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Chapter 430 Ruins

It’s okay to let Shirley pass, but let this crazy primitive devil pass...

Xiao Yun said that he was a little panicked.

If most people who know Xiao Yun have nothing to do with him, then to most people, including Xiao Yun, the original demon is also a crazy and helpless existence.

Because I can't control him, it will be troublesome to fight.

The original demon turned into a human form and landed in front of several people. It looked roughly the same as a human being, but you didn't need to look too closely to see the difference.

"You idiot..." Xiao Yun scratched his hair and looked at the other party and said, "Three chapters of agreement."

The original demon nodded excitedly: "No problem, the ultimate beauty of the Milky Way is the fresh song. The surging song enters the soul. I can make a three-part agreement with you."

Xiao Yun looked at Lacus: "Lacus."

Lux nodded and smiled slightly, and said to the original demon: "Mr. Demon, the first requirement is that you are absolutely not allowed to hurt anyone. You must listen to my arrangements. If you need anything, please tell me and I will prepare it for you.


The original demon is indeed a fool. He seems to be unable to distinguish between one request and three requests. He nods his head happily: "I promise you, I promise you all, no matter how many requests there are, I agree to them all."

Shirley Lu was a little surprised: "This is the original demon, and you just agreed to it?"

Lux smiled slightly: "It doesn't matter. I think Mr. Demon is a good person. The second requirement is that Mr. Demon is absolutely not allowed to reveal anything about the existence of another world and us."

Silly Bird raised his head, as if he was possessed by Lux's voice, with a proud look on his face: "Yes, I am a good person, I promise you."

"I'll tell Mr. Devil after I think of the third request."

"Okay, no matter how many requests you have, I will agree to it."

Shirley looked at Lux and then at Silly Bird. After a moment of silence, she nodded in agreement: "Yes, you are Silly Bird. I went up to pack my clothes."

Xiao Yun looked at the original demon, and stretched out his hand to mark the silly bird, but as soon as he raised his hand, the original demon retreated and hid far away, looking at Xiao Yun with a cautious expression: "Don't touch me.

, you are poisonous."

Xiao Yun's raised hand froze for a moment, then he laughed and touched his head: "Okay, what do you have to prepare?"

"No, can you go?"

Lux smiled slightly: "Let's wait until Miss Shirley puts away her clothes and comes down before leaving."

"Okay." Silly Bird looked at Xiao Yun cautiously: "Stay away from me."

Xiao Yun rolled his eyes and found a place to sit down. Kruse, who was watching from the side, smiled and sat next to Xiao Yun. When Shirley came down with her suitcase, Xiao Yun sent her to No. 1.


When Xiao Yun came back, he casually asked: "You are so relieved."

Xiao Yun shook his head: "It will be okay. That original demon really has no intention of harming anyone, otherwise the current Galaxy Festival would be its best hunting ground."

"It's probably just for fun." Cruze said: "Although his personality is a bit worse, he seems to have no resistance to Lux. I'm just curious about how powerful this primitive demon is."

"Probably the kind of power that can completely destroy the alliance." Xiao Yun smiled and said, "Don't worry about it. With Lux watching, everything will be fine."

Kruse stood up: "Well, I'll go and get busy first. Representatives of the Central Integration Mission have been contacting me since more than ten hours ago. It's almost time to go see them."


Kruse left, put down the tea cup in his hand, threw away the magazine he found from nowhere, and looked at Xiao Yun: "Then what are we going to do next."

"Inspection, there are still tests." Xiao Yun stood up and stretched out his hand: "Do the witches who belong to the Great Demon King want to come with us?"

"Ha." He chuckled and put his hand in Xiao Yun's hand, stood up and looked at Xiao Yun: "How can the Demon King not be accompanied by the Witch?"

The first stop is World 0. The first thing to do when returning to World 0 is to find a place suitable for insect swarms to live on Chimera. When Xiao Yun came back this time, he also brought vajra insect eggs with him.

Xiao Yun drove his car and escorted as if on a tour to 'inspect' the planet that in fact belonged to him.

