Chapter 8 Lao Li got rich

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 Chapter 8 Lao Li got rich

The 358th Regiment began to fully support Chen Ziyun's retreat. At this time, fierce fighting was continuing on the Cangyunling battlefield.

The new regiment was in position, Li Yunlong was holding a shell gun, and kept shouting orders at the top of his voice.

The soldiers launched a fire attack, and bullets were fired at the little devil one after another.

Li Yunlong had already received an order from the brigade headquarters, asking his new regiment to break out directly from the weak point Yujialing.

After knowing whether the Moon Army on the opposite side was Bantian's united force, Li Yunlong had the intention to fight with Sakata Nobutetsu.

Especially after discovering the location of Bantian Wing Headquarters, Li Yunlong would not obey the orders of the brigade headquarters at all.

He was going to kill Nobutsu Sakata and break out directly from the front.

There is a mortar in the first regiment of Bu Nao, but the range is insufficient. You need to push forward to get out of the range.

So now the new regiment is attacking with all its strength, preparing to advance and launch an artillery bombardment.

But while they were fighting fiercely with the First Battalion, Chen Ziyun bombarded them one after another, and the dense artillery shells directly completely covered the Sakata Regiment Headquarters.

Looking at the high ground where there was now constant black smoke, Li Yunlong stared with a pair of eyes, his face filled with overwhelming anger.

"Who the hell killed the Sakata United Headquarters!"

"How dare you f*cking snatch meat from Li Yunlong's mouth? I'm tired of living!"

Immediately afterwards, Li Yunlong started cursing at the top of his voice.

In his eyes, the Sakata United Headquarters was the one who got the most out of his mouth. However, the new group didn't have much to eat, so they got there first.

"Captain, the cannon fired by Nafushan is really powerful. One test shot accurately hit the target."

"The subsequent covering artillery fire, the shells hit as if they had eyes, and not a single shot missed the target."

"That level is too high. That artillery force is definitely elite."

Wang Chengzhu, the only artilleryman of the new regiment with a simple and honest personality, saw that scene and said with praise.

Li Yunlong was even more unhappy when he heard that Wang Chengzhu was cursing and ordered Wang Chengzhu to immediately launch an artillery attack on the evacuated first brigade.

Now the first battalion is frantically evacuating towards the wing headquarters, but the new regiment is constantly launching fire attacks.

I didn't get to eat the meat from Bantian United Headquarters, but Lao Li didn't want to miss the delicacies from the First Battalion.

"Commander, they have knocked out the Japs Wing Headquarters. Who is he asking to beat now?" Wang Chengzhu asked honestly.

"I might as well just beat me up!"

"Who can I beat? Of course it's the little devil."

Li Yunlong was furious and shouted at the top of his lungs.

Wang Chengzhu immediately set up the only 60MM mortar in the regiment. Facing the evacuating Japs, he made simple adjustments and fired immediately.

Two grenades were fired one after another, and the two Yuan Army Type 92 heavy machine guns that suppressed the new regiment were destroyed one after another.

The Moon Army has no intention of fighting right now, and they just want to quickly return to support the coalition headquarters.

So they concentrated their grenades, first fired grenades, then quickly fired smoke grenades, and quickly retreated.

That time, the Moon Army discarded all the weapons and ammunition of the dead Japs, as well as the seriously injured ones.

After all, for them, the situation at the wing headquarters was urgent and they had to go back quickly.

Weapons, ammunition and seriously injured personnel are obviously incomparable to those at the wing headquarters.

The First Battalion broke away from contact with the new group, but they were able to discard a lot of weapons and ammunition.

I want to know that even if they lost the battle before, they could take away the weapons and ammunition if they could, but if they couldn't, they would destroy them immediately.

Li Yunlong is so capable, but in one year, he only captured a few light and heavy machine guns.

"Commander, who destroyed the regiment headquarters? Then they can take meat from our regiment's mouth."

"The artillery troops of the division headquarters have participated in the war. They are really mean."

"Captain, let's rush over now and get you a little devil's sword."

After the first battalion of the Yue Army evacuated, Zhang Dabiao, the commander of the first battalion, quickly ran over and asked excitedly.

"Da Biao, you have to use your brains to fight the war. The Japs unit has been destroyed. What are we going to do in the past?"

"Now the little devils are all withdrawing towards the coalition headquarters. If we go over, we will hit the gunpoint!"

"Besides, does the brigade headquarters order us to break out from Yujialing? We must not disobey the order."

Li Yunlong raised his telescope to observe the situation on the Yidong battlefield, and he spoke unhurriedly.

Although Lao Li looks tough on the outside, he is very attentive, especially on the battlefield and has great adaptability.

Previously, Li Yunlong wanted to break out of the encirclement head-on, but he was worried that if he retreated and the First Battalion came over, his troops would fall into a passive situation.

Moreover, if there is a chance to destroy the Lunar Army Alliance Headquarters, is it worth taking the risk?

Can the first group leave now and evacuate with the new group? A large number of little Japs are gathering towards the wing headquarters.

Please continue to break through the encirclement head-on. That would be a risk, and it would definitely lead to death.

"Captain, before you..." Zhang Dabiao was stunned.

"What are you doing in a daze? Quickly clean up the battlefield, and then the entire regiment takes turns to cover and break out from Yujialing!"

"Let's see, there are so many weapons and ammunition, we can make a fortune that time."

"Zhuzi, that prodigal son of mine, I blew up those two good heavy machine guns."

Li Yunlong looked at the weapons and ammunition discarded by the little devil, his eyes lit up, and he shouted at the top of his lungs.

The new regiment of soldiers moved quickly, sweeping the battlefield like a storm.

Not to mention weapons and ammunition, the little devil's helmet, leather shoes and clothes were all stolen.

"There are Jinsui Army troops nearby. Do the Jinsui Army have the guts to fight against the Japs?"

"Even if they have the courage to fight, their artillery is not that powerful."

"One test shot accurately hit the target, and all subsequent artillery shells hit the target. Not to mention the Jinsui Army, even if it is not the Japanese artillery, it may not be that powerful."

"Who is it that destroyed the Sakata Alliance's headquarters?"

Li Yunlong raised the telescope, glanced into the distance, and couldn't help but murmur to himself.

"Captain, have you really made a fortune? You have more than a hundred rifles, three crooked handles, and probably two grenades."

"In addition, there were two heavy machine guns that were blown up. Hehehe, a total of two thousand rounds of heavy machine gun bullets were seized!"

"Rifles, light machine gun bullets, and grenade launchers are all here, and the grenade can contain more than a dozen rounds!"

Not long after, Zhang Dabiao ran over, his mouth full of joy.

"Hahaha, are you really fucking rich? Hurry up, take cover alternately, and break out from the direction of Yujialing!"

"If someone destroys the Sakata United Headquarters, we will benefit from it."

When he heard that so many weapons and ammunition had been seized, Li Yunlong showed his dog-like emotions and smiled instantly.

In his opinion, Lao Li, there were so many seizures, which were completely more valuable than killing the Sakata United Headquarters.

What will happen if we kill the Sakata United Headquarters?

A piece of commendation?

How can there be so many weapons and ammunition at such an affordable price!

Li Yunlong smiled and led a new group and began to break out from the direction of Yujialing.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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