242. Chapter 242 The Japanese Army Defeats the 12th Reserve Regiment

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 Chapter 242 The Moon Army defeats the 12th Reserve Regiment

"Boom boom boom."

The 12th Reserve Regiment mobilized the 8th Battalion, and the 9th Battalion rushed to reinforce the 10th Battalion's position.

Does Qian Bojun intend to hold on to his position and completely intercept the Japanese troops?

After the mobilization of those troops, the Moon Army immediately assembled three infantry cannons and six mortars to launch an artillery bombardment.

Those nine artillery pieces kept firing grenades and shrapnel, as the shells fell on the ground.

There was an explosion, and the moving officers and soldiers were bombarded, resulting in heavy casualties.

The Japs' attack was very ferocious, and they took advantage of the weakness of the 12th Reserve Regiment in letting down its vigilance.

After all, the 12th Preparatory Regiment was not attacked all day long, and even Zhang Fuli felt that the Yue Army had withdrawn.

Even if Qian Bojun realizes the good news, does he think that even if the Moon Army launches a night attack, it will not start after seven o'clock.

The regiment headquarters didn't convey any orders, so the little Japanese came over.

Three infantry squadrons gathered to attack on the south side, and the rifle legs quickly approached the 10th Battalion's position under the cover of darkness.

Then they launched a surprise attack, catching the 10th Battalion off guard.

The four Type 24 heavy machine guns and two infantry guns of the 10th Battalion's machine gun battery were also suppressed.

Two of the heavy machine guns were directly knocked out by the infantry cannon carried by the little devil after being exposed to firepower.

The Moon Army troops continued their fierce attack, and the troops from both sides started a fierce battle on the south side of the county.

Various weapons continued to fire, causing the 12th Reserve Regiment to suffer heavy casualties.

The battle lasted until around nine o'clock in the morning, and the Moon Army fought for about two hours.

As the reserve I2 regiment began a comprehensive defense to stabilize its position, the entire regiment's firepower was launched.

Unable to continue their breakthrough, the Moon Army troops quickly fired smoke grenades, and three squadrons took turns to cover and evacuate the battlefield.

At ten o'clock, the county town of Lancheng returned to silence. Can we prepare for the 12th Regiment to suffer more than 200 casualties, including more than 100 people killed in action?

And some of their heavy weapons were completely destroyed.

After receiving the report, Qian Bojun and Zhang Furun showed solemn expressions on their faces.

When the brigade headquarters sent a telegram asking about the situation, they did not dare to report it truthfully, so they told them that the fierce fighting was still going on in Dongtong County.

In fact, so far in the battle, the casualties of the Japanese troops have rarely exceeded 40. They have absolutely no control over the battle.

Qian Bojun and Zhang Fujun began to arrange troops to strengthen security, and at the same time they were also actively discussing wrong strategies.

Bu Nao was preparing for the 12th Regiment's operation in Lancheng, and the little Japanese quickly received the news.

Currently, it is independently formed into the Ninth Brigade, which is directly responsible for the defense near Taiyuan.

The troops stationed in Arashi City were not independently selected by the ninth brigade Major General Toranosuke Koshiki.

Does Yue Jun have the habit of not talking about his shortcomings but not his advantages?

If they will strictly abide by various regulations, it will inevitably lead to them being a bit dull.

Whether these regulations can lead to a series of achievements for them.

For example, according to their regulations, after each battle, they will summarize whether the battle was successful or failed.

So far, does the First Army Headquarters judge the combat effectiveness of the 48th Independent Brigade based on the special level? Is it a level that has never appeared before?

On October 25th, the Lunar Army Base Camp and the dispatched army headquarters sent reprimand messages one after another and made a series of personnel transfers.

Commander of the Mongolian Army Garrison Naosaburo Okabe, Chief of Staff Shinichi Tanaka, and Chief of Staff of the First Army Kusuyama Hideyoshi were dismissed from their posts.

They definitely took the blame for the defeat of Xinxian County, so the little devils certainly didn’t need to be secretive.

The news of the disastrous defeat in Xin County, the complete annihilation of the independent mixed fourth brigade, and the similar annihilation of more than 8,000 reinforcements stationed in Mongolia has already spread.

The independent 48th Brigade achieved such results, coupled with the judgment of its special combat effectiveness, it was enough for all the Lunar Army to take it seriously.

Lancheng is located in the area to the west of Taiyuan. Is it considered too far to be a heavy barrier?

And if you continue heading west from Lancheng, you will be able to meet the Jinsui Army.

That is the 7th Group Army of the Shanxi-Sui Army, the joint headquarters of the 48th Independent Brigade.

The Ninth Independent Mixed Brigade dispatched troops to Lancheng. They were seeking a position so seriously that they did not dare to neglect it at all.

Major General Koshiki Toranosuke, commander of the brigade, transferred the three most elite infantry squadrons from the brigade and carried out a series of reinforcements for them.

Three infantry guns, six mortars, and twelve heavy machine guns.

Furthermore, Koshiki Toranosuke selected the most capable Kojima Major in his brigade and personally commanded those troops in combat.