Chimera is not the kind of place that is conventionally particularly suitable for human survival. At least it cannot be regarded as a place like Utopia, and it is not comparable to the Earth. The natural resources that human technology can now utilize can be said to be inferior to many other planets.

It's very barren, but it's much better than Planet 4, where the revolution and rotation are just offset. At least there's a normal day and night transition.

Therefore, except for the City of Desire, there are no other large cities on this planet. At best, there are many small gathering places. The backgrounds of these gathering places are also quite complicated, occupying an area and doing various things.


There are a lot of industrial enterprise-type gathering places in Camerra. After the rebels and the TMC reached an agreement on a ceasefire, many such enterprises have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain. Those who are willing to pay protection fees and want to open factories will get them.

The next place is used as one's base camp. Similar to Shuguang Industry, it is actually a small gathering place, and it is also a gathering place that is close to the city and has a good environment.

However, if you want to move vajra here, you must find a more suitable place. This is the so-called inspection.

Xiao Yun and his escort team just started traveling around Chimera. There are mountains, water, ice sheets, oceans, vegetation, and many special species on the Chimera planet. However, extreme weather rarely occurs on the habitable planet.

There are not many regions. The reason why this planet is called Chimera is because of the variability of the planet's environment. The environment in most regions is particularly complex. Of course, the City of Desire itself is also very complex.

It took several days but he couldn't find a place that made Xiao Yun feel satisfied. Little Green No. 2 had also been hatched from the insect eggs, and showed a naughtiness that was highly similar to Little Green No. 1, but it was more naughty.

Being clingy is also more docile.

When the transport ship flew over a mountainous area with extremely poor environment, full of cracks and steep walls, Xiao Yun, who was making a bet on who would win in the collision between a silly dog ​​and a silly insect, was suddenly stunned for a moment.

He immediately stood up from the soft sofa and turned his head blankly to look in a certain direction.

"What's wrong?"

"Suddenly I felt a very special feeling." Xiao Yun walked to the door and pressed the communicator: "Stop, keep your current position and stop!"

He stretched out his hand to separate the still naughty Silly Dog and Little Green No. 2, picked up Little Green No. 2 and followed him: "What did you find?"

"Not sure." Xiao Yun shook his head and walked out of the door of the luxury lounge. As he walked towards the bridge, he said, "It's a bit like the feeling I had when I was on the Alliance Star."

Somewhat inexplicable: "?"


After a pause, he asked: "Just down here?"

"Seems to be."

After arriving at the bridge, Xiao Yun asked someone to display the nearby terrain map in the form of a virtual projection. When the terrain map came out, Xiao Yun frowned at the complicated situation.

Countless mountain pillars spread sideways in the mountains, and there are cliffs, deep pits and huge caves everywhere. If you want to find out more about this situation, you can only go there in person. Even the giant gods have little use in such a complex environment.

Xiao Yun put on his combat uniform and sorted out his equipment, and all the members of the White Wolf Team who set off also brought additional climbing and suspension equipment.

After putting on the helmet, Xiao Yun said to him: "You are on the boat."

He also knew that he could not help at all, so he had no intention of making trouble along with him. He nodded and agreed: "Well, be careful and don't open the door rashly."

"I've learned a lesson." Xiao Yun smiled and walked to the open door, nodding towards Steve and the other seven or eight members of the White Wolf Team: "Let's go."

As soon as Steve waved his hand, two members jumped directly from the opened hatch, and then everyone, including Xiao Yun, jumped out one by one.

The person who jumped out quickly landed on top of a mountain pillar that almost reached the clouds. Looking from this angle, in front of his eyes were countless pillars breaking through the sky, separating the two worlds above and below the clouds.

"BOSS, the altitude here is 4800M. The height of this mountain pillar is almost 1200 meters. I just confirmed that the height of the mountain pillars in this area are above 1100 meters and within 1300 meters. It seems to be at an altitude of 3

It looks like it grew directly out of the ground at a distance of more than a thousand meters."

Steve walked over and raised his right hand, and a small virtual projection popped up on his arm to show the nearby terrain.

