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Chapter 473 Retreat

It was a meaningless crushing game, but Xiao Yun watched it with relish. It was more enjoyable than watching those popcorn movies with huge investment, and it was also a super exciting drama that was both explosive and exciting. But there is one thing to say, today’s war

The investment is much greater than those popcorn blockbusters, and if the money is small, there will be no such explosive and passionate scenes.

Realizing that the Valkyrie team had gradually begun to fall into fatigue in the endless BETA, and also became a little weak when facing the fortress level that appeared and began to gradually retreat, Xiao Yun yawned: "Brela, Prey

Ya, go up."

The purple transforming fighter plane fell from the sky, released a wave of missiles towards the beach, then transformed into a human form, raised its weapon and began to fire at BETA. It could easily avoid the fortress-level tail spikes, and when Preia was driving

After Gundam also appeared on the battlefield, the light of the colorful cannon also flashed on the battlefield like Kira.

More than a dozen Titans also joined the battlefield at this time, crushing countless BETAs into bloody foam.


Xiao Yun's eyes suddenly stopped at a message that popped up on the screen. When he opened it, he saw the latest confirmed battlefield icon. What can be seen clearly at a glance is that so far, BETA's large forces are still in the sea, and so many have been wiped out now.

BETA is not even 1% there. The dense red color occupies 80% of the entire diagram. In comparison, the human side's defense line looks completely precarious.

Such a huge number is really scary. At this speed, even if BETA has no brains and insists on landing from here to force a breakthrough, then this battle will not be over in a day or two. It really means that they will kill you just standing there.

Endless killing.

Although it looks a bit big, in fact the current defense line is still quite strong. However, BETA's offensive is endless. People need to rest, and the body also needs rest. If BETA keeps up this high-intensity attack, it will be a matter of time before humans are overwhelmed.

, at least in Xiao Yun's opinion, this time may not be too long.

It's not that Xiao Yun can't use his own strength to forcibly defend against BETA's offensive. Not to mention bragging, he can press out even the power of counterattack now, but the crux of the problem is not at all. Although many BETA have been eliminated, he can

From the defense map, many places have begun to gradually retreat, because the front has been occupied by endless BETA or BETA corpses, and there is no strategic buffer at all. The dead BETA in the front have also become the ones who continue to land in the rear.

BETA bunker, the battlefield ahead is full of people and it is impossible to retreat even if you don't want to.

Even Xiao Yun saw this for the first time that the human sea tactic could have such an effect. It was really terrifying to the extreme. This choice of having no choice but to retreat without being torn through the defense really showed that BETA was a bit too much in some aspects.

It's too outrageous. Sooner or later, if this continues, the defense line will break and BETA will find an opportunity to force a breakthrough.

The Joint Command now feels happy and has a headache. The happy thing is that they feel the pleasure of being able to kill BETA to their heart's content, which makes people happy and excited from the soul. But the headache is that they kill so many people that they don't know what to do next.

Dealing with it, retreating, neither advancing nor completely being in a dilemma. Moreover, there are many, many more BETAs to follow, and there is even a newly discovered super-heavy light level.

It is easy to retreat, but once BETA is given enough strategic buffer and the super-heavy light class is allowed to land, there may be twists and turns.

"Replace small MED warheads to clean up the battlefield, and all personnel will begin supplies and rest in batches."

The fierce man standing next to him asked doubtfully: "BOSS, why don't you use incendiary bombs?"

"There will be line of sight interference. How can you ask such a stupid question?"

Xiao Yun controlled the machine forward and slowly raised his hand towards the front of the battlefield. At the same time, the front troops who received the notice began to cover with heavy firepower and then began to retreat. Not only the battlefield in front of Xiao Yun, the entire defense line was almost the same. Case.

As Xiao Yun took the lead in launching a warhead forward, it quickly approached the coastline at an ultra-low altitude and then exploded directly. The moment the black hole appeared, it swallowed up everything around it. From a human perspective, it was along the coastline. Black holes appeared one after another, as if the sky was darkened because of this, and countless BETAs were sucked into the black holes uncontrollably as the water flowed back. Those BETAs that were originally hidden in the ocean still could not escape the swallowing of the black holes, as if The sky is falling apart, it's like an apocalyptic scene.

