tribes and strong orc slaves, all of which are very popular commodities.

After waiting for a few minutes, Mariel had not come back yet. Instead, Luna came over first.

She rode a black panther and came to Zong Shen with a bladed assassin tied into a tortoise shell in one hand.

Behind her were the three newly joined huntresses.

The Blade Assassin's equipment had also been stripped off, and now he was naked with a rag stuffed in his mouth. Luna threw him directly next to Zong Shen like trash.

Luna got off the Black Panther and saluted Zong Shen.

"Sir, people have brought it."

Zong Shen nodded and pointed at the two gold diggers who were hung under the arrow tower.

"Get them down too, I'll deal with them together today."

After hearing this, Luna walked into the small courtyard, raised the moon blade in her hand and threw it at the hemp rope hanging them.

The moon blade spun and flew out, cutting the hemp rope, and the two gold diggers fell directly.

At this time, Bamogo was not in the mood to pay attention to the Diggers and Blade Assassins.

His eyes were vaguely aimed at Luna, and then at the three huntresses furtively.

Bamogo naturally recognizes that they are rare huntress warriors of the night elves, and has already coveted them in his heart. This is a truly rare commodity. If he can get it, he can enjoy it himself first, and then sell it to the people in the giant city.

Nobles can definitely make a lot of money.

However, although he had many thoughts in his heart, Bamogo's face did not reveal any flaw.

When Zong Shen and others paid attention to him, he restrained his covetousness and greed and returned to the appearance of a serious businessman.

As a fourth-level huntress, Luna's strength attribute is not low. She lifted the two gold diggers up with one hand and threw them to the entrance of the small courtyard where they huddled together with the bladed assassin.

"This is what I'm going to sell today."

"I wonder how much Mr. Bamogo is willing to pay?"

This was Zong Shen's first time dealing with slave merchants, and he didn't know much about the market prices of slaves.

However, both the Blade Assassin and the Digger are serious third-level warriors. Their overall attributes are definitely much higher than those of the villagers, and they are still good players even as coolies.

When Bamogo heard this, he still had a smile on his face.

"Can your Majesty allow me to take a look and check their physical condition?"

"If my vision is correct, these three should be warriors, and they are all warriors of a high level."

Zong Shen had no objection to Bamogo's request and stretched out his hand to make a gesture of invitation.

Bamogo then walked up and pulled out the rags that were blocking their mouths. Before they started to curse, he reached out and pinched their chins, checked the wear of their teeth, and grabbed their hair to check their faces.

Check whether there are any wounds on the head and forehead.

His movements were quick and skillful. After a quick inspection, he stuffed the rags wet with saliva into their mouths.

Then they began to move them back and forth to examine the limbs, neck, spine, thighs, groin and other parts. The examination was very detailed, and it took a few minutes to complete all the examinations.

He stood up, nodded with satisfaction, put a fist on his chest with one hand, and saluted Zong Shen again.

"Sir, they are very good, and their bodies are very strong. Although there are some scars on their bodies from the battle, they are all in good condition overall."

"I am willing to pay 1,500 mainland general dinars per person. This price is already the purchase price of a regular army of a third-tier kingdom."

But Zong Shen frowned and said with some doubts.

"Is the price of the regular army of the third-tier kingdom only worth 1,500 dinars?"

"This amount of money is equivalent to buying five prairie cattle from a nearby village."

"If third-level soldiers are so cheap, you can sell them to me next time you get some good ones."

Hearing what Zong Shen said, Bamogo felt a little embarrassed and quickly explained.

"The purchase price of the regular army of the Tier 3 Kingdom is indeed 1,500 dinars, but if you purchase it, you will need at least 2,200 to 2,500 dinars. The difference in price is our profit."

"You have to know that slave trading is also a hard job that requires traveling around."

Hearing what Bamogo said, Zong Shen did not answer, but asked about the strategy in his heart.

He didn't know the market price of slaves, so naturally he wouldn't listen to Bamogo's talk.

"Is what he said true?"

(The price of slave transactions in each kingdom and each region is different, but it is roughly the same as what he said. This guy seems to want to curry favor with you. He wants to get a group of night huntresses to satisfy his selfish desires and make huge profits at the same time.

, but I am worried about offending you, maybe you can use this to gain some benefits in later transactions)

After Zong Shen read the guide, he couldn't help but raise his head and glanced at Bamogo. This guy actually coveted his huntress?

