189. Chapter 189 Chu Yunfei encircled and annihilated the 11th Field Brigade

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 Chapter 189 Chu Yunfei encircles and annihilates the 11th Field Brigade

The battle in the Xinxian County area stopped coming eastward after the 12th Independent Field Brigade of the Yuan Army was completely annihilated.

Tsuda Mitake, the commander of the Lunar Army Major General Brigade, directed the artillery to fire a large number of poison gas bombs outside the city, and the Japanese troops began to rest and prepare.

They planned to use poisonous gas to inflict heavy damage on the defenders outside the city, and then invade the city at twelve o'clock in the morning and completely annihilate the defenders with ease.

Of course, they had fired corrosive poison gas that time, so they also needed enough time for the poison gas to dissipate.

Little Jaap would never have thought that Chen Ziyun had already noticed this outside the city and ordered his troops to abandon the second defensive position in advance.

And Chen Ziyun began to adjust his combat deployment. Now that the two sides were ebbing and flowing, he was no longer prepared to conduct purely defensive operations.

Bu Nao is in the hilly area northwest of Xinxian County. There is an independent 11th field brigade stationed in the eastern part of the 4th Brigade.

The main mission of the Lunar Army is to contain the 358th Regiment of the 48th Independent Brigade, and whether the hundreds of little devils are equipped with poison gas bombs.

Chu Yunfei, the commander of the 48th Independent Brigade, is currently personally commanding the 358th Regiment and other troops in combat, and does he know whether he is wrong about the little devil's intentions?

So when the sky was red, Chu Yun ordered the battle to be carried out, and all the ministries gradually moved towards Hesuo Town.

They showed signs of seeking a detour south of the hilly area, bypassing the hilly area, and supporting the county battle.

Captain Xiaojiazi Major paid close attention to the movements of the 358th Regiment and other troops, and discovered that they were moving towards Hesuo Town one after another.

On the one hand, the Major Captain quickly contacted the brigade headquarters, and on the other hand, he quickly mobilized troops to prepare for the attack.

At around ten o'clock in the morning, the 11th Independent Field Brigade began to set off one after another.

At present, the main force of the independent mixed fourth brigade has suffered heavy casualties, and their attack on the county seat has not gone smoothly.

If Chu Yunfei directs other troops of the 48th Independent Brigade to rush to the county seat for reinforcements, it will directly affect Mitake Tsuda's re-capture of the county seat.

The Yue Army Brigade Headquarters asked the 11th Independent Field Brigade to make an all-out effort to prevent the Shanxi-Sui Army from advancing towards the county town.

In addition, Mitake Tsuda gave the suggestion of a night attack, and the captain of the Yue Army Major received a call back from the brigade headquarters, and without any delay, he began to organize the night attack.

The 11th Field Brigade of several hundred people secretly advanced toward Hesuo Town. Are they preparing to attack the 358th Regiment there?

At this time, there was a big gap between the troops of the two sides. Chu Yunfei commanded five infantry battalions and one field artillery company.

There are hundreds of people in the 11th Japanese Field Brigade. Even if the Japanese want to attack at night, it will be difficult.

The major commander who was commanding the battle knew this very well, so he planned to continue using poison gas bombs to attack.

When the Independent Mixed Fourth Brigade left them in the hilly area, they were equipped with a certain number of poison gas bombs.

Captain Major is preparing to command the troops to quietly approach the Hesuo Town area and directly launch poison gas bombs, using the poison gas bombs to expand the results of the battle.

At around 10:30, a little Japanese soldier with a grenade launcher quietly advanced toward the position established by the 358th Regiment in Hesuo Town.

After reaching the firing range, the grenade legs quickly began to fire gas bombs.

Poison gas bombs were fired one after another towards the position of the 358th Regiment of the Jinsui Army. Soon, the entire Hesuo Town area was filled with poison gas.

Captain Major stood at the rear and personally directed the battle. Seeing a large amount of poisonous gas spreading in Hesuo Town, he decisively issued the battle order.

A large number of Japs wearing gas masks quickly advanced towards the position, and many riflemen even directly installed bayonets on their rifles.

In their view, the Jinsui Army would completely lose its combat effectiveness if they attacked the east with poison gas.

At this time, if you want to attack the position, you will definitely be able to easily deal with them all.

"The time has come for the Jinsui Army to see how powerful their 11th Field Brigade is. Kill them!"

"The Jinsui Army must be crying bitterly now. They rushed over and quickly dealt with them."

"The stupid Jinsui Army, they think that if they don't attack the hilly area, they can avoid their poisonous gas attack. It's simply ridiculous."

