278. Chapter 278 The Japanese and puppet troops mobilized and heavy military groups were assembled

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 Chapter 278 The Japanese and puppet troops mobilized and heavy troop groups were assembled

Chu Yunfei personally mentioned the expansion of the reconnaissance platoon, and Chen Ziyun readily agreed.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Ziyun personally made arrangements to select officers and soldiers from the entire division and add them to the reconnaissance platoon.

By the end of February, the reconnaissance platoon directly under the artillery regiment was expanded into a reconnaissance company, and Monk Wei took office, directly assuming the position of company commander.

The reconnaissance company has three reconnaissance platoons and one machine gun platoon.

Each reconnaissance platoon has three reconnaissance squads and one transportation squad.

Each reconnaissance squad is equipped with a 60MM mortar, a Czech light machine gun, two sniper rifles, and six assaulters.

The six assaulters are all equipped with three guns, including Jin-made submachine guns, Jin-made shell guns, and Czech-style semi-automatic rifles.

The transport squad was equipped with mules, pack horses, and ten soldiers responsible for the entire platoon of ammunition, and they also had Jin-made submachine guns for self-defense.

The machine gun platoon consists of a machine gun platoon, a mortar platoon, and a transport platoon.

They are equipped with four MG13 general-purpose machine guns and two 81MM mortars.

It was at this time that the commander-in-chief of the First War Zone, Wei Junru, went to accompany the capital to report on his duties and had not yet returned.

"But even if thousands of their troops join the war, they won't have much impact on us."

"We must do what we promised to Commander Wei."

"Zhongtiao Mountain is of great military significance."

The 33rd Division, originally affiliated with the 11th Army, began to be transferred to the North China Front and placed under the command of Front Army Commander Tada Shun.

At the same time, in order to avoid irritating the Japanese troops, the Glory First Division originally stationed in Pucheng also began to receive orders to change defenses.

It is very difficult to replenish them, and starvation is a common occurrence.

Obviously, they did not expect that Chu Yunfei could see this matter so clearly.

"Chu Yunfei's 48th Independent Brigade has expanded its Glory First Division and is stationed near Jicheng."

The long-term investigation allowed the little devil to basically understand the defense deployment in Zhongtiao Mountain.

Therefore, Yoshio Shinozuka attached great importance to this battle and continued to conduct simulated battles during this period.

Among them, the 21st Division and the 33rd Division are at full strength to participate in the war!

Of the remaining four divisions, one was left to assume the defense task in the occupied area, while the main force was dispatched to participate in the battle.

To the east of Pucheng is Pingyang City, an important town in southwestern Shanxi, which is the defense range of the 41st Infantry Division.

The Japanese army's two-level headquarters continued to release this massed troops, and the target of the operation was the Shanxi-Suiyuan Army.

The Japs are also very cunning. Before the battle, they deliberately sent traitors to buy the food here at high prices.

Wenxicheng and other areas are in the west of Zhongtiao Mountain, but others don't know it, but Chen Ziyun knows it very well.

A large number of puppet Mongolian and puppet Manchu troops also began to set off from the Sucha area and outside the pass, secretly advancing towards Jin Province.

These two teams were directly integrated into the First and Third Flying Groups under the Third Flying Group.

As long as the Japanese army takes over western Henan, they can advance westward to Shaanxi Province at any time.

Especially since the Glory First Division is stationed in Xiangning City, it is very close to the battlefield and can rush to help at any time.

As long as we can deal with the defenders of Zhongtiao Mountain and completely capture this place, it will be a great achievement.

Hundreds of thousands of troops from the first theater of war are stationed here, and the situation can be imagined.

"If a war breaks out here, then we have a duty to help."

The 7th Mixed Brigade of the Royal Association Army, the 20th Division, the 21st Division, and the 24th Division of the Royal Association Army assisted in the operation.

The soldiers of the transport platoon are equipped with Jin-made shell guns.

"Even if Chief Yan is confused, there are still many capable people in the Second War Zone Chief's Department."

"This time they have assembled such a large number of troops, and most likely they are going to fight a war of annihilation."

Originally, the Japanese army intended to integrate them into the various departments under the General Headquarters of the Expeditionary Forces, so as to assume the defense and garrison tasks of the occupied areas within the pass.

The mountains here are rugged, crisscrossed with ravines, and the natural conditions are very harsh. They are basically all rocks and are completely unsuitable for agricultural cultivation.

By now, the little devil has drawn up detailed plans for the participating troops and a detailed attack plan.

"Don't talk about whether it can be defeated. Even if it is defeated, how many troops do they have to garrison it?"

