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Chapter 367 Damn it

The entire load of the heavy armored backpack used by Xiao Yun in a battle was really not enough for him to waste, especially in such a large-scale chaotic battle against a target with extremely high mobility, offensiveness and defensive capabilities like vajra.

The ammunition that needs to be consumed will require more.

Xiao Yun likes to rely on powerful firepower to cover the enemy, but covering it does not mean that it can be eliminated. The prerequisite for elimination is the quality and quantity of firepower coverage. It is true that micro missiles have everything, but when encountering an enemy like Vajra, nothing is missing.

Under the same circumstances, Xiao Yun could directly destroy a squadron of mobile suits with the ammunition he carried when going into battle, but he did not have the courage to face vajra, and he could not handle it at all.

The maximum ammunition load of micro-missiles on a normal aircraft body may be close to 72 rounds. However, when equipped with an AP heavy armor backpack, it can only carry more than 200 rounds of ammunition. A salvo fire is 60 rounds. However, due to different pilots,

Even if an ordinary pilot relies on the auxiliary system, it is difficult for an ordinary pilot to complete sixty times of locking in a short period of time. He will launch missiles almost as soon as he finds an opportunity when the lock is reached. This greatly increases the combat endurance time.

But Xiao Yun is different. Even if he only performs preliminary locking without VT assistance, it is not difficult for him at all. He can attack with the maximum launch volume every time. With such a squandering method, he can kill all the enemies in three attempts.

All the micro-missiles were discharged.

However, the handheld cannon used by the VF-25 cannot be replenished from the body itself. Once the ammunition is used up, it is really gone. Without various backpacks and whiteboards, it is equivalent to holding a Strike Gundam.

It's like jumping out with two rocket launchers and fighting the enemy. The ability to sustain combat is simply unbearable.

This machine is indeed good, and the advantages are obvious. But it is also bad, and the shortcomings are equally obvious.

Xiao Yun had already figured out the situation of this machine clearly in just one battle. No wonder this kind of machine, whose performance clearly exceeds that of the VF-17, was not selected for large-scale assembly by the central unified army of this world. It is really

Compared with the VF-17, this kind of machine is really not cost-effective.

The advantages of the VF-25 are obvious for small-scale battles with small teams, but it can be used for large-scale and long-term group battles. The shortcomings of this aircraft are also obvious. The aircraft cannot always return to replenish ammunition during the battle.

Before the battle was over, Xiao Yun's number of kills reached 12, and he began to return in despair. Not a single cannon bullet was left, and not a missile was left. Only the low-power beam laser of the aircraft itself was not as good as live ammunition.

The power of the cannon is so powerful that hitting the Vajra's carapace feels worse than scratching it. In this case, it would be impossible not to return home.

Before Xiao Yun could replenish his ammunition and attack a second time, the insect drifted away, arriving suddenly and leaving without any warning.

This time the battle fleet was also in a mess. There was no time to take care of the situation on Xiao Yun's side. He just received a notice from the new unified army to return home, so Xiao Yun took his own people back.

The good luck may be due to the fact that no one was lost in this very skilled company. Everyone was very good at following orders. They put their own lives first and did not imitate Xiao Yun's rampage.

They maintained their formation and assisted the New United Army to hold on to the front, but the losses on the New United Army's side were considerable. One battleship was destroyed and at least a dozen fighter planes were destroyed. The specific damage is unknown.

Returning back to the factory, Xiao Yun took off his helmet, shook his head, opened the cockpit and jumped out. In a few steps, he came to the side of Stella's body, which was returning with him. At this time, the body was already partially damaged.

There was a burning smell coming out, and one arm and one leg were hit, but luckily the cockpit was intact.

Stella opened the cockpit, stood up, took off her helmet, and whispered apologetically: "I'm sorry Xiao Yun, I damaged the machine body."

Xiao Yun looked at Stella up and down and was relieved to see that she was indeed fine: "As long as the person is fine, the body doesn't matter. No injuries, right?"

"No." Stella shook her head and said, "The defensive performance of this body is better than imagined."

"That's good." Xiao Yun took Stella out of the machine and watched as Luo and a group of people quickly gathered around. This technical team composed of their own terminal-type pseudo-reformers, Xinxing Heavy Industries and LAI was the first

It was time to start inspecting the body.

