Chapter 253 Notoriety (please subscribe)

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When the great elder of the war hall, ‘Ao Guo’, came to the high platform, there was endless joy on his face.

"The Bloody Divine Sword has found its owner! The Divine Will Touch Death Sword will reappear in the world!"

When Ao Guo spoke, his eyes widened slightly and he glanced around with cold eyes: "Master, please seal the mountain as soon as possible! We must learn from the previous lesson."

"No need."

Zhi Feizi, the chief elder of the Magic Academy, shook his head slightly and made a spiritual secret.

Countless blood lights gathered together and began to condense the second 'Blood-Yai Divine Sword' on the Divine Sword Platform.

This is clearly an illusion, and both its appearance and inspiration are the same as the real 'Blood-Yai Divine Sword'.

"——Today, the Bloody Divine Sword turned into a rainbow and went away. There was very little movement. There must be no more than twenty people in the mountain who could watch this scene. They only need to seal a small area. I will go to war for this and blockade the entire mountain.

, on the contrary, it will lead to speculation among those who are interested.”

Sect leader Li Changsheng looked at Lu Shouyang, the elder of the Discipline Academy, and Fang Zheng, the elder of the Xunshan Academy: "What do you two think?"

To block the news of the Bloody Sword, we still have to rely on the power of these two people.

Fang Zheng thought for a moment and then said in a solemn voice: "Senior Brother Zhi Feizi's words are reasonable! After the previous incident, the Divine Sword Platform was always covered by illusory magic. There are really not many people who can observe this scene today."

Lu Shouyang, the elder of the Discipline Academy, had his hands behind his back and a cold expression: "Closing the mountain rashly will only scare the enemy! Just leave this matter to me. This time it will be foolproof."

He made a similar promise last time, but it backfired and the news was leaked the next day.

Lu Shouyang regarded this incident as a great shame and humiliation, and he has always been grudges about it, hoping to regain the city to atone for his previous sins.

"Then it's settled."

Sect Leader Li Changsheng nodded slightly: "Junior Brother Qingxu, tomorrow you can issue a talisman to ask the thirty-eight special envoys of Blood Jade, why no trace of the descendant of Blood Jade has been found so far? Junior Brother, please sternly instruct them to search for them locally.

, they can be given greater authority and manpower, and the scope of the investigation can be expanded to include all local heroes. They must be detailed and thoughtful, and no possible candidates should be missed. "

"Follow the order!" Qing Xuzi, the chief elder of the training institute, raised one palm and bowed slightly.

He understood Li Changsheng's intention.

Today, the 'Blood Eyes Divine Sword' has clearly sensed the location of the person who is qualified to inherit the 'Death Touching Sword of Divine Will'.

They only need to follow the traces of the 'Blood-Yai Divine Sword'. Why do they need those Blood-Yai special envoys to go to war and intensify their efforts to search for it?

The sect leader's order is nothing more than to deceive people's ears and eyes, and to disturb the hearing and hearing of those who are interested.

The sect leader Li Changsheng then scanned everyone again, and finally his eyes fell on Qing Xuzi, the elder of the training institute: "In addition, I also ask Junior Brother Qingxu to go south with the Bloody Sword and spread the Bloody Sword to the people as soon as possible.

Bring us back to our sect!”

At this time, when it comes to combat power within the Wuxiang Divine Sect, it is natural that the chief elder of the war hall, ‘Ao Guo’, and the chief elder of the Discipline Academy, ‘Lu Shouyang’, are the leaders.

But when it comes to being mature and prudent and able to do things, the one who makes him feel most at ease is Qing Xuzi.

Qing Xuzi's eyes suddenly showed an awe-inspiring expression: "I will do my best to live up to my brother's trust!"

"It's not about going all out! It's about bringing him back, no matter what the cost!"

Li Changsheng's round, white, plump face was extremely solemn at this moment.

His eyes were sharp and filled with infinite chill: "The impact of divine will on the death knife is related to the rise and fall of our sect, and even life and death! You must keep secrets strictly. No matter who dares to leak the information, the 70,000 disciples of my Wuxiang Shen Sect will definitely make him irrecoverable!"

The faces of Ao Guo and others were also stern and solemn.

Finding the heir of the 'Divine Will Touches Death Knife' does not mean that they can rest easy.

The threshold for practicing this sword technique is as high as the third level, which means that it may take the successor of Xueyai more than ten years, or even decades, to initially master this sword technique.

