234. Chapter 234 Evaluation of Special Combat Effectiveness of the 48th Independent Brigade

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 Chapter 234 Judgment of the Fighting Strength of Special Zhai Lu of the 48th Independent Brigade

Chen Ziyun and Chu Yunfei went to work for a day, and at eight o'clock in the morning of September or December, they finalized the specific organization of the 48th Independent Brigade.

The 358th Regiment has the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 7th Battalions in the east, a cavalry battalion, an artillery battalion, and a direct reconnaissance platoon.

The 11th Reserve Regiment has 1st Battalion, 5th Battalion and 6th Battalion in the east. The regiment is directly under the 1st Artillery Company and supplements the 1st Company.

The 12th Reserve Regiment has the 8th, 9th, and 10th Battalions in the east. The regiment is directly under the Second Artillery Company and supplements the Second Company.

The ten infantry battalions adopt a similar organization, but have different types of weapons.

Each squad is equipped with one light machine gun, one submachine gun, and nine rifles.

Each platoon has three infantry squads and one grenade squad (three grenades) in the east.

Each platoon of the 12th Reserve Regiment is assigned a mortar squad, equipped with two 60MM mortars.

Each company has three infantry platoons in the east, and each battalion has three infantry companies and one machine gun company in the east.

The 358th Regiment has four infantry battalions, each machine gun company is equipped with four heavy machine guns and two 81MM mortars.

Each battalion of the Reserve 11th Regiment and the Reserve 12th Regiment is assigned to a machine gun company, otherwise it will be equipped with four heavy machine guns and two Type 92 infantry cannons.

As for the 82MM mortars equipped in each regiment, all of them will be handed over in exchange for corresponding mortars and infantry guns.

The 82MM mortar is a domestic mortar and is an imitation of the French Brande 81MM mortar.

The overall performance of that mortar is excellent, but due to limitations of domestic technology and other reasons, the 82MM mortar is weak in power.

As for the original Brand 81MM mortar, can it be used to increase the charge to attack civil fortifications?

The 81MM mortar equipped by Chen Ziyun's regiment is not a Lunar mortar, nor is it an imitation of the Brand mortar.

However, the ordnance technology of the Little Devils is relatively advanced, so it is possible to increase the amount of explosives and carry out shelling on civil fortifications.

As for the Type 92 infantry artillery equipped by the other two regiments, it can shoot both horizontally and in a straight direction. It is also a good infantry support artillery.

Judging from the latest adjustments to the establishment, it is not difficult to see the intentions of Chen Ziyun and Chu Yunfei.

They do not want to use battalions as combat units, even if they cannot receive direct artillery support from regiments and brigades.

Can those infantry battalions rely on their own weapons and equipment to carry out operations alone?

Of course, in terms of weapon models, the 358th Regiment and the 11th Reserve Regiment retained the moon type and advanced weapons.

The two regiment leaders requested the use of crooked light machine guns, Type 92 heavy machine guns, Jin-made Czech light machine guns, Jin-made heavy machine guns, 38-type rifles, 65-type rifles and other weapons.

Prepare 12 regiments, otherwise they will use Czech light machine guns, Type 24 heavy machine guns, Mauser rifles and other weapons.

Zhangwu Cavalry Battalion and Li Yang Artillery Battalion have not made any adjustments and still maintain their previous organization.

The 358th Regiment was directly under the reconnaissance platoon and made major adjustments at this time.

The reconnaissance platoon began to directly take charge of the special operations squad from the previous combat group.

Each special operations squad is equipped with a 60MM mortar, two Mauser sniper rifles, a light machine gun, and six assault troops!

Each commando can still use three-gun equipment, a Czech semi-automatic rifle, a modified shell gun, and a modified submachine gun!

The reconnaissance platoon has three special operations squads in the east, each with sixteen people, and a supply squad with twelve supply troops.

Counting the platoon headquarters personnel, the full strength of the reconnaissance platoon exceeds sixty people.

Do they need to transfer more than 20 officers and soldiers from various ministries to directly supplement them?

Chen Ziyun must have been personally responsible for selecting that matter. After all, the reconnaissance platoon was built by Chen Ziyun according to the field troops.

Originally, when Chen Ziyun was fighting in Xin County, he planned to seize some vehicles to enhance the mobility of the reconnaissance platoon.

But things went against their wishes. During the battle, the Japs' vehicles were destroyed one after another.

Chen Ziyun had to give up that idea before, but there are no other ways to improve the mobility of the reconnaissance platoon.

In that battle, the various ministries captured a lot of war horses.

After all, they annihilated a division just by denying the puppet cavalry troops.

Therefore, Chen Ziyun mobilized the captured war horses and directly added them to the reconnaissance platoon, so that everyone in the reconnaissance platoon learned to ride.

That way they can rely on their war horses to achieve rapid maneuvers.

Chen Ziyun attaches great importance to the reconnaissance platoon unit.