"After all, we have enough troops this time. As long as they appear, we will bring them a devastating blow."

When the army division commanders were unable to contact them, their military morale became disorganized, and eventually tens of thousands of troops were captured!

Wei Junru went to accompany the capital, which had a great impact on the first theater of war.

However, now that the Japanese army has mobilized many troops, these words still have a great deterrent effect.

Of course, Guo Jiqiao is only the chief of staff after all, and he cannot suppress the troops of various factions in the first theater.

On the evening of March 20th, the Glory First Division was stationed in Xiangning City, southeast of Jicheng.

"This time the imperial army has assembled the absolute main force and will definitely hit the Shanxi-Sui Army troops hard to make them clearly aware of the current situation."

Naturally, Wei Junru could not personally direct the next battle at Zhongtiao Mountain.

"Chu Yunfei, Chen Ziyun, Hao Shiwen, and Fang Ligong's Glory First Division will be the focus of the imperial army's attack. The imperial army will definitely annihilate them."

At this point, the Japanese aviation forces supporting the ground forces have been assembled!

Their troops went directly south and moved to Xiangning City for defense.

So he took the initiative to transfer him away, which was a good move.

The defenders of Zhongtiao Mountain lost the command of Wei Junru and were unable to provide material support for a long time.

Tens of thousands of prisoners were killed, and hundreds of thousands of defenders were defeated.

Time is passing unconsciously, and in the blink of an eye, it has already entered March.

Since Chen Ziyun is here, he will definitely not stand idly by.

"The Jinsui Army has contacted us and stated that there will be no fighting between the two sides in the near future."

"Moreover, a large number of puppet troops have recently gathered towards southern Shanxi. Their goal is very clear, they are coming towards Zhongtiao Mountain."

Of course, all these are just smoke bombs for them. Whether they are spreading the news openly or secretly, it is completely a form of operational confusion.

"Chief Yan is too cautious. Will the Japanese and puppet troops gather heavy troops to attack the Jin-Sui Army in western Shanxi?"

During the battle, they dispatched small groups of elite troops to quickly break in, cooperate with the airborne troops to quickly destroy these command organs, seize favorable terrain, and cooperate with the main force in combat.

Zhongtiao Mountain is in the southwest of Shanxi Province, on the north bank of the Yellow River, between Taihang Mountain and Huashan Mountain.

The Japanese airborne troops, which had just been established, also began to stand by too far away.

"How could they not know that what happened this time was that Chief Yan deliberately found a step to get down!"

So much so that during the battle, the little devil could clearly call out the names of the commanders of the regiments commanding the battle.

So he planned to negotiate to get the Japs to retreat.

After the reconnaissance company was organized, Chen Ziyun personally trained it to strengthen their combat effectiveness.

The 21st Division was an early three-armed field division formed by the Japanese army. This division had strong combat effectiveness.

The 17th Division, which is also affiliated with the 13th Army, will be transferred to the 12th Army under the North China Front Army. They will take over the command of the 21st Division in Xucheng.

Although the 33rd Division is a security division, they actually participated in several large-scale battles after belonging to the 11th Army, and they also have strong combat effectiveness.

The two of them had serious expressions on their faces, looking at the Shannan area and constantly discussing.

Now if they are transferred away and other troops are stationed, there will naturally be no threat to the little devils.

"The Jinsui Army has provoked the imperial army's majesty several times and caused trouble to the imperial army. This time the imperial army must severely punish the Jinsui Army troops."

But many officers knew that this was the silence before the war.

Although there are a lot of forests in Zhongtiao Mountain, the only use of these trees is as firewood, so the mountain people here are very poor.

Yan Laoxi had repeated discussions with his confidant Yang Xingru and others, and they immediately began to secretly contact the little devil.

By mid-March, the 20th Division, 21st Division, 24th Division and other troops of the Imperial Association Army gathered in Henan and Lu Provinces were gradually mobilized towards the area north of the Yellow River in Henan Province.

Chu Yunfei also came over. He pointed at the location of Zhongtiao Mountain and said.

In 1939, the Little Japanese organized ten security divisions, numbered from 32 to 41.

On March 18, the commander of the Second War Zone held a special combat meeting.

The troops of the 21st Division crossed the Yellow River and came to the area north of the Yellow River to participate in the battle.

No matter how many ideas Chen Ziyun had, the troops could not be mobilized.

The 21st Division, 33rd Division, 35th Division, 36th Division, 37th Division, and 41st Division all participated in the battle!

The Japanese North China Front Army Headquarters and the First Army Headquarters released smoke bombs one after another.

