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Chapter 74 Fountain of Good Luck

Luo Fu took Shirley and Nellie to stay in the wilderness for a night, and set off early the next morning to go to the Fountain of Good Luck.

They did not travel overnight...even though they knew Queen Gros might send out pursuit troops, they did not do so.

The reason is simple: even the most clumsy hunter knows that wild animals come out to look for food at night, and walking in the wild at this time is extremely dangerous.

If it were the Forbidden Forest, Rolf would be as familiar as going home, and it would be just a night trip, but this is Avalon, which is full of dangers...

There’s no harm in being cautious!

In fact, what he encountered on the road the next day also confirmed Rove’s foresight:

Before they even left the wilderness, they discovered traces of the activity of the crouching bat.

The Voldemort is a typical magical creature that is nocturnal and active during the day. Not only is it very ferocious, it also has a special preference for humans just like Dementors.

If you were on your way last night, you would definitely encounter it.

After crossing the habitat of the Voldemort Bat, the three of them encountered five-legged monsters, bird-shaped man-eating monsters, and groups of Harpies...

During the journey of hundreds of miles, they kept flying and stopping, and in the evening, they finally arrived at the legendary magical garden.

Luo Fu stopped and stared, and instantly understood why this place was once the siren's summer palace:

The entire garden is surrounded by a thick ice wall. The ice wall rises straight from the forest. It looks more than three hundred meters in length, like an endless cliff.

From a distance, you can feel a chill coming, which instantly cools down the originally hot weather.

Shirley raised her wand and waved it gently, and a silver unicorn emerged from the tip of the wand.

After the patron saint ran around the girl, he got into the box. After a while, the centaur Nymeria came out of the box with the mermaid Myrcella.

"Have you found the Fountain of Good Luck?" Myrcella asked impatiently.

"Yes, it's in this garden." Luo Fu said with a smile.

When Myrcella heard this, she immediately became excited.

Since Palserope left Avalon, all her female descendants have been cursed with greyscale.

Myrcella's mother and grandmother both died of this, and if she didn't get treatment, she probably wouldn't live for a few more years.

Last winter, Myrcella and Avalon passed each other. She thought there was no hope of finding the Fountain of Good Luck in this life, but she didn't expect that things would take a turn for the worse. How could she not be excited?

The same goes for centaur Nymeria!

Last year, she was ambushed by Bain and almost died. Although she was finally rescued by Rolf, she was cursed to live as a human and a ghost because of taking the blood of a unicorn.

Now that the curse could finally be solved, her mood was naturally extremely exciting.

A group of five people couldn't wait to walk towards the magic garden. They walked along a long flight of steps and arrived at the gate.

The two gates are fifteen feet high, decorated with intricately patterned panels and above them some exquisite mermaid statues.

But the two doors were also frozen, hidden in a thick layer of ice.

Rolf raised his wand, and a ball of flame was like a whip, rushing towards the door. Under the high temperature, instead of melting the ice, there was a sudden sound.

Before that burst of noise, Rolf stood on his head with chills all over his body because of the early warning brought by his spider sense.

He immediately picked up Shirley with his left hand and Neryshi with his right hand. At the same time, he shot out several threads of spider silk from his wrist, tied up Myrcella and Nymeria, and flew back with the four girls.

The next second, a piece of ice one foot thick and fifty feet square fell off the wall and hit the spot where Luo Fu and the others were standing just now.

The giant piece of ice rolled down the steps, spinning towards several people.

Luofu let go of Nelisi, raised his right hand slightly, and made a swinging gesture with his forearm.

A bolt of blue-white lightning shot out, suddenly shattering the ice cubes and turning them into ice crystals all over the sky, scattering to the ground.

Nellishi, who was leaning on Luo Fu's arms, felt completely numb at this moment.

This physiological reaction is not due to the fact that when Luo Fu was hugging him backwards to avoid the ice, the palm of his right hand covered a set of undulating peaks...

Well... that kind of touch really made her body feel numb.

But the more important reason was that the electric arc passed over her head and made her whole body numb.