Before this, this person did not have much ability to protect himself.

In addition, it is foreseeable that several of their great enemies will never want to see the death-dealing knife of God reappear in the world.

Even the Daning royal family will try their best to obstruct it.

More than ten years ago, were they willing to give up the king and expel him from the sect?


That was the result of three first-grade divine sects, two first-grade demon sects, and twelve second-grade sects working together to put pressure on the Wuxiang Divine Sect and the Tieshan Qin Sect.

The Wuxiang Shenzong is not afraid of these pressures.

They are not afraid to become enemies of these sects for the sake of the Xueyai inheritance.

But the Tieshan Qin family couldn't do it.

At that time, the head of the Tieshan Qin Clan and the father of Qin Muge personally wrote a letter asking Wuxiang Shenzong to release Qin Muge to the Qin family and inherit the Tieshan Qin Clan.

Now that I think about it, this matter is quite strange. Qin Muge's father died on the battlefield less than half a month after the letter was sent.

They haven't found out the truth yet.

However, the situation and danger of the descendants of the "Divine Will Touch the Death Knife" can be imagined from this.


In Xiushui County, Dongzhou, Chu Xisheng hid in a cave and refined the last bit of Yaizhen blood in his body.

He then focused his attention and looked at his character panel.

At this time, behind the word ‘睝眦真义’ in the martial arts column, it suddenly changed from ‘eighth level’ to ‘nineth level’.

Two of them are the strengthening gains brought to him by symbiosis with Xiao Pingtou, and the remaining seven levels were completed by Chu Xisheng himself.

In fact, he was still at the sixth level two moments ago, but Chu Xisheng had an epiphany when he was assimilating and smelting Yaizhen's essence and blood.

Chu Xisheng was not qualified to see the follow-up "Pictures of Yajue", but he had already studied the true meaning of Yajue in the dream world for several months, learned the "Divine Wind Mirror Sword", and engraved the "God's Intention" on the pattern, as well as a small

Flat-headed, a living larvae of the jasmine was by his side.

He has already relied on his own hard work and tireless research to deduce more than half of the true meaning of the seventh level of blood test.

At this time, it was all right, and he cultivated his martial arts to the seventh level.

Not only did Yaizhen's true intention break through, but Chu Xisheng's Divine Wind Mirror Sword also improved by one level, from the seventh level to the eighth level.

Chu Xisheng then turned his attention to the talent column and looked at the four words "睚禦(First level)" inside.

——The first stage of the Yaju bloodline allows people to possess part of the physique of the Yaju divine beast, and the weak strength of divine wind, Geng metal and thunder power can be generated in the body.

——Do you want to use 1.5 blood points to strengthen the bloodline of Yaizhen to the fourth level?

The annotation about Yaizhen's bloodline is extremely simple. There is only a short line of text, and there is no detailed explanation of what this part of the constitution actually contains.

Chu Xisheng could only vaguely sense that his physical strength, strength, reflexes, speed, flesh and blood strength, etc., had all been enhanced by 10 to 20%.

This is already very strong!

Between masters, even a slight difference in strength and speed can determine the outcome.

The key is that after Chu Xisheng added the bloodline talent of Yaizhen, the various bloodline talents in his body did not conflict, and there was no sense of cracking between the bone marrow blood and the meridians.

This talent is actually exceptionally harmonious with several of his own talents——

No! To be more precise, his Yaizhen bloodline is the main body, and the rest of his talents are outsiders.

This gifted bloodline seemed to have been hidden deep in his body all along, and it was only now that it was awakened.

What surprised Chu Xisheng was that there was also a text on "Should I use 1.5 blood points to strengthen the Yaizhen bloodline to the fourth level?"

This has never happened before in other bloodline talents.

Whether it is Chunyang and Shenshang, or Zangtian and Taishangtongshen, he must refresh it in the martial arts treasure house and exchange it in the form of commodities.

Chu Xisheng suppressed the joy in her heart and chose 'yes' in her heart.

Then he felt that the bones in his body began to itch from the inside to the outside, and his blood vessels swelled.

Chu Xisheng has experienced this feeling many times and has become able to deal with it calmly.

Bai Xiaozhao, who was opposite him, frowned.

She clasped her hands together and tried her best to block this place's spiritual opportunities with her demonic power.

