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Chapter 339 Entering the Universe

Back in the mansion, Nina personally took C.C to settle down, while Xiao Yun went to the study to see if there was anything special happening recently.

However, it was really peaceful in just one month. Ernesto arranged for Charles and the others to stay there and then hurried over and began to report to Xiao Yun the situation during this period.

Cagalli had left Orb's homeland a few days ago and went to other countries for a state visit. Xiaoya was also not in the country but took Graham, Asuka and Chenji Holly out to recover Orb's lost treasure.

Various assets are engaged in secret operations, Mina is in Tianzhizhu, and now it is Brother Sanada and Xiaoya's father, the head of the Jiyang family, who maintain the overall situation in the country.

No wonder Cagalli and Xiaoya didn't show up for such a long time even after he came back. It turned out that they all ran out and weren't there at all.

The recent period has been very peaceful and nothing happened. However, the Celestial Being organization that suddenly appeared has carried out more than ten operations in a row and has appeared in the eyes of many people. The emergence of the Celestial Being organization has caused the Atlantic Federation to

Action on South America has also been delayed, and there is nothing else worth mentioning.

"Sir Shizhen, there were also calls from the Atlantic Federation asking about the relationship between our country and the Celestial Being Organization, but the head of the Ji Yang family gave a negative answer without hesitation at that time. Many people speculated that the Celestial Being Organization was probably related to our country and PLANT's Di

Speaker Randall has something to do with it, after all, at the beginning..."

After all, Durandal gave a public speech on behalf of Xiao Yun and the Archangel when he was fighting at the Earth Alliance Army Base in Alaska. It is difficult not to think of the several machines that suddenly appeared to stop the war and Durandal.

The relationship between.

Ernesto added: "However, Speaker Durandal of PLANT also made a public statement that he has nothing to do with the Celestial Being Organization."

Xiao Yun nodded: "Now they are still staying in South America?"

Ernesto said: "Well, after all, the most chaotic place now is South America, but there is news that the United Nations, especially the Atlantic Federation, is very interested in the technology displayed by the Celestials' machines and is already preparing.

Formulate an action plan for heavenly beings."

Xiao Yun asked: "Where did the news come from?"

"It's the message sent back by Miss Mathis."

"Yes, she is the only one who can send this kind of information back. After all, she is the intelligence manager of Phantom Pain." Xiao Yun nodded lightly, and suddenly realized something was wrong and asked in shock: "What did you say just now, this Heavenly Man?"

Conducted more than a dozen operations in a month? What were they thinking, thinking of themselves as peace guards or peacekeepers?"

"Yes, Lord Shizada, we have conducted more than a dozen intervention operations in total." Ernesto counted on his fingers: "Including armed attacks launched by roaming armed groups, hostage rescues, pirate exterminations, and the Atlantic Federation and South American militaries.

Conflicts, armed attacks on adjusters disguised by Blue Cosmos, etc., their actions are reported basically every day.”

Xiao Yun really didn't expect that Tianren would be so diligent. They took actions more than a dozen times a month. It was difficult for the world to know about it, and for some people to keep their eyes on them. He just didn't know the current Lock Ang and

To what extent Setsuna and I have grown, they probably haven't grown into pure-bred revolutionaries yet. Otherwise, they would definitely notify the library base and Ernesto would also report to him as soon as possible.

Xiao Yun asked again: "What has Miss Nina been doing during this time?"

Ernesto shook his head: "I didn't do anything. Apart from working as an instructor in the special forces, I usually stay at home. When Miss Cajiali and Miss Xiaoya are around, they will come over to have dinner with Miss Nina. Sometimes

Let’s go shopping too.”

"I understand." Xiao Yun waved his hand and ordered: "Ernesto, prepare yourself for going to the universe tomorrow."

"Okay, Tokisada-sama, are you taking the Archangel?"

"Yes." Xiao Yun nodded and said, "Remember to invite all the guests. The World No. 3 they came to has not even truly set foot in the universe. Taking them out for a tour can also help them learn more about this world.


Ernesto said: "I'll make arrangements right away."