In Gujiao County, west of Lancheng, there are more than a hundred heavy troops who can provide combat supplies to Lancheng troops at any time.

At this time, we were outside Taiyuan City, at the headquarters of the First Army.

At around ten o'clock in the morning, after receiving the report, Koshio Toranosuke quickly came to the military headquarters.

When he was at the military headquarters, he saw Lieutenant General Yoshio Shinozuka, as well as the new Major General Chief of Staff Hana Guaman.

Hua Guaiman is in his forties, with a long face, a big mouth, and a sinewy face, like a fierce god.

He is an intelligence officer, and he was one of the organizers of the 1931 Foreign Relations Incident.

That time he came to serve as the chief of staff of the First Army and asked whether he would dispatch the army headquarters.

The organization that currently directs all military operations outside the customs is the General Headquarters of the Yue Army Expeditionary Force.

Hisao Nishio served as the general commander-in-chief, and Seishiro Itagaki served as the lieutenant-general chief of general staff.

Even though Nishio Juzo is relatively senior, Seishiro Itagaki is a rising star in the Moon Army and has great prestige.

Whether Itagaki Seishiro personally arranged for Hua Guaman to serve as the chief of staff of the First Army, his intention was to win over Yan Laoxi and let the Jin-Sui Army join the Yue Army.

At present, there is a clear division of labor in the First Army. Army Commander Yoshio Shinozuka is in charge of operations, and Army Chief of Staff Hana Guaiman is in charge of intelligence.

"East of the Chief of Staff's Pavilion."

After seeing Hana Kuanosuke, Koshio Toranosuke immediately saluted and said.

The two talked for a while, and after learning that Yoshio Shinozuka was resting, Koshiki Toranosuke reported the situation in Arashi City in detail.

Hua Aobei slowly came to the map and looked at it, then directly let Koshiki Toranosuke direct the battle on his own.

After all, whether Yoshio Shinozuka can personally take charge of the Lijiapo area operations, or whether he can encircle and annihilate the main force of the Eighth Route Army, is very important.

During that time, Yoshio Shinozuka was not in command for a long time and did not get a good rest.

Now asking if he should be woken up because of the battle in Lancheng, Hua Paiman felt that it was a bit of a fuss.

Just when Koshio Toranosuke was about to leave, the commander of the First Army, Yoshio Shinozuka, appeared.

"Any combat situation of the Independent 48th Brigade needs to be reported to him as soon as possible."

"Whatever he is doing, please let him know the relevant situation quickly."

"That unit is unusual and they must be treated harshly."

Yoshio Shinozuka had a serious expression on his face and gave instructions directly.

"Hi, Commander Ge Dong." Hua Guaman and Koshio Toranosuke immediately saluted and replied.

Immediately afterwards, they began to discuss at the military headquarters.

After learning about the battle situation in Arashi City, Yoshio Shinozuka immediately sent the battle order eastward.

He asked Yue Shenghu's help to send more troops to Lancheng and find a way to defeat the 12th Reserve Regiment.

In addition, at the military headquarters, four 105MM mountain guns were specially allocated to strengthen the use of the independent mixed ninth brigade.

Koshiki Toranosuke left the military headquarters and quickly deployed.

Hundreds of troops quickly advanced towards Lancheng. Those troops were mainly artillery, and there were also some infantry.

Do they have four 105MM mountain guns, four Type 94 mountain guns, and four Type 38 field guns?

Koshiki Toranosuke's idea was very simple, use those artillery advantages to assist the infantry in defeating the 12th Reserve Regiment in Arashi City.

Of course, there is no other choice, because the troops they can deploy are currently very limited.

Their 36th Brigade in the East was directly placed under the command of the Independent Mixed Third Brigade.

Chengdong's troops were not only responsible for the defense of the relevant areas, but also dispatched some to Lijiapo for combat.

So far, the First Army has mobilized more than 10,000 troops from the three divisions in southern Shanxi and the independent ninth and 16th brigades, and assembled them quickly.

Those troops will advance towards Lijiapo from the northwest and participate in the decisive battle there.

The 110th Division and other units directly under the North China Front also mobilized more than 10,000 troops and quickly assembled.

Otherwise, they would advance towards Lijiapo from the southeast and thus encircle the main force of the Eighth Route Army there.

The independent mixed ninth brigade had no extra troops to deploy, so it could deploy artillery to rush over.

And because of the terrain of Lancheng surrounded by mountains, once those artillery troops were in position, the situation would become clear.

Time passed bit by bit, and it was early in the morning of November and March.

The winter in Shanxi Province is very cold. Outside the county town of Lancheng, the 12th Reserve Regiment has built a complete defensive position.

Qian Bojun and Zhang Fuyun discussed repeatedly, and they decided that they wanted to stick to the county seat and ensure control there.

Otherwise, they wouldn't even be able to get the money from the county seat, and they wouldn't be able to explain Chu Yunfei's side.

And that time they were willing to go to Lancheng to fight, it was just because they wanted to increase their price tag.

In their view, if the Reserve I2 Regiment achieves results under their command, they will also be better off.