But such a doomsday is shocking to humans. This is not their doomsday, but BETA's.

When the black hole dissipated, everything became clean, including BETA and corpses. Everything was reduced to nothingness. Nothing was left. Countless seawater swept the BETA, which had lost its balance and control, and poured into the huge pit. Soon, Everything was submerged under the ocean.


No need for Xiao Yun to give any orders, such roars immediately appeared on the coalition defense line, and countless firepower roared in again, launching an attack on the various BETAs washed up by the waves, taking advantage of their illness to kill them, These BETAs were covered by artillery fire before they could even stand up again from the surging waves. In the blink of an eye, countless blood mist exploded along with the shells.

Mu also drove a freewheeler with maximum firepower and landed on the ground. The sparks and air waves ejected from the body's heat dissipated caused the surrounding air to distort, and green particles spread from the back of the body and illuminated it. In the darkness brought by dusk, GN-BIT, under the control of assistant Harrow, continued to carry out sweeping killings against BETA.

Sitting in the cockpit, Mu took off his helmet and wiped his sweat, muttering to himself: "It's so scary, how could there be such an ugly monster? The endless exhaustion is exhausting." Already."

"Mr. Mu, I don't know how long this will last. It might be easier if we can put these BETAs up and solve it all at once."

Mu laughed: "Aslan, you can't do it either."

Aslan smiled bitterly: "My body is melee-strengthened, so of course I will be more tired than you, Mr. Mu. Is Mr. Xiao Yun worried that we are too relaxed at ordinary times, so he found an opportunity to sharpen us? I would rather charge here." The monster's lair is not willing to continue to face such endless monsters that cannot be killed."

Mu also felt strange: "I don't know what that guy is thinking. To deal with this kind of monster that obviously has no resistance to us, he still insists on guarding the line of defense. It is easier to deal with it after it is released. I don't believe that this guy is worried about letting go."

These monsters will cause more damage when they come ashore, and that guy is not that kind."

Why, why didn't Xiao Yun move the battle line to the back and put more BETA ashore and eliminate them all at once? Instead, he chose this method of holding the defense line. It was obvious that the former method was more suitable for them.

There must be a reason. The display of combat power is almost done now, and the women of the Valkyrie Squadron have almost reached their limit from the beginning of the war. Their physical fitness is still too poor to be able to drive the machine like an arm and use its fingers to show off.

The performance was not even comparable to the first time Mu piloted a mobile suit on the battlefield.

Today, it feels like it’s almost over. If we continue to let these women fight forcefully, they will make more and more mistakes. It’s better to take a good rest and continue to train them.

"Madias, how is the situation over there?"

Mathias's voice sounded in the cockpit: "Is it almost done on your side? I can enter the state at any time, but the Soviet army and the United States are still a little reluctant."

Xiao Yun raised his eyebrows: "They should be very aware of the consequences of our withdrawal."

"Oh, it's actually understandable. I'm just unwilling to get some benefits." Mathias smiled softly and said: "But it doesn't matter, they are not monolithic internally. Many people have contacted me secretly and promised that from now on

He will become our vassal, and after such a long preparation, it is almost time. This world needs to be thoroughly cleansed, and my new partner can't wait for it."

"how much time is required."

"Three hours."

Xiao Yun nodded: "That's how it should be. No one can get benefits from me without paying anything. They want to get my skills, and they want us to help them train talents. How can there be such a good thing in the world?"

You should do your own things by yourself. Even though we were just assisting this time, we turned out to be the main force. They wanted to wait for us to continue to contribute. This is a beautiful dream. It took them almost a day to do it.

If we don't mobilize the large troops, since they are ignorant, they can't blame me for being ruthless."

"In three hours, I will order this line of defense to be abandoned and put all the BETAs up. Those guys can't hold it in anymore."