"Warriors, rush to Hesuo Town and kill all the Jin-Sui troops!"

A senior lieutenant of the Moon Army waved his saber, and they kept calling Han Xuan loudly.

The inspired little devils, one by one, moved towards the position faster as if they had been given a shot of blood.

The major commander, who was in the initial command, began to order the artillery squadron to launch an artillery attack.

Two infantry guns and two rapid-fire guns fired shells at the position one after another.

Not long after, the little devil's grenade leg also began to fire flares, and the dark night began to become brighter.

A large number of little devils wearing gas masks almost all rushed to the position.

The morale of the Lunar Army was high, and there were even many Moon Army officers who were waving their sabers and rushing to the front.

Maybe they don't know whether the brigade headquarters of the 48th Independent Brigade was established in the highlands of Yangpo Village, west of Hesuo Town.

As the flares brightened the surrounding area, Chu Yunfei raised his binoculars to check, with a very calm expression on his face.

"At the brigade, all the ministries are in place and can launch combat operations according to the plan at any time."

"The battalion commanders have already made guarantees that if the Moon Army cannot be annihilated in this battle, they will be punished by the brigade headquarters!"

"Lieutenant Colonel Lin Zhiqiang, the chief of staff, also went directly to the 7th Battalion and personally urged Zhang Fuyin to command the 7th Battalion to conduct operations."

"Qian Bojun, the acting commander of the 358th Regiment, also went directly to Hesuo Town to direct the operations."

Chief of Staff Fang Ligong came to Chu Yunfei and began to report.

Chu Yunfei knew that the hundreds of little devils in the hilly area not only had the advantage of the terrain, but were also very good at poisonous gas bombs.

Therefore, he did not choose to attack directly, but instead assembled his troops in Hesuo Town.

According to Chu Yunfei's thinking, if there is a crisis in the battle in the county, those troops will definitely ask for all the help from Buqin.

However, under the command of Chen Ziyun, the 11th Preparatory Regiment easily held the county seat and caused heavy casualties to the Japs.

Chu Yunfei is no longer worried. Is he setting a trap? He is just waiting for the little devil to catch him.

"Continue to contact the various ministries in the name of the brigade headquarters, begging them to fight bravely and strive to completely annihilate the Moon Army troops facing them."

"Contact the field artillery company and the artillery company and ask them to fully support the infantry operations. Don't worry about the artillery shells and launch a powerful artillery attack."

"Sun Ming, I'm going to prepare something, and he will go directly to the front line to take command soon!"

Putting the telescope on Dong's leg, Chu Yunfei had a serious expression on his face, and he directly ordered Dongda.

"No, travel seat." Fang Ligong and adjutant Sun Ming agreed at the same time.

Soon, the 1st and 2nd Battalions of the 358th Regiment fighting in Hesuo Town started shooting east of Qian Bojun's command.

Light and heavy machine guns, submachine gun grenades, and mortars launched intensive fire attacks on the approaching Japs.

The soldiers also wore gas masks and fired a large number of bullets and grenades at the little devil one after another.

The charging Japs were completely caught off guard. They never expected that the Jinsui Army would be equipped with gas masks.

Many Moon soldiers rushed to a distance of less than fifty meters from the position, and the dense bullets directly beat them into sieves.

The little devil who fell to the ground had a surprised expression on his face and slowly lost all signs of life.

"Boom boom boom."

Six Jin-made mountain guns and four Liao-made field guns launched a bombardment.

Two company commanders, Zhu Mingxuan and Zhou Wenbo, personally commanded, and ten artillery pieces carried out precise strikes.

Artillery shells fell quickly on the Moon Army. The 11th Xiaojiazi Field Brigade was directly under the artillery squadron, and the machine gun squadron was suppressed.

At that time, the troops of the third, fourth and seventh battalions launched attacks from different positions.

They instantly surrounded the Japs from the 11th Field Battalion, while Chief of Staff Lin Zhiqiang was directing the operations from the 7th Battalion.

The machine gun companies directly under the five infantry battalions began to fire from different directions.

One after another, the Yue-type Type 92 heavy machine guns captured by the little Japanese were fired one after another.

Rounds of 7.7MM bullets were fired one after another, and a little devil was knocked down instantly.

Twelve 82MM mortars and two 81MM mortars began to carry out precise shelling.

The ammunition leg handed each grenade to the cannon leg, and the cannon leg skillfully placed it outside the barrel.

"Tong Tong Tong!"