Luo stopped next to Xiao Yun: "I have recorded all the battle data just now. Although Xiaoba's specific analysis results have not yet come out, the advantages and disadvantages of this kind of machine are very extreme. I want to make a preliminary judgment from the machine itself.

Modifications will be very troublesome. If the airframe must be used, in the short term the only way to make up for the shortcomings of the airframe is by mounting a backpack. Otherwise..."

Xiao Yun shook his head: "The backpack is just a backpack. We can only use it until we get our own body. This body is very comfortable to drive. The maneuverability and top speed are indeed quite excellent, but it is not long-lasting and does not provide a sense of security. It seems...

The human body feels like a very fragile body, and each has its own advantages compared to MS."

Luo nodded and said: "This is due to the difference in combat distance. Moreover, the empty configuration of this aircraft body is only 8.5 tons. The thickness of the armor is actually quite pitiful. It relies entirely on those special devices to give the aircraft body its extraordinary strength.

However, the lightness of the machine body does bring many advantages. I think if it is placed on size 0, it will be more practical than the Titan and MS in most situations."

Xiao Yun nodded: "You will preside over the development of a brand new body. After all, we have a solar furnace and the weight of the body is not a technical consideration."

Luo shook his head: "Aerodynamics can also be left out of consideration, but then why is it necessary to develop such a body?"

Xiao Yun was stunned for a moment: "Well... yes, isn't that worthless?"

Luo Dao: "It can't be said that. There are still many benefits brought by the lightweight body. The two technologies of pinpoint defense system and energy conversion armor can be used in many aspects. Although aerodynamics is not among the main considerations, it is also very important.

A useful parameter, just the fact that this kind of machine can escape the gravity of the planet alone is not something that MS can do."

Xiao Yun: "………………"

Luo Dao: "Bring more people back. It's not a big problem for just these people to develop a few backpacks, but if you want to design and develop a new body, it's definitely not enough. Some things have to be shipped over there."

Xiao Yun nodded lightly: "I will look for opportunities."

At this time, Regeni also parked his machine and came to Xiao Yun's side: "Master Xiao Yun."

"Thank you for your hard work." Xiao Yun patted Regeni's shoulder and said: "If you work harder, the newly integrated people should come over soon to hand over. You are responsible for completing the work. This time, we will help for free without charge.

All fees will be paid with the corpses of the bugs. You can tell them directly that we are very interested in bugs and want to study them. What you really need to pay attention to is the purple crystals in the bugs. You can take care of the rest by yourself."

Regeni nodded: "I know what to do."

Xiao Yun nodded and touched Stella's head: "Go and change clothes and come with me later."

Stella's eyes suddenly lit up: "Yeah."

"I'm going to change clothes too."

After Xiao Yun changed his clothes and came out, he had to wait for the people from the Paw Paw Team to clean up. As soon as he came out, he saw Cong Yunqi and Luo discussing something in a low voice in front of Xiao Ba who looked like a portable computer. He was a little curious and put his head together.


When he came closer, a blue machine was displayed on Xiaoba's screen. Xiao Yun took one look at it and asked, "Is this Murasame?"

Luo and Cong Yun looked back at Xiao Yun. Luo shook his head and said: "Not really, it should be said that it is a new Murasame sketch that combines the designs of deformed fighter aircraft in this world. It only has an outer appearance but no internal structure. Me and Cong Yun are discussing this aircraft."

What kind of performance should the body have, but the three-stage deformation structure is indeed a troublesome point for us. If we completely follow the village model, the waist and hips must be modified to a large extent, which will make the body too fragile.

Moreover, the aerodynamics are indeed not up to the level of a deformed fighter. If we want to develop weapons, the three-stage deformation is a hurdle that cannot be bypassed. If we use it ourselves, there is not much meaning because of the solar furnace."

Xiao Yundao: "Commercial products try to follow the customs here. There is really no need for us to use them ourselves. Everyone knows the usage habits of the body. I don't understand the technical aspects, but at least the transforming fighter can do what we use ourselves."

The body must also be able to do it.”

Luo sighed: "One month is a small update and three months is a major upgrade. Today's technology changes so fast that I am really busy."

Xiao Yun patted Luo on the shoulder: "Come on, you can do it."

