Chapter 8416 Protecting the Princess

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 The poisonous demons cheered when they saw the half-step supreme powerhouse on their side displaying great power.

"Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty!"


The poison demons waved their weapons and looked at the people of the Jinxuan Macaque Tribe as if they were looking at lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

The morale of the poison demons is higher.

The morale of the Jinxuan macaque clan and human warriors dropped sharply.

They also want to fight to the death, but they know very well that even if they fight to the death, they are no match for the other party.

Too strong, really too strong.

"Is this the Half-Step Supreme?" Jin Zhizhi's heart was trembling.

All the Jinxuan macaque clan were shocked by Qi Changqing.

Just like a Saint Beast Realm warrior facing a powerful Divine Beast Realm, the feeling of powerlessness emerged from the bottom of his heart.

Qi Changqing raised the corners of his mouth, wiped the blood on the weapon calmly with his hand, and placed the long sword on Jin Feiyun's neck.

"Do you want to come and save him?" Qi Changqing looked at the peerless warriors of the Jinxuan Macaque Clan.

He likes to tease others like this.

Seeing that the other party did not want their relatives to die, and took the initiative to die one by one. In the end, they were unable to save them, and they could only watch everyone die.

He would never get tired of seeing that look of despair and pain.

Although they knew Qi Changqing was asking them to die, the members of the Jinxuan Macaque Clan still rushed forward.

An old man rushed forward desperately and tried to rescue the two of them.

It's a pity that he was killed with a sword before he even got close to Jin Feiyun.

"Elder!" The members of the Jinxuan Macaque Clan looked excited, grief-stricken and indignant.

The elder was cut in half, and blood was flying in the air.
Elders rushed forward one after another, and were killed by Qi Changqing one after another.

The members of the Jinxuan Macaque Clan were filled with anger, and they all held their weapons tightly.

If everyone is destined to die today, then death will also take away the lives of some poisonous demons.

"Don't come up!" Jin Feiyun shouted, asking everyone to stop.

Everyone stopped.

"Haha..." Qi Changqing laughed, holding Jin Feiyun in one hand and holding a weapon in the other, so arrogant that his whole body trembled.


I haven't felt this good in a long time.

Seeing the grief-stricken expressions of the warriors, he was extremely happy.

The poison demons also laughed.

Wherever there is war, this is one-sided massacre.

Moreover, they feel very refreshed as they kill the most powerful force in the Supreme World.

"Father!" Jin Zhizhi rushed towards Jin Junyuan desperately.

She saw her father's eyes getting darker and darker.

The father who shielded him from the wind and rain was about to die.

She wants to save her father and use the best healing elixir.

"Cover the princess!" the elder of the Jinxuan macaque tribe shouted loudly.

Jin Zhizhi rushed forward regardless. Even though she was slashed twice by two peerless poison demons in the back, she still did not stop.

She only has her father in her eyes.

When she was young, in order to protect her from the wind and rain, her father, the person who loved her most in the world, could not die no matter what.

With the cooperation of the elders of the Jinxuan Macaque Clan, Jin Zhizhi rushed to Jin Junyuan and hugged his father.

The reason why Jin Zhizhi was able to come to Jin Junyuan was because Qi Changqing kept looking at her with a playful expression and was not in a hurry to take action.

It wasn't until Jin Zhizhi picked up Jin Junyuan and wanted to leave that Qi Changqing decisively pulled out his long sword and slashed it down. Seeing the power of the half-step supreme powerhouse on his side, the Poison Demons cheered.

"Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty!"


The poison demons waved their weapons and looked at the people of the Jinxuan Macaque Tribe as if they were looking at lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

The morale of the poison demons is higher.

The morale of the Jinxuan macaque clan and human warriors dropped sharply.

They also want to fight to the death, but they know very well that even if they fight to the death, they are no match for the other party.

Too strong, really too strong.

"Is this the Half-Step Supreme?" Jin Zhizhi's heart was trembling.

All the Jinxuan macaque clan were shocked by Qi Changqing.

Just like a Saint Beast Realm warrior facing a powerful Divine Beast Realm, the feeling of powerlessness emerged from the bottom of his heart.

Qi Changqing raised the corners of his mouth, wiped the blood on the weapon calmly with his hand, and placed the long sword on Jin Feiyun's neck.

"Do you want to come and save him?" Qi Changqing looked at the peerless warriors of the Jinxuan Macaque Clan.

He likes to tease others like this.

Seeing that the other party did not want their relatives to die, and took the initiative to die one by one. In the end, they were unable to save them, and they could only watch everyone die.

He would never get tired of seeing that look of despair and pain.

Although they knew Qi Changqing was asking them to die, the members of the Jinxuan Macaque Clan still rushed forward.

An old man rushed forward desperately and tried to rescue the two of them.

It's a pity that he was killed with a sword before he even got close to Jin Feiyun.

"Elder!" The members of the Jinxuan Macaque Clan looked excited, grief-stricken and indignant.

The elder was cut in half, and blood was flying in the air.
Elders rushed forward one after another, and were killed by Qi Changqing one after another.

The members of the Jinxuan Macaque Clan were filled with anger, and they all held their weapons tightly.

If everyone is destined to die today, then death will also take away the lives of some poisonous demons.

"Don't come up!" Jin Feiyun shouted, asking everyone to stop.

Everyone stopped.

"Haha..." Qi Changqing laughed, holding Jin Feiyun in one hand and holding a weapon in the other, so arrogant that his whole body trembled.


I haven't felt this good in a long time.

Seeing the grief-stricken expressions of the warriors, he was extremely happy.

The poison demons also laughed.

Wherever there is war, this is one-sided massacre.

Moreover, they feel very refreshed as they kill the most powerful force in the Supreme World.

"Father!" Jin Zhizhi rushed towards Jin Junyuan desperately.

She saw her father's eyes getting darker and darker.

The father who shielded him from the wind and rain was about to die.

She wants to save her father and use the best healing elixir.

"Cover the princess!" the elder of the Jinxuan macaque tribe shouted loudly.

Jin Zhizhi rushed forward regardless. Even though she was slashed twice by two peerless poison demons in the back, she still did not stop.

She only has her father in her eyes.

When she was young, in order to protect her from the wind and rain, her father, the person who loved her most in the world, could not die no matter what.

With the cooperation of the elders of the Jinxuan Macaque Clan, Jin Zhizhi rushed to Jin Junyuan and hugged his father.

The reason why Jin Zhizhi was able to come to Jin Junyuan was because Qi Changqing kept looking at her with a playful expression and was not in a hurry to take action.

It wasn't until Jin Zhizhi picked up Jin Junyuan and wanted to leave that Qi Changqing decisively pulled out his sword and slashed him with it.

This chapter has been completed!
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