Chapter 88 Japanese tactics failed

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 Chapter 88 The Moon Army’s Tactics Failed

Two submachine gun platoons of 120 men advanced rapidly under the command of company commander Chu Yu. Their leading troops were already less than 100 meters away from the Moon Army's position.

Chen Ziyun was commanding the rifle platoon to follow up, but he vaguely sensed something was amiss.

He hurriedly called for the messenger, and immediately gave orders to the First Artillery Company and the Second Infantry Battalion.

Then the rifle platoon advanced to two hundred meters away from the Yue army's position, and Chen Ziyun asked the rifle platoon to prepare for shooting.

At that time, almost all of the more than 100 troops commanded by Chu Yu advanced to a distance of fifty or sixty meters from the Moon Army's position.

The First Squadron stationed at the outer position on the south side immediately launched fire after discovering the more than 100 people.

The 1st Squadron has three infantry squads in the east. Each infantry squad has about thirty rifles, three light machine guns, and three grenade launchers.

At this time, nine grenades and nine light machine guns were firing in the east under the command of the captain.

Grenades and dense bullets were fired at the soldiers one after another, even though the two submachine gun platoons were relatively scattered and could not crawl forward.

But under such a firepower attack, they inevitably suffered casualties.

Especially not long after, six heavy machine guns assisting in the defense also started firing.

7.7MM bullets were fired accurately one after another. Some soldiers were instantly hit by heavy machine gun bullets and died on the spot.

The two submachine gun platoons were suppressed, and the ninety Moon Army riflemen immediately threw leg mines.

Each leg mine pulled the safety pin, hit the helmet hard, and then quickly threw it out.

Leg mines began to fall in front of the position and explode, sending dust and gunpowder smoke flying everywhere.

With the help of the dust and smoke, the rifle legs of the Moon Army began to quickly install bayonets on their rifles and rushed out of the position.

"Kill me!"

"The brave men of the First Squadron, use our bayonets to pierce their hearts!"

"Let those humble Jinsui Army know that their imperial troops will never be able to defeat them!"

The captain of the first squadron drew his saber and roared loudly.

A young Japanese soldier quickly jumped out of the trench and charged directly towards the guard company troops.

If the light and heavy machine gun grenades were in the Moon Army position, they would concentrate fire to suppress the guard company troops and cover the advance of the rifle legs.

I have to say that Major Ishikawa's tactics were very effective.

If the ones attacking at this time are ordinary Jinsui Army troops, and those rifle legs are required to get closer, then the Jinsui Army will definitely be annihilated.

Even though there are about ninety people in the rifle leg of the Yue Army, during the Red Blade Battle, they can easily defeat hundreds of Jinsui Army.

But the Ishikawa Battalion of Qingshan Town would never have thought that if they attacked the front of the position at this time, they would be able to guard the company's troops!

Chu Yu's guards were not even able to build an ace unit that Chen Ziyun personally built. They are now well-equipped with weapons and equipment.

And in that army, are there already a certain number of soldiers who are judged by the system to be elite soldiers?

Chu Yu looked at the large number of rifle legs of the Moon Army that were attacking, and he commanded calmly.

More than a hundred officers and soldiers were waiting patiently with Jin-made rifles and Jin-made submachine guns.

Behind them, the rifle platoon commanded by Chen Ziyun was already leading a counterattack.

Three light machine guns, three grenade launchers, and more than thirty rifles fired at the same time. They struck at the Moon Army's exposed firepower points.

Intensive bullets and grenades were fired towards the Moon Army's position. Some of the Japs' light machine guns were affected and were forced to relocate.

At the same time, the eastern gun platoon of the guard company opened fire with two Type 92 heavy machine guns and two 81MM mortars.

The first artillery company's six Jin-made 75MM mountain guns and the second battalion's machine gun company's six heavy machine guns also roared.

Eight heavy machine guns were deployed at different positions, firing dense bullets at the Moon Army positions.

Six mountain guns, two mortars, not to mention continuous shelling.

It didn't take long before the light and heavy machine gun fire exposed by the Moon Army's position caused casualties.

Three light machine guns and two heavy machine guns were directly destroyed during heavy shelling on the east side.

The Lunar Army position could no longer provide cover for the rifle legs, so they stopped shooting and hurried to move.

As mentioned before, the Yingju land prisoner battle was destroyed before the position passed there.

The Moon Army would certainly not be able to build a strong position within a short period of time.

When 81MM mortars and 75MM mountain guns continue to attack, those exposed firepower points will naturally suffer losses.

And the ninety riflemen lost the cover of the light and heavy machine guns behind them. They were in front of the guard company, which was simply a piece of cake.

"The Jinsui Army is right in front. They will never make a mistake. They will not miss their leg."

"Warriors, use our bayonets to kill them all."

"Just beg them to engage in a red blade battle with them. Their heavy weapons will not be able to pose a threat to them."

The captain of the first squadron did not realize the seriousness of the problem at all. He thought that the guard company troops were just ahead.

Even if there is no machine gun cover, beg your troops to engage in a red blade battle with the Jinsui Army.

Then those Jinsui troops will be like lambs and let them be slaughtered!


But when the distance between the Yue army's rifle legs was less than fifty meters, Chu Yu decisively issued the battle order.

At the same time, Chen Ziyun commanded the rifle platoon to also change the target, and they also began to shoot at the rifle legs of the Yue Army.

The squad leader, deputy squad leader, platoon leader, and deputy platoon leader controlled the Jin-made shell guns to tilt eastward and start shooting directly.

A Jin-made submachine gun fired fiercely directly in the east controlled by the soldiers.

Hundreds of submachine guns and shell guns fired continuously, and the dense bullets formed a fire network with no blind spots.

What's more, there are more than thirty rifles at the back, three Czech-style light machine guns, and three grenade launchers to assist in shooting.

For a moment, the rifle legs of the Moon Army, who were holding their rifles and trying to start a red-blade battle, fell piece by piece into a pool of blood like harvested wheat.

When the captain saw that scene, his eyes widened with an expression of disbelief.

He would never have imagined that all the Jinsui troops were equipped with automatic weapons.

"Hidden..." The captain wanted to ask Dongda for orders.

But before he could finish his words, rounds of 11.43MM caliber bullets were fired directly at him.

Several blood holes appeared in the captain's chest, and his body fell to the ground. He died on the spot!

The ninety riflemen of the First Squadron who attacked were not able to fight hard, but they were met with concentrated fire from two submachine gun platoons and one rifle platoon.

Those little devils didn't react at all, almost all of them were beaten into sieves!

After Chu Yu dealt with those little devils, he immediately commanded the troops to advance forward quickly without any hesitation.

Six Shanxi orogen cannons and two moon-type mortars continued to bombard them to provide cover for them.

Eight heavy machine guns, not to mention continuous fire suppression, did not allow the little devils in the position to have a chance to shoot.

Sorry for the late update. I have a fever and I am only getting better now.

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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