The sound of a grenade leaving the barrel was heard, and each grenade quickly moved towards the target.


As the sound of grenades streaking through the air sounded, the face of the little Japanese with rich combat experience showed a solemn expression.

They rushed to avoid it, but some of the little Japs didn't react, and the shells had already fallen on the ground.

As the explosion sounded, shrapnel quickly spread in all directions, and many little Japs began to fall to the ground, wailing in pain.

"Captain, the Jinsui Army in Hesuo Town is wearing gas masks."

"They launched effective fire counterattack against their attacking troops, and they suffered heavy casualties."

"And...Moreover, the Jinsui Army troops set up an ambush in advance, and a large number of Jinsui Army troops began to attack from different directions."

"Their artillery is carrying out precise shelling on the high ground. They... they have been surrounded by them."

A second lieutenant came to the major captain in a panic and quickly reported.

In fact, there was no need to report and the major captain, who was hiding, could observe the battlefield situation in detail through the telescope.

"They don't have many gas masks. It's impossible for everyone to have one and continue to fire gas bombs in all directions."

"All troops will deploy defenses on the spot to block their attack. If they can block their attack, they will have a chance to break out."

"We do not need to shoot heavy weapons for the time being, quickly build bunkers, contact each squadron, and let them organize firepower with rifle legs and light machine guns."

"Signal Corps, Ma is contacting the brigade headquarters and quickly reporting the situation there to them."

Most of the officers of the Moon Army are not idlers. They not only have military academy resumes, but also have actual combat experience.

The Major Captain immediately made adjustments and arrangements based on the current situation.

In fact, most little devils would not be able to respond quickly without him giving orders.

The first lieutenant squadron leader, the second lieutenant squad leader, as well as the corps commander, sergeant sergeant, Cao commander and other officers and non-commissioned officers can all take emergency response measures as soon as possible.

How could some little devils with rich combat experience be able to launch a counterattack quickly?

What they are facing at this time is whether the 48th Brigade and 358th Regiment can be independent.

If you really think about it, the training time spent by the four eastern infantry battalions of the 358th Regiment under Chen Ziyun is far less than that of the 11th Preparatory Regiment.

Moreover, Chen Ziyun is not an infantry and artillery commander now. He can also purchase and train the troops of the 358th Regiment.

The little Japanese wanted to organize firepower to counterattack, thereby blocking the attacks of the battalions.

But the battalions will definitely not give them that chance!

"Boom boom boom."

The artillery unit launched a precise artillery fire, and grenades were fired at the little Japanese one after another.

Four Liao-made 77MM field guns, six Jin-made 75MM mountain guns, twelve Type 20 82MM mortars, and four Moon-made 81MM mortars.

A total of twenty-six mountain artillery, field artillery and mortars continued the bombardment, and a large number of artillery shells were fired at the little Japanese one after another.

Weapons such as the Moon Army's light and heavy machine guns, grenadier infantry guns, etc. became the key targets of the artillery.

The Japs' grenade launchers, let alone firing gas bombs, would have made it impossible for them to even show up.

Just beg them to be exposed, they will soon be hit by artillery shells.

At the same time, each battalion's machine gun company had a large number of heavy machine guns and continued to fire.

The grenades of each platoon, the light machine guns and submachine guns of each squad, not to mention the continuous fire suppression.

The Jinsui Army was extremely wealthy, so Chen Ziyun made a tailor-made plan for them.

If there are dates or not, let’s hit the three poles first!

That means whether you can hit the little devil first, the bullet will be shot out first.

Even if the bullet cannot hit the little devil, it can at least suppress the little devil.

Please emphasize on accurate shooting. You must aim to make sure you can hit the enemy. I am afraid that most of the Jinsui Army will not have the opportunity to fire a second shot.

The little devil can shoot well alone, but the Jin-Sui Army can't compare.

Please let me know if I put emphasis on accurate shooting when shooting by mistake. I am afraid that most of the Jinsui troops were taking aim very hard and were killed by the Japs.

"Bah bang bang."

The crisp sound of gunfire rang out, and the Jinsui Army's rifle leg held the captured Yue Army Type 38 rifle and pulled the trigger one after another.

The bullets of some soldiers must have been missed, but the bullets of some veterans can effectively hit the little devil.

Of course, even if the bullet flies away, it will still be enough to suppress the little devil.

For a time, all the battalions fired intensively, and the little Japanese were beaten so hard that they could hardly raise their heads, and the number of their casualties continued to increase.

It is worth mentioning that Chen Ziyun’s plan is suitable for the Shanxi-Sui Army.

