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Chapter 205 The life of the blood demon, the three realms of heaven and man

 Meng Chong sat cross-legged on the spot, waiting for the door to the spiritual realm to open.

Ziyun thought for a moment and sat down next to him.

"What are you doing with me?"

Meng Chong frowned, moved away and said.

"I'm cold!"

Ziyun continued to move forward.

"Meng Chong, don't be impulsive and contradict a strong person in the spiritual realm. If the other party is hostile, just take out the jade order."

Meng Chong frowned and said, "I have my own sense of discretion!"

The water waves in front of the peak ahead continue to ripple, gradually revealing the outline of the portal.

It's like a huge portal is about to open.

In Tianbao Pavilion, the purple-crowned man moved and came to the top of the Tianbao Pavilion peak. He looked at the rippling portal in the distance, his expression becoming solemn.

"The door to the spiritual realm is about to open? Why is it at this time? Is it because of Su Lingxiu?"

Thinking of this, the man with the purple crown looked solemnly and showed hesitation.

"Would you like to go to Canglan Island?"

He was not sure who the person from Canglan Island was.

"That's all, this is not something I can get involved in."

The man with the purple crown sighed and returned to Tianbao Pavilion.

Meng Chong was practicing while waiting for the door to the spiritual realm to open.

There is no danger in the Tomb of Heavenly Beings.

Xu Yanxunfeng's sword intent enveloped him and Du Yuying, and they entered the Tomb of Heavenly Man without encountering any special circumstances along the way.

Only the last door into the tomb seems to be attached to something, a faint fluctuation, which seems to be the remaining consciousness of the heavenly warrior?

However, the remaining spiritual consciousness is very weak and has no thinking existence. It seems to be just a mark.

After Du Yuying came closer, her faint spiritual consciousness fluctuated, and the door of the tomb opened.

As the door of the tomb opened, the spiritual consciousness dissipated immediately.

"For identity verification?"

Xu Yan was thoughtful.

The tomb seemed very empty, with a pool in the center filled with rich spiritual energy, causing the entire tomb to be shrouded in a faint spiritual mist.

There was a piece of elixir floating in the pool that was as icy as a lotus leaf, filled with a faint fragrance, and in the center of the leaf was a drop of blood-red liquid.

That seems to be a drop of blood!

Du Yuying looked at the blood essence on the leaf in the pool, and felt an inexplicable desire in her heart to integrate this drop of blood into her body.

"Mr. Xu, that's what I want. Once it's integrated into my body, my problem will be solved."

Du Yuying said softly.

"There should be no danger here."

Xunfeng's sword intent has already swept through the tomb chamber. If there is any residual spiritual consciousness, he can detect it immediately.

"Master Xu, I don't need the elixir in the pool, so I'll give it to you for your cultivation. The pool contains abundant spiritual energy and is also a good place for cultivation."

Du Yuying said in a low voice while taking off her clothes.

Xu Yan's eyes were indifferent, without the slightest movement, he nodded and said: "Forget about the elixir, it may not be suitable for me, but I can practice some practice in the pool."

Du Yuying was wearing a thin, close-fitting dress, revealing most of her jade-like white skin, making her extremely beautiful.

Her face turned red, and she glanced at Xu Yan secretly, only to find that Xu Yan was staring at the pool, which seemed to be more attractive than her.

Not attracted by beauty at all.

While feeling a little disappointed in my heart, I also sighed endlessly. As expected of Mr. Xu, he has a flawless heart and a handsome spirit.

Stepping into the pool, she stretched out her palm and gently sucked the drop of blood on the leaf into the palm of her hand. This drop of blood seemed to contain some kind of aura.

Under the nourishment of the pool and the elixir, it seemed to have turned into a drop of spiritual blood.

The essence and blood slowly seeped into her skin from her palms. At this moment, Du Yuying's tender white skin became flushed, making her look even more attractive.


Du Yuying only felt her heartbeat speeding up, a warm current flowing through her body, her whole body seemed to be rounding, and some unknown defects seemed to be being made up for.

A stream of spiritual energy from the pool poured into her body.

A feeling of tiredness came to mind, Du Yuying's eyelids were heavy, and she wanted to fall asleep.

He raised his head with difficulty and saw that Xu Yan was standing by the pool, paying attention to the changes in her body. At this moment, his heart settled, he closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Xu Yan looked at Du Yuying in the pool and could feel that she was undergoing a transformation, as if her physical defects were being made up for.

After making sure there was no danger, he stepped into the pool.

Sitting down on the other side, the spiritual mist in the tomb poured into his body like a whirlpool.

The spiritual energy in the pool also poured into his body continuously. Xu Yan found that the spiritual energy in the pool seemed to be endless and would never stop no matter how much he absorbed it.

"Under the pool, is there a spiritual crystal mine?"

Xu Yan was surprised.

