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Chapter 451 You really know how to choose a place

Xiao Yun can accurately sense that the door exists on the other side of the sea, but now he doesn't know what the situation of the door on the other side is.

If it falls into BETA's lair, it will be a real big trouble. If you want to use it, you have to deal with the lair first. Things like BETA can't swallow anything. I don't know if it can swallow the door.

Well, if a different-dimensional BETA is swallowed... Xiao Yun feels that he won't have to do anything else for a long time. God knows how many worlds will be invaded by BETA. It is simply more terrifying than the Federation in World 0.

Xiao Yun is a bastard, but he is not the kind of bastard who likes to let innocent people bear all the risks, so at this moment he is really concerned about the situation of the door.

After a short rest for a day, everyone started to take action. The Knife and Sickle teams went to investigate the intelligence. A lot of relevant information could not be obtained from the public Internet. Their idea was that the investigation should not make a fuss, and it was better to keep a low profile than to force it.

It's better to chase after the hacker is discovered.

Cong Yunyun tried to investigate the specific actual combat performance of the tactical aircraft in this world. He did not need to sit in the cockpit to test anything. He only needed to collect combat data. It was enough to have the opportunity to sit on the aircraft and see it in person.

If a person has difficulty moving alone, he or she can call someone from the Scythe Team to join him.

Although there is some kind of base nearby, it only takes one night for the Scythe team and Cong Yungui to estimate that they can go in and out seven at a time.

Xiao Yun left with Steve, James and Menghan, and temporarily separated from the others.

The first problem that stood in front of Xiao Yun was how to get to the so-called other side of the sea.

Inside the Yokohama base, Xiao Yun was hiding in a warehouse, lying on a cardboard box with his legs crossed, waiting for others to investigate the situation.

After a while, Steve's voice rang in my ears: "BOSS, there is a plane taking off for Alaska. It seems to be a special plane transporting new aircraft here."

"Alaska." Xiao Yun glanced at the map and sat up: "It happens to be in this direction. When will we set off?"

"Within two hours."

"Okay, let's get back together after we find out which plane it is."


I was so sleepy that someone gave me a pillow. It took no effort to get it. Xiao Yun was still thinking about how to keep a low profile across the ocean, but unexpectedly, there was a plane heading to Alaska on the other side.

The direction is roughly that direction. After understanding the scope of BETA's occupation area in detail, Xiao Yun was relieved. Now the Eurasian continent has basically been occupied by BETA, and the location of the door is not on the Eurasian continent.

, as long as it is in the human realm, it is definitely better no matter what.

In less than two hours, four people started sneaking into the transport plane. The cargo plane specially used to transport tactical aircraft is very large. As long as the four people don't make any noise and simply hide, it will be fine.

The four people hid in the transport plane and watched a nearly 20-meter-high mecha being transported in. Xiao Yun looked down at the mecha and expressed his opinion.

"It's top-heavy, and the leg structure still has some merit, but it feels quite crispy, and the proportions look weird."

James was also watching: "BOSS, this is obviously designed based on actual combat. The extensions of the knees, elbows and shoulders should use higher-strength materials. They are all used for blocking or melee combat. Obviously

It is some supplementary means for lightweighting, which should be a single-piece annular joint. As long as the proper materials are used, this key can be the lightest while maintaining a certain strength, but overall it is still very brittle."

Xiao Yun was quite surprised: "Hey, do you still know this?"

James said helplessly: "BOSS, after all, I graduated from a prestigious university. Although I am not a technical researcher, I still understand some principles."

Xiao Yun nodded clearly: "Hey, you graduated from a prestigious university. That's okay. There is actually a cultural person among the four of us. Then tell me what will happen to this kind of machine facing a giant."

"Total defeat."

James seemed very confident about this, and of course this answer was completely correct.

Titan looks much more coordinated than this thing, but this world has been fighting BETA for so many decades and discovered the G element, but in the end, it didn't even come out with a G Gundam, which is indeed a bit of a failure. It feels like it suddenly happened because of the war.

It appeared that all the points in the technology tree were distorted, and subsequent technology upgrades were indeed too slow.

We need to know that in the SEED world, various black technologies have emerged in batches in just a few years. If hostile life forms invade the technology, it is estimated that the explosion will be even faster.

Obviously war is the best catalyst for technology, but this world has failed to produce a chemical reaction with the catalyst. It is very unhurried and I don't know what the reason is.

If he really had to come up with a reason, Xiao Yun could only think that the talented people had become one of the five-sixths of the world that disappeared because of BETA's sudden arrival.

When the cabin was closed, Xiao Yun noticed a girl in military uniform walking in expressionlessly. After arranging to check the fixation of the aircraft body, the transport plane took off not long after.

There was nothing exciting to see behind, and the whole journey was quiet as the plane crossed the sea and flew to the other side of the distant sea.

"BOSS, BOSS, here we come."

Xiao Yun, who was sleeping on the ground leaning against the cabin, opened his eyes and yawned: "Here we are, where are we?"

"It's a place called Yukon Base." Steve was probably looking up information: "It's a United Nations multinational base. It is currently used as the headquarters of the coalition forces. It is also responsible for the training of guards. Guards are the pilots of tactical aircraft.

In addition, we will also undertake joint research and development tasks.”

Xiao Yun stood up and quietly left the cabin with the four of them. As soon as he got out of the plane, Xiao Yun felt something was not right. The situation inside the base was complicated, but the overall situation was a tense and alert state. There were busy people and people everywhere.

Heavily armed soldiers standing guard.

Tactical aircraft were all pulled out from the hangar to perform alert missions. Vehicles came and went. Engineers and siege equipment were also building something similar to a defense line around the base. However, places like airports and runways were

was vacated.