Bamogo felt a little guilty at this glance, even though he hadn't done anything yet.

Zong Shen stared at him with some amusement and suddenly said.

"Let's do this, 2,000 mainland general dinars per person, we will treat it as a friend."

He raised his foot and kicked the Nugget lightly. Knowing what Bamogo was thinking, Zong Shen could take advantage with more confidence.

After hearing his offer, Bamogo pondered for a moment and finally agreed.

Even if he took away the 2,000 dinars, he would still make a considerable profit. In recent years, kingdom-level wars have rarely happened, and occasionally there have been some minor frictions with church heretics and local forces. A warrior of this quality can win in wartime.

It is indeed this price, but prices tend to be better now, and so do their selling prices.

And the most important thing is that Bamogo is also preparing to have a good relationship with Zong Shen. He wants to know where Zong Shen got these night elf huntresses.

Now the entire Elf clan and all major branches are living in seclusion, rarely communicating with humans, and no one dares to invade or disturb them.

As the protagonist of the ancient era, even if he lives in seclusion, he still has some background, which is enough to compete with the kingdom's forces. No one will risk the elves' counterattack and choose to invade their territory.

This is something that is not worth the gain, but there are still small-scale slave hunting teams that secretly penetrate into several elven settlements to plunder lone elven women.

Each elf woman can be sold for a sky-high price of tens of thousands of dinars. If the captured elf warrior is an elf warrior, the price can be increased several times.

Of course, risks and benefits are directly proportional. The risk of being discovered deep into the settlement of the elves is extremely high. Once discovered, the only outcome is death.

In addition to elven women, the same is true for some naturally charming orc women.

Including the rabbit girl, fox girl, and cat girl, if you want to capture the orc girl, you also need to take the risk of being chased by those big and rough orcs.

The orcs are much more barbaric than the elves. They will directly crack open the skulls of slave hunters and let the slave hunters watch their brains being ripped out.

This has further resulted in a situation where things are rare and valuable. Nowadays, in the slave market, foreign girls are hot commodities, and high-quality ones even need to be sold at auctions.

As the saying goes, wealth can be found in danger. Bamogo is very interested in the huntresses in Zong Shen's territory. If the other party has a way, even if he only gets a huntress, he can sell it for a good price and the profit can be as high as tens of thousands.


Bamogo happily took out 6,000 mainland general dinars from the carriage and handed it to Zong Shen. Both parties paid the money and delivered the goods. At Zong Shen's signal, his men handed over two gold diggers and a blade armor.

The assassin was put into a prison van.

Finally, I dealt with these three annoying guys and got back a sum of dinars. It was like killing two birds with one stone.

As for what inhuman means Bamogo will use to train these people in the coming days, that is not something Zong Shen needs to consider.

After dealing with the gold diggers and blade assassins, Zong Shen decided to see if there were any talents worth buying among the slaves brought by Bamogo.

"Come on, show me the slave you brought today."

"It just so happens that my territory is being developed and needs a lot of manpower."

Zong Shen took the initiative to speak. Upon hearing this, Bamogo immediately bowed diligently and led the way.

The two of them walked to the prison cars together. As soon as Zong Shen stood firm, a stench came over him.

The smell of both sweat and urine took his breath away.

"Sir, I just received a few good slaves..."

Bamogo introduced enthusiastically. In the final analysis, he is just a businessman now.

Unfortunately, before he finished speaking, Zong Shen waved his hand.

"I'll take a look at it myself. If I like it, I'll buy it directly."


Hearing what Zong Shen said, Bamogo naturally didn't say anything and stretched out his hand to let Zong Shen do what he wanted.

There are a total of 5 prison cars here, containing about 20 slaves. Men and women are separated.

All the slaves are unkempt and covered with rags. You can't tell the better ones just by looking at their appearance. However, as the lord, Zong Shen can check their attributes. In addition, the strategy tips can also point out some hidden things.


You can often find some deep-seated advantages.

After walking around these prison cars, Zong Shen stopped and had a good idea of ​​the state of these slaves.

This batch of slaves is divided equally between warriors and civilians. Most of the warriors are first-level soldiers, and the second-level soldiers come from small local forces.

The same is true for civilians. Their origins are very complicated. These slaves may have been passed down several times.

After observing around, Zong Shen really discovered some valuable talents among these slaves.

These talents all have some hidden characteristics and advantages, and they can play some role in the development of Zong Shen's territory.

This chapter has been completed!
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