This time, the spiritual energy that erupted outside Chu Xisheng's body fluctuated a bit, and the scale was larger than before, which made her feel very strenuous.

Chu Xisheng continued to look at his talent column.

——The fourth stage of the Yaizhen bloodline allows people to have the physique of the womb of the womb of the divine beast, the power of the divine wind and Geng metal of weak strength, the weak strength of thunder, and the 'iron mirror' of the womb of the womb.


Iron Eye Mirror Armor (Carcass) - Iron Eyes must retaliate. It has the most powerful defensive ability among the same level, and can reflect 20% to 30% of all external forces, and can ignore all the power of Gengjin below the eighth level.

——Do you want to use 31 blood points to strengthen Yaizhen’s bloodline to the sixth level?

Chu Xisheng looked at these annotations and wondered whether the so-called 'fetus' refers to the state of the beast when it was in its fetus?

The normal larvae of the Yaju beast are indeed of the sixth grade upon birth.

Xiao Pingtou is an exception. It is an evil body that has become a spirit. Strictly speaking, it can also be regarded as a fetal body at present.

Then his mind moved slightly, causing a layer of silver-white scales to appear on the skin all over his body.

This is the Iron Eye Mirror Armor.

These scales are as smooth as mirrors, reflecting all the surrounding light.

Chu Xisheng was overjoyed.

This layer of 'iron mirror armor' can make his physical defense stronger and indestructible.

With three layers of outer steel, two layers of inner and outer magic weapon armor, plus the iron mirror armor, and the nine-refined Jiyuan purple gold body, Chu Xisheng estimated that the average seventh-level martial arts cultivator would not be able to cut through his skin with all his strength.

Among those sixth-grade martial arts cultivators, there are very few who can break through his 'iron mirror armor'.

Unexpectedly, he accidentally lived his ideal life.

Not only does he have a sword that can kill any martial artist of the same level, but he also has a body that is difficult to break for any martial artist of the same level.

The key is that the iron mirror armor can also reflect 20 to 30% of all external forces!

Especially the word "all" in "all external forces". I wonder if it really includes forces of all natures?

If so, then this ability is extra scary.

Chu Xisheng then chose in his mind to strengthen the Yaizhen bloodline to the sixth level.

As the 31 blood points disappeared, the itching sensation in his body increased again, his heart beat like a drum, and the blood surged into his limbs and bones, powerfully.

——The sixth stage of the Yaju bloodline allows people to have the physique of the young Yaju beast, with medium-strength divine wind and Geng metal power, weak and moderate-strength thunder power, and the 'iron mirror armor' of the young Yaju.

, upgrade the level of 'Yai Can True Meaning'.

Iron Eye Mirror Armor (larvae) - Iron Eyes must retaliate. It has the most powerful defensive ability among the same level, and can reflect 30% to 40% of all external forces, and can ignore all the power of Gengjin below the seventh level.

——Do you want to use 297 blood points to strengthen Yaizhen’s bloodline to the ninth level?

As expected, Yaizhen's bloodline is just like other talents. Every time it reaches three levels, it will awaken an ability, which is similar to the demon clan's bloodline magical power.

Chu Xisheng felt that his physical fitness had improved a lot.

After entering the larval stage, the 'Tie Yan Mirror Armor' has also been slightly improved and can reflect 10% more external force.

As for the so-called "Power of Geng Metal", it not only includes all the metal spells, but also the corresponding swords, qi, swords, etc.

This is also an extremely powerful ability, which means that the Dao Gang Sword Qi of the seventh level is useless to him and cannot hurt him even a hair.

However, among seventh-level martial arts cultivators, there are very few who have mastered Dao Gang Sword Qi.

What Chu Xisheng cared about the most was the last piece of information that appeared in his mind.

His breathing became heavier.

Chu Xisheng had a hunch that once the ninth level of Yaizhen's bloodline was raised, his strength would undergo earth-shaking changes.

He didn't hesitate and chose 'yes' directly.

At this moment, Chu Xisheng's heart thumped loudly.

It was just drum beating before, but now it's thunder! There was a "rumbling" echo in the cave, and the upper part was hit by Chu Xisheng's true energy and blood. The mud and sand were all falling, and there was a potential for collapse.

Green veins appeared all over Chu Xisheng's body, coiling around him like green snakes.

Bai Xiaozhao could no longer suppress the inspiration around him.

What worried her even more was Chu Xisheng's current state.

