304. Chapter 304 Brigadier Chen has arrived at the front line (please subscribe)

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 Chapter 304 Brigadier Chen has arrived at the front line (please subscribe)

“Emotions are valued by weapons and ammunition?”

"Nonsense, talking about relationships can lead to weapons and ammunition?"

"Go, go, stay somewhere cool."

"I can't even hear the polite words. Old Zhao, let Zhang Dabiao lead people to get the weapons and equipment back as soon as possible."

"Let's organize these machine guns and light and heavy machine guns into a machine gun battalion."

Li Yunlong stared at Ding Wei and Kong Jie in front of him, and shouted directly at the top of his voice.

It's not easy to get out the weapons and equipment he has.

Brigadier Chen and some others can do it, but Ding Wei and Kong Jie can't. They said Po Tian and Li Yunlong would not let go of their weapons and equipment easily.

Chen Ziyun of the independent detachment had agreed to coordinate the operations and returned to the 201st Division station.

Chen Ziyun and Chu Yunfei reported, and then met directly with Sun Yu, Zhang Wu and others.

The 41st Division, the 35th Division, the independent mixed 9th Brigade, the 20th Division, the 21st Division, and the 24th Division of the Royal Association Army gathered in the Qinhe area on the east side of the battlefield.

Two independent flying squadrons are responsible for reconnaissance and cover missions, keeping an eye on the battlefield situation.

They immediately launched combat operations and fully supported the 98th Army in the breakout operation.

They had no idea that the 98th Army would give up going south to meet with the main force, and instead break out alone.

On May 17, the sky gradually became brighter, and at seven o'clock in the morning, a large number of aviation troops arrived over the battlefield.

With the militia troops assisting in the defense, it is natural to gain a foothold in Zhongtiao Mountain.

After this battle, the 17th Army, which had only one division, had a total combat strength of less than 6,000 men.

After giving them detailed instructions, these officers began to go back for deployment.

The little Japanese troops quickly launched an encirclement in an attempt to encircle him and carry out an annihilation operation.

They are assisting here, and their main task is to block the area east of the battlefield and prevent the Zhongtiao Mountain defenders from evacuating eastward.

The puppet troops of more than 30,000 days gathered in the area west of Yuanqu City to contain and attack Yuanqu City.

After the ministries received the order, the officers had no choice but to execute it.

Here, two Japanese divisions and an independent mixed brigade participated in the battle without full strength, and suffered heavy casualties.

Various units were bombed by the Japanese Air Force and were temporarily unable to carry out operations.
On the 16th, the Japs mainly fought on the outskirts of Zhongtiao Mountain, attacking the 17th Army and the 43rd Army with all their strength.

This means that they can call for air support at any time to help them quickly break through the position.

Kuichi Tanaka, Nobumasa Tominaga, Shozo Sakurai!

As time passed, the sky gradually became dark. At around 8 o'clock in the evening, the 17th Army completely withdrew from the battlefield.

When the fighting lasted until twelve o'clock, the 93rd Army and the 27th Army gradually retreated, and they and the 15th Army stayed in the second line of defensive positions.

They directly targeted Gao Pei's 5th 17th Army and Zhao Chuanbi's 43rd Army.

Various units of the Japanese army began to mobilize overnight. After completing the assembly, they took a rest.

They withdrew to the Taihang Mountains and the western Shanxi area, and obviously could not come back to join the war.

Most of Zhongtiao Mountain is covered with mountain forests and the land is barren, but there are many mountain villages.

He will arrange for the Eighth Army to advance to the Fenhe area of ​​Jishan City to prepare the 201st Division for its withdrawal to the western Shanxi area at any time.

At ten o'clock in the morning, as the junction was attacked, the connection between the 93rd Army and the 27th Army was cut off, and the two armies were forced to fight independently.

Chen Ziyun and his troops left the battlefield at around ten o'clock in the evening and arrived at the western part of Zhongtiao Mountain. They did not encounter any Japanese and puppet troops.

"As long as the defensive forces here in Yuanqu City weaken, they must launch an attack quickly and completely capture Yuanqu City."

At this time, at the First Army Headquarters in Jincheng, Yoshio Shinozuka had already drawn up a combat plan based on the situation of each department.

Chen Ziyun was relatively worry-free when he led them into battle this time. At least they could execute orders 100%.

Chen Ziyun plans to visit these mountain villages and inquire about the situation in each village. If conditions permit, he plans to form some militia troops.

For this reason, they directly abandoned the Shunwangping position, allowing the 201st Division to completely open up contact with the 14th Group Army.

When forced to do so, all units quickly evacuated the battlefield.

But they knew in their hearts that sooner or later the higher-ups would issue a retreat order.

However, after the troops of the Fifth Army withdrew, no one paid much attention to it.

