156. Chapter 156 Attack on Tongpu Railway

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 Chapter 156 Attack on Tongpu Railway

The news of Chen Ziyun's angry scolding of Zhang Fuyun had already spread, so everyone in this area was not too surprised by this.

After all, Chen Ziyun once beat Zhang Fuyun very violently, so the conflict between them is no secret.

Of course, that incident had a great impact on many officers and soldiers of the 7th Independent Infantry Battalion.

Although these officers and soldiers have been following Qian Bojun and Zhang Furun for a long time, they still have certain feelings for Chu Yunfei.

In the original drama, when Li Jiazhen was in town, the people who really shot Chu Yunfei were a few people around Qian Bojun and Zhang Fulin.

Otherwise, with a battalion of about 2,000 troops, it would not be easy for them to deal with Chu Yunfei.

And it was probably because the officers and soldiers knew that Qian Bojun and Zhang Fu had mistaken Chu Yunfei for having an affair, they had no time to put an end to the chaos.

Therefore, Lao Li and his cavalry company could easily reach the battalion headquarters.

Otherwise, with one battalion's weapon configuration, more than a hundred cavalry troops want to attack the battalion headquarters, unless there are heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals.

I would like to know that each squad of the Jinsui Army is equipped with a light machine gun and a submachine gun.

Those automatic weapons can be the biggest nemesis of cavalry.

"Why do you always have trouble with Commander Chen in the camp? The commander attaches great importance to Commander Chen now."

"The camp directly fell out with Commander Chen. This is not a sensible thing to do."

"Please tell the brigade to mention eight new recruits without any military exploits. Commander Qian and the camp can just ignore them."

"Can Commander Chen have great military exploits? With Lidong's military exploits alone, there will be no problem even if he is promoted to the head of the regiment in an exceptional manner."

"More than that, Commander Chen can easily command artillery and infantry operations. He thinks there will be no problem even if he serves as deputy brigade commander."

Some officers and soldiers of the 7th Battalion of the Independent Infantry began to discuss privately.

Even though they are no longer the old friends of Qian Bojun and Zhang Furun, they feel that it is not a wise choice to fall out with Chen Ziyun now.

Of course, those words would definitely not reach Zhang Fuyan's ears.

Those officers and soldiers also knew Zhang Furun's temper. If he knew, he would definitely not spare them lightly.

Zhang Furun led three companies to the artillery battalion, and Liang Guoping greeted them with a smile.

In terms of qualifications, Liang Guoping is not a lieutenant colonel, but the major he has always wanted is a higher level.

And everyone in Chu Yunfei's army knew whether Liang Guoping was behind Yan Laoxi.

So even if Liang Guoping and Chen Ziyun have reconciled now, Zhang Furun would not want to offend Liang Guoping.

Zhang Furun and Liang Guoping exchanged pleasantries for a while, and then they did not cause trouble at the artillery camp.

Now, do Qian Bojun and Zhang Fuli have any intention of selling for a price? Yan Laoxi and Yue Jun are both willing to interact with each other.

Liang Guoping was arranged by Yan Laoxi to be in Chu Yunfei's army, so Zhang Furun was naturally willing to have a good relationship with him.

Has Chen Ziyun considered that?

At 10:30 in the morning, Chen Ziyun began to convey combat orders to the East.

The ministries began to leave Qicun Town and advance directly to the east.

The east side of Qicun Town has hilly terrain, and when advancing towards the northeastern area, it is the JS area where the Yuan Army's Harada detachment headquarters is located.

By this time, the Harada detachment had already received the message from the First Army Headquarters, so they also began to carry out large-scale transfers.

As early as seven o'clock, the Harada detachment began to evacuate along the railway line.

Now the Harada detachment's detachment headquarters has also left Jinshan Highlands, and they have evacuated to the area east of the Tongpu Railway.

The First Army Headquarters will ask the Harada detachment to advance southeast and directly meet with the Sato detachment.

After the two detachments are reunited, there will be five to six thousand people. They will be used as mobile troops to ensure the security of the occupied area.

Yoshio Shinozuka's intention was very clear, that is, please ask all ministries to continue to defend the strongholds of the artillery towers to prevent Chen Ziyun and other troops from attacking.

The Sato detachment and the Harada detachment will be in the Xinxian area. Once other occupied areas are attacked, will they be able to quickly maneuver along the railway to support operations?

Is the First Army currently adopting a defensive strategy rather than taking the initiative to attack?

After all, in the two previous attacks, both the Sato detachment and the Harada detachment suffered heavy casualties.

The strategy of the Bu Nao First Army was obviously difficult to achieve because they did not ignore the strength of Chen Ziyun's artillery unit.