There are quite a few resident pilots on the Archangel now, basically six Stellas, mainly two generations of Xiaoqiang, and they are all using new non-nuclear aircraft. After all, Orb has also signed a contract

One of the countries that limits the number of nuclear energy has MS.

One of the tougher points before was that the Atlantic Federation and even the entire Federation had acquiesced in the fact that the Archangel belonged to Orb. As a relatively famous battleship, the body of the Archangel will naturally receive great attention.

, in order not to cause trouble for Orb, all the previously mounted units naturally need to be replaced.

Naturally, there will be some limitations after the original nuclear power machine has been transformed into a high-energy battery machine, but this does not mean that the performance of the machine itself will be worse than the machine they used before. The only limitation is energy.

The use of long-distance physical weapons and medium and long-distance live ammunition combined with light beams can also avoid excessive consumption of energy to the greatest extent. In this world, the technology of mobile suit has developed extremely fast. Nowadays, the Shuguang Club has put out all kinds of special machines for public use.

Excellent performance.

After Nina helped C.C make the arrangements, she came to the study and called Xiao Yun. The three of them left the mansion under the protection of the guards and went shopping in the city for a long time. Nina also bought a lot of things for C.C. It seemed that she was interested in her current life.

I'm already quite used to it.

When it was time to rest at night, C.C got into Xiao Yun's quilt again, and the two of them just hugged each other and slept quietly for another night without doing anything.

The next day, Xiao Yun also called Nina to join him, but Nina refused to go to the universe with Xiao Yun and stayed at home, so Xiao Yun could only take C.C to the Archangel.

After seeing the huge body of the Archangel, C.C also stared at it intently for a while. After sighing a few words, he followed Xiao Yun across the trestle and entered the Archangel.

When Charles and others later saw the Archangel, they were more shocked than C.C was surprised and curious. They are knowledgeable people, but the more they understand, the more they can understand the technical gap between them.

How old and how big the body is doesn’t fully explain the problem, it’s more about other aspects.

When they came to the bridge, some familiar figures were gone, and there were a few more members who joined the Archangel later. For example, Kira's classmates had basically chosen to leave. Only two people stayed, Mirialia and Toto.

This pair of you.

Mu and Baji Lulu are not here either. Mu is currently occupying other positions, and Baji Lulu is the captain of another battleship. It is normal for them to be absent. Apart from the two of them, the previous members of the Archangel are also absent.


When Xiao Yun brought C.C to the bridge, Ma Liu was also making preparations before departure. When he heard the sound of the bridge opening, he looked back, stood up and saluted Xiao Yun.

Xiao Yun smiled and waved his hand: "No need to keep busy with you. I'll come over and take a look. I feel that the bridge is a lot different from before."

Ma Liu nodded: "Well, after all, it is the flagship used by the Orb leader. The previous bridge seemed a bit too dark and depressing, so the Dawn Society made a lot of changes to the Archangel before, and there was a reference to the Eternal.

The bridge was designed so that it is much simpler and brighter now.”

"And now the renovated bridge also uses a brand new system, equipped with a highly automated system and artificial intelligence. It can handle various problems with fewer people. After all, Bucky Lulu is gone and there is no configuration for me.

Vice Captain, this kind of change is more friendly to me now. The internal transformation mainly focuses on safety measures and the comfort of the living area. It increases the comfort of the ship while ensuring that the combat power of the Archangel is not reduced.

, the current Archangel is a flagship that can represent you, Tokisada-sama."

The former Angel's bridge was not too small and had staggered levels up and down, but it was a typical pragmatic design. Now that the changes have been made, you can't tell from the outside, but the interior is still somewhat different. For example, the rearranged ship

The bridge has some free space.

Ma Liu clicked on the screen in front of him, and two comfortable chairs rose up from the bottom behind him: "Now there are additional configurations like this, which fits the status of being a flagship, right?"

Xiao Yun smiled: "When can we set off."

Ma Liu said: "The final preparations are being made. The inspection will be completed within half an hour and the voyage will begin."

Xiao Yun nodded and said to C.C: "This is Malu Lamias, who is also the captain of this battleship Archangel. She is a very capable and charming woman."

C.C walked over with Xiao Yun, nodded slightly to Ma Liu and said coldly: "Hello Captain Lamias, I am C.C, Xiao Yun's maid."

