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Chapter 353 Don’t let go

Under the guidance of the lieutenant, the commercial car rushed all the way to the shelter. Before the car stopped, the lieutenant opened the door and jumped out of the car, slapping the emergency button.

When he saw the shelter door open, he turned around and shouted to the people who were getting off the car behind him: "Get in quickly!"

Xiao Yun followed the door and got out of the car. He glanced in the direction of the fighting not far away and was escorted into the shelter by the fierce man.

The last lieutenant who came in also quickly closed the door of the shelter tightly, and then turned back to look at Xiao Yun with a sigh of relief: "Mr. Shizhen, Miss Shirley, are you okay?"

Xiao Yun waved his hand: "It's okay."

"I'm fine, thank you for your help." Shirley laughed dryly, but still showed considerable tolerance towards the savior at this time: "I think it's best not to happen again, but what happened outside just now

What exactly is a creature? Why do you want to attack here?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the shelter suddenly began to shake violently, making everyone unsteady, and even the lights in the shelter were extinguished.

Seeing the opportunity, Xiao Yun shook his butt with a wicked smile and knocked the long-haired boy away. He opened his hands and directly hugged the unprepared Shirley into his arms. The sound of the boy falling to the ground was accompanied by

The cry of ouch also sounded in the shelter.

When the lights came on again, Shirley was completely pressed against Xiao Yun's chest and was hugged tightly by Xiao Yun's two hands.

In this shelter, in addition to the boy with long blue hair who looks like a princess lying on the ground with his butt sticking out, Cong Yungui is half-kneeling on the ground and protecting another short girl.

In his arms, the fierce man Steve and the lieutenant were also standing well.

Seeing the boy's miserable condition, the lieutenant quickly helped him up: "Everyone, please be careful and lean against the wall. There is a battle going on outside and there may be more severe vibrations."

Xiao Yun looked down at Shirley Lu who was lying in his arms. He did not let go of his hands but continued to hold Shirley Lu in his arms: "Miss Shirley Lu, are you okay?"

Shirley Lu paused and stammered, her body trembling slightly: "No...I'm fine...Don't, don't let go."

Xiao Yun looked embarrassed: "Isn't this bad?"

Shirley Lu instantly raised her head with a look of pleading in her eyes. When Xiao Yun saw this, she nodded her head in a kind manner.

"Go over there, go over there." Shirley Lu pressed against Xiao Yun's chest and kept rubbing it.

Xiao Yun suppressed his smile and nodded again. He directly hugged Shirley Lu and turned around. In the eyes of others who were inexplicably stunned, he directly took Shirley Lu to a corner of the shelter. In the eyes of others, Xiao Yun's next actions

It was more like lowering his head and biting Shirley's ear.

But in fact, Xiao Yun did not do such a thing. He just said something in Shirley Lu's ear: "Shirley Lu, is this a skin-to-skin kiss? I didn't expect that Shirley Lu's figure is much better than it looks."

What's more, the elasticity and touch are really shocking. I will never forget what happened today."

After hearing this, Shirley's face turned red from her chin to her ears. She gritted her teeth and quickly lifted up her slipped skirt from under Xiao Yun's full breasts. In addition to letting Xiao Yun feel it for herself,

It also gave Xiao Yun a feast for his eyes.

This is also the real reason why she hugged Xiao Yun tightly and asked him not to let go. Xiao Yun's hands just passed under her armpits and he hugged her tightly, making it impossible for her to adjust her skirt.

If she separated from Xiao Yun, the skirt would definitely fall off her body immediately, and that would be a truly desperate situation.

It is more reasonable to be taken advantage of by one person than to be feasted by everyone in the entire shelter. After putting on her skirt, Shirley looked up and gritted her teeth and sneered: "If you dare to upload the visual data, I will never do it."

I will let you go."

"Visual data?" Xiao Yun raised his hand and hooked Shirley Lu's chin. He put his other hand on Shirley Lu and whispered softly: "It's not that Galaxy implant modification is illegal here. How can I have any vision?"

The data can be uploaded, but it was Miss Shirley Lu who asked me not to let go and brought you over here. Everyone heard this."

The fierce man giggled in the distance and scratched his hair: "I heard BOSS."