The establishment of the three regiments has basically been finalized. The 358th Regiment has strengthened its regiment, so its full strength is only 4,000.

The 11th Reserve Regiment has been strengthened to a certain extent, and each regiment has a strength of 2,500 men.

Those three regiments totaled 9,000 troops.

Among the nine thousand people in Bu Nao, not all of them were fighting soldiers.

Are there three combat arms: infantry, cavalry, and artillery?

In addition, it is well equipped with non-combatants such as baggage troops, medical troops, orderlies, and communication troops.

As for the troops directly under the brigade headquarters, have they also adjusted their establishment?

The previous baggage company was directly expanded into a baggage battalion.

The guard company and the communications company are combined into the guard communications battalion.

The establishment of the field artillery battalion was not adjusted. Bu Nao Chu Yunfei used the machine guns dismantled from the armored vehicles to add a machine gun battalion.

After adjustment, the brigade headquarters will be directly under the jurisdiction of four battalions: the baggage battalion, the field artillery battalion, the machine gun battalion, and the guard communications battalion.

The machine gun battalion is equipped with twelve Type 92 13MM heavy machine guns and twelve Type 91 light machine guns.

The guard communication company has a guard company, a communication company, and a submachine gun platoon in the east.

The total strength of those four battalions is about 1,800 people. Counted into three regiments, the 48th Independent Brigade can have more than 10,000 troops.

I would like to know if one division of the Jinsui Army now only has six or seven thousand troops at most.

Many troops like the Sichuan Army only have four to five thousand people in one division!

Can the strength of one brigade of the 48th Independent Brigade be equivalent to the strength of two of their divisions?

As for weapons and equipment, there is a big gap.

At eight o'clock in the morning, after Chu Yunfei and Chen Ziyun drew up the relevant organization, they directly reported it to the Second War Zone Commander's Department and the First War Zone Commander's Department.

Whether that unit can continuously achieve amazing results, whether it is Wei Junru or Yan Laoxi, they are all willing to see that unit increase its strength.

Moreover, during the report, Chu Yunfei directly hid some of his strengths that should be hidden.

For example, the machine gun battalion and the two reserve regiments were directly under the reinforcement of the supplementary companies and other troops. Did Chu Yunfei not report on it?

The detailed establishment of the 48th Independent Brigade has begun to be reported, and Chen Ziyun and Chu Yunfei have been busy for a long time.

The two of them had not had a good rest for a long time. After handling the matter, Chen Ziyun said goodbye, while Chu Yunfei rested at the brigade headquarters.

After Chen Ziyun returned to the 358th Regiment's station, he checked the situation of each battalion in detail before returning to his room to rest.

While fighting in Xin County, Chen Ziyun had almost no time to rest.

Most of the time he is commanding troops and discussing combat plans.

At least he could take a nap during the few moments he had free time.

After returning to the station of the 48th Independent Brigade, he met with Guo Jiqiao again, and then finalized the detailed establishment of the 48th Independent Brigade with Chu Yunfei.

By now he was completely exhausted. He returned to his room and lay on the wooden bed. Chen Ziyun soon fell asleep.

The night passed quickly, and in the early morning of September 13th, Chen Ziyun did not wake up. He was really too tired.

Maybe at that time, the capital of Jin Province was too far away, and the First Army Headquarters was in the middle.

Please tell me that Chen Ziyun did not rest well during that period and did not get a complete sleep at all.

That kid, the Lieutenant General Commander of the First Army, Yoshio Shinozuka, could he be more exhausted than him?

Since the Eighth Route Army launched a large-scale raid on August 20, until now, Shinozuka Yoshio has spent almost all of his time inside the military headquarters.

For more than twenty days now, Yoshio Shinozuka has looked very slovenly, with a beard and a tired face.

"Commander Ge Dong, the 48th Independent Brigade of the Shanxi-Sui Army has all withdrawn to the Yangcun area."

"Although there are a certain number of Eighth Route Army troops in the highlands west of Xin County, they cannot pose a threat to Xin County."

"Currently, the Jinsui Army and the Eighth Route Army there may not launch large-scale combat operations."

"Their ministries have made every effort to strengthen the defense and defense of the Cuozhengtai Railway, Tongpu Railway and other railways."

"At the same time, the Second Army is actively mobilizing intelligence personnel to locate the main force of the Eighth Route Army."

"Just beg them to keep showing up when you come to Jiedong. They will definitely inflict heavy damage on them."

Military Chief of Staff Hideyoshi Kusuyama came to Yoshio Shinozuka, and he reported with a serious expression on his face.

After hearing the report, Yoshio Shinozuka immediately looked at the map's location in Yangcun.

Relevant staff members also began to mark them there, writing them on Du 48B.

"Pay close attention to the developments in Yangcun, and ask Chu Yunfei to mobilize his troops and report to them as soon as possible."

"That unit has strong combat effectiveness. Wherever they participate in the war, it will have a huge impact on the battle situation."