After Chen Ziyun learned about the defense situation of the Moon Army troops, he immediately directed the troops to advance towards the hilly area on the east side.

Going east, he plans to use the hilly area on the east side of Qicun Town as the core and continuously attack the Tongpu Railway to destroy the Moon Army's artillery towers, bunkers and railways.

Each battalion quickly began to mobilize, and within one night Chen Ziyun commanded the troops to begin stationing in the hilly area.

Under his personal command, various ministries began to build positions, and at the same time, cavalry companies continued to attack and conduct reconnaissance.

As early as nine o'clock the next day, Chen Ziyun, who had received a detailed report from the cavalry company, began to hold a combat meeting.

At this time, there were three artillery companies in the east of the artillery battalion, which had been stationed in different positions and built a complete artillery position.

Whether they have covered the railway range, they can carry out effective bombardment at any time.

"Currently, the main force of the Japs is assembled in the Xinxian area. Do they have five to six thousand troops? Are they part of their mobile combat force?"

"Also along the railway line, there will be a large number of Moon troops stationed, and the gun towers and fortresses will also need to be controlled by the Imperial Army."

"When they came to fight from the east, they wanted to focus on destroying those artillery towers and bunkers, completely cutting off the Tongpu Railway, and completely losing contact between the north and the south."

"The 5th Independent Infantry Battalion operates from the left, the 6th Independent Infantry Battalion operates from the right, and the Guard Company is located in the center to attack."

"The artillery battalion is responsible for supporting operations, and two companies of the 7th Independent Infantry Battalion serve as reserve teams."

When the officers arrived at Chen Ziyun's headquarters, he pointed at the map and marked it, and directly issued the combat order.

Part of Zhang Wu's cavalry company was responsible for battlefield security, while the main force was deployed in the artillery battalion.

Did they want to guard against Zhang Fuli, did Zhang Fuli have other ideas, and did the cavalry company need to attack quickly to resolve the crisis.

"No, Commander Chen." After receiving the order, the officers agreed to come east.

At ten o'clock, various ministries began to prepare. Chen Ziyun personally coordinated the coordinated operations between the infantry and artillery.

By eleven o'clock, Chen Ziyun's eastern troops launched combat operations.

Directed to the east by the artillery observation post, six Bofors mountain guns, five Type 94 mountain guns, and four Liao-made field guns began their bombardment.

Among those fifteen artillery pieces, do two Liao-made field guns have detailed firing parameter lists?

Therefore, they could strike with precision, firing grenades directly towards the turret and bunker.

Other artillery conducted test firings, and after calibrating the shots, they also began to hit the target.

The Bofors Mountain Cannon fired armor-piercing shells directly, easily destroying those bunkers and gun towers.

At twelve o'clock, the infantry began to charge. They advanced quickly and directly missed the puppet troops to carry out annihilation strikes.

Fierce gunfire sounded continuously, and the fifteen artillery pieces exerted their due combat effectiveness.

Moreover, the bunker and gun turrets built by the Japs are completely fixed, which would provide a good training opportunity for the expanded artillery battalion.

They are almost always training and can easily adjust their guns at any time without being threatened.

At the artillery battalion position, artillery pieces were deployed at different positions, and the artillerymen quickly launched artillery fire under the command of each squad leader.

One after another, the shells left the barrel and shot directly into the distance.

At the battalion headquarters, although Liang Guoping was the battalion commander, each company had direct contact with the artillery observation post, so he was basically not required to take command.

Zhang Furun stood next to Liang Guoping, feeling a little unhappy as he watched his boss repeatedly carry the shells and deliver them to the loading legs.

However, he looked through the telescope and saw that the turrets and bunkers along the railway were being destroyed one after another, with a slightly surprised expression on his face.

"Captain Zhang, I must be very surprised, but he is completely used to it."

"Commander Chen is a general, an infantryman, and an artillery commander. He is completely at his ease."

"Who would have thought that their Shanxi-Sui Army troops would have such a dazzling moment."

"I also know the situation of our brigade. Given the brigade's talents, if it were not limited by his background in Huangpu, I am afraid he would have become a division commander by now."

"When Chen Ziyun suddenly appeared, even if he was not Commander Yan, he had to take it seriously because of his illustrious military exploits."

"He has a hunch that in the near future, the 48th Independent Brigade may seek to become a division-level force."

"What we want to do now is not to fight for the short term, but to look at the future."

"Whether you are a bum or a brigade or Commander Chen, they are not things in the pool, and you will definitely seek a career in the future."

"They can't compare with them, but if you just adapt to the current situation and get promoted in rank, there will be no problem."