"This kind of terrain is not uncommon in the universe. City of Desire has also explored the environment before and found nothing special."

Xiao Yun nodded and turned around, then slowly raised his hand and pointed in a direction: "Over there, let's go."

Everyone followed Xiao Yun's footsteps and started running in that direction. They arrived at the edge of the mountain pillar very quickly and jumped off without any hesitation.

Although the view in front was blocked by clouds, everything was so clear in everyone's field of vision. You could jump as much as you wanted at a height of more than a thousand meters without any worries.

But as the environment below became more and more complex as they descended, the time space of the mountain pillar also gradually became smaller. Everyone became a little more vigilant and turned on the backpack thrusters and turned on the small GN capacitor to slow down the falling speed.

After landing on the steep dodge, start to rely on your legs to continue approaching quickly in a certain direction.

Steve followed Xiao Yun closely: "BOSS, we have descended 800 meters. Boss, did you have such a long sensing distance to the door before?"

Xiao Yun asked without looking back: "What do you think?"

Steve quickly said: "I mean except World No. 2."

Xiao Yun said: "No, this is the first time in World 0 that I can sense the existence of a door so clearly and from such a distance. There must be something special about this door."

All the way down and forward, traveling quickly through the gaps between the winding and complicated mountain walls. It took Xiao Yun almost forty minutes before he stopped. Behind him, Steve and others also stopped and looked at the direction together.

This door is hidden in the underground passage.

The door is made of unknown materials, and there are complicated patterns on the door that have unknown functions or are simply used for decoration. The door is more than ten meters high and seven or eight meters wide. It makes people feel very strange when they see it.

It was shocking, but hidden in the darkness, only they wearing combat uniforms and helmets could see everything clearly.

Xiao Yun did not go up, so Steve walked up and knocked lightly, and a dull echo resounded in the underground space.

Steve: "It's very strong. It should be made of alloy. We need to take the sample back for testing to find out. Everyone is looking around to see if there is a way to open the door."

The members of the White Wolf team scattered around, groping around the door carefully looking for a way to open the door, but after searching for a while, they couldn't find a hair. After scanning and analysis, they still didn't get any results, at least they didn't find a way to open the door in front of them.

Alloy door methods.

Xiao Yun came to the door and wiped the ground with his feet. He knelt down and looked carefully. He swept away all the accumulated dust and low-light plants growing on the ground with his hands, and then punched the ground.

"It should be the same material." Steve also squatted down and tried it. After looking around, he said: "This underground space seems to use this kind of material. The BOSS should be an ancient ruin. Unexpectedly, Chimera

There is also a ruin on the mountain, but no one has discovered it for so many years."

"The door should be right behind here." Xiao Yun stood up and wanted to touch the door in front of him, but as soon as he reached out, Steve quickly pulled him back.

"BOSS, don't touch." Steve looked at the others and said, "Come here with a few people and try to see if you can pull it apart with brute force. We can't get into this place with armor. If we can't, we can only do it first."

Exit and get more people to open the door."

Xiao Yun retreated a little, and Steve and his men began to think of ways to open the door with brute force. The weight that seven or eight members of the White Wolf team could pull together was still very heavy.

After an inspection, Steve led others to try using brute force. According to analysis, the alloy door should be opened horizontally from the middle. Except for Xiao Yun who was watching the show, the others used all their strength to finally open it.

There were dull sounds of crunching and rumbling in the underground space.

Once the door is opened to a gap just big enough for a person to pass sideways, the gap cannot be made larger no matter what, as if the mechanical structure inside the door is stuck.

Xiao Yun stopped everyone's continued attempts: "It's almost done. This gap can be entered."

Steve nodded and asked everyone to stop. After resting for a while, he said to Xiao Yun: "Let's go in and check first. Boss, you wait outside. If there is any situation, don't worry and we will exit immediately."

"It's okay, the door is still inside. Although it is very close, there is still a distance. This door is just an ordinary door."

Xiao Yun casually put his hand on the door and looked at Steve: "Right? There was no reaction." (End of Chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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