"If Luojing, an important town in western Henan, is captured, the Central Plains will not be protected, and Shaanxi Province will also fall within their attack range."

For the next period of time, it was very quiet here in Jin Province, without any large-scale fighting.

Wei Junru currently has a big conflict with Yan Laoxi and has a close relationship with the Eighth Route Army.

Starting from Xiangning City and heading south, fifty kilometers away is the Fen River. After crossing the Fen River and continuing south, that is the area controlled by the little devils.

"We also confused them and said that we would attack the Eighth Route Army next."

"The Imperial Army hereby tells Yan Baichuan, Commander-in-Chief of the Second War Zone, that the only way out is to give up resistance and submit to the Imperial Army!"

"I think the little devil must have other plans when he makes such a big fuss this time."

Therefore, He Jingzhi, the chief of staff here in the capital, began to come to the first theater to inspect and temporarily take command.

Yan Laoxi knew that the Glory First Division was stationed in Pucheng, and the little devil would definitely know.

The 32nd Bomber Squadron and the 83rd Reconnaissance Plane Squadron (also bomber squadron) affiliated to the Kwantung Army began to arrive in North China from outside the Kwantung Army.

"With Yan Baichuan personally controlling it, the Glory First Division may not be able to participate in this battle."

"Based on the current situation, the possibility of them participating in the war is not very high."

The mountain is more than a hundred kilometers long from east to west, but the shortest from north to south is only ten kilometers, and the widest area is only fifty kilometers.

The Japanese and puppet troops began to mobilize on a large scale, and this time they dispatched a lot of troops.

"Now there is a yellow flood area in Henan Province, which is hindering the westward advance of the Japanese 12th Army in Shandong Province. As long as they capture Zhongtiao Mountain, they can cross the river and move south at any time to capture western Henan."

"The entire Zhongtiao Mountain Range separates the Central Plains and the northwest. To the north is the Yunxian Basin in southern Shanxi, and to the south is the Central Plains."

Chen Ziyun was standing in front of the map at this time, looking at Wenxi City and other areas south of the Fen River, with a solemn expression on his face.

Even small-scale battles have disappeared.

As for the command structures of each army and division, they quickly locked down.

In addition to these little Japanese troops, there will also be puppet Mongolian troops and puppet Manchu troops to assist in the war.

There are a full two hundred people in the company, and even the heavy troops in the reconnaissance company have certain combat capabilities.

At this time, in the northwest region, there were not many troops for defense, only some local troops such as the Ma Jiajun.

Yamamoto Kazuki's special agent team has already entered the southern Shanxi area.

Currently, those supporting nationwide operations are mainly in the southwest and northwest regions.

After all, the First Army has three divisions in southern Shanxi, and three more divisions have been secretly transferred here.

However, the General Headquarters of the Little Japanese Dispatch Army is seriously short of troops. These troops have been incorporated into various ministries and have undertaken several combat missions.

At the same time, here at the Japanese First Army Headquarters, Yoshio Shinozuka and Hanaya, who are responsible for commanding this operation, are coming to the map.

"As for the Eighth Route Army troops such as Li Yunlong, we have no news about them yet."

In particular, the Japanese army sent a large number of traitor spies on the pretext of doing business, and they could freely enter and leave Zhongtiao Mountain.

After all, the First Glory Division is located to the west of Pingyang City and is a great threat to the little devils.

The real target of the little devil is naturally the first theater troops in Zhongtiao Mountain.

If the northwest region is lost, the consequences will be disastrous.

With such a large number of Japanese and puppet troops, Yan Laoxi believed that the Jinsui Army could resist them.

On the surface, they released smoke bombs to attack the Shanxi-Sui Army, but secretly they kept leaking that they wanted to launch a combat attack on the Eighth Route Army.

Shaanxi Province is a major transportation province in the northwest region. Once it falls, the entire northwest will be unprotected.

"The hundreds of thousands of troops from the First Theater Zone in Zhongtiao Mountain have always been a serious thorn in the side of the little Japs."

By March 25th, the Glory First Division began intensive training.

Chen Ziyun pointed to different locations on the map and said with a serious expression on his face.

The next battle at Zhongtiao Mountain was the most humiliating battle. The Japanese army achieved huge results with minimal casualties.

"The Chief of Guards has been kind to us. No matter what, we will give our full assistance."

Chu Yunfei looked towards Zhongtiao Mountain and said with a serious expression on his face.

So he constantly organized and held combat meetings to discuss response strategies.

In the puppet army alone, tens of thousands of people participated in the war!