Bai Xiaozhao was extremely anxious. She was worried that Chu Xisheng's overflowing true energy would attract powerful enemies; she was also worried that Chu Xisheng would fail to fuse the 'Yaiju Essence and Blood'.

This is very strange. When she saw Chu Xisheng's situation just now, she had clearly refined Yaizhen's essence and blood. Why did something like this happen again?

The little flat head screams "arrogant".

It had already refined the first-grade Yaizhen essence and blood that it had integrated into itself, and was jumping back and forth on Chu Xisheng's body with great excitement, and from time to time it would rub Chu Xisheng's face with its little head.

In its eyes, Chu Xisheng is already its kind, so it is extra close to him.

Time passed quietly, and Bai Xiaozhao breathed a sigh of relief that Chu Xisheng's previous arrangement worked. They stayed in this valley cave for a full hour, and no one found it.

Chu Xisheng showed no signs of blood disintegration or physical changes.

Just as the sky outside turned midnight, Chu Xisheng's thunderous heartbeat finally gradually recovered.

——The ninth stage of the Yajuan bloodline allows people to have the physique of the young Yajuan divine beast. The body can breed high-strength divine wind and Gengjin power, medium-strength thunder power, and possess the young Yajuan's 'Iron Yaoyuan Mirror Armor' and

'睚禦神硡', upgrades one level to '皚禦真义'.

Iron Eye Mirror Armor (Youth) - Iron Eyes must retaliate. It has the most powerful defensive ability among the same level, and can reflect 40 to 50% of all external forces, and can ignore all Geng metal power below the sixth level.

Bloody Divine Gang (Youth) - All your Gang Qi can be mixed with the power of divine wind and Geng Metal, turning into divine Gang, with the strength and toughness enhanced by 30 to 50%.

Chu Xisheng can be considered a wealthy person.

At this time, his face was still flushed, and he clenched his fists in excitement.

The 'Iron Mirror Armor' in its youthful state alone is already extremely powerful.

The Bloody God Gang at the back is even more of a surprise.

If he understood correctly, the effect of this Blood-Yai Divine Gang not only included his three-level outer gang, but also his sword gang.

At this time, Chu Xisheng's character panel also underwent great changes.

Character: Chu Xisheng

Reputation: Lower level seven (super genius)

Martial arts: Divine Wind Mirror Sword (eighth level), Phantom Cloud Trail (seventh level), Divine Thunder Cave True Finger (seventh level)

Martial Intent: True Intent of Yaizhen (tenth level), Wind and Thunder Martial Intent (sixth level)

Yuan Gong: Phaseless Kung Fu (sixth level/lower seventh level), Nine Refining Extreme Yuan Purple Gold Body (sixth level)

Blood point:934.8

Talents: Yazhu (ninth level), Shen Shang (sixth level), Burying Heaven (fourth level), Pure Yang (seventh level), Supreme Communion (seventh level), Wind and Lightning Hand (seventh level), Time

Instant Shadow Body (Seventh Level)

Status: Six Yin Resurrection Curse, Symbiosis (Level 3)

Lifespan: 252 days

In addition to the blood point being reduced by 934, the 'Yaiju True Intention' has been upgraded to the tenth level, and the ninth level of Yaju talent has been added. The symbiosis between Chu Xisheng and Xiao Pingtou has also been upgraded to the third level in one fell swoop, and their life span has also been increased to 252 days.


Chu Xisheng was quite touched. His life expectancy was finally approaching one year. It was not easy.

At this moment, Bai Xiaozhao frowned again: "Brother, I feel that it is no longer safe here. Just now, two magicians' wind-sensing skills blew across the valley outside."

Chu Xisheng raised her eyebrows when she heard this.

He estimated the time and found that four hours had passed since he had merged with Yaizhen's essence and blood. It was time for the Blood Wind Thieves to find him nearby.

"let's go!"

Chu Xisheng put away the five pieces of sixth-grade jade talismans on the ground and hurriedly walked out of the cave.

Just after the two left the cave, Chu Xisheng slashed back with his sword, causing the cave to collapse.

There are traces of Chu Xisheng's breakthrough in Yaizhen's bloodline, and he doesn't want others to see it.

Just when the sword slashed out, Chu Xisheng was slightly stunned.

He discovered that the degree of strengthening of this Dao Gang was not just 30% to 50%!

This is more than twice as powerful as his previous Dao Gang!

Chu Xisheng then had a sudden realization.