By noon, the first theater and the second theater sent messages to support the operation respectively.

These three Japanese lieutenant general division commanders established direct contact with the two little Japanese flying regiments.

Gao Peiwu commanded the 84th Division of the 17th Army and quickly fought towards the Taihang Mountains area on the east side.

But once they are attacked by Japanese and puppet troops from east to west, their situation will be very dangerous.

His combat plan was also quickly reported to the North China Front Army Headquarters here in Pingyang City, allowing Commander Tada Shun to decide whether to adopt it.

The 21st Division troops quickly launched a pursuit and completely annihilated the 98th Army troops.

However, if we give up like this, we cannot explain everything, so we can only continue to arrange troops to fight a defensive battle.

As for the combat deployment here at the First Army Headquarters, the North China Front Army Headquarters must have approved it.

At around 10:50 p.m., the 43rd Army, supported by the 61st Army of the Eighth Group Army, began to withdraw to Ningcheng and other areas in Shanxi Township.

In the next time, Chen Ziyun will definitely be busy here in the west of Zhongtiao Mountain.

As for the 98th Army units, they are currently defending the 41st Division and other units to the east.

"The Ninth Army and the 201st Division are stationed at Fengmenkou and the ferry in the Yuanqu City area."

The First Army assembled three divisions and a cavalry brigade and began to encircle and annihilate the 17th Army and the 43rd Army.

At around eight o'clock, after the bombing ended.

Even at eleven o'clock in the evening, Yan Laoxi specially sent a message to Chu Yunfei, asking him to deal with the battle in Yuanqu City and other areas, and then quickly withdrew.

However, they were restrained and attacked by the 21st Division and the 33rd Division respectively, and there was no way to mobilize too many troops.

Therefore, Chen Ziyun put forward some suggestions to ensure that the 201st Division troops would not suffer too many casualties.

"Contact Jing Guanren and Anda's twenty-third division commanders, and ignore Chu Yunfei's and Chen Ziyun's troops."

At twelve o'clock at midnight, the two corps and four divisions that were coordinating the battle outside Zhongtiao Mountain were completely repulsed.

After Commander Wu of the 98th Army noticed the anomaly, he quickly directed his troops to break out of the encirclement to the north!

The Little Japanese North China Front Army has assembled a heavy troop group here, and the first theater has also deployed a large number of troops for defense.

On the contrary, as we advanced along the way, we occasionally encountered some stragglers. Of course, these soldiers were all injured and their number was not very large.

Its main force was deployed in Jincheng and launched defense in the highlands south of Yangcheng.

If the army wants to gain a foothold here, it must have a good relationship with the local people.

As bombers appeared above it, aerial bombs were dropped one after another.

As for other troops, continue to act according to the scheduled plan and maintain the combat strike against the 14th Group Army!

At one o'clock in the afternoon, under the command of Yoshio Shinozuka, the Japanese Air Force focused on bombing the junction between the 98th Army and the main force of the 14th Group Army.

This choice is crucial. At this time, the little devils strengthened their forces in the west, southeast, and tried to completely annihilate the 98th Army.

The First and Third Flying Regiments have more than two hundred aircraft, fully equipped with the 21st Division, 27th Division, and 33rd Division.

There are only more than 12,000 people in the entire army, and each division only has about 4,000 troops on average.

Commander-in-Chief Liu of the 14th Group Army unified the command of the Ninth Army, the 15th Army, the 27th Army, the 93rd Army, and the 98th Army.

"Contact the Eighth Route Army troops and request them to quickly coordinate the 98th Army's evacuation to the north."

At half past nine, the First Army's headquarters in Jincheng began to issue combat orders.

If it can fully deal with the Japanese and puppet troops in the west of Zhongtiao Mountain, the 201st Division will not be under too much pressure.

Especially when the western part of Zhongtiao Mountain has been lost and the entire Fifth Army has withdrawn to the south bank of the Yellow River.

Yoshio Shinozuka arranged them on the Yangcheng and Jincheng lines in order to suppress the 14th Army Group of Nakatiao Mountain from the north.

At this time, the two troops with different origins had different choices.

Some troops were mobilized, but two small Japanese flying groups came to Zhongtiao Mountain and launched a carpet bombing.

The 32nd Bomber Squadron and the 90th Bomber Squadron directly carried out carpet bombing on the joint areas of the 93rd Army and the 27th Army.

Shun Tada did not interfere too much. After all, Yoshio Shinozuka has rich theoretical and practical experience.

Fortunately, a main division of the 21st Division pursued the 98th Army. Otherwise, the consequences would have been disastrous.

If you want to retreat, you have to fight another battle to save face.

These three divisions participated in the battle with full strength. Although there were casualties in the continuous fighting, they still had more than 50,000 troops.

Reconnaissance planes closely followed the dynamics of the two armies, and a large number of aviation troops continued to arrive.