Xiao Yun also gave a toothy smile to Shirley, stretched out his hand to touch the soft ear, which was still a little hot... He changed his posture and touched the other side with his other hand. Well, there it is.


The fierce man's words made Shirley's face turn even redder. She slapped Xiao Yun's hand away and turned her head away, forcing herself to look calm.

Xiao Yun smiled and let go of Shirley Lu, but without Shirley Lu noticing, he took something from her body and put it into his pocket. He looked at the lieutenant who had an admiring expression on his face.

Said: "Lieutenant, can you contact the outside to confirm the current situation?"


Shirley Lu stood behind Xiao Yun and turned her head slightly to look over there curiously. The lieutenant took out the communicator and looked at it twice before shaking his head at Xiao Yun: "I don't know why, but it seems that he has received many serious injuries."

There is no way to communicate with the outside due to interference. I can try to see if the communication equipment inside the shelter can be used. Now even if I have to wait for rescue, I am afraid that no one will come until the battle outside is over."

Shirley Lu gave Xiao Yun a gentle blow and frowned slightly: "Who are you, and what is the situation outside?"

Xiao Yun looked back at Shirley Lu and said, "By the way, you don't know yet."

These words made Shirley suddenly confused: "What?"

The lieutenant said quickly: "Mr. Tokisada, that matter has not been confirmed and cannot be disclosed to the public!"

Xiao Yun shook his head and said: "What does it matter? Shirley is also a member of the Galaxy ship group anyway and she has the right to know."

"What are you talking about?" Shirley Lu squeezed out from behind Xiao Yun, holding the skirt collar on her chest with one hand and grabbing Xiao Yun's arm with the other, frowning and urging: "I must know what happened!!


"The Galaxy fleet is missing." Xiao Yun looked at Shirley and said, "It has been 24 hours now. I escaped here from the technology island ship abandoned by Galaxy, and I saw many people there.

The kind of creature you saw just now, I can only say that the situation is very tragic."

Shirley Lu was suddenly startled, looking at Xiao Yun with a dull expression and slowly shaking his head in disbelief: "Impossible, impossible."

Xiao Yun shook his head: "The number of bugs I saw there was not the only one you saw. They probably broke through the defense line without any resistance. But because I was also a witness to this incident, so

When we come to this ship group, we are actually restricted from the right to move freely, so the fact that I have a lieutenant with me is considered a kind of surveillance."

"Galaxy..." the long-haired boy muttered and repeated the word, and glanced at Shirley Lu: "Is this the ship group where Miss Shirley Lu lives?"

The short-haired girl was also holding her schoolbag and looking at Shirley in a daze.

"Such a thing...how could such a thing be possible?" Shirley shook her head violently. Her feet went limp but Xiao Yun immediately reached out and helped her up.

After taking a few breaths to calm down, Shirley Lu pushed Xiao Yun away and stood firm, saying with a firm face: "Absolutely impossible, how could something happen so easily without any information? It's just that the disappearance may be due to FOLD

I believe everyone will be fine due to the temporary loss of contact due to the broken relationship."

Xiao Yun smiled at Shirley: "You are right, maybe we just lost contact temporarily."

Shirley frowned: "You said you came over from the Galaxy Ship Group's island ship? What's it like over there now? You... why did you..."

"Okay, I know what you want to ask." Xiao Yun walked to one side and sat down against the wall, saying: "I'm not from that ship group, I just happened to be there. We were on the island when there was an attack there.

We took refuge on the ship as soon as possible without knowing the complete situation. After the bugs left, we found a boat over there and ran here, so the situation you mentioned is not impossible."

After Xiao Yun finished speaking, he looked at the long-haired boy and the short girl, and said with a smile: "What do you call the two of you? It is fate that we can evacuate together. Why don't you introduce yourself?"

The boy looked at Xiao Yun and said, "Alt, thank you for saving us."

The short girl also hurriedly bent down and said as if she had recovered her senses: "Lanhua, Lanhua Li, thank you for your help."

Xiao Yun smiled and said: "Wait a minute, the fighting outside may be over soon, and you can go home by then."

Everyone immediately became quiet. Even though there was no sound inside, you could still hear the movement outside. When no sound was heard, the fierce man came to Xiao Yun's side: "BOSS, the battle outside seems to have ended."

