Chapter 10 The real top of the tower

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"Hello, dear audience friends, today we are going to play a recently popular mini game, Slay the Spire..."

Station B, Wang Laoju’s live broadcast room.

Wang Laoju, who just started broadcasting, skillfully clicked on "Slay the Spire" and entered the game.

As a card game enthusiast.

He had purchased and downloaded the game a few days ago, and had easily completed the three-career level with 0 steps.

I heard that new content has been added to the game, so I was naturally eager to get into the game.

Even the barrage prostitutes are urging me frantically.

"Quick, quick, hurry up and see what has been updated."

"Twenty difficulty levels were opened at once, which is so cool!"

"I thought this game was missing some content before, and I was right!"

"He actually made a big move when other manufacturers came to take advantage of the popularity. This designer is 6."

Most of the games on the neat platform are buy-out systems and cannot continue to generate revenue like online games, so they generally do not put a lot of effort into updating and maintaining them.

"Slay the Spire" suddenly added so much content.

Naturally, it has been greatly praised by players.

enter the game.

Wang Laoju is familiar with the character switching interface, and there is indeed an advanced option at the bottom.

Levels 1 to 20.

The difficulty of each level will increase.

You must clear the level before you can advance to the next level, and so on.

"It's interesting. It's not just about increasing the value."

After clicking on the advanced introduction and taking a look, Wang Laoju seemed a little surprised and felt very pleasantly surprised.

Advanced 1: Elite enemies appear more frequently.


Advanced 5: The life recovery after the boss battle is reduced.


Advanced 10: Initial possession of curse.


Advanced 15: Some events become more disadvantageous.


To know.

During the process of climbing the tower, the blood volume will not automatically return to full.

Even the props have mostly been partially restored.

The higher the difficulty, the more health will be lost, and the more difficult it will be to climb to the top of the tower.

When layer upon layer is added up, it’s hard to imagine how difficult the highest level 20 is, which also arouses players’ desire to challenge.

"I have passed all three professions at level 0 now. Let's try level 1 difficulty first."

Wang Laoju is a more cautious person. At the beginning, she chose the warrior with the most conservative play style to regain blood flow, and then entered the level 1 difficulty.

as expected.

As soon as the game started, there were a lot more elite monsters marked on the map, and many of them were even blocked on the only way to pass.

If you enter the elite level with residual health, there is basically no possibility of passing.

"What is that elite icon with flames? Why have I never seen it before?"

At this time, an eagle-eyed viewer in the live broadcast room suddenly noticed the changes on the map and couldn't help but ask about it.

After being reminded by him, everyone else also noticed this change.

"It's true! I remember there was no such thing before."

"Is it to strengthen the elite?"

"Or are there artifact rewards?"

"Whatever, let's go and take a look first."

Encouraged by the barrage, Wang Laoju was also full of curiosity.

As a veteran player who has access to all three professions, he can still see this change.

"In this case, let's change the route and go up to see what it is."

After that, he opened the map, switched routes, and headed straight for the elite icon with the flame.

When he passed all the levels, his deck gradually took shape, and he finally clicked on the icon to enter the level.

But I found that it was no different from the elite monsters I encountered before, and even the deck skills had not changed at all.

"Strange thing, is there a bug in the game?"

Wang Laoju looked confused and repeatedly observed the elite monster on the opposite side. She really couldn't see any difference from other elite monsters.

The barrage was also full of question marks, and I thought it was a problem caused by the update.

After several rounds of research to no avail, Wang Laoju had no choice but to use the newly formed deck to kill the monsters, and then a reward list popped up.

Gold coins, relics, function options, and...

"What's this?"

Wang Laoju looked at a prop called "Emerald Key" in the list with confusion.

Unlike the other two functional relics, this prop doesn't even have an introduction. It's just hanging on the reward page for him to choose from.

"No introduction, new props?"

"It doesn't look like it. It should be a bug after an update."

"There are a lot of bugs. Is it because the updates are too late?"

"I guess so. With so many manufacturers trying to gain popularity, they shouldn't rush to update to retain players."

"The designers are still too anxious. There are so many problems in one update without reviewing them."

"There is no other way. If we don't take advantage of the popularity to make more money, we won't have a chance when the big manufacturers start to work hard."

Although they felt a little regretful, they still understood the designer's approach very well.

After all, now that big manufacturers have a monopoly, it is really difficult for independent designers to get ahead.

It can only be said that I was a little too hasty and did not control the quality well, so I missed this great opportunity to become famous.

And while they were discussing.

Other players who have just entered the game have also discovered this bug.

For a time, there were many doubtful voices in the comment area, and they were spreading rapidly at a speed that was noticeable to the naked eye.

Seeing this scene, the lurking sunspots suddenly had an orgasm.

"Look, I just said that independent games can't last long. Too few people to maintain the game itself is a big problem."

"There are so many bugs in just one update. Is this the most popular card game?"

"This is a semi-finished product that is obviously served to maintain the popularity. Do you really think that the players are fools?"

"Come on, am I the only one who thinks this game is boring?"

"My evaluation is: rely on the defense."

Hidden among these black men are many trolls sent by game manufacturers.

Seeing that their own games are not good enough, they all come out to add fuel to the flames and smear them in the comment area.

You can find it with just a little attention.

Their play time is basically very short.

Some even leave the game impatiently and make comments as soon as they meet the conditions. You don’t have to think twice to know what they are thinking.

But it’s just the passers-by players who like this.

After seeing so many smears in the comment area, I believed it to be true and gave up the idea of ​​buying the game.

This makes those manufacturers very happy.

When these players leave, there will be no similar substitutes.

The card game they just released can easily become popular with just a little publicity, right?

Soon one manufacturer after another started to promote it with all their strength.

They brag about how well-made their games are, how rich their gameplay is, and how bug-free they are, and they look like they are revitalizing the card game.


What no one expected was.

At this moment, the seventh episode of the Slay the Spire animation was just updated, and a brand new plot was revealed to all the players.

In animation.

The protagonist has gone through a lot of hardships.

Finally relying on the power of cards, he successfully defeated his corrupt soul imprisoned in the tower.

When he fused that half of his soul and climbed to the top of the tower with his severely injured body, he found that the curse on the tower had not been lifted.

Even the top of the tower that he always thought was not the real top of the tower, but an illusory space where their souls were imprisoned!

An ancient gate blocked his way.

There are only three keyholes on it, in red, green, and blue colors, forming a clover pattern on the door.

When she saw the green keyhole, Wang Laoju in the live broadcast room was surprised.

This shape...

It seems to be the same as the unknown item he dropped when he defeated the elite monster just now?

This chapter has been completed!
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