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Chapter 856 Mogroga, a born stallion [Please subscribe] [More


Now Zong Shen is like an audience sitting by the side of the Colosseum. No matter how fierce the beasts and fighters in the arena are, they are just things in the cage. In Zong's eyes, their fight has only one destination, and that is death!

This is a circle within a circle, a game within a game, and neither Artorius nor Mogroga, the great demons in the game, have a choice.

Their enmity has been forged, and their languages ​​are also unintelligible. Devil's language has nothing to do with ancient orc language, and neither party has the ability to learn languages ​​quickly.

As long as Zong Shen and Lihuo Calrig continue to keep a low profile and hide, Artorius and Mogroga, who are trapped beasts in the field, will still be the enemy of each other.

Zong Shen thought for a moment, and Mogroga was surrounded by a large number of shadow demon mirror images.

After the 12 sixth-level [Mirror Image Shadow Demon Scouts] were blessed with various skills, they were able to create 72 shadow demon mirror images. Just processing these images took a lot of effort.

Not to mention the 12 [Mirror Image Shadow Demon Scouts] whose bodies are mixed in the Shadow Demon mirror image, waiting for the opportunity to activate [Blackwater Instant Kill Secret VI] and [Despair Assassination], and [Black Viper Traps] are also arranged around them, so you can touch them too much.

After guessing the trap, they will be attacked by a poisonous black viper. At the same time, the trap will spray stun gas, making it temporarily stunned, which makes Mogroga feel upset.

As black shadows flashed past in an instant, dense injuries appeared on its body.

Level 6 scouts can already threaten legendary powerhouses.

[Mirror Shadow Demon Scout]'s piercing damage combined with skill bonuses can also cause hundreds of points of damage to Mogroga.

The tough skin was pierced by the black water trident, and black blood gurgled out.

Every drop of blood contains powerful dark power and atavistic power.

After penetrating into the soil, it will spread quickly like ink stains after being dropped on rice paper, forming a striking black patch on the land.

"Poor Mogroga!"

Zong Shen closed his eyes and sighed from the bottom of his heart again.

To be honest, Mr. Zong still had some sympathy for Mogroga, for no other reason than that Mogroga was too frustrated and could never find a chance to use his brute strength.

This situation further strengthened Zong Shen's determination to develop morally, intellectually, physically, artistically and physically.

As a lord, the most reliable development strategy is not to become an extremely sharp knife, but to increase the force as much as possible while taking into account the ability to save life.

Mogroga below was roaring repeatedly. While being injured by the diversionary attack, it was also waving [Twin Dark Demons] to cut a shadow demon mirror image into nothingness.

At the same time, some of the Black Muscle Clan warriors finally reacted, and the fastest Black Muscle Clan air cavalry immediately came to provide support. It seemed that Mogroga would be able to escape soon.

Zong Shen thought and opened Mogroga's detailed attributes to view.

After his idea appeared, the attribute panel also changed, and Mogroga's detailed attributes were updated.

[Strength: 1430+143 (extreme anger)]

[Agility: 492]



[Active skill: Level Ⅶ Black tendon atavistic warrior training (accepted the Black tendon clan atavistic warrior training, able to display most of the Black tendon atavistic warrior skills from Level Ⅰ to Level Ⅶ)

(There are many skills for atavistic warriors, so I won’t go into details. Information can be obtained by asking separately)

Twin sword awns (the twin dark demons in the hand are stirred up so that the blades are covered by the sword radiance, the attack range is increased to 5 meters, and an additional 100 points of armor-piercing ability are obtained, which lasts for 10 minutes. You can choose to swing out the sword radiance, causing a 1.5 multiplier to the target.

Slashing damage, penetrating all enemies within 20 meters at the same time, cooling time 1 hour)

Black tendon cage (awakens the ancestral bloodline, activates the secret technique of imprisonment, so that the body is covered by a black tendon cage within 15 meters, all enemies in the cage will be marked, and any stealth effect will be invalid, and at the same time

The space within the cage will be isolated and cannot be broken through by any conventional means or space means. The duration is 10 minutes and the cooling time is 48 hours)

Dark energy condensation (condensing dark power, summoning a layer of dark energy armor to cover the body surface. Dark energy condensation has 65 points of double resistance, and can increase Mogroga's movement speed by 10% and increase elemental damage resistance by 15%.