There should be some other gains from this Tomb of Heavenly Beings. Xu Yan was not in a hurry to find it, but began to accumulate himself and took this opportunity to practice.

He transformed into a mountain and river spiritual body, his body was like a mountain and river, and the terrifying spiritual energy was continuously poured into his body, and was condensed into true essence crazily.

"This time, it won't be a big problem to break through Tongxuan."

Xu Yan muttered in his heart.

As time passed, the spiritual mist in the tomb had dissipated and was all absorbed by Xu Yan. However, the spiritual energy in the pool continued to flow with no signs of drying up.

Xu Yan increasingly felt that the pool was built on a spiritual crystal vein.

Considering that this is the Tomb of Heavenly Beings, it is not surprising that there is a spiritual crystal mine.

At a certain moment, the breath surged, and the breakthrough to the Tongxuan realm was achieved.

"If you have achieved a small level of Tongxuan realm, you are still a long way from reaching Dacheng. But even if you don't use the pool to practice, you won't be too far away from breaking through to Dacheng."

Xu Yan came out of the pool. Du Yuying's body defects had been made up for, and the aura on her body had become stronger.

Dacheng Grandmaster!

He looked away and looked at the tomb. After the spiritual mist dissipated, his vision was not affected. Xu Yan saw that a piece of the stone wall of the tomb behind the pool had been hollowed out.

There is a coffin parked in the cave.

He couldn't help but wonder why a hollow was dug to store the coffin instead of being placed in the tomb chamber?

"Master Xu!"

Du Yuying woke up.

Her eyes were full of excitement. Her physical problems had been solved and her strength had been greatly improved. More importantly, she felt that her talents had also improved a lot.

Coming out of the pool, I used my energy to evaporate the water on my body and put on the clothes I took off.

"Who are you, the owner of this tomb?"

Xu Yan asked as he walked towards the coffin.

He is very curious about martial arts heavenly beings.

"It may be the ancestors, but I'm not sure. I just know that this is the place left by the ancestors to make up for physical defects. The details are not clear.

"It seems that there is some secret that has not been passed down to future generations."

Du Yuying replied softly.

"There should be another thing here that is very important. I don't know its specific purpose."

After thinking for a while, Du Yuying said again.


Xu Yan was very curious.

"Jade order, a jade token!"

While talking, the two came to the cave.

The coffin was dark, and it was unknown what material it was made of, and on the surface of the coffin, there seemed to be lines of small words written in blood.

"The blood devil is buried here! Whether it is kindness or resentment, it is over here; he was born in humbleness, and he is buried in the wilderness!"

In front of the small words, there is a jade plaque on the coffin lid.

"Blood Demon?"

Xu Yan took out the jade tablet and handed it to Du Yuying, and asked in surprise: "Ancestor, is he a blood demon?"

Du Yuying put away the jade plaque, shook her head and said: "No, this should be my ancestor who buried the blood demon."

After a pause, he added: "To be more precise, it was my grandmother who buried the Blood Demon."

Xu Yan looked at the cave and suddenly discovered that there were some patterns painted on the wall of the cave. If he looked carefully, they seemed to be a person's life.

Obviously, the painting is of the Blood Demon!

This is the tomb of a heavenly being, and the Blood Demon is obviously a martial arts heavenly being.

Xu Yan couldn't help but become curious about the life of this martial arts heavenly man, and carefully looked at the pictures on the wall.

The first picture shows a woman in a small mountain village giving birth to a baby...

Looking at the pictures one after another, Xu Yan couldn't help but sigh at the life of the Blood Demon. The illegitimate son of a big family was not recognized and suffered all kinds of humiliation.

Even if you join the sect to practice, you will be humiliated.

Later, he was rescued by a woman, and he fell in love with her, but the woman fell in love with someone else... There was a dispute between grudges and grudges, and the woman's sweetheart was killed by him.

The woman was so distraught that she wanted to avenge her sweetheart, so she stabbed her chest with a sword. Finally, she seemed to relent and abandoned the sword.

The severely wounded Blood Demon was hunted and disappeared.

Xu Yan saw a painting in which the woman was kneeling on the ground and was being insulted by a group of people. The group seemed to be her sweetheart's family members, insulting him for releasing the blood demon and having an entangled relationship with the blood demon.

A young girl stood up to defend the woman.

In one scene, a group of people forced the young girl. The woman stood up and committed suicide to settle all the grudges. At that moment, the Blood Demon appeared.

The Blood Demon was surrounded and killed, and he left with the woman's body in his arms. The girl seemed to be insulting the Blood Demon while protecting him and escaping.

In one painting, the girl was mistaken for the woman by the irrational blood demon and threw herself to the ground...

The last few paintings show cities one after another, mountains of corpses and seas of blood, and a man standing with a knife.

The sect is destroyed, and a group of bloodthirsty people kill everywhere, devouring blood and essence to strengthen themselves.

In the penultimate painting, a group of strong men take action to kill the bloodthirsty people and besiege the blood demon. A portal opens and the blood demon escapes.