Luo rolled his eyes: "Don't say sarcastic words, your eyes are glowing red and mine are bleeding."

Cong Yungui shook his head: "I will also help this time, but Xiao Yun, you still have to call more people over. There are many places worth developing in this place. Now that we have the opportunity to lay a foundation, I think it should be well operated.

Up, and the technology used by this ship group is definitely far superior to PLANT hourglass, and it is of great value."

Xiao Yun glanced at Cong Yunxi: "I have a plan."

Cong Yungui suddenly lowered his voice: "One more thing. During the battle just now, I vaguely noticed that someone nearby has been paying attention to our battle, but when I wanted to look for it, I didn't know where the attention came from.

Where, I suspect that those bugs may be controlled by humans, and I think someone may have targeted us now."

Xiao Yun said slowly: "I understand, I will pay attention to find the person, Luo, where is that earring."

Luo took out the earring from his clothes and threw it to Xiao Yun: "Is it because of this earring that you opened the door for no reason before? The crystal in the insect's body is this purple stone? This thing is of great research value. I must find a way to get more of it.

It might be of great use to us."

Xiao Yun glanced at Luo: "You didn't find it strange at that time why I could open the door suddenly?"

"There's nothing surprising, right?" Luo scratched his head and said, "Didn't you rush to bring this earring to me for testing?"

Xiao Yun didn't want to say anything anymore. These people were simply too smart and they all helped him find the reason. Well, he was the only one who finally reacted.

After everyone in the Paw Paw Team had changed their clothes and packed up and came out, Xiao Yun finally said a few words to Luo: "Remember to use high firepower, high firepower with higher coverage, and think of a way to kill the insects.

It would also be good to have a biological regeneration backpack after research on the regenerative biological missile. If it doesn't work, you can use beam tracking. This attack method is super easy to use. The Dragoon also installed a VT for me to help me with the operation.

It’s big, and the beam saber and cluster grenades are very useful.”

Luo showed a bright smile to Xiao Yun, raised his hand and pointed in the direction of the exit: "Get out."

Xiao Yun twitched the corner of his mouth twice and muttered: "Why is this guy swearing? I remember whose body's beam can track the target on its own..."

Cong Yunqi smiled bitterly: "Why are you competing with him?"

Luo took a deep breath to calm down his mood: "Is that a request that a human can make? Beam-tracking bio-backpack regenerative missile? I'm not a god, how can I possibly do it?"

Cong Yunyun patted Luo: "Take your time, you know he is a person who will never give up until he achieves his goal. Deal with it first, otherwise I can't imagine what he will do to achieve this goal."

Luo Hehe: "Just tie a bug to your back."

Cong Yunxiu pushed up his glasses and his wise and calm eyes fell on Luo's face, which made Luo stunned for a moment: "It's really possible, electronic nerve access control, biological weapons mechanized transformation backpack... Damn, I want to go back


On the way back to the car after leaving the factory, Xiao Yun, who was resting, suddenly opened his eyes: "Steve."

Steve, the co-pilot, turned around: "What's wrong, BOSS?"

"Where is Grace?"

Steve was silent for a moment, looking a little embarrassed: "BOSS, I don't know where she is, but I am innocent."

"Hey." Xiao Yun sighed deeply and felt helpless: "Why can't one or two of you keep up with my thinking pace? Do you think I'm a lunatic, so you use lunatic thinking logic to speculate on my thoughts?

To answer, do I know that you are innocent and that woman can like you? That's not what I mean. What I mean is that the woman is not a human being. She is an electronic biochemical person. Does she have that kind of function and desire?


Steve was silent again and hesitated: "BOSS, have you ever thought that you unknowingly led everyone astray?"

Xiao Yun asked: "Do you know that Mishima Lyon?"

Steve nodded: "I know, the auxiliary officer of this fleet is also equivalent to the chief secretary."

Xiao Yundao: "Let people keep an eye on him and investigate his behavior patterns."

Steve asked: "Where's Grace? There are many special electronic devices in her body that would be easily discovered by her if they were to keep an eye on this woman."

Xiao Yun glanced at Steve: "You actually know."

Steve was helpless: "BOSS, we can be considered knights after all. We still have the ability to observe, not to mention our equipment is not that backward."

(End of chapter)

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