Chapter 45: Do you know what wandering output is? [Please recommend and collect]

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[Kill the lv18 suture monster Pato]

[Acquire 1680 experience points]

[Get 100 reputation points]

[Obtain tavern construction diagram x1]

[Obtain the first-level Territory Science and Technology Research Institute construction drawing x1]

[Obtain Level 2 City Lord’s Mansion Upgrade Voucher x1]

[Get incomplete blue soul x1]

[Get Cruel Butcher's Knife (Blue) x1]

[Get the book "March Strategy" x1]

[Get the head of Alteran Whisperwind]

Captain-level suture monster Pato sent another wave of warmth to Zong Shen, but these rewards were mainly blueprints and books.

Zong Shen still kept it to check and sort out when he was preparing to return.

The only piece of equipment seems to be the butcher's knife in the hand of Stitch Monster Pato.

Zong Shen took it out and held it in his hand, almost unable to hold it.

With Zong Shen's current strength of 21 points, it is very difficult to hold it with one hand.

It can only be lifted with both hands.

But if you want to use it to chop freely, you need at least 35 points of strength.

The door-panel-like blade alone is as wide as Zong Shen's body.

[Cruel Butcher’s Knife (Blue)]

【One hand/Both hands】

[Quality: Excellent]

[Chopping damage: 42/48]

[Attack range: 55]

[Attack speed: -8%]

[Durability: 220]

[Skill: Random Slashing (3 slashes within 3 seconds, each blade causing 1.0 times the slashing damage)]

[Strength required: 38]

"Damn it, Niubi!"

This butcher's knife is simply a killing weapon.

Can be used with one hand or both hands.

Unfortunately, the power required is as high as 38 points, and neither Zong Shen nor the Wolf Cavalry can afford to equip it.

You can only collect it first, or consider putting it on the market for sale.

Zong Shen put away the butcher's knife.

He looked at the last demon hunter's body.

[The Head of Alteran Whisperwind]

[The head that has undergone the blood-burning demon's desecration ritual and suturing experiment, one of the mission items]

Put it away.

At this point, all six demon hunter bodies have been collected.

Now all you need to do is bring it back to the territory and bury it next to the moon well.

After the suture monster Pato was eliminated by Zong Shen, streaks of light suddenly shone down throughout the dungeon.

Silks of black smoke rose up in the light, and eventually dissipated.

Zong Shen bathed in the light and felt warm and comfortable all over.

[Because of your bravery, this dungeon has regained its light, the shadow of death has dissipated, and the souls of countless elves have rested in peace]

[You have received the blessing of the dead spirits, which lasts for 3 days]

[Blessings of the Dead Spirits]

[Effect: Explosion rate of treasured items is 5%, fatigue level is -50%, attack is 10%, defense is 10%]

This is an unexpected surprise

I didn't expect that after clearing this dungeon, there would be additional Buff rewards.

This dungeon has been completely conquered, and there is no value in staying any longer.

He raised his hand and glanced at the time.

It's noon now.

It has been more than 6 hours since we set off at around 6 a.m. in the morning.

Everyone was still hungry and full, so Zong Shen decided to change today's itinerary.

Let’s not continue exploring for now.

First, accept the territory and inheritance of that unlucky lord, and collect and take away the farmers in the territory.

Then, you need to prepare for the task of expanding your territory.

At the same time, sort out the rewards obtained from the first half of the day’s exploration.

Major construction begins.

Thinking of this, Zong Shen turned around and looked at the fire mage Farvid and said.

"Favid, take me to your old master's territory now, and let us collect those poor farmers."

Farvid nodded and bowed.

"Lord, please come with me."

"We found this place after we found a simple entrance in the ruins."

"Please come with me."

His attitude was very respectful.

After this short period of fighting side by side, Zong Shen has used his strength and talents to gain the recognition of Faweide.

Compared with the old owner who has become cool.

This one's ability is indeed much more powerful.

Maybe it can really lead him to regain his lost glory.

Zong Shen nodded and led everyone to follow Favid back to the dungeon on the left.

In one of the cells, just as the guide suggested, a passage about two meters in diameter was dug out.

This passage winds upwards and is barely suitable for people to pass in single file.

There are already some obvious signs of collapse in the passage, and there are also some signs of re-excavation and opening.

Obviously, after the unlucky lord discovered this passage, he spent some effort to open it again.

After carefully walking through the passage.

Everyone stood in the ruins.

There are still mountains and forests around, but the terrain is flatter.

It seems that this is a flat land on the mountainside.

There are scattered and piled building debris under your feet, with some dense shrubs and weeds growing in the gaps.

"Lord, the old lord's territory is there."

Favid raised his hand and pointed in the direction, and in his field of vision, he could see the dilapidated courtyard that was standard for lords.

There are several farmers outside who are working hard to collect.

They don't seem to know that their lord has died in the dungeon.

The small courtyard is less than two miles away from their current location, and it only takes a few minutes to walk.

About five or six minutes later, Zong Shen and others arrived outside the lord's courtyard.

Zong Shen was surprised to find that the unlucky lord also had five farmers.

In addition to the initial three farmers, two more were found from nowhere.

The five farmers who were collecting also saw them. They immediately stopped collecting, got up nervously, and immediately fled back to the small courtyard.

Zong Shen and his party looked aggressive.

Especially some of the wolf cavalry, the giant wolves under their crotches are showing their teeth and claws, and they are not easy to mess with at first sight.

Until they saw Farvid.

A more courageous farmer stood at the door and shouted proactively.

"Lord Farvid, why are you with a stranger?"

"Where is our lord Zhang Song?"

Farvid took a step forward and began to explain.

"The old master was torn apart by the monsters in the dungeon, and I almost died in the hands of the monsters."

"Fortunately, I met Master Zong Shen."

"These are Lord Zong Shen's soldiers. My Lord is here to save you this time."

"Without the protection of the lord, it will be difficult for you to survive in this wilderness."

Farvid said quickly.

Several farmers looked at each other in the small courtyard.

But no one has ever taken the first step.

"The lord is dead?"

They still seem to have concerns.

At this time, Zong Shen smiled and walked directly into the small courtyard.

When the farmers saw this scene, they seemed to have seen a ghost. They screamed and huddled in the corner.

In their eyes, no outsiders can set foot in the courtyard, but now, this rule seems to have changed.

After the unlucky lord died, this small courtyard was no longer protected by the novice protection rules!

This chapter has been completed!
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