"BOSS, something's not right. Something seems to have happened."

"Heh." Xiao Yun glanced in a certain direction and then sneered: "I know what it is."

Although the four people maintained stealth, they could see simulated images in each other's field of vision. Seeing Xiao Yun's head turning in a certain direction, the three of them also turned in the same direction.

Unfortunately, the three of them didn't see anything, but they were not fools, and they immediately understood what happened.

After a moment of silence, Steve said: "BOSS, you mean the door is in this base?"

"It's not just in the base, it's in the center." Xiao Yun almost clapped his hands and said in a somewhat complicated way: "Now you don't have to worry about the door falling in BETA's lair, but the problem is that it falls here.

I don’t feel much better in the base. You really know how to pick a place, and there are people who bully the weak and fear the strong? You know it’s dangerous outside, so you found a safe place for yourself?”

The three of them didn't know what to say. Steve said: "If you want to contact the door now, you will inevitably have to contact the forces of this world."


James nodded when he heard Xiao Yun's voice. After walking a certain distance, he took the initiative to turn off stealth, and then suddenly appeared in front of countless pairs of eyes in the crowd.

The heavily armed man wearing a helmet and a black combat uniform with alloy armor looked like a futuristic warrior. The sight of being fully armed with weapons everywhere was also startling, but soon countless guns were aimed at him.

James, who was also very calm, slowly raised his hand to indicate that he was not in danger, then turned on the loudspeaker and spoke proactively.

"I mean no harm, I want to see your commander!"

Xiao Yun looked at James' actions and glanced at Steve: "What is he doing?"

Steve smiled bitterly: "BOSS, stop joking."

"Okay, okay." Xiao Yun shrugged helplessly, made a gesture and separated from the other two.

Suddenly, a future soldier appeared in broad daylight as if he had seen a ghost. This incident was quickly spread to the ears of the person in charge of the base. Before he came down, he used a telescope to see James standing on the airport runway from the base building.

, which immediately caused quite a bit of confusion.

But soon, several people who were obviously high-level people within the base came to the airport. Under the protection of the soldiers, they began to approach James, and the surrounding soldiers also gathered around.

Countless black holes were pointing at him, including those from Gatling, but James was not panicked at all. He moved his head and asked: "Which of you is the commander of this base?"

Several base executives looked at each other, and one of the younger ones came forward and stopped a few steps away from James, and spoke in a nervous voice:

"I am not the commander of the base, but your words will be transmitted to the base commander. Whatever you want to talk about."

James said: "That's okay. There is an extra thing in your base that does not belong to you. With a friendly attitude, I took the initiative to show up and communicate with you in order to avoid conflicts between us. As we are both human beings, I also

I express my deep sympathy for what you are going through now. If you are willing to peacefully return to me things that do not belong to you, I am also willing to provide some help for the problems your home planet is encountering now."

James noticed that the other party had headphones on his ears, and after he finished speaking, he was not in a hurry and just waited quietly.

After a while, the person who came out to negotiate asked the more critical question with a solemn face: "Who are you?"

"They must be aliens to you."

As soon as these words came out, the whole place fell silent, and the negotiator took a deep breath: "What evidence do you have to prove what you said."

James said: "As long as you deliver the things into our hands, you can naturally prove this, or what other evidence do you want."

"Tell them that we can provide them with super-intelligent AI for combat, and we are also willing to help with weapons, technology and combat operations."

Xiao Yun's voice suddenly appeared in James' ear. After nodding slightly, James said to the other party: "We can provide you with the super AI that is being developed in your Phase 4 plan. At the same time, given the current situation of the earth, if we can complete the negotiations, I

We are also willing to provide you with weapons that can deal with BETA, provide you with technical guidance, and even provide you with operational assistance when you need it."

The negotiator was stuck for a moment, and his throat moved in disbelief: "Just give that thing back to you?"

Perhaps Xiao Yun thought it was too much trouble, so he ran in the direction of James, jumped up high, disarmed the camouflage device, and landed next to James.

It obviously fell from an unusual place, but when it landed on the ground, it was as light as if there was no gravity, and it even felt like it didn't even make a sound.

The appearance of another person wearing the same future warrior costume made the nearby soldiers nervous. Xiao Yun patted James on the shoulder and said directly to him: "We can provide you with a lot of help, not just these, the prerequisite for negotiation is

It’s about returning what belongs to us, and then we help each other get what we need. If we can’t even do this, then there is no need for us to continue negotiating.”

In the eyes of the other party, the newly emerged Xiao Yun is more like a leader, but what makes them feel more anxious and worried is that they have no ability to prevent and detect Xiao Yun's invisible means, and they are even more worried that there are still many such hidden methods around them.

Future warrior wearing super combat suit.

"It's very simple for you to ask for evidence." Xiao Yun spread his hands and released GN particles and slowly floated up. The green particles scattered like a pair of wings of light, which looked quite shocking: "Now this situation should be able to explain something.

The problem is, these things should be technologies that you can’t understand at all.”

"Your superior should be able to see the current scene. I don't like wasting time on meaningless things. I hope he can give us a reply as soon as possible. I know that thing is in your base, and it should be to you

It came out suddenly and may cause some confusion to you, for which I am deeply sorry."

"Please wait."

Xiao Yun nodded and waited quietly.

This sudden conversation caught everyone here by surprise. The situation quickly spread along the radio waves to various human areas. However, the base only responded to Xiao Yun in ten minutes, probably because they wanted to stabilize Xiao Yun.

Cloud them.

The negotiator just now appeared again: "You two, my superiors agree in principle to the prerequisites for the return of your items, but we still need to ask the higher levels of the Earth government for instructions. Only after getting their consent can we conduct further negotiations. I hope

You understand." (End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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