, continuous application time is 1 hour, cooling time is 4 hours)

Dark Energy Expansion (Summons dark power to expand the body shape, improves the strength attribute by 15%, adds 50 points of additional double resistance, and reduces the movement speed by 20%. Dark Energy Expansion has a solid value of 15,000 points and lasts for 15 minutes. When it

After being destroyed by the enemy or the duration expires, the effect of dark energy explosion will be caused, causing 1000 points of erosion damage to enemies within 10 meters around you. The dark energy expansion can be automatically released, and the movement speed will be restored, increasing by 15 points per second.

HP recovery, lasting 3 minutes, cooling time 4 hours)

Double-edged cross-body slash (Mogroga holds up the twin dark demons and launches a double-edged cross-body slash at the enemy target, slashing twice in a row with the staggered sword technique, each time causing 2.0 times the chopping damage. If it is the opponent's

If the strength attribute is more than 800 points lower than the own's, the cutting effect will be triggered, directly cutting off the limbs hit by the double-edged cross-body slash, and at the same time adding a dark invasion effect to the enemy, which lasts for 10 minutes. Under this effect, the enemy will suffer

Any recovery effect will be halved, with a cooldown of 2 hours)

Sword Ring Flurry (the blades of the twin dark demons are expanded. Mogroga holds the double blades and rotates at high speed. The body is filled with sharp blades, increasing the movement speed by 50%. It will cause a crushing effect on physical long-range attacks.

During the duration of the Blade Runner, Mogroga is immune to most sixth-level control-type skills. It will cause 1.5 times of slashing damage per second to targets within 10 meters around it. The duration is 30 seconds. After the Blade Runner Dance ends, Mogroga will

Luo Ga has a 30% chance of being stunned for 0.75 seconds, cooling time is 2 hours)

Black Gold Continuous Slash (Mogroga launches continuous slashes at the target, slashing the target 5 (single-wielded)/10 (dual-wielded) in a short period of time). Each slash can cause 2.0 times the slashing damage, and also has

One layer of blood loss effect. Each layer of blood loss effect can cause the target to lose 35 health points per second. It can be stacked up to 3 layers and lasts 3 minutes. The cooldown time of this skill is 2 hours)

Black tendon decapitation jump slash (Mogroga jumps from the same place, instantly spans a distance of 10 meters to 30 meters, and performs a jump slash attack on enemy targets within the range. After hitting, it can cause 3.0 times of slashing damage.

At the same time, an earth tremor effect is caused at the landing point that can affect a radius of 10 meters, with a cooling time of 1 hour)]

Armor-Shattering Shield Bash (This skill can only be activated while holding a shield. Mogroga slams the enemy with the shield, interrupting the target's spellcasting, and causing bludgeoning damage equivalent to 1.0 times the slashing damage, and also adds additional damage to the target.

A layer of armor shattering effect, reducing the durability of the target armor, with a protective effect of 80 points of armor value, lasting for 5 minutes, with a cooling time of 2 hours)

Flame Dragon Scale Shield Assault Charge (Mogroga holds a red dragon scale shield and stimulates the flame element covered by the dragon scale, causing it to spray out a scorching fire dragon. At the same time, it launches a charge against any enemy within a distance of 50 meters. The length of the fire dragon spray is

10 meters, can cause 550 points of burning damage per second to local targets along the way. After the charge is completed, the target hit by the shield will receive 1500 points of fire burst damage, and will also be violently impacted. The cooling time is 4 hours)

Dragon scale sword and shield state (when holding a red dragon scale shield and fighting one of the twin dark demons, Mogroga can add a layer of fire blue blade to the twin dark demons, causing its slashing attack to add 300 points of flame burn)

Damage. In the sword shield state, Mogroga's blocking ability is improved, and it has additional resistance to impact, impact, tremor and other effects. At the same time, when the dragon scale shield is hit, it will passively counterattack, stirring up the flame element to cause damage to the attacker.

A certain amount of damage, this state can be switched at any time, there is no fixed duration and cooling time)

Dark Demon dual-wielding state (Mogroga fights with two swords, which increases the weapon parry probability by 30%. There is a 10% chance of triggering a continuous slash when attacking, and he will swing another sword within 0.35 seconds. In the dual-wielding state, Mogroga will

Groga gains an additional shield-breaking effect and can cause additional strike damage to targets holding shields. This state can be switched at any time and has no fixed duration and cooling time)

Activate the ancestral bloodline (using the ancient bloodline activation ritual to stir up the ancestral bloodline in the body, Mogroga's size will be increased by 2 times, the strength attribute will be increased by 1.5 times, the remaining three major attributes will be increased by 2 times, and the upper limit of health will be increased.