Liang Guoping looked at Zhang Fuyan beside him and said with a smile on his face.

He knew whether Yan Laoxi had been wooing Qian Bojun and Zhang Furun recently, so he said such words.

Liang Guoping would never have thought that Qian Bojun and Zhang Furun were different from him.

Does Liang Guoping want to just follow Chu Yunfei and Chen Ziyun and be promoted to military rank?

But if Qian Bojun and Zhang Fuyun were not limited to the Shanxi-Sui Army, they could also consider joining the Japs if the price was right.

"Although he doesn't get along well with him, he has to admit that he is beyond his capabilities."

"With his help in the brigade, there will be no doubts about the future, including Commander Chen, who will definitely be reused by all parties."

"Captain Liang, there is a big tree behind me to enjoy the shade, but he has nothing."

"As the old saying goes, if you are under the eaves, you have to bow your head."

Zhang Fuyan glanced in the direction of Chen Ziyun's headquarters and said with a playful expression on his face.

When Liang Guoping heard Zhang Furun's last words, he thought Zhang Furun had figured it out and couldn't help but smile.

How could he know that, in Zhang Fuyun's opinion, the more powerful Chen Ziyun is, the greater the threat from the little Japs.

Then he will be more valuable to the Yue Army. After all, can he secretly make a move and catch Chen Ziyun off guard?

If you can take Chen Ziyun's head to join the Moon Army, then his worth will definitely increase a lot.

Moreover, the greater Chen Ziyun's military exploits, the higher his price will be in Zhang Fuli's eyes.

Do those two people have their own ideas? Since they are fighting on the front line, they can continue chatting without getting involved.

The fierce fighting continued, and at three o'clock in the morning, the guard company troops had arrived at the railway.

They used the explosive bags they carried to start sabotaging the Tongpu Railway.

It means that at that time, the Moon Army troops in the Xinxian area had received the messages one after another.

There were more than 1,000 people from the Sato detachment and more than 4,000 people from the Harada detachment, who quickly gathered together.

The two detachment captains also met quickly, with solemn expressions on their faces.

"The area where Xin County and Yuan Pingcheng meet was violently attacked by the Jinsui Army. That Jinsui Army was in the Suohe Town area."

"They assembled artillery units to carry out repeated shelling. The bunkers and gun towers on both sides of the railway were successively destroyed. Now they have even begun to destroy the railway."

"The troops responsible for the defense there reported that they had suffered hundreds of casualties."

"Please allow them to sabotage and go east. The cage strategy personally designated by the front army headquarters will be broken by them."

"The military headquarters was very angry after receiving the news and begged them to go out and fight with all their strength."

"At the same time, they have contacted the aviation unit and quickly dispatched to cover their actions."

After seeing Colonel Harada, Lieutenant Colonel Sato said immediately with a serious expression on his face.

Chen Ziyun commanded the troops to start fighting for several hours. At first, the little devils received the report and they did not dispatch for the time being.

Due to the continuous attacks, they may also worry that this is a trap.

The Yue army was afraid that Chen Ziyun's attack on the railway would be a bait to attract them to attack, and then ambush them.

So they didn't set off immediately. By now, a large number of bunkers and gun towers had been destroyed, and the little Japanese were completely panicked.

After receiving the report, the First Army Headquarters quickly launched deployment.

Two reconnaissance planes were dispatched first. They conducted direct reconnaissance and covered the infantry advance.

At the same time, the four bombers are also ready. They will rush to the battlefield at any time and directly carry out carpet bombing.

"Their troops set off quickly, with the cavalry serving as the vanguard to search their path to prevent an ambush."

"The infantry dispersed and advanced, marching quickly towards the battlefield. The artillery troops followed behind, and at the same time, one unit was deployed to ensure the absolute safety of the artillery."

"In view of the previous combat situation, they must adopt a steady and steady strategy to fight against Donglai without any carelessness."

"In addition, contact the army headquarters and request the aviation unit to destroy the Shanxi-Sui Army artillery unit as much as possible."

"As long as they can destroy their artillery units, then if they come to fight from the east, they will be very confident that they can completely defeat the Shanxi-Sui Army units."

Osaka Harada had a confident expression on his face and said directly.

Lieutenant Colonel Sato immediately nodded in agreement, and he quickly arranged for communications troops to generate electricity.

At 3:20, more than 5,000 troops of the Moon Army were advancing along the north railway line in mighty force.

At that time, Li Yunlong commanded more than 2,000 troops and had been deployed nearby.

After the Yuan army attacked, Li Yunlong prepared to command the troops to launch a combat strike.

But at that time, two Little Devil reconnaissance planes appeared directly in front of them without any warning.

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(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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