Chapter 115 The Little Master of China

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"Chen Lin, have you seen the game sales last week?"

After sorting out the information, Lao Song quickly found Chen Lin who was busy in the office.

"Well, I just watched it. They are all very good."

Chen Lin's calm voice came, and he didn't seem to be surprised by this result.

Lao Song looked strangely, only to find that he was frowning and staring at the computer.

"What's wrong?"

"You'll know when you come over and take a look."

Chen Lin didn't explain too much, but slid the mouse in his hand.

This made Lao Song even more confused, and he quickly walked around the desk and came to his side.

Just one glance.

I saw the message page that was open on my computer.

[Latest Daily News, Juhard, Sony, Nintendo and other companies will build new console platforms this year, and will release second-generation console products soon, fully entering the console market.]

"This is."

"Major foreign manufacturers have also begun to take action."

Chen Lin said leisurely, with a little surprise in his eyes.

Because this news came out so coincidentally, just when their game market was accelerating its development.


If their host market was still in the development stage before.

The strong participation of these three major manufacturers is undoubtedly a blockbuster, completely blowing up the market.

After all, before this, these three companies did not regard the host market as a key project.

Now that he has made a public statement, he has obviously anticipated the rise of the gaming industry and is preparing to shift his focus to this industry.

And if they can announce it now, they must have been preparing for more than a year, otherwise there would be too few new games on the console platform and it would be impossible to attract players.

"This game market is really going to change." Chen Lin couldn't help but sigh.

"This may also be a good thing for us." Lao Song said thoughtfully.

"Indeed." Chen Lin nodded, "When the time comes, we can consider multi-platform interoperability. If the three companies enter the market at the same time, the demand for new games will definitely be great, and there will inevitably be open recruitment."

"With the rise of the console side, it is estimated that many manufacturers will join in. What game do you think is better to use to start our first battle in history?"

The console side is different from the PC side and is called a "living room game".

Although it does not require a wide space like VR, the gaming experience is still a bit different from that of a computer.


Some people also like to install it in the room, it mainly depends on personal preference.

If I have to say the difference, it's just that the operations of the mouse, keyboard and controller are different.

Chen Lin thought for a long time and said: "Since this is our first official entry into the console market, we must do it well so that players will remember us. A new game may not be enough."

"You mean to make two types?" Lao Song was shocked when he heard this.

With the current manpower of their studio, it is still a bit difficult to produce two large-scale games at the same time, unless the production cycle is lengthened.

But that would probably miss the best time to enter the console.

"Yes, there are only two games, and we won't be making large-scale games, so the production cycle will be too long and it may be a bit rushed."

"What should we do?" Lao Song was a little confused.

"We have to ask the players about their needs. After all, I don't have a deep understanding of the console market."

The game industry trajectories in the two worlds are different, and Chen Lin cannot guarantee whether the market demand for consoles will be the same.

The simplest and most practical way is to directly ask players for their opinions.

So after he finished speaking, he stood up with the notepad on the table, left the office and went outside. Lao Song followed him with a puzzled look on his face.


"Director Song."

Seeing them appear, the busy employees said hello one after another.

Chen Lin nodded towards them and came to the office next to administrative Xiaoli, placing one hand on the partition.

"Xiao Li, what console games do you usually play at home?"

"Ah? Me?"

When asked suddenly, Xiaoli stopped working and put her finger on her chin to recall: "It should be more casual games like Xiaoxiaole and Parkour. I really don't want to play too tiring games during my break."

"And me and me!"

At this time, Xiaowei, who was passing by, heard their conversation and quickly came over.

"Mr. Chen, are you collecting players' opinions?"

Her voice was so loud that it spread throughout the entire office area, causing employees to look over.

Chen Lin looked around and said with a smile: "That's about right. You can bring up any opinions you have. It's best if the game you want to play most when you rest at home should be on the console."

Host side!

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

Is the boss planning to expand the business on the console platform?

And it looks like they are collecting opinions to determine the direction of the next project.

This is a big deal, so they can't help but ignore it.

Xiaowei immediately said: "As for the console, I usually play more sports and business games, because my family will disturb me from time to time, so I don't like playing games that require concentration. It's best to be able to play at any time.

Stop that."

"Mr. Chen, as for me, when I go home, I usually play Need for Speed ​​in our studio!"

"As for me, I prefer games that can be played by multiple people, because I often have friends at home."

"Indeed, there are very few two-player games on consoles nowadays. Every time I have my friends watching me play, I feel embarrassed after a long time."

"You can let them play Super Bunny Man, haha."

In the office area, everyone was talking to each other, and they were all trying their best to share their opinions and play experiences, which immediately made the place lively.

As practitioners in the gaming industry, they are indispensable for gaming equipment at home, and the popularity of console equipment is much higher than outside.

Chen Lin wrote quickly, jotting down the general thoughts of each of them in his notepad, and finally came up with an idea.

To sum it up:

It's a place where you want to have a relaxing time without fear of being disturbed, and it can also be enjoyed by many people, so the requirements are a bit unexpected.

But it’s right if you think about it carefully.

The living room is a place where many families rest and relax. When you go back to get off work every day and you are exhausted, you definitely don’t want to play games that require mental energy.

And as a place to receive guests, it is naturally best for many people to play together, so that there will not be the embarrassing situation of one person playing games while others watch.

"I think I probably know what game I want to play."

Chen Lin had a confident smile on his face.

"So fast?"

Lao Song next to him was stunned, with an expression like "You're so fast."

"Well, based on everyone's opinions, I plan to make a two-player adventure game and a multi-player management game, focusing on a relaxing and casual game."

"It's not bad to have two people to enter the level, but if there are multiple people running it, what will they do?"

"Kitchen!" Chen Lin responded in a deep voice.

"And I am planning to make a special promotional animation for this game. As for the theme, it will be mainly chefs. I believe players will definitely like it."

After that, he slowly closed the notepad in his hand, and could still vaguely see two lines of small text.

"Two people travel together" -.

"Bullshit in the Kitchen" - Chinese Little Master

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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