Chapter 849 Chapter 851 Reminiscing about the past

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 There were not too many greetings. Zhao Kang looked around and asked everyone to get up and then walked into the big tent first.

Without opening a word, Zhou Long and Wu Xiong automatically reported the situation.

"The enemy's main force arrived three days ago and set up camp within twenty miles of our front line."

"The barracks are spread over countless areas, and the final aerial reconnaissance lasted eight days. As we had predicted, the enemy forces in Daxia have already established a complete supply route."

"It can be seen that the plan to invade our country began several years ago or even longer ago."

Wu Xiong stepped forward and spread out a drawing. This was the enemy's defense map he drew up bit by bit after flying with the aerial scouts for eight days.

This alone is enough to show that if there are no accidents, the Daxia army will not be the opponent of Qian Jun at all.

Because of all their defenses, even the grain and grass supply routes were clearly visible to the army using hot air balloons and telescopes.

But there happened to be one of the biggest surprises in Daxia's army, otherwise the two of them would have fought each other long ago.

There is nothing to say about Wu Xiong's military qualities. The pictures, in Lao Li's words, are not a map. They are just like real mountains and rivers.

Where the defense is strongest, where cavalry is stationed, and where food and grass are accumulated are clearly marked with pen and ink.

But this did not include all the enemy's troops. From this, Zhao Kang knew that the number of enemy troops this time was really quite large.

After laughing, Zhao Kang narrowed his eyes and said, "No so-called thunder meteorites have appeared in the past few days?"

Zhou Long paused and said softly, "Since the last time, we have not fought against the enemy again, so the general feels that it may not be a coincidence."

"Nonsense, otherwise what would I do?"

Zhao Kang grinned, "Who was the one who sent the message to Liu Yanran?"

Zhou Long immediately asked the people on the side to inform him, but no one

After a while, the general who led the night attack came in.

Zhao Kang asked briefly, then looked at the other person, "Do you have the guts to go to the enemy camp and bring a message to me?"

The general immediately knelt down on one knee, his face full of shame, anger and determination, "Failure to fight to the death is an unforgivable crime. I am willing to serve the commander with my life!"

Zhao Kang said leisurely, "It's not that serious. Just go and bring something to Liu Yanran. Just tell her that I, Zhao Kang, am here and ask her if she wants to catch up on old times after not seeing her for a long time."

When the general heard this, he raised his head and said resolutely, "Commander, I can bring explosives to kill this person."

Some things can influence people's hearts the most. Now the mysterious rumors about Liu Yanran have actually spread among the Qianjun.

Many of the new troops are a little worried.

Zhao Kang couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this, "It doesn't have to be like this."

The general said excitedly, "I will not hesitate to die!"

Zhao Kang interrupted, "I never said I wouldn't let you die. Now I want to find out what happened to Liu Yanran, but I won't risk your lives to try."

"Get ready to send a message."

"The general will obey your orders!"

The general walked out of the military camp. Zhou Long hesitated for a moment and said, "Commander, I think Wang Gui's proposal can be given a try."

Zhao Kang raised his eyebrows, "The Flying Tiger Army didn't even kill her, so just an explosive pack is enough?"

Wu Xiong paused and said, "We can do what we did with the Pioneer Army last time."

"You are really despicable."

Zhao Kang let out a laugh, then shook his head and asked everyone to leave.

After a while, the camp

Someone murmured.

"If you want to sleep well, you can only sit back and relax if you see the other person dead in person!"

In the Daxia Military Camp, Commander-in-Chief Dongfang Tuo looked at the pipes made of copper and iron in front of him.

They picked this up from the battlefield where the meteorite landed last time. Looking at these cannons, no one in the entire military camp except one person knew what this thing was.

Zuo Tianque knew that this thing was a weapon and had been bombed before, but he was confused as to how to use it.

My eyes couldn't help but look at the beautiful scenery beside me.

Dongfang Tuo already knew what happened some time ago, and only at this moment did he understand why Emperor Dongfang Yu wanted this woman to serve as the supervisor.

Even Liu Yanran herself didn't know that Dongfang Yu was the first person to discover her secret.

After she was picked up by Dongfang Yu, the maid who served her reported her daily life to Dongfang Yu every day.

Only then did the Emperor of Great Xia become filled with almost blind confidence in her.

Meeting Liu Zezun.

Liu Yanran is the person that the ancestral training of their Eastern clan has been waiting for!

"Liu Jianjun." Dongfang Tuo called.

Liu Yanran turned around and said nothing. Dongfang Tuo looked at this guy's eyes.

Different from the indifference in the past, the woman's eyes were always full of excitement during this period, as if she was expecting something.

Although he faced them with a silent attitude, his expression could not be concealed.

Dongfang Tuo also didn't understand why this man suddenly changed so much.

Seeing that the other party was silent, he could only ask, "Does the supervisor know how to use this thing? Listen to Master Zuo.

This thing is the weapon used by the Qianjun, that is, the so-called cannon?"

After all, Liu Yanran had fought against Qian Guo, so Dongfang Tuo wanted to learn as much as possible from her.

Liu Yanran said calmly, "It's a cannon, don't ask me, I don't know how to use it."

After saying that, he turned away, secretly counting the days in his mind.

Dongfang Tuo suddenly felt annoyed. At this moment, someone came quickly and said, "Commander, we have captured an enemy messenger."

"Messenger?" Dongfang Tuo was a little surprised, remembering why the vanguard general Dongfang Yue was missing.

He immediately snorted "Kill!"


Liu Yanran stood up and everyone noticed that there seemed to be more anticipation in her eyes.

"Bring someone up!"

Dongfang Tuo frowned slightly and said nothing more.

Wang Gui, who was sent by Zhao Kang to deliver the message, was brought up. Just as Dongfang Tuo was about to speak, Liu Yanran quickly asked, "Who asked you to deliver the message!"

Wang Gui looked at this woman and felt a little regretful that Zhao Kang did not agree to him carrying the explosive bag, otherwise he would be able to avenge his dead brother.

He said coldly, "Our army coach Zhao Kang asked me to bring you a message."

"What did he say!" Liu Yanran suppressed her heartbeat, and her reaction made Dongfang Tuo and others frown.

"Shuai Zhao said he was here and asked if you wanted to meet and catch up on old times."

Liu Yanran showed a beautiful smile, "He's finally here. If you tell him tomorrow, he'll be fifteen miles west of our army. I'll wait for him there!"

After saying this, Liu Yanran asked people to let Wang Gui leave.

Dongfang Tuo realized something was wrong, there's a fucking war going on, what are you two going to do?

Secret affair?

This chapter has been completed!
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