On March 16, the 7th Mixed Brigade of the Imperial Association Army, which was originally responsible for defense tasks in Xin County, also began to receive orders.

Zhongtiao Mountain cannot be self-sufficient, and it is difficult to feed the local mountain people.

In April, I communicated with the Kwantung Army through the Little Japanese Dispatch Army Headquarters.

Chen Ziyun and Chu Yunfei had a discussion with Fang Ligong.

Chen Ziyun and Fang Ligong couldn't help but look towards Chu Yunfei, with surprised expressions on their faces.

Under Chen Ziyun's arrangement, the cavalry reconnaissance platoon of the Zhangwu Cavalry Battalion and the reconnaissance company of the artillery regiment began to secretly dispatch.

Of course, the number of the Third Flying Group is not large, but the dispatched army headquarters is already communicating with the Kwantung Army and seconding the Kwantung Army aviation force to assist in the battle.

After Wei Junru left, chief of staff Guo Jiqiao began to handle all matters in the First Theater Command's department.

Under the command of puppet brigade commander Xu Chengpu, about 5,000 puppet troops quickly moved south along the Tongpu Railway.

With the continuous fighting, these security divisions also developed a certain degree of combat effectiveness and gradually evolved into the main force in the field.

At around nine o'clock, Chief of Staff Fang Ligong came to the map and made a direct analysis.

For them, this is an opportunity to show their face.

Even if the strength of the Japanese and puppet troops here is not 100,000, there will be at least 70,000 to 80,000!

Moreover, they will also have aviation to assist them in combat, which is definitely a heavily armed group.

"The importance of Shaanxi Province is self-evident. If Shaanxi Province is threatened, it may affect the national war and even lead to the danger of national subjugation and annihilation."

As a large amount of food was sold, there was not much food left, which was originally insufficient. Every department had problems eating.

Hua Gu was pointing at different locations on the map and said with a playful smile on his face.

At the same time, troops from the 35th Division and the 4th Cavalry Brigade directly under the front army also began to mobilize towards the area north of the Yellow River in Henan Province.

It was at this time that the Japanese Army Dispatch Force Headquarters also began to issue a series of combat orders.

Up to now, the Japanese army has adopted a series of measures in order to win the battle of Zhongtiao Mountain.

On March 1st, a big event happened here in the First War Zone.

Under such circumstances, if he went to the capital to report on his duties, it would be difficult to come back soon.

Chen Ziyun said so much mainly because he was waiting for Chu Yunfei's words.

"It is on the north bank of the Yellow River and extends parallel to the Yellow River for hundreds of kilometers. It is simply a natural barrier to the north of the Yellow River."

Wei Junru, commander of the First Theater Command, was ordered to go to the capital to report on his duties.

After all, the commander of the Glory First Division is Chu Yunfei, as long as he doesn't speak.

They were going to the Fenhe area to carry out reconnaissance and deployment and carefully check the deployment of Japanese and puppet troops.

Based on various intelligence sources, He Jingzhi immediately analyzed that the Japanese and puppet troops were about to launch a combat attack on Zhongtiao Mountain.

In addition, the 9th Brigade was independently formed, the 16th Brigade mobilized its main force to participate in the battle, and the 4th Cavalry Brigade was fully dispatched to participate in the battle.

"There are three Japanese divisions in southern Shanxi, and one division has been assembled north of the Yellow River in Henan Province."

Immediately afterwards, they began to inspect various ministries to check the status of their presence.

"They are not coming for our Jinsui Army, and they may not be coming for the Eighth Route Army."

And for this battle, the Dispatch Army Headquarters specially dispatched the Third Flying Group to come here.

Coupled with the independent mixed brigades, cavalry brigades, and puppet troops that cooperate in combat, they have a lot of strength.

The southwest region was attacked by Japanese troops several times and was very unstable.

In the Zhongtiao Mountain battle, the western area is the main direction of the Japanese army's attack. The Japanese army will invest three divisions and two brigades here.

"What Ziyun said is very reasonable. The survival of Zhongtiao Mountain is of great importance."

"Since ancient times, there has been a saying of chasing deer in Zhongyuan. If the little devil wants to go south, he must cross the Yellow River, and if he wants to cross the Yellow River, he must capture Zhongtiao Mountain."

In addition, there will be puppet Mongolian troops and puppet Manchu troops dispatched to assist in the battle.

They have a lot of troops, and each department will be equipped with a certain number of armored troops to assist.

For them, Li Yunlong dispatched thousands of troops. With such a large number of troops, there was obviously no threat.

Relatively speaking, what they care about most is the Glory First Division.

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(End of chapter)

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