At the same time, in the area west of Yuanqu City, there were the 36th Division, the 37th Division, which were independently combined into the 16th Brigade, and the Second Division of the Imperial Associated Army with more than 30,000 puppet troops.

The reconnaissance aircraft of the 83rd Squadron and the 44th Squadron bombed the positions of the 93rd Army and the 27th Army respectively.

The commander of the First Army, Yoshio Shinozuka, started generating electricity himself at two o'clock in the morning on the 17th.

By the time the 15th Army dispatched troops to rush over for reinforcements, the 27th Division had already captured the junction.

The 21st Division and the 27th Division moved forward together to pursue, encircle and annihilate the 43rd Army troops.

By four o'clock in the afternoon, the 98th Army's retreat was cut off by the 21st and 33rd Infantry Divisions.

But at a critical moment, these people may directly choose to abandon the 201st Division in order to protect themselves.

However, the 98th Army broke through to the north and caught the Japanese army off guard.

After receiving the combat order, the morale of each department became even lower.

At around five o'clock, Brigadier Chen had already commanded the troops of the 386th Brigade to quickly arrive on the battlefield.

After such carpet bombing, the troops suffered a certain degree of casualties.

They can also communicate via radio to ensure they can advance and retreat together.

Zhang Wuze served as the commander of the special forces regiment, which consisted of machine gun battalions, cavalry battalions, special agent battalions and other units.

The 21st Division, the 27th Division, and the 33rd Division assembled three artillery regiments and one artillery battalion and began bombing the junction.

After Gao Peiwu and Zhao Chuanbi discovered the abnormality, they hurriedly ordered the troops to evacuate.

The First Theater District Commander's Headquarters required all ministries to use their established positions to defend with all their strength in order to kill and consume Japanese and puppet combat troops.

But this time, the Japs were merciless, with reconnaissance planes hovering over them all the time to learn more about their breakout route.

Wanting to fight decisively, they also planned a retreat.

The 21st Division, 27th Division, and 33rd Division were stationed along the line from Jincheng to Yangcheng.

The 4th Cavalry Brigade and the 33rd Division attacked the 17th Army with all their strength.

The 21st Division and the 33rd Division stormed the junction between the 98th Army and the 14th Group Army.

The three divisions of the 43rd Army originally had about 20,000 troops, but after this continuous attack, they suffered heavy casualties.

At the same time, Chen Ziyun led the cavalry battalion to visit various mountain villages to check the conditions of these mountain villages.

As night fell and the sky turned pitch black, at eight o'clock in the evening on May 15th, Chen Ziyun led his troops and began to secretly advance toward the west of Zhongtiao Mountain.

Of course, Chu Yunfei would definitely not do this. At this time, he already had his own ideas under Chen Ziyun's suggestion.

The 17th Army and the 43rd Army, two corps and four divisions, are supporting the operations on the periphery and assisting the 14th Group Army in operations.

Otherwise, without the support of the people, it would be difficult for them to stay here for a long time.

As for Pinglu City, Xia City, Wenxi City and other areas, there are almost no Japanese and puppet troops stationed there.

The 201st Division can be said to be strong and strong at present, but their situation is also very delicate.

The 36th Division, the 37th Division, the 16th Brigade, and the 2nd Army Division of the Royal Association Army all gathered in the area west of Yuanqu City.

Moreover, the main force among their various ministries still exists, and they can carry out high-intensity offensive operations.

Chen Ziyun returned to the division headquarters again and talked with Chu Yunfei, Fang Ligong and others.

The Japanese aviation force took the lead in launching combat operations. Akiyama Toyoji's 1st Flying Regiment and Endo Saburo's 3rd Flying Regiment were dispatched one after another.

Regardless of Chu Yunfei, Chen Ziyun had commanded the troops to fully support their operations several times before.

The 27th Division, which was relatively complete and had stronger combat effectiveness, began to storm the joint positions under the command of the division commander Tominaga Nobumasa.

Gao Peiwu directly sent troops to the First Theater Command Headquarters. His troops moved to the Taihang Mountains for rest and recuperation and were temporarily unable to participate in the war.

At present, the troops he brought mainly include Sun Yu Field Supplementary Regiment, Zhang Wu Special Forces Regiment, Li Yangshan Artillery Battalion, as well as some heavy supplies and communications troops.

Zhao Chuanbi commanded three divisions of the 43rd Army and immediately moved toward western Shanxi.

Therefore, these officers had no intention of fighting to the death and would inevitably have some thoughts of conserving their strength.

Most of the nearby friendly forces are friendly forces in name only, and they may not be able to support the operation desperately.

Deafening explosions sounded, and the two military units were heavily bombed.