Of course Luofu didn't do it unintentionally, whether it was the soft "yellow grip" between his palms or the arc of electricity... after all, he couldn't take care of so much in a hurry.

At this time, he was staring at the ice wall with all his concentration.

The "attack" obviously didn't end there.

I saw the ice wall shaking violently, and ice cubes continued to roll down, enveloping countless amounts of snow, and the scale became larger and larger, like a massive avalanche.

Luofu gently let go of Shirley on his left and took a step forward.

Naili Shi, who was still reminiscing about that touch, fell stiffly towards the ground without the support of the young man.

Fortunately, Shirley hugged her in time to prevent her from falling into pieces.

Rolf stood in front of the four girls, holding the wand in his hand and making a pushing motion.

Heavy snow and ice fell like a torrent, then branched off on both sides of him.

The young man is like the mainstay, unmoving!

After a long time, the avalanche finally stopped. Luofu turned around, looked at the panicked girls, and said:

"It seems the gate cannot be opened."

"Where is the sky?" Myrcella asked, "Just fly in on the broomstick."

"There is a layer of magic shield." Luofu shook his head and said, "It is difficult to break it."

"Then we can't get in?" Nymeria was a little disappointed.

"Of course not, others have already given us a way to get in." Luo Fu said mysteriously.

Nelisi, whose body finally recovered from the stiffness, asked curiously: "What can I do?"

"You know." Luofu blinked and chuckled: "Each of you...knows it, think about it carefully!"

Shirley was stunned for a moment, and instantly understood what he meant: "Are you talking about the method in "The Tales of the Poet Pidgeot"?"

"That's right." Luo Fe laughed loudly and said: "Since the Fountain of Good Luck really exists, then the story about the Fountain of Good Luck in "The Poet Bidou's Tales" is not a fictional story, but something that actually happened.


If we follow the instructions in the book, we can enter the magical garden!"

As the young man spoke, he quickly waved his wand, and soon a book floated out of the black suitcase and fell into his hands under the pull of the Flying Curse.

Luofu opened the "Collection of Poet Pedo's Stories", quickly turned to the page about the Fountain of Good Luck, and read aloud:

"The Fountain of Good Luck is on a high hill in a magical garden, surrounded by high walls and protected by powerful magic.

Hundreds of people from all over the kingdom came outside the garden walls, and everyone hoped to be the lucky one to enter the garden.

Three witches, each with their own heavy sorrows, gathered together outside the crowd and told each other their pain.

The first witch is called Asha. She is terminally ill and no doctor can cure her. She hopes that the Fountain of Good Luck can eliminate her symptoms and give her happiness and longevity.

The second witch, Altida, had her home, her gold and her wand taken away by an evil wizard. She hoped that the Fountain of Good Luck would save her from poverty and weakness.

The third witch is called Amata. She was abandoned by the man she loved deeply and felt that the pain in her heart could never be healed. She hoped that the Fountain of Good Luck could relieve her pain and longing.

The three women sympathized with each other and agreed that if good luck befalls them, they would unite and strive to go to the Fountain of Good Luck together.

The sun lit up the sky, a crack opened in the wall, and the crowd pushed forward desperately, everyone screaming and begging to be blessed by the fountain of good luck.

The vines in the garden stretched out and stretched in the crowded crowd, entangled the first witch Asha. Asha grabbed the wrist of the second witch Altida, and Altida again

Hold tightly to the robe of the third witch, Amata..."

Rolf stopped, looked at Myrcella and Nymeria and said:

"You two tell the curse on your body and hope that the Fountain of Good Luck will help. The vine will choose one of you and the rest will follow."

Myrcella and Nymeria nodded solemnly, telling each other about greyscale and the curse of unicorn blood respectively.

After the two of them finished speaking, a gap suddenly opened in the thick ice wall, and a vine seeped out from the gap in the ice wall like smoke.

It wrapped around Myrcella suddenly, and Myrcella grabbed Nymeria's wrist. Rolf picked up Shirley with his left hand, and with his right hand held Neryshi, who was numb again, and jumped onto Nymeria's horse.

The vines pulled the five people, passed through the gap in the wall, and flew into the magic garden together.


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