The communication was disconnected. Xiao Yun put the helmet aside on his head and shook his arms. He sat there and watched for almost a day. Apart from launching a small MED warhead, he had almost no other actions. Since there were still three hours, he would not do anything.

Prepare for activities.

As Xiao Yun's riot charged forward, all the while protecting Xiao Yun's body. Other riots also followed suit and charged ahead. They rushed up with giant swords and blocked the front position to replace the exhausted Valkyrie Squadron.

The defensive line of Xiao Yun and others also became more stable.

Three hours seemed to fly by, and Xiao Yun also fully mobilized his hands and feet. As Mathias's message came, the defenders on the defensive line also received the order to retreat at the same time, and the retreat was the highest priority.

The order was given to abandon all uncarried materials and retreat. This order made many people look incredulous.

But orders are orders. Except for the tactical aircraft unit that received the order to cut off the rear, the other units immediately began to retreat. The Valkyrie Squadron, which had rested for three hours and resupplied, also stepped forward to start the battle again.

"Captain, the defenders have begun to retreat? What's going on?"

Michiru Isumi also noticed this scene, and she didn't know how to answer after hearing her teammates' doubtful questions.

But at this moment, more unknown mysterious machines flew from afar and directly intervened in the battle. One machine landed in front of them and sprayed out dense green light spots from the rear, mainly black and supplemented by purple.

The mechas looked super cool, completely different from the Strike X they were driving. These mechas also had giant sword backpacks similar to the Strike

He fired a variety of weapons, and then huge energy ejected from these raised weapons, once again clearing all the BETAs on the entire coastline.

There are more deformed fighters appearing in the sky. The number of Titans, MSs, and deformed fighters invested in front and back has exceeded 500, scattered on the entire defense battlefield. It is conceivable that so many machines have been dropped on the battlefield.

And we know how exhausted Xiao Yun was back then.

A dozen transforming fighter planes crossed the defense line and took off directly into the sky. They rushed directly towards the universe without paying any attention to the ground battlefield. Their target was clearly the space refugee ship originally used for escape in the universe.

Under such circumstances, some idiots still wanted to escape, but some even crazier idiots were planning to bury Xiao Yun and BETA together and launch a counterattack on the continent occupied by BETA, without allocating more combat power.

It was for this reason that I went to the front line. It was really crazy to have such an idea, to use the countless nuclear bombs buried by the United States on the edge of Alaska to directly detonate the G-bomb or other bombs and completely blow up the continental plate to gain such an opportunity.

Xiao Yun really felt uneasy if he didn't kill these people. His persistence for this day was not meaningless. Buying time for Mathias was also a more important reason. Of course, Xiao Yun didn't know that in those three hours just now,

Mathias would not tell Xiao Yun how many people had died under human gunfire, but now everything has fallen into Mathias' hands.

After enough time for the more evacuated troops, the Shuguang Army also began to evacuate. Xiao Yun and the others evacuated even faster. Since then, the defense line has completely become a display, and more and more BETAs have begun to land on the ground without any hindrance.

Without the blocking defense line of artillery fire, it was easily torn apart by BETA like paper. More and more light levels appeared on the land. Looking from a distance, the picture would definitely make people with trypophobia vomit directly.


While eating and pushing forward, these BETAs swallowed all the corpses of the same kind into their stomachs. To describe them as "covering the mountains and plains" is an underestimation of the number of BETAs, as if the entire continent was completely occupied by BETAs.

With this number, even if the Titan driven by Xiao Yun accidentally falls to the ground, it will probably be covered in the blink of an eye. If the energy is exhausted and falls to the ground, the result will be even worse. It will probably be torn into pieces in an instant, not to mention that there are

Countless light-levels are eyeing them, and there are even more powerful and terrifying super-heavy light-levels. This super-heavy light-level is enough to pose a certain threat to their MS defenses.

But even so, the light-level, heavy-light, and super-heavy light-level are essentially just tools for mining. They are not biological weapons at all. But maybe there will be more types of BETA in the future, even more surprising types.

So it’s best to have as little of this kind of thing as possible. (End of this chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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