This should be because he has a large amount of 'Gengjin' power within his body.

The so-called Daogang Sword Qi is actually the product of the fusion of the martial arts true essence and the power of Gengjin.

Therefore, the ninth-level ‘Yaiju Bloodline’ strengthened him far beyond his own expectations.

Bai Xiaozhao from behind also blinked in surprise: "What a strong Dao Gang! Brother, your current strength seems to be much stronger than yesterday."

Chu Xisheng smiled silently.

His current strength is not only much stronger.

Chu Xisheng looked up at the sky and found that the morning star had appeared in the sky.

He took another look around, figured out the direction a little, and then ran towards the north.

While Chu Xisheng was using his body skills to run quickly, he was distractedly refreshing his martial arts treasure house.

It’s still 0.5 blood points per day and 500 consecutive brushes.

Chu Xisheng did not get any gifted goods, but he completed all the ultimate move cards in the storage compartment.

He now has a very thorough understanding of the ‘Ultimate Move Card’.

Just like Qin Muge's move 'Three Phase Divine Sword', it is based on Chu Xisheng's existing cultivation and talent, combined with Qin Muge's bloodline talent, martial arts attainment, battle plan, martial intention, and heavenly talent from the seventh-grade period.

Yun and so on, the most powerful move.

These 'extreme moves' allow him to display combat power far beyond his own level.

Bai Xiaozhao followed Chu Xisheng and asked curiously: "Brother, are you going back to Taizi Lake to find your He Luoyu? Didn't brother say yesterday that it would be dangerous to stay in Taizi Lake?"

Chu Xisheng smiled when he heard the words: "This is called this moment and that moment, and there is also a saying called reverse thinking."

Judging from the spiritual information sent back by the Ho Luoyu Zombie, yesterday's Taizi Lake was indeed quite thrilling.

The Blood Wind Pirates mobilized a large number of manpower from unknown sources and conducted a large-scale search across the entire Taizi Lake area.

Although the Holofish Zombie obeyed his orders and has been lurking under the deep water, it was still found three times in a row by the other party.

Fortunately, the net pulled by the Xuefeng Pirates was not tight enough, and the Ho Luo Fish Zombie did not have Chu Xisheng as a burden, and managed to escape safely by using water.

However, most of the Bloodwind Pirates have been able to confirm that they are not acting together with the Horo Fish Zombie.

Otherwise, they would not have shifted the focus of their search to the south shore of Taizi Lake.

However, in this way, Taizi Lake becomes relatively safe again.

Chu Xisheng thought about this and raised the corners of his lips slightly: "We are just passing by Taizi Lake. I want to go to Taishan County in the north."

Bai Xiaozhao became even more confused after hearing this. What is reverse thinking? I don't understand.

She tilted her head: "Going to Taishan County? Are you going to escape there and take a detour back to Xiushui?"

"I'm planning to take a detour over there."

Chu Xisheng nodded slightly at first, and then there was a strange look in his eyes: "It's not about escaping. Simply escaping will never allow you and me to return to Xiushui safely. The terrain of Taishan County is complex, and there are basalt stones that hinder spiritual perception.

The most suitable place for you and me to fight——"

Just as Chu Xi finished speaking, he saw more than twenty burly figures standing in front of a dense forest ahead.

The leader among them was a blood-wind thief wearing a bloody suit, with a sixth-level cultivation level.

The remaining twenty or so people looked like water pirates, all with dark skin and wearing short coats.

Their cultivation was very good, and Chu Xisheng could clearly sense six or seven of them in the seventh rank.

In the hands of these people, there are either powerful crossbows or heavy bows, and there are even two immortal calamities in them.

When the Blood Wind Thief saw Chu Xisheng, his eyes lit up.

He raised his hand and picked up a bamboo tube and threw it into the sky. The bamboo tube exploded in the air, releasing bright fireworks that illuminated the surrounding area for ten miles.

This person set off the fireworks and looked at Chu Xisheng, his eyes shining with excitement.

Chu Xisheng smiled hoarsely, revealing his cold white teeth: "Xiao Zhao!"

Bai Xiaozhao and Chu Xisheng's essence and blood are connected, and he can sense some of Chu Xisheng's thoughts.

With a "canopy" sound, she changed into the shape of a white ferret and landed on Chu Xisheng's shoulder.

At this moment, dozens of powerful bows and crossbows were fired at Chu Xisheng from the front.

