Chapter 3205

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Chen Zhonglei's state in Wanlong Palace these days is indeed as Ye Chen guessed, extremely tormenting.

He originally thought that the large army was pressing down on the border and not fighting, which would definitely bring huge psychological pressure to Hamid and his men. It would not be long before Hamid's own troops would become demoralized and even defect.

But what he didn't expect was that after several days, not even a dog ran out of Hamid's place.

In a siege like this, the most feared thing is that the enemies are united.

Once the other party has no fear, it will really continue to be consumed indefinitely, until Hamid runs out of ammunition and food, or until he cannot support himself.

And these days, his fiscal deficit is astonishingly high.

His adjutant found him and reported to him worriedly: "Commander, our current fifteen thousand people, our daily salary and various expenses are at least thirty to forty million U.S. dollars. If this continues, our money will not be able to sustain it."

too long."

The four war kings of Wanlong Palace all adopt an independent accounting mechanism, which means that each of these four people has opened a branch. They must be financially self-sufficient and at the same time ensure profits. If there is a deficit, they can only do it themselves.

Solved internally.

When Chen Zhonglei heard this data, his expression was even more uncomfortable than his dead father.

He gritted his teeth and said: "We definitely can't continue like this. Give me an order. From today on, as long as there is no war, everyone's salary will be halved!"

When the adjutant heard this, he said nervously: "Commander, everyone has been complaining recently. If you deduct half of their salary, I'm afraid they will protest collectively!"

Chen Zhonglei asked angrily: "It's okay for these people to stay in the military camp all day long. They don't have to fight or take risks. They still get their salary. What do they have to complain about?"

The adjutant said awkwardly: "There have been a lot of negative emotions in the past two days. On the one hand, everyone is extremely dissatisfied with the current food, and on the other hand, there is the issue of accommodation conditions. Yesterday, they sent several representatives to come and complain to me.

Datong, you want me to find a solution for you."

Chen Zhonglei said with a dark face: "Explain to me one by one what exactly they are dissatisfied with."

The adjutant hurriedly said: "Then let me talk about it one by one. The first is the food issue. Now, except for the middle and high-level officers, the food standards for everyone else are the same as those of the local government soldiers. Even the suppliers are the same. The local food

It doesn’t suit the habits of our soldiers..."

"Our soldiers attach great importance to physical fitness, so their daily eating habits are more Western and American. They eat a lot of beef, vegetables, milk and even peanut butter and ice cream every day."

After that, the adjutant added: "As for the accommodation issue, the main reason is that everyone is really not satisfied with the current marching tents."

"These tents were cobbled together by government troops everywhere. Most of them have been placed in warehouses for a long time. Air leakage and rain leakage are commonplace. It happens to be the rainy season now, so the tents are very humid inside, which makes living in them uncomfortable.

Too bad;”

"Moreover, the current power supply problem cannot be guaranteed at all. The only few generator sets cannot satisfy the common use of more than 30,000 soldiers on both sides, so now we can only use the power supply method in turns. On average, each soldier can provide power every day on average.

The power-on time should not exceed four hours."

"So, everyone is now asking to uniformly replace them with modular prefab houses and ensure 24-hour power supply."

Chen Zhonglei cursed angrily: "Are these bastards here to fight or on vacation?"

The adjutant said helplessly: "Commander, although they are here to fight, you must know that they themselves do not like to fight hard battles!"

This chapter has been completed!
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