Chapter 2301 Just take one look and run away

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 Without the incident of Xiao Yue Sirius, Qin Ming would not have known that there were so many Jiao realm poison demons trying to catch him in the Yunlan Forest.

What's more, I didn't know that the Dragon Realm Poison Demon actually appeared openly in Yunlan Forest.

To be able to appear here so quickly in the center of Yunlan Forest, it is obvious that he has been in Yunlan Forest for a long time and has been looking for himself.

If it were outside Yunlan Forest, even a strong man in the Dragon Realm would not be able to come here so quickly.

Qin Ming suddenly felt like he was surviving a disaster. It turned out that the dragon-level powerhouse had been looking for him and never gave up.

It's just a pity that he couldn't save the life of the Dragon Realm poison demon. If he could save his life, the poison demon forces would probably feel even more distressed.

Cultivating a dragon-level poison demon requires dozens of times the resources of a dragon-level poison demon, and it may not be successful. ??

It requires a certain amount of luck and the talent of a warrior.

"He ran away too fast. Although I can catch up with him, it is very likely..." Xiaoyue Sirius did not continue, but Qin Ming had already guessed what was going on.

It is just worried that if it continues to chase, other enemies will come.

If there were another strong man in the Dragon Realm, he and the Moon Wolf next to him would most likely die.

"It doesn't matter. After I become a Dragon Realm warrior, it won't be too late to kill them. I'm already satisfied after killing so many poison demons." Qin Ming smiled.

Although this trip to Yunlan Forest was a bit risky, fortunately, the rewards were considerable and these adventures were all worth it.

I think the top management of the Poison Demon would be so angry that they would vomit blood.

In order to catch him, so many people were mobilized and many poisonous demons died.

In the end, he escaped.

"After this time, the poisonous demon will definitely try his best to kill me. It seems that I have to be more careful."

Qin Ming felt wary in his heart.

Countless poison demons came to Yunlan Forest to hunt for him, as well as dragon realm poison demons,
He even did not hesitate to start a war with the top leaders of the Demon Hunter Association. The poisonous demon's determination to kill him was clearly revealed.

With the poison demon's methods, you may find their way if you don't pay attention.

On the other side, Qiu Ji noticed that Xiaoyue Sirius disappeared behind him, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately, the fire of hatred in his heart burned brightly.

"It must be Qin Ming who allowed that King Dragon Realm Origin Beast to escape."

It was just a glimpse, but Qiu Ji had already seen the traces of the formation.

Obviously, the formation had been activated, but for some unknown reason, it was broken by others.

According to common sense, Xiaoyue Sirius should not be able to break the solidity of this formation.

In his heart, for some reason, he felt that the reason why this formation was broken was all because of Qin Ming.

Qin Ming is a snake realm warrior. Logically speaking, there should be no suspicion on him.

But Qiu Ji had inexplicable doubts in his heart.

"They said that the King Dragon Realm Source Beast was seriously injured and was unable to exert its full strength."

"But looking at its speed just now, it doesn't look like it was seriously injured at all."

Qiu Ji is very clear about the strength of the King Dragon Realm Origin Beast.

If the King Dragon Realm Source Beast hadn't taken the initiative not to pursue him, he would have been doomed.

Being seriously injured is definitely not the case.

There was no way his subordinates could lie to him. There was only one possibility: the King Dragon Realm Origin Beast had recovered.

Whose masterpiece is this?

Nine times out of ten, it is Qin Ming.

Qiu Ji has suffered from Qin Ming several times. There is no reason. If he suffers from Qin Ming this time, he will also doubt Qin Ming.

"If the injury of that King Dragon Realm Origin Beast could be easily cured by me, it wouldn't have waited until today, let alone be trapped in the cave."

"There is only one possibility, Qin Ming saved it." Without the incident of Xiaoyue Sirius, Qin Ming would not have known that there were so many poisonous dragon-level demons trying to catch him in the Yunlan Forest.

What's more, I didn't know that the Dragon Realm Poison Demon actually appeared openly in Yunlan Forest.

To be able to appear here so quickly in the center of Yunlan Forest, it is obvious that he has been in Yunlan Forest for a long time and has been looking for himself.

If it were outside Yunlan Forest, even a strong man in the Dragon Realm would not be able to come here so quickly.

Qin Ming suddenly felt like he was surviving a disaster. It turned out that the dragon-level powerhouse had been looking for him and never gave up.

It's just a pity that he couldn't save the life of the Dragon Realm poison demon. If he could save his life, the poison demon forces would probably feel even more distressed.

Cultivating a dragon-level poison demon requires dozens of times the resources of a dragon-level poison demon, and it may not be successful.

It requires a certain amount of luck and the talent of a warrior.

"He ran away too fast. Although I can catch up with him, it is very likely..." Xiaoyue Sirius did not continue, but Qin Ming had already guessed what was going on.

It is just worried that if it continues to chase, other enemies will come.

If there were another strong man in the Dragon Realm, he and the Moon Wolf next to him would most likely die.

"It doesn't matter. After I become a Dragon Realm warrior, it won't be too late to kill them. I'm already satisfied after killing so many poison demons." Qin Ming smiled.

Although this trip to Yunlan Forest was a bit risky, fortunately, the rewards were considerable and these adventures were all worth it.

I think the top management of the Poison Demon would be so angry that they would vomit blood.

In order to catch him, so many people were mobilized and many poisonous demons died.

In the end, he escaped.

"After this time, the poisonous demon will definitely try his best to kill me. It seems that I have to be more careful."

Qin Ming felt wary in his heart.

Countless poison demons came to Yunlan Forest to hunt for him, as well as dragon realm poison demons,
He even did not hesitate to start a war with the top leaders of the Demon Hunter Association. The poisonous demon's determination to kill him was clearly revealed.

With the poison demon's methods, you may find their way if you don't pay attention.

On the other side, Qiu Ji noticed that Xiaoyue Sirius disappeared behind him, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately, the fire of hatred in his heart burned brightly.

"It must be Qin Ming who allowed that King Dragon Realm Origin Beast to escape."

It was just a glimpse, but Qiu Ji had already seen the traces of the formation.

Obviously, the formation had been activated, but for some unknown reason, it was broken by others.

According to common sense, Xiaoyue Sirius should not be able to break the solidity of this formation.

In his heart, for some reason, he felt that the reason why this formation was broken was all because of Qin Ming.

Qin Ming is a snake realm warrior. Logically speaking, there should be no suspicion on him.

But Qiu Ji had inexplicable doubts in his heart.

"They said that the King Dragon Realm Source Beast was seriously injured and was unable to exert its full strength."

"But looking at its speed just now, it doesn't look like it was seriously injured at all."

Qiu Ji is very clear about the strength of the King Dragon Realm Origin Beast.

If the King Dragon Realm Source Beast hadn't taken the initiative not to pursue him, he would have been doomed.

Being seriously injured is definitely not the case.

There was no way his subordinates could lie to him. There was only one possibility: the King Dragon Realm Origin Beast had recovered.

Whose masterpiece is this?

Nine times out of ten, it is Qin Ming.

Qiu Ji has suffered from Qin Ming several times. There is no reason. If he suffers from Qin Ming this time, he will also doubt Qin Ming.

"If the injury of that King Dragon Realm Origin Beast could be easily cured by me, it wouldn't have waited until today, let alone be trapped in the cave."

"There is only one possibility: Qin Ming saved it."

This chapter has been completed!
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