100000 points, obtain the ancestral hard skin effect, the basic armor value becomes 400, the magic resistance becomes 385, the basic slashing damage increases by 800 points, lasts for 15 minutes, the cooling time is 30 days, after the ancestral bloodline fades, Mogroro

Ga will fall into a weak state that lasts for 30 minutes, and all attributes will be reduced by 30%)

Distorted fusion (Mogroga, who has obvious atavistic bloodline, can choose an ally from the Black Gold clan for temporary fusion. The attributes of both parties will be superimposed, but the limbs will mutate and consciousness will conflict. The duration is 30 minutes and the cooling time is 60

Days, this skill will consume thirty years of the lifespan of both fused parties)

Ancestral Sanctuary (summons the phantom of ancestors to protect itself, which can offset four control effects of level ≤7, and lasts for 15 minutes. After four control effects are counteracted or the duration reaches 15 minutes, Ancestral Sanctuary will disappear.

Cooling time 12 hours)】

[Talent skill: Atavistic hard skin (hard atavistic hard skin, comes with certain double resistance, the default armor value is 235 points, and the default armor resistance is 215 points)

Ancient Orc Bloodline (Mogroga's strength growth and life intensity are increased to 2.0 times the normal standard, and he can restore 15 health points per second. This recovery effect is doubled when out of combat)

Blood Rage (Dark Orcs can enter a blood rage state when their health is below 50%, increasing their strength attributes by 1.2 times and their movement speed by 15% for 5 minutes. This talent skill can only be triggered once every 72 hours)

Toughness (Due to their tough nature, dark orcs have higher initial toughness than other races and can get out of control faster)

Slashing weapon specialization (Mogroga has received strict weapons training and is able to skillfully use various slashing weapons, and obtains an additional 5% weapon parry bonus)

Erotic excitement (when Mogroga has a relationship with any dark orc female, he will enter a state of erotic excitement for 15 minutes, increasing his nerve response ability and movement speed by 15%. This effect has no cooldown and cannot be superimposed)

The blessing of the black tendon ancestors (As the darling of the bloodline, Mogroga's bloodline contains the blessings of the black tendon ancestors. When its health is lower than 20%, the ancestor's possession effect will be triggered, and all attributes will be improved.

1.5 times, master the ability of the Black Muscle Ancestor at the same time, lasts for 15 minutes, this effect can only be triggered once every 60 days)】

[Passive skill: Dark Demon Bloodthirsty (the blades of the twin Dark Demons can absorb the enemy's blood to nourish themselves, quickly restore the strength value, and gradually increase the chopping damage)

Restless Red Dragon Soul (There is a red dragon soul inside the red dragon scale shield. All long-range attacks and melee attacks that hit the shield have a chance to trigger a counterattack effect. Flames rise from the shield, causing burning damage to enemies who attack in melee.

, at the same time, the shield will raise a wall of fire to hinder the attacks of arrows and crossbows. It has 50% elemental immunity to fire magic. When the durability of the red dragon scale shield is less than 10%, the red dragon soul will awaken to attack.


Atavistic warrior training (Mogroga has received atavistic warrior training and has mastered the corresponding fighting and confrontation abilities)

Extreme anger (Mogroga is in a state of extreme anger and can obtain certain buffs. The duration of this state is unknown. When the state ends, Mogroga will be in a negative state of mental exhaustion)

Dark boiling (Mogroga, who lives in the dark realm, has huge dark power in his body, and can use the dark power to corrode its opponents, and can also perform a small number of dark witchcraft)

Black gold bloodline (maximum health value +5%, strength attribute +5%, this attribute gain has been reflected)

Natural Stallion·Enhanced Reproductive Power (Mogroga has a strong desire and reproductive ability, the chance of giving birth to an atavistic bloodline offspring is increased by 1%, the pregnancy success rate is increased by 30%, and the birth chance of multiple births is increased by 50%)】

After Zong Shen read the detailed attributes and skills of Mogroga Black Jin, his eyes paused temporarily.

The high-level target detailed attribute panel is divided into four parts, namely [Basic Attributes], [Active Skills], [Talent Skills], and [Passive Skills].

There are also some guys who don't have [Innate Skills] and only have active and passive skills.

Judging from the information on the panel, this Mogroga is indeed an out-and-out blood cow.

Its combat tendencies belong to the heavy infantry type that is good at frontal combat.

You can hold a pair of swords or a sword and shield. Its weapons and equipment are not simple, and it also has a [passive effect].

It's a pity that Zong Shen, no matter how greedy he is, can't bring out any equipment from the dark orcs in the challenge area.

Just as he had guessed before, Mogroga VS Artorius was a battle between orc heavy infantry and demon warlocks!

This chapter has been completed!
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