Steve also stood up from the ground: "BOSS, do you want us to go out and have a look first? If it's over, it's best to leave as soon as possible and move to a safe place."

The lieutenant had been contacting the terminal operator over there. After finally waiting for the connection, he quickly informed the other end of the situation. After the communication was interrupted, he relaxed a lot and said to everyone: "I have contacted the island.

Ship management office, they will send people to rescue soon."

This was really fast. In less than twenty minutes, the hatch of the shelter was opened from the outside. Catherine, wearing protective clothing and holding a helmet in her hand, and several staff members appeared at the door.

Catherine clearly looked relieved when she saw Shirley, but when she saw Xiao Yun, her eyes suddenly filled with anger: "You dragged that thing back to the spacecraft without even checking whether it was alive or dead, and you even took it away.

Sold to us!”

"That's not my fault." Xiao Yun kept shaking his head and said: "Normally, everyone would think that a headshot would kill them. Who knew that this thing's vitality is so tenacious that it can still live without its head. Besides, this thing

There was absolutely no movement when the things were on my ship. If there is a problem during your transportation, it is not my fault."

As soon as Catherine bit her silver teeth, she had the urge to swallow Xiao Yun. If Xiao Yun hadn't taken away the things that should be recovered by them as trophies, this kind of thing might have happened during the transportation after the transaction.

Something went wrong again.

But this time, there was more than one insect that attacked the ship again. It is not appropriate to blame Xiao Yun for the fact that an insect that was supposed to die during transportation came back to life, but it is really unreasonable not to blame him.

"Shirley!" A woman wearing glasses squeezed in from the outside. Seeing that Shirley was fine, a relieved smile appeared on her face: "It's great that you are okay."

"Grace." Shirley Lu ran over and hugged the woman who suddenly appeared. She gritted her teeth while controlling her emotions and asked, "Did something happen to the Galaxy fleet??"

"Ah?" Grace was stunned for a moment, but the expression of Catherine next to her suddenly became even more ugly. She stared at Xiao Yun fiercely as if she wanted him to give an explanation.

Grace touched Shirley's forehead and said with a worried look: "What happened? What happened to the Galaxy fleet? Were you scared? You're fine now."

"I'm fine." Shirley Lu pushed away Grace's hand, pointed her hand in the direction of Xiao Yun and said anxiously: "He said that the Galaxy fleet was attacked by the monster just now and has disappeared, right?"

Xiao Yun blinked at Grace: "I didn't say anything."

Alter flicked his long hair, put one hand in his pocket and dug out his ears and said, "No, sir, you did say that."

Xiao Yun stretched out his hand and gestured towards the fierce man. The fierce man nodded with a sinister smile and then looked at Art. The latter was startled and quickly turned his head away.

Grace was stunned and her eyes immediately focused on Xiao Yun: "Sir, where did you get the news?"

Before Xiao Yun could say anything, Shirley Lu couldn't help but speak: "He escaped from Galaxy."

Grace was obviously confused for a moment. After being stunned, she first comforted Shirley and then asked Xiao Yun: "Shirley, don't be anxious first. What is your name for this gentleman? You said you were from Galaxy Ship."

The group came here, so you saw the group being attacked, right?"

Xiao Yun sighed: "Yeah, yeah, anyway, it was attacked by insects over there, and there were no living people found everywhere. When we ran out of the island boat over there, everything we saw was destroyed.

Ships and fighter planes, and apart from the island ship, the main fleet is nowhere to be seen.”

Grace turned to look at Catherine: "Manager Catherine, what is going on? Why didn't I notify us of such a big thing?"

Catherine glared at Xiao Yun and quickly explained to Grace: "The situation has not been determined yet. We are ready to send people there to confirm the situation first. Once the specific situation is confirmed, we will definitely let you know.


Grace also looked worried and said to Xiao Yun: "Can this gentleman take some time to come out and talk in detail? I want to know more about the situation over there."

Xiao Yun showed a smile: "It's not impossible. It depends on whether the administrator Catherine agrees. Because of the Galaxy Ship Group incident, I have been restricted by the administrator Catherine. Miss Grace, you belong to Miss Shirley Lu.

An agent, in other words, he should be considered a relatively influential person. If you can do me a favor, I still have a lot to talk to Miss Grace."

This chapter has been completed!
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