"Kusuyama-kun, what is the military headquarters' assessment of the combat effectiveness of the 48th Independent Brigade?"

Yoshio Shinozuka looked at Chief of Staff Kusuyama Hideyoshi beside him and asked with a serious expression on his face.

Whether the Moon Army has a relatively complete system and whether it is appropriate for each unit to fight with them will have a series of judgments.

That way, during combat, they will make deployment arrangements based on those judgments.

The little devils are currently judged according to the four levels of A, B, C and D, thus marking the combat effectiveness of the Shanxi-Sui Army and other units.

Of course, the combat effectiveness of some troops has declined due to casualties, and Jiadong's judgment will also appear at that time.

And because some troops have received enhanced weapons and their combat effectiveness has been improved, they will also be judged by B.

"Before the war, they judged the 48th Independent Brigade based on brigade level A. But now, it seems that their judgment was obviously wrong."

"According to the intelligence they have, the 48th Independent Brigade is completely smaller than a field division. They even exceed the size of an ordinary field division."

"After repeated discussions, they gave them a division-level judgment!"

"Commander Ge Dong, that force is not weaker than the direct line of the Central Army's German Armament Force at the beginning of the war."

"Both Chu Yunfei and Chen Ziyun have received military school education and have rich combat experience."

"Especially Chen Ziyun, the Army Artillery College where he is studying has completely non-German education."

"The 48th Independent Brigade has sophisticated weapons and equipment, strong troops, and outstanding officers. They can be judged based on their superiority."

Kusuyama Hideyoshi looked at Yoshio Shinozuka in front of him and said with a serious expression on his face.

Yoshio Shinozuka nodded thoughtfully and looked at the map's location in Yangcun.

Immediately afterwards, his eyes quickly scanned the Cangyun Ridge, Xin County and other areas on the map.

When other members of the military headquarters heard the wrong words, they all looked there.

The reason is very simple. The North China Front is currently asking whether it should be deployed in the first and second theaters.

In addition, the Lusu War Zone, the Hebei-Cha War Zone, and the Buluo War Zone are guerrilla war zones.

Among the four war zones, the troops that the little devils gave the highest evaluation to were first-class troops.

Now the 48th Independent Brigade has given a judgment like that of Jia Zai, which naturally surprised the military headquarters personnel.

After all, according to their judgment, it is not a first-class troop, but it is already an elite troop.

Whether such troops participate in the war anywhere, the little devils will pay enough attention to them.

The 48th Independent Brigade has a strong judgment, which means they are a more elite force.

"Kusuyama-kun, have the elite German weapons troops who fought against them in the early days ever achieved such results?"

"The three major generals Katayama Shoutaro, Harada Kenzo, and Tsuda Mitake were all destroyed because of this unit."

"Moreover, are Sakata Nobutsu and other assistant officials Yusei related to them?"

"The elite third regiment, the independent mixed fourth brigade and other units, will not be completely wiped out because of them!"

"Such a victory cannot be achieved even by the elite German weapons troops."

"To misjudge their combat effectiveness as being invincible is to underestimate their capabilities."

"They failed in battles time and time again because they underestimated them. They must learn such lessons."

"Nushan-kun, the unit of the 48th Independent Brigade will be treated incorrectly based on the assessment of Te Zhailu's combat effectiveness."

After Yoshio Shinozuka pondered for a while, he looked at Kusuyama Hideyoshi and said with a serious expression on his face.

Is it possible that Te Zhai Lu's judgment on fighting power has never appeared in the Moon Army?

Even judgments about whether A is present or not are rare, and only a few troops make such judgments.

Now Shinozuka Yoshio is asking the independent 48th Brigade Special Zhai Riku Douli to judge whether it can make Kusuyama Hideyoshi and others very surprised.

Bu Nao and the others looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

Because they know that the 48th Independent Brigade definitely has that qualification.

At nine o'clock in the afternoon on September 13, the First Army Headquarters began to report to the North China Front Army Headquarters.

Shun Tada knew that the First Army had judged the combat effectiveness of the 48th Independent Brigade Te Zhai Riku, so he didn't say anything more.

Immediately afterwards, the North China Front Army Headquarters sent a special combat order to the east.

They begged the aviation force to keep at least six bombers in combat readiness, and to have those six bombers on standby at the airport at any time.

As soon as the 48th Independent Brigade made any move, six bombers immediately launched a bombardment.

The First Army Headquarters deployed no less than forty tanks, and the armored vehicles entered Yangqu.

That armored force can't cope with the 48th Independent Brigade.

For a time, the North China Front Army and the First Army Headquarters, the Independent 48th Brigade, paid special attention to it.

At this time, at the headquarters of the 48th Independent Brigade, the Commander-in-Chief of the Seventh Army, Zhao Yinfu, came directly to commend Yan Laoxi.

Chu Yunfei, Chen Ziyun and others soon received the news, and many officers came to the brigade headquarters.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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