Until four o'clock in the afternoon, the 15th Army mobilized a reinforced regiment of more than 2,000 troops and came to Shunwangping to garrison.

Fortunately, they are all direct members of the Central Army, and the two commanders are also classmates in the first phase of Huangpu.

They evacuated frantically towards Zijin Mountain, preparing to move directly to western Shanxi through here.

At this time, the focus of both sides' operations was on the line from Jiangcheng to Yuanqu City, as well as the area east of Zhongtiao Mountain.

At about five o'clock in the morning on the 16th, the commander of the First Theater Zone issued a combat order.

By six o'clock in the morning, the frontline headquarters of the Pingyang City Front issued a series of combat orders.

These officers are all Chen Ziyun's old subordinates, and many of them were promoted by Chen Ziyun.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, the first theater commander's headquarters began to issue combat orders.

If this were a different army, they would have withdrawn from the battlefield without even saying hello.

The Fourth Cavalry Brigade quickly circled north, and the 21st Division, 27th Division, and 33rd Division simultaneously launched combat operations.

At this time, the focus of the little devil's attack changed again.

At this time, the junction position underwent continuous bombing and artillery fire, and all position fortifications were almost completely destroyed.

"Their mission is to gather together and pay attention to the situation in Yuanqu City."

In fact, Yoshio Shinozuka's commanding ability is not weak. After he arrives at the front line, he is able to understand the situation at any time and make deployment quickly.

The Fourth Cavalry Brigade and other units quickly withdrew, and the First Army Headquarters began to make adjustments.

After Yoshio Shinozuka received the news, he decisively issued a combat order, and the 4th Cavalry Brigade in reserve quickly launched a blockade.

At this time, the Japanese and puppet troops launched a dragnet-style sweep and search in the western part of Zhongtiao Mountain, but they did not gain much, so they did not stay any longer.

The 201st Division and independent detachment maintained operations on the front line from Zijin Mountain to Yuanqu City.

Sun Yu currently serves as the leader of the field supplementary regiment. The regiment's establishment is the same as other field regiments.

After this battle, Yan Laoxi will not send any Shanxi-Sui army troops to fight in Zhongtiao Mountain.

The 41st Division and other troops also began to mobilize troops to attack the 98th Army with all their strength, trying to encircle and annihilate it!

But they were able to piece together a force of 20,000 people, and together with the 20,000 troops of the Imperial Alliance Army, there were about 40,000 Japanese and puppet troops here.

"Even if they command troops to support the eastern battlefield, do not attack them."

After the 27th Division launched a combat strike, the 93rd Army and the 27th Army wanted to deploy troops to strengthen defense.

The 386th Brigade is called a brigade, but it actually has the strength of four regiments: the 772nd Regiment, the 16th Regiment, the 17th Regiment, and the 18th Regiment.

This time the operational plan for the eastern part of Zhongtiao Mountain is the result of discussions from many parties.

These Japanese and puppet troops paid close attention to the dynamics of the 201st Division and were waiting for combat orders from the headquarters.

Chu Yunfei and Fang Ligong will naturally fully adopt these suggestions.

"Remember, their forces must be absolutely concentrated and cannot be dispersed in any way."

This kind of deployment is very common in battles.

At the same time, the 27th Division is responsible for maintaining containment and attacks against the 93rd Army, 27th Army, and 15th Army.

They also continued to fight. The two armies and four divisions only had more than 20,000 troops.

As for the 41st Division and other units, they continued to stand by and paid close attention to the situation of the defenders at Zhongtiao Mountain.

By two o'clock in the morning on the 16th, Chen Ziyun led his troops to the area south of Wenxi City and east of Xia City.

The Ninth Army was deployed at the gate of the seal, and at the same time dispatched a unit to maintain contact with the main force of the group army.

"Each unit gradually resisted, and after nine o'clock in the evening, they gradually moved towards the ferry."

At this point, Wei Junru must not be able to completely decide how the Zhongtiao Mountain defenders will fight.

However, the 201st Division needs to fully garrison the first line of Yuanqu City, and they do not have the extra troops to garrison at Shunwangping.

The current situation here in Zhongtiao Mountain is very obvious. If the ministries continue to hold on, they may suffer a devastating blow.

Chen Ziyun opened the map, arranged for various ministries to be stationed in the main areas, built fortifications, and prepared for defense.

Sakuma Shigemori's 4th Cavalry Brigade of about 5,000 cavalry troops was used as a general reserve.

Brigadier Chen is also the commander of the Taiyue Regional Force and concurrently the brigade commander. He has many troops under his command.

At around 5:40, the main force of the 386th Brigade engaged the 4th Brigade of the Little Devil Cavalry, and the troops from both sides launched a fierce battle.

Brigadier Chen commanded the 772nd Regiment, quickly established contact with the 98th Army, and coordinated their movement toward the Purple JS area.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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