Chapter 7471 Transforming Heroic Spirit Energy

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 Although Qin Ming is very confident in his martial arts strength, he is not stupid enough to think that he alone can deal with all the Half-Step Supremes of the Poison Demon Family.

Controlling the Yuexuan world and accumulating strength in the Yuexuan world is the right way.

Just when Qin Ming was thinking about the future, Qin Xixuan ran over: "Brother, have you found the black stone in the warehouse?"

Qin Ming nodded: "I found it. There are about 200,000 pieces of ninth-grade black stone."

He didn't give details, just a rough estimate.

"With so many ninth-grade black stones, wouldn't it be possible to convert a lot of heroic spirit energy?" Qin Xixuan looked at Qin Ming with gleaming eyes. She was greedy for the heroic spirit energy again.

"Uh..." Qin Ming touched his nose, not knowing how to explain it to Qin Xixuan.

After thinking about it, Qin Ming said: "The more black stones, the more heroic spirit energy can be converted."

"But before you reached the late stage of martial arts realm and reached the divine beast realm, all the heroic spirit energy I possess has been absorbed by you."

"You also know that in addition to using up the energy of heroic spirits, it can also help warriors heal their injuries."

"It's very dangerous here. I need to leave a lot of heroic spirit energy to heal my wounds, so I won't have any heroic spirit energy for you in a short time."

"But after I take control of the Yuexuan world, I will be able to continuously obtain black stones from the Yuexuan world. When the time comes, I will be able to convert a large amount of heroic energy, which will definitely satisfy you."

Hearing this, Qin Xixuan was a little disappointed, and even her eyes dimmed a little.

But then I thought about it, if Qin Ming hadn't used a lot of heroic spirit energy before, she wouldn't have been able to successfully break through.

It may even be that because the body has not absorbed any energy, the breakthrough will completely fail, and you may even die directly.

Qin Ming took out the
Those heroic spirits helped her, but she also took a big risk. The heroic spirits' energy was so precious, and when she needed it, Qin Ming took it all out without hesitation.

It is conceivable that in Qin Ming's heart, she is far more important than the energy of the heroic spirit.

"Brother, I'm sorry, I absorbed all the heroic spirit energy you saved, so if you are injured, doesn't it mean that you don't have the heroic spirit energy to heal your injuries?" Qin Xixuan said worriedly.

Qin Ming has now released his transformation, and you can see that there are wounds everywhere on his body.

It is clear that heroic spirit energy can directly restore injuries, but Qin Ming did not use heroic spirit energy to recover. It was obvious that even he himself did not have heroic spirit energy.

She knew that Qin Ming's body was very special, and the healing pills had no effect on him at all. After being injured, he could only use heroic spirit energy to heal his injuries.

If Qin Ming accidentally met Sikodai, the half-step supreme master of the Poison Demon, and a fight broke out between the two, Qin Ming would be seriously injured. Without heroic spirit energy, he would not be able to heal his injuries.

In addition to being able to practice, heroic spirit energy is also a very important combat resource.

You must know that you will inevitably get injured in battle, and if you have heroic spirit energy that can instantly heal injuries, wouldn't you not have to worry about being injured, or even resort to a strategy of mutual death?

Without the energy of the heroic spirit, Qin Ming loses a very important trump card.

And the reason why there is no heroic spirit energy is entirely because of her.

"It's nothing. Heroic spirit energy can be accumulated slowly. I think it will take a long time for me to have a lot of heroic spirit energy again."

"Another one, I have obtained so many ninth-grade black stones. As long as you give me time, these black stones can be converted into energy." Qin Ming said with a smile.

After thinking about it, Qin Ming added: "By the way, killing the poison demon is also helpful in transforming the energy of heroic spirits." Although Qin Ming is very confident in his martial arts strength, he is not stupid enough to think that he alone can deal with the poison demon family.

All Half Steps to Supreme.

Controlling the Yuexuan world and accumulating strength in the Yuexuan world is the right way.

Just when Qin Ming was thinking about the future, Qin Xixuan ran over: "Brother, have you found the black stone in the warehouse?"

Qin Ming nodded: "I found it. There are about 200,000 pieces of ninth-grade black stone."

He didn’t give details, just a rough estimate. ??

"With so many ninth-grade black stones, wouldn't it be possible to convert a lot of heroic spirit energy?" Qin Xixuan looked at Qin Ming with gleaming eyes. She was greedy for the heroic spirit energy again.

"Uh..." Qin Ming touched his nose, not knowing how to explain it to Qin Xixuan.

After thinking about it, Qin Ming said: "The more black stones, the more heroic spirit energy can be converted."

"But before you reached the late stage of martial arts realm and reached the divine beast realm, all the heroic spirit energy I possess has been absorbed by you."

"You also know that in addition to using up the energy of heroic spirits, it can also help warriors heal their injuries."

"It's very dangerous here. I need to leave a lot of heroic spirit energy to heal my wounds, so I won't have any heroic spirit energy for you in a short time."

"But after I take control of the Yuexuan world, I will be able to continuously obtain black stones from the Yuexuan world. When the time comes, I will be able to convert a large amount of heroic energy, which will definitely satisfy you."

Hearing this, Qin Xixuan was a little disappointed, and even her eyes dimmed a little.

But then I thought about it, if Qin Ming hadn't used a lot of heroic spirit energy before, she wouldn't have been able to successfully break through.

It may even be that because the body has not absorbed any energy, the breakthrough will completely fail, and you may even die directly.

Qin Ming took out the
Those heroic spirits helped her, but she also took a big risk. The heroic spirits' energy was so precious, and when she needed it, Qin Ming took it all out without hesitation.

It is conceivable that in Qin Ming's heart, she is far more important than the energy of the heroic spirit.

"Brother, I'm sorry, I absorbed all the heroic spirit energy you saved, so if you are injured, doesn't it mean that you don't have the heroic spirit energy to heal your injuries?" Qin Xixuan said worriedly.

Qin Ming has now released his transformation, and you can see that there are wounds everywhere on his body.

It is clear that heroic spirit energy can directly restore injuries, but Qin Ming did not use heroic spirit energy to recover. It was obvious that even he himself did not have heroic spirit energy.

She knew that Qin Ming's body was very special, and the healing pills had no effect on him at all. After being injured, he could only use heroic spirit energy to heal his injuries.

If Qin Ming accidentally met Sikodai, the half-step supreme master of the Poison Demon, and a fight broke out between the two, Qin Ming would be seriously injured. Without heroic spirit energy, he would not be able to heal his injuries.

In addition to being able to practice, heroic spirit energy is also a very important combat resource.

You must know that you will inevitably get injured in battle, and if you have heroic spirit energy that can instantly heal injuries, wouldn't you not have to worry about being injured, or even resort to a strategy of mutual death?

Without the energy of the heroic spirit, Qin Ming loses a very important trump card.

And the reason why there is no heroic spirit energy is entirely because of her.

"It's nothing. Heroic spirit energy can be accumulated slowly. I think it will take a long time for me to have a lot of heroic spirit energy again."

"Another one, I have obtained so many ninth-grade black stones. As long as you give me time, these black stones can be converted into energy." Qin Ming said with a smile.

After thinking for a while, Qin Ming added: "By the way, poison-killing demons are also helpful in transforming the energy of heroic spirits."

This chapter has been completed!
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