In the last painting, in a mountain, the girl of the past pierced the blood demon's head with one blow...

"This is?"

Xu Yan was immediately surprised. The mountains in the last painting seemed to be endless mountains!

"Blood Demon? Is he the Demon Cult Demon Lord?"

The demon lord of the demon sect suddenly disappeared. It turned out that he was killed, and the blood demon was the demon lord. He was not from the inner realm!

"It is said that my grandmother was seriously injured, but it was my ancestor who saved her, and they finally got together..."

Du Yuying said in a low voice.

"Your great-grandmother was a powerful martial artist. Your ancestor..."

Xu Yan was about to speak but stopped.

"Maybe it's to repay a favor."

Du Yuying thought for a while and then said: "The great-grandmother I am talking about is not from Duhou Palace. My bloodline comes more from my mother's lineage. The same goes for my mother. From generation to generation, it is only passed down from female to female.

They are all daughters, maybe because their heavenly bloodline is too strong."

Xu Yan nodded. After reading the life of the Blood Demon, he couldn't help but sigh. Just as it was written on the coffin, he was born in humble circumstances and was buried in this wilderness. This was his final destination.

Coming out of the cave, Xu Yan found some pictures and lines of words drawn on the top of the tomb outside the cave.

"This is?"

What is painted on the top of the tomb is a large mountain, pavilions, lakes and pavilions, and the scenery is pleasant.

A woman stood in the waterside pavilion, as if she was reminiscing about something.

Next to the mountain, there are three words engraved: Tai Miao Zong!

Du Yuying took out the jade plaque, and sure enough she saw the word Tai Miao engraved on it.

"Taimiao Jade Order?"

He murmured something in his mouth.

"The realm of the spiritual realm, the three realms of heaven and man?"

Xu Yan looked surprised.

Next to the mural, there are lines of words introducing the martial arts heavenly beings.

"Heavens and humans are divided into three realms, one realm and one heaven; one realm gathers gods, the second realm combines gods, and the third realm refines gods... The first realm is commonly known as small heavenly beings; the second realm is commonly known as big heavenly beings; and the third realm is commonly known as refining gods.


"Those who gather the spirit feel their own spirit, gather and condense it; those who unite the spirit, unite the spirit and soul, blend into one; those who refine the spirit, refine the soul...

"The soul is immortal and exists in the body..."

The lines of writing on the stone wall did not teach the skills, but introduced the martial arts heavenly beings.

Martial arts heavenly beings are divided into three realms, commonly known as small heavenly beings, great heavenly beings and god-refining heavenly beings. Among them, the god-refining heavenly beings condense the soul. As long as the soul does not die, it can survive in the body.

Seeing this, Xu Yan had a thought in his mind. He remembered what happened to Meng Chong back then, that Senior Wu!

Master said, this is seizing one’s body!

So, is it the body of the god-refining heavenly being?

"The Blood Demon! That is the Demon Lord!"

At this moment, Xu Yan's heart was shocked. The blood demon did not die completely, but escaped a little bit of his soul. For some unknown reason, he finally chose to reside in Senior Wu's body.

Moreover, his soul was extremely weak. When Meng Chong drew his sword, the soul of the sword awakened, understood the meaning of the sword, and completely killed his remaining soul in one fell swoop!

In the last painting in the cave, the Blood Demon was killed in the Endless Mountains, and Senior Wu entered the Endless Mountains, and only then did the subsequent changes in the Wu Kingdom occur.

Xu Yan felt that his guess must be the truth.

He continued to look at the above. The introduction to the Three Realms of Heaven and Humanity, although it did not teach the exercises, but only introduced the Three Realms of Heaven and Humanity, had its value.

"The realm of heaven and man is to feel the spirit of oneself and condense it...Theoretically, the realm of spirit is in the same realm as the realm of heaven and man, and the realm of spirit is the condensation of the divine will of martial arts and the condensation of the will of heaven and earth.

God’s will…”

Xu Yan murmured in his heart.

In the realm of heaven and man, one must feel one's own spirit and condense it. The strength of one's own spirit determines the strength of the realm of heaven and man; the divine realm is to condense the divine will of martial arts and the will of heaven and earth; my meaning is

God's will, my shape is the shape of heaven...

The divine realm is stronger than the realm of heaven and man, and much stronger.

"With the divine power of Heaven and Man, my sword intention can resist it. After all, the power of its own god is limited; and the divine will of martial arts embodies the will of heaven and earth. Wherever the divine will goes, it is all the will of God. This is not the realm of Heaven and Man.


Xu Yan had some understanding in his heart. Among the three realms of heaven and man, the truly powerful ones are the gods and heavenly beings in the third realm.

The first realm and the second realm are only the cultivation foundation of the heaven and human realm. Only the gods and heavenly beings can be called true heavenly beings!

This chapter has been completed!
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