Whether Buxian or Yan Laoxi is a little devil, they will naturally pay attention to them.

Maybe they didn't expect that the Yue Army in Lan City would be soft on them, but they actually encountered a tough situation.

"The fortifications inside and outside the headquarters have been reinforced. It is not impregnable, but it is not easy to defend or attack."

"I beg you, little devil, to come and attack again. Then they will definitely make them pay a heavy price."

"They were unwilling to offer us a high price, so that time we let them know how good we are."

"In the 48th Independent Brigade, not only Chen Ziyun is good at fighting, but we are also very good at fighting."

As early as eight o'clock, Zhang Furun came to Qian Bojun with excitement and reported.

Qian Bojun warmed the fire and drank hot tea. After hearing the report, he finally felt relieved.

Was he prepared to report at noon that the Reserve I2 Regiment captured Lancheng County and defeated the Moon Army?

When Chu Yunfei gets the news, he will definitely send the main force over. After all, the 48th Independent Brigade is very eager to support the Eighth Route Operation.

Just ask the main force of the brigade to come over, and then the 12th Reserve Regiment will not have to worry about casualties again.

Even if the Japs continue to attack, they will still have the main force of the brigade to carry them.

Qian Bojun will definitely get his share of military exploits!

While Qian Bojun was thinking endlessly, the Yue army began to mass fire and launch artillery attacks on the county town.

Eight mountain guns, four field guns, and three infantry guns opened fire first.

Grenades were fired one after another, and a deafening explosion sounded.

The fortification position built by the 12th Regiment is indeed very strong and can withstand even a 75MM mountain artillery attack.

Could it be that in the face of the 105MM mountain artillery and 75MM field artillery attacks, those position fortifications will be exposed?

Some of the fortifications were destroyed one after another, and the soldiers who had been working all night were physically exhausted.

If they respond well in all aspects, they will naturally be able to do something about it.

Being bombarded like this, they once again suffered casualties.

Some areas that were heavily bombarded even began to have no time to rectify the chaos.

At nine o'clock, six mortars continued to fire.

Those six mortars were 82MM mortars that the little devil selected from the inventory of captured trophies.

The grenades were fired one after another. Those were all trophies of the Moon troops, so they naturally did not worry about waste.

Grenades were fired in an overwhelming manner, and explosions occurred one after another.

At half past nine, three squadrons of the Lunar Army continued to attack from the south.

At the same time, the artillery troops began to extend their shelling towards the outside of the city. Can the little Japanese attack the enemy?

Can the shrapnel fired by four 105MM mountain guns bring huge damage to the 12th Reserve Regiment?

Countless steel balls and steel nails continued to spread. Many soldiers fell to the ground, and bright red blood continued to flow.

The house where Qian Bojun was staying was hit by a grenade.

At ten o'clock, Qian Bojun's body was covered in dust and his face was still dark.

With a panicked expression on his face, he quickly gave the order to retreat.

The Preparatory I2 Regiment began to abandon the county seat and gradually moved north.

But the Moon Army would not miss that opportunity, and the artillery launched a covering strike.

Four 105MM mountain cannons and four 75MM mountain cannons fired shrapnel shells one after another.

The four 75mm field guns continued to fire grenades, and the three infantry guns continued to fire shells, firing shrapnels one after another.

As for the six 82MM mortars, the barrels were red when fired, and the grenades fired had lost their accuracy.

The Lunar Army began to divide into groups to pursue, and they quickly launched attacks in small groups.

Qian Bojun, Zhang Furun, and many officers of the Reserve I2 Regiment quickly experienced the combat scene in 1937.

At eleven o'clock, the 12th Preparatory Regiment was almost in a state of herding sheep.

Fortunately, the commanders of each battalion and company commanders continued to gather the troops, so that the orderly transfer of troops could be ensured.

At twelve o'clock, they evacuated the Lancheng area.

At this time, their total casualties were close to 600, equivalent to almost one-third of the entire regiment.

The number of dead officers and soldiers was more than two hundred!

On the contrary, the total casualties of Lancheng Yuejun troops were more than 60, and more than 20 people were killed.

In that battle, the 12th Preparatory Regiment suffered a disastrous defeat!

And Lancheng suffered its first defeat since the formation of the 48th Independent Brigade!

More than a thousand troops of the 12th Reserve Regiment evacuated toward the station in panic, and some ammunition was also discarded.

Of the twelve Type 24 heavy machine guns in the regiment, four were destroyed and two of them were abandoned in Lancheng.

At two o'clock in the morning, Chu Yunfei received the report.

He immediately took Fang Ligong and Lin Zhiqiang away from the brigade headquarters.

Seeing Qian Bojun and Zhang Furun being the first to appear on the road, with the troops behind them following in embarrassment, Chu Yunfei's face turned pale.

"Travel seat..."

Qian Bojun and Zhang Furun came to Chu Yunfei with panic on their faces.

Just as they shouted "Bridge", Chu Yunfei kicked Qian Bojun in the side.

Hey guys, it's the beginning of the month. If you have a monthly ticket, go vote for one.

Thanks to the big guys, please give me your support!

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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