Those two 'immortal calamities' shot out thousands of silver needles in a short period of time.

Chu Xisheng himself swung his sword forward, cutting out a silver-white sword curtain. Against the bows and arrows and silver needles, they struck forward like sharp arrows.

Bai Xiaozhao was a little worried at first, fearing that Chu Xisheng wouldn't be able to cope with those immortal tribulations.

But then he discovered that those bows, arrows and silver needles were all rewinding like a waterfall amidst the jingling sounds.

The water pirates wearing short coats were caught off guard. Most of them were hit by these bows and arrows and silver needles, and they let out bursts of mourning.

Only the sixth-grade Blood Wind Thief withstood the torrential rain of needles.

And just when he dodged the last silver needle, Chu Xisheng had already arrived in front of him.

The heart of the sixth-grade Blood Wind Thief skipped a beat, thinking of Yu Chiyang, the Blood Rain Sword, and Lu Han, the Ghost Shadow Sword, who almost died in the hands of Chu Xisheng and Bai Diao on the river yesterday.

His scalp was numb, and extreme fear was growing in his heart.

But this person immediately suppressed his emotions and spared no effort to slash forward: "Go to hell!"

He exploded with all his strength, his sword speed almost caught up with the Blood Rain Sword Yu Chiyang, and he even exploded with a three-foot sword beam, his momentum was astonishing.

Chu Xisheng did not make any dodge action. After he approached, the Xunfeng Thunder Saber in his right hand came out of its sheath with a 'choking' sound, bringing out a phantom.

The next moment, the Blood Wind Thief's head shot up into the sky, spurting out a large amount of blood.

"Brother is so awesome!" Bai Xiaozhao's eyes lit up with joy.

Chu Xisheng didn't use any powerful moves just now, it was just a sword-drawing move that "came out of nowhere".

However, Chu Xisheng's sword speed was a bit faster than his opponent's, and his sword was also two inches longer than this person's.

This is pure force to overwhelm others, to be stronger and faster than the opponent.

After killing this man, Chu Xisheng continued to run north towards Taizi Lake.

However, he did not speed up because his whereabouts were exposed. He still maintained his previous speed, his posture was nimble and he was swimming leisurely.

Even though Chu Xisheng saw with his own eyes that more masters of the Blood Wind Thieves were approaching and chasing them in front, he only speeded up his movements slightly.

Bai Xiaozhao said nothing and watched silently.

She understood what Chu Xisheng meant.

Since Chu Xisheng has the current strength, why should they escape?

They had no choice but to deal with those people who were on the fifth level, but no one who was below the fifth level could withstand their joint attack.

As long as they maintain a certain speed and do not come into direct contact with these fifth-grade masters, the rest of the Bloodwind Thieves will be slaughtered by them.

However, they still have to return to Taizi Lake as soon as possible. As long as they join up with the Holofish zombies, no one can do anything to them.

Chu Xisheng didn't know what Bai Xiaozhao was thinking.

He was looking at the screen of fireworks in front of him again with slight doubts.

Unlike before, although the fireworks this time were extremely huge and occupied almost all of his field of vision, they were black and gray in color.

Chu Xisheng zoomed in on the illusory screen again.

At this time, his character panel indeed changed.

Reputation: Lower level seven (super genius/evil)

In the reputation column, there is an extra word "evil".

Chu Xisheng focused his attention, and a piece of information appeared in his mind.

——You have been wanted by the court and are regarded as a villain by some people. In addition to your own martial arts reputation, you can gain additional notoriety.

Notoriety makes people fearful, and blood points can be converted into blood points at a 30% discount of martial arts fame.

Chu Xisheng suddenly had two thoughts in his mind.

One is that the prefect Sikong Chan is really troublesome. I don’t know how much money this person spent to smoothen the relationship and put him on the black list.

Another thought is to make money.

His blood points actually increased to more than 1,200 in this short moment!

Chu Xisheng was amazed.

If the blood element points continue to grow according to this trend, he can even try to use the blood element points himself to forcibly upgrade the 'Yai Zhan Martial Intent' to the eighteenth level, thus deducing the complete 'Divine Will Touch Death Knife'.

Being wanted by the court and on the black list, how could he actually have such benefits?

Chu Xisheng felt that something was wrong with this system, as if it was deliberately tempting him to embark on the path of a rebel gangster?

This chapter has been completed!
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