Chapter 494 I like to show off

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 Facts have proved that Malfoy did not suspend school, but Malfoy Sr. did not pay the money - he did not pay 50,000 gold galleons, but asked his son to take the initiative to avoid Bailang. Bailang received the money from Sr. Malfoy later after school started.

The letter - the letter boasted about the strength of his family, and then said that he thought Bailang was very promising, so he decided to give him money. Fifty thousand gold galleons would be paid after the end of the semester...

After Bailang received the letter, he smiled at Malfoy and said, "It is indeed a smart Malfoy family." He asked Zabini to pass it on to Draco.

Ms. Umbridge, an official of the Ministry of Magic, has become the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. This toad-like woman seems to be the type who likes to pretend to be young. The Harry Potter trio are very hostile to her - it should be said that this woman

She was Fudge's loyal subordinate, and she almost sent Harry to be expelled during the hearing. After the first class, even Slytherin had a very bad impression of her.

Because she is a living example of the so-called "book-reading" - in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, you only need to read the textbook, without any extension or practical operation. The two new prefects of Gryffindor - Ron and Hermione

Her perception had dropped to the lowest point, and Hermione was even more keenly aware that this was a sign that the Ministry of Magic was beginning to interfere with Hogwarts. Bailang didn't care, there was nothing wrong with following the script anyway, didn't it mean that he could

Did you get good scores?

Harry Potter's temper is getting more and more "weird". Bailang thought about how gentle and cute Harry was when he was in first grade, but he didn't expect that as he got older, his temper would become more and more extreme and irritable. School started.

On the first day, he heard the violent conflict between Seamus and Harry in Harry's dormitory, and it was only with the authority of Prefect Ron that he suppressed it. Bai Lang, who was still talking and laughing with Harry back then, has been suppressed all these years.

The communication with Harry has become less and less...

His temper finally broke out in Professor Umbridge's class. But that was after Hermione Granger conflicted with Umbridge over the purpose of the class, and then Harry received a letter that he could not open.

Let him be handed over to Professor McGonagall, and almost all the Gryffindor students had conflicts of various sizes with Professor Umbridge. Bailang didn't, but he felt that Umbridge was really a savior, and he didn't expect it anyway.

Pass the OWLs exam.

In the future, before he returns to his own world, he will most likely have to fight against his classmates who have passed the exams perfectly and passed the advanced exams again - these exams are the prerequisites for Auror, and Bailang is very pessimistic that he should be the best in the magical world.

He couldn't find any serious job, so he could only live by robbing houses and extorting money. So sooner or later he would definitely be against the Aurors. If Umbridge could delay his classmates for at least a year to gain experience in fighting dark arts, then most of them would

It's also a good thing.

In Professor Snape's Potions class, he spit out poison again... "I think it is necessary to remind you that you will take an important exam next June, when you will prove

How much knowledge have you learned about the preparation and use of potions? Although there are several people in this class who are indeed mentally retarded, I hope you can all barely pass the O.W.LS exam, otherwise I will be very angry."

Neville was a bit silent, and Seamus was a bit unattractive, but Bailang didn't care at all, he just thought Snape's words were farts. The man's smug look made Snape's face distorted as if he had eaten dog shit, if not

A kind of "despise", Bailang was actually more disgusted by Snape than Harry. After all, Harry's potion skills were actually quite good despite Snape's blow.

Bai Lang is just an explosive maniac.

"Of course, after this year, many of you will no longer be able to attend my class," Snape continued, "I only select the best students to enter my Potions class, and that's

Said, some of us will have to say goodbye." Although his eyes glanced at Harry a few times, they finally fell on Bailang, but Bailang gave him a big smile in return.

Snape, who almost vomited blood, continued, "But before that happy moment of farewell comes, we still need to persist for another year. Therefore, regardless of whether you plan to take the S exam or not, I suggest that you all concentrate on studying your homework well and achieve my level."

A higher passing level is required of my students." Then he announced the potion to be brewed in Potions class.

The fifth-grade students had already brewed their own potions, so Bailang was not surprised at all and did not trick Simo into brewing his own potions into unidentified explosives again... He skillfully

Kicked the bubbling cauldron out of the door, and then exploded... "I think some people won't be able to pass no matter what." Snape said sadly.

The professor should also be wary of Bailang now. He is a "spy" who broke into the Death Eaters, and he knows very well what Bailang did during the holidays. In the Potions classroom, Bailang is the most terrifying one.

Draco Malfoy agreed, and anyone in Slytherin who had a Death Eater "family" was secretly warned.

Harry was still claiming that Voldemort had been resurrected, which of course only made his situation at Hogwarts worse and worse. During lunch, the news that he was being placed in solitary confinement every day by Professor Umbridge had spread everywhere.

, many people were whispering. Bai Lang took out a few wands and played with them on the table, "This is Rabastan Lestrange's wand, this is Travers' wand. They are all death eaters."

Apostle, a Death Eater who escaped from Azkaban and followed Voldemort beside him."

Bailang's words were not loud, but the entire hall suddenly became quiet, and even the professors who came to eat stopped talking to each other. Umbridge ran over and was about to speak, "They are all dead.

"Bai Lang said before she spoke, "I killed him in front of Voldemort. One lost his head, and half of the other's body was broken. Voldemort is indeed a waste - and so are his men."

Umbridge's steps suddenly stopped, and her face kept changing from red to white. Harry and the others stared at Bailang, especially the wands he was playing with. "The trophies prove that I killed them."

It's just a trophy. Harry, did Moody say that Professor Ramsey Lupine can open the champagne to celebrate - because the main culprit who caused his tragic fate as a werewolf, the werewolf Gray Puck, was also killed by me, along with his wolves.

People. By the way, Lupine can come to me if he wants to admire Gray Puck's skull specimen."

Bailang laughed. He looked at Umbridge in front of him, "Professor, I will not interfere with your educational policy. But please be more tolerant to the students. This will make everyone better, right?" Bailang's words were very special.

Gentle, but at the moment he is the most handsome guy in the lobby.

This chapter has been completed!
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