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Chapter 250 Zhang Dun discovered Zeng Bu’s secret

 In the bleak autumn wind, Zhang Dun was riding his horse on his way home.

His followers are leading the way.

Zhang Dun's mood was just like when he was young and was kidnapped into the courtyard by the beautiful widow.

Excited, excited, anxious...

To name a few.

He seemed to have returned to that young and ignorant age, when he was facing the temptation of new things.

"I can roughly guess what the officials want..." Zhang Dun thought.

"The late Emperor..." Zhang Dun looked back towards the Jinling Palace: "You really have left a good official for me!"

Until now, the young official's thoughts and thoughts are still a blur of light and shadow.

He is very cautious!

He also rarely reveals his thoughts and ideas to the outside world.

Even if it is revealed, it must be said that "I serve the emperor's government and inherit the ancestral temple."

In short, we are making a fuss around the word filial piety.

In his hand, he held countless orders, lessons and instructions from the late emperor.

Although I haven't used it for a long time.

But it is precisely because of this that it makes people fearful.

The courtiers could only do things cautiously, for fear that they might accidentally follow Li Ding and Zhang Zhijian.

Thinking of these two people, Zhang Dun couldn't help but shudder.

Li Ding has been demoted to Xinzhou and will probably die of old age there for the rest of his life.

But Zhang Zhijian was even worse!

The trial of this former imperial envoy and military supervisor of Yanyan Road was concluded last month.

He was sentenced to death by military law for the crime of disobeying the imperial edict, having no regard for the emperor, and being arrogant and lawless.

His head was also sent to various roads along the border by Dali Temple to warn local ministers - this is the fate of those who disobey the emperor's edict!

A general who was only one step away from being promoted to Yao County was executed like this.

It was a blow to all the military officials.

Zhang Zhijian's head shocked everyone - disobedience will really kill someone!

But what is the real cause of death of Li Ding and Zhang Zhijian?

Li Ding wanted to move into the arms manufacturing bureau - but then the emperor accused him of "bullying orphans and widowed mothers".

In the Xining-Yuanfeng era, the all-powerful figures fell down like this.

And Zhang Zhijian...is there really no way to escape guilt?

He complained about injustice every day in prison!

It is said that after being tortured in Dali Temple, he still insisted that he did not know that Lu Huiqing had an imperial edict from the emperor.

Judging from his confession, it seems that he really did not know that Lu Huiqing had the emperor's edict in his hand.

It is said that Fan Zuyu once used this as an excuse to plead for him in Jiying Palace, but the emperor just replied: Military law is ruthless, leaving him speechless.

Why did the emperor have to kill Zhang Zhijian?

Is it really about enforcing military law?


But is it possible that the emperor is actually favoring Lu Huiqing?

Could it be that the late emperor had confessed something to him?

Just like bringing Shen Kuo back to life...

Since the late emperor had made arrangements for Shen Kuo's resurrection, how could he not have made arrangements for others?

For example, take Lu Huiqing, or take Zhang Zihou...

"There must be some..." Zhang Dun murmured to himself: "There must be some..."

The late emperor even explained the arrangements to Shen Cunzhong.

How could there be no arrangements for ministers and confidants like them?

Thinking of this, Zhang Dun felt confident.

Then, he drooped his head.

Because he discovered a terrible thing - if his guess is true.

The late emperor indeed explained and warned the emperor about the arrangements for the relevant ministers.

This means that the day when the emperor takes charge is the time when Lu Huiqing returns to Beijing to pay homage to the prime minister!

Maybe, Lu Huiqing will still be the right prime minister.

At that time, Lu Huiqing only served as a counselor in political affairs, but he had already eclipsed the prime minister and turned the court into his own hall.

If he returns to the court to become prime minister...where will there be room for others to talk?

Thinking of this, Zhang Dun couldn't help but shudder.

Lu Huiqing...

Both the new party ministers and the old party ministers have already regarded it as a formidable enemy.

Not only is he strong in ability, tough-tempered, and fiery in character.

Also because he is too young - only fifty-three years old this year!

Especially because he has many brothers, and they are all powerful.

It’s almost another copy of Wang Anshi!

You see, Wang Anshi has two brothers, Wang Anguo and Wang Anli, who assist and support him.

Lu Huiqing was supported and assisted by two brothers, Lu Heqing and Lu Shengqing.

If he returns to the court to become prime minister, he will probably dominate the capital like Wang Anshi.

Thinking of these things, Zhang Dun had already walked to Zhouqiao before he knew it.

He had already walked past the door of his house.

At this time, Bianjing City was already full of lights.

Under the Zhou Bridge, countless lanterns are hung high, and in the dim light, there are many pedestrians.

Zhang Dun was about to rein in his horse and turn around.

However, his eyes inadvertently saw a familiar figure at the door of a shop selling lanterns under the Zhouqiao Bridge.

"Zeng Zixuan..." Zhang Dun frowned: "How come he has time to come to Zhouqiao to buy things?"

Zeng Bu has now resigned as a Hanlin scholar, and has been formally worshiped as the Minister of Household Affairs by the two palaces. He has become a prime minister and can be appointed as a minister at any time.

Logically speaking, Zeng Bu should not appear in private shops at will.

Therefore, Zhang Dun quietly approached with curiosity and looked at it from a distance.

But I saw Zeng taking a beautifully painted lantern from the shop owner with a smile on his face.

Then he handed the lantern to a young girl beside him.

The girl was about eighteen or nineteen years old. Under the light, she looked pretty and charming. Her eyes were always on Zeng Bu, and there was no one around her.

Zhang Dun shook his head: "This Zeng Zixuan, I really went crazy as a teenager..."

"Isn't he afraid that others will compare him with Ouyang Wenzhong in his later years?"

In his later years, Ouyang Xiu was deeply involved in the scandal of dust removal.

The siege of public opinion has even reached the point where it is getting stronger day by day.

The reason for this, apart from the fact that Ouyang Xiu is usually too romantic, is that his articles and poems can easily be misunderstood.

When Zhang Dun was young, he was also unruly, got into many troubles, and suffered a lot.

He even almost got burdened by his own reputation and ruined his future.

He learned a lesson from this, and after middle age he rarely flirted with women - he couldn't afford to mess with them.

But now, Zeng Bu was in front of him, in public, being intimate with a girl who could be his daughter.


Zhang Dun was a little confused.

Just as he was about to ride away, unexpectedly, Zeng Bu had already spotted him.


Zeng Bu took the girl and came to Zhang Dun with a smile on his face.

Zhang Dun smiled awkwardly and asked, pretending not to know: "Zixuan is so elegant... who is this?"

"This is an adopted daughter that a certain lady recognized when she was in Huairen County... She has been separated for many years, but unexpectedly she reunited in Bianjing University today..."

"After the Empress Dowager found out, she gave this girl to her concubine to renew the good fortune of the past..."

Zhang Dun chuckled, then nodded and said, "Congratulations to Zixuan then!"

But in his heart, Zhang Dun knew that Zeng Bu did not have three hundred taels of silver here, so he was forcing him to explain it!

Besides, the adopted daughter is the adopted daughter, what are you doing holding someone else’s hand?

Note: Regarding the story of Zeng Bu and this adopted daughter, it is recommended that those who are more loyal to marriage and have a pure mind should not search it. I am worried that you have a bad heart.

This chapter has been completed!
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