The Eighth Route Army will definitely not work. After all, the Eighth Route Army does not have many bullets. It will be wasted. There will be no place to replenish it.

The Jinsui Army has its own arsenal. Although the moon is setting, the camel is still bigger than the horse, so there is no problem in satisfying its own consumption.

What's more, most of the Jinsui army now has almost no ammunition consumption, and they don't fight against the Japs.

As the only independent 48th brigade fighting against the Moon Army, it is naturally not difficult to replenish ammunition.

At eleven o'clock, Chu Yunfei brought his adjutant Sun Ming to the front line to command.

After the officers and soldiers learned that Chu Yunfei was coming, their morale increased and they fought even more bravely.

Chu Yunfei made the mistake of being obsessed with annihilating the Moon Army. After arriving at the front line, he took off his red leg gloves and carried a Jin-made submachine gun to the front-line assault troops.

The reason is very simple: Chen Ziyun commanded the 11th Reserve Regiment to win the battle in the county town.

At this time, the troops of the 358th Regiment were under the personal command of Chu Yunfei. If they could not achieve decent results, Chu Yunfei, the brigade commander, would inevitably show some cowardice!

As Chu Yunfei directly joined the charge troops, the morale of each battalion became even higher.

Within a few minutes, the major captain of the 11th Field Brigade was shot dead by artillery.

The few remaining Japs were completely wiped out, so it was only a matter of time.

At this time, the battle situation in the Xinxian area was clear at a glance. Chu Yunfei commanded the 358th Regiment and other troops to surround and annihilate the 11th Field Brigade.

Chen Ziyun commanded the 11th Reserve Regiment and other troops to stick to the county seat, and the Yue Army should be independently mixed into the main force of the Fourth Brigade.

For a time, the problem was thrown to Major General Mitake Tsuda, the commander of the independent fourth brigade!

Originally, Tsuda Mitake was prepared to command the main force to quickly advance to fight outside the city at twelve o'clock, seize the county seat, and annihilate the Jinsui Army outside the city.

Could it be that with the news that the 11th Field Brigade was being surrounded and annihilated, Tsuda Mitake showed a solemn expression on his face.

He had to make a quick decision whether to quickly advance towards Hesuo Town in the west to support the 11th Field Brigade.

No need to continue waiting, give up supporting the 11th Field Brigade, and regain the county seat.

"Brigade Commander Ge Dong, currently they have more than 3,000 troops from the 13th, 14th, 15th Field Brigade and artillery."

"The only unit that remains at full strength is the 15th Field Brigade. Other units have suffered varying casualties."

"They must not divide their troops at this time, let alone allow the 11th Field Brigade to be annihilated, otherwise their brigade will really be seriously damaged."

Lieutenant Colonel and Chief of Staff came to Tsuda Mitake. He had a solemn expression on his face and said hurriedly.

He knew whether Tsuda Mitake had the idea of ​​dividing his troops, but Lieutenant Colonel and Chief of Staff Fei felt that dividing his troops now would be tantamount to committing suicide.

"They cannot divide their troops, and they cannot allow the 11th Field Brigade to be annihilated. Do they want to completely give up on retaking the county?"

"Up to now, their more than 8,000 troops have suffered heavy casualties and losses. If not, even the county seat cannot be recovered. The consequences would be disastrous."

"I wonder if they can't even retake the county seat? Is there anything they can't explain to the military headquarters?"

Mitake Tsuda frowned, looked at Lieutenant Colonel and Chief of Staff and said.

"The brigade commander Ge Dong, the main force of their troops, can quickly advance towards Hesuo Town in the west to ensure that the 11th Field Brigade can break out."

"As for the county town, they can launch all the remaining special bombs outside the city, so that they can completely eliminate them without having to take action."

"Their infantry covered the artillery and advanced to the west to launch an artillery bombardment. They used up all the special ammunition and advanced directly towards Hesuo Town."

After the Lieutenant Colonel and Chief of Staff thought for a while, he said with a sneer.

Mitake Tsuda had a thoughtful expression on his face after hearing that suggestion.

Immediately afterwards, he decisively issued the battle order.

The Japs troops gathered urgently, and all the Japs quickly moved towards the west of the county.

At the same time, all the poison gas bombs they distributed were sent eastward to the artillery units.

In their view, if all the poison gas bombs were fired outside the city, the Jinsui Army troops outside the city would definitely be wiped out.

The Moon Army could easily coordinate the withdrawal of the 11th Field Brigade, thus regaining control of the county seat without spending a single soldier.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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