After hearing C.C's self-introduction, Ma Liu unconsciously glanced at Xiao Yun, then smiled and stretched out her hand: "Hello C.C, just call me Ma Liu."

C.C nodded slightly, not knowing when to be polite: "Okay, Malu."

Ma Liu smiled hoarsely and nodded: "As for the situation of this ship, let us, Mr. Shizhen, who has nothing to do, can introduce it to you."

"Sit down first." Xiao Yun took C.C to sit on the two chairs raised behind Ma Liu. After C.C sat down, he looked around curiously.

Half an hour passed quickly. As the self-inspection work was completed, Malu also issued the attack order. The Archangel's engine started and began to take off. It raised the bow and flew higher in the sky, and then headed towards

After firing the positron cannon from the front, the entire ship rushed into the universe at extremely high speeds.

Feeling the vibration of the ship, C.C was not worried at all. Instead, she was very curious about the gravity-free environment after entering the universe. After getting Xiao Yun's permission, she loosened her seat belt and began to float behind the bridge.

"The target is Tianzhizhu. We will not release the combat readiness status for the time being. Pay more attention to the surrounding situation. Contact Tianzhizhu to prepare for our entry."

After giving instructions, Ma Liu turned the chair to the back. Seeing C.C's cool and fresh look floating around behind, she couldn't help but cover her mouth and chuckled: "This Miss C.C is really a pure person."

"Ha." Xiao Yun glanced at C.C., who was playing with herself as if dancing, and smiled at Ma Liu: "That's how she is, she only focuses on what she is interested in. Such a character is not good.

Easily affected by external conditions.”

Malu looked at C.C and asked: "Lord Tokisada, how are the sailing routes arranged this time? There are only six MSs on the ship now. If you want to go to disputed areas and more dangerous places, I suggest you make more preparations.


Xiao Yundao: "Go to the library first and then go to PLANT. It can be regarded as a private visit."

"PALNT? Private visit?" Malu was a little surprised and said: "But in this case, is it too much to take the Archangel? After all, this is a battleship."

"It doesn't matter." Xiao Yun waved his hand and said, "A battleship is just a battleship. If it is really an official visit, it is not a battleship."

Ma Liu stroked her head gently and said helplessly: "Okay."

Xiao Yun said: "No. 0 is building a large warship over there and has not yet chosen a suitable captain. Are you interested in serving as the captain of that ship?"

"Me?" Ma Liu was stunned for a moment and then became a little hesitant. After thinking about it, he shook his head and said, "I still want to stay here."

"That's it, okay then."

Xiao Yun nodded without forcing himself. Although there were few captains around him who could be trusted by him and capable of commanding a battleship, they were not absent. If there was no Ma Liu, there would still be Bucky Lulu. Their abilities were indistinguishable.

Even Bucky Lulu's ability is even stronger. If Malu wants to stay, just let Bucky Lulu go. Maybe Bucky Lulu won't refuse to go there.

Xiao Yun stood up and said to Ma Liu: "I will take C.C downstairs for a visit. If there is any emergency, let me know."


"Gone C.C."

Xiao Yun stretched out his hand to pull C.C to his side, and took C.C with him to get on the elevator leaving the bridge and head to other areas of the Archangel.

C.C had a slight smile on his face: "It turns out that this is what it feels like to be in space. It's really interesting. So what should I do when eating? Can I eat pizza on this ship?"

Xiao Yun said: "There are also many places on the ship that have gravity. Normally, only when the combat readiness state is in place, the gravity equipment will be turned off to save energy. After the safety of the surroundings is ensured, the combat readiness state will be released and the gravity in the living area will return to normal.

As for the pizza, the kitchen should be able to make it. If you want to eat it, I will have someone prepare it for you."

C.C asked: "Does your country have many such battleships?"

Xiao Yun shook his head gently: "Aub is just a small country in this world. Although its national power is relatively powerful in the entire world, it is still far behind the real big countries. This ship is what I got from another country.

They were poached by the big forces. Orb itself does not actually have many such space battleships, but the Earth United and PLANT have many."

This chapter has been completed!
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