Chapter 475: Conquering the South

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 It didn't take long to sweep the south of the Yangtze River. Bailang didn't even have to take action a few times - even if it was Hangzhou, it was a bloodless city. Because the puppet emperor and the regent were sitting there with hundreds of officials and tens of thousands of people in the palace.

The ship fled out to sea, and the defenders of Hangzhou had no intention of fighting, so they marched directly into the city. Since the puppet imperial court fled to the sea - or maybe to Wan Chai Island, the people of Jiangnan will naturally be dispersed.

It can be said that there was an armed march, but no one came forward to resist the Bailang Army. The southern officials and gentry all said that their false vitality was exhausted - "The vitality was exhausted just after the third generation. This damn thing seems to be worse than the Western Jin Dynasty."

." Bai Lang stopped moving after he captured Hangzhou, and all the attacks to the south were handed over to his younger brothers and sisters. In just four months, Bai Biao arrived in Guangzhou, while Bai Bao was still climbing in the mountains towards Guiyang.

"It will take at least a year to completely pacify the South, and to straighten out all the things there - I'm afraid even ten years will not be enough." Bai Lang thought, many problems can be solved by using force alone, and repetition is conceivable. "So Bai Lang

Leopard Baibiao must have someone guarding the south, leading an elite army to be ready to kill at any time." By the end of summer in the fourth year of Bailang, the south, including Yunnan and Guizhou, was all pacified - at least in name.

"Just let me pull out some of their thorns before we go back." Bai Lang looked through the information collected by the Jin Yiwei in his hand. There were many chieftains in Yunnan and Guizhou who did not obey the king's orders. They were obeying the imperial court in name, but in fact the imperial court

As long as they don't openly rebel and can pay tribute every year, that's fine. It's a good thing to return to the country, but the previous dynasty spent nearly a hundred years not completely accomplishing it.

What Bailang wants to do is very simple, nothing more than killing people. With his pace, it is not a problem to travel eight hundred miles a day, so he only needs to go to the place where the chieftains are, kill their whole family and kill the chieftain soldiers at the same time.

The difficulty of returning home is much smaller - especially in those dangerous places. How much effort would it take to kill all the Tusi villages? Anyway, Bailang Baiyuzhu was the one who unleashed all his evil thoughts in this world.

These people often commit chaos and rob Han people, and kidnap innocent people to use as slaves, so Bailang doesn't have any psychological burden at all when he kills them. He understands that Shaobao is still just. "When he was a big man, this gang

The servants have been killed long ago." Bai Lang murmured as he ran between the mountains and fields. He ordered Bai Biao, the white leopard, to act as regent for the time being, while he went to have fun and kill people.

This was a blood-stained month. He killed all of Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan and Hunan in the south. Those unruly chieftains who occupied dangerous places and lorded it over their families were wiped out. Bailang went on a killing spree. Anyway, he always killed people very quickly - Nandou White Tiger

As a boxer, I saw on TV that it was very efficient in large-scale killings. Bailang killed more than 100,000 people in more than a month, but only a few people knew about it - the government thought it was a natural disaster.

How can one man kill 100,000 people in a month? Doesn't that mean he kills 3,000 people every day? Even if he is exhausted, he can't do it. Moreover, those villages seem to have been destroyed by tornadoes, and the strangers are minced into pieces. How can this be said?

It is more believable that it is the work of demons. After Bai Lang finished the killing, he took his headquarters back to the imperial capital, leaving Bai Bao to inspect three thousand elites stationed in the three towns of Wuhan, ready to suppress them at any time, so as to prepare for the remaining people in Nanjing.

The big bosses in the cabinet implemented the northern principles and policies and protected them.

Inspecting the land is simple - the left and right are just officials and gentry working together to pay the grain, and they only need to collect taxes according to the land ownership, and there is no tax-free privilege for officials and scholars. Moreover, family separation is forced to break the control of large clans on small families -

-Especially if lynching is used, the elders and elders of the clan will simply take them to the vegetable market and have them stabbed. Things like dipping pig cages, eating out households, and prohibiting widows from remarrying are all prohibited.

If they dare to do it, the government really dares to kill people and exile them - if the leader is killed, all the three thousand miles of Xie Cong's real estate and wealth will be confiscated and compensated to the victim's family. This can be said to be Bailang's virtuous policy, but people all over the world, especially in the south, are clamoring that this is

His Majesty's madness. Bai Bao was so exhausted that he had to fight the second battle of conquest in the south of the Yangtze River. When the battle was fierce, even Bai Biao put aside the affairs of the cabinet and took his troops south to assist.

Baiying and Baixiao are also in the south. The four brothers and sisters of the Bai family are killing the south again. Bailang is sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, and so are the big shots in the court. Even when the rebellion in the south is at its most intense, they have no worries because His Majesty the Emperor is still there.

It hasn't moved. If the emperor moves the world, where can he find anyone who can stop this brave and unparalleled emperor? Moreover, the income of the northern court has been increasing over the years. It is just a tax based on the land area and ownership.

According to the policies of the previous dynasty, the income was several times higher than that of the previous dynasty, and the people were still chanting the Holy Ming.

Since the court has money, it does not need to be restricted by the south. Almost all the big guys from the north are secretly cheering, "Make you southerners proud!" The Bai family brothers and sisters went on a killing spree in the south, killing many people - including many from the south of the Yangtze River.

Scholars in local academies, such as those who promoted people to Jinshi, led the village elders to cause trouble. At first, Bai Bao and Bai Biao were hesitant to take action, so he wrote to Bai Lang and asked Bai Lang what to do.

In the end, Bai Ying and Bai Xiao couldn't help but killed a few of them, so that Bai Bao and Bai Biao had to kill them all. Then Bai Lang's decree came to "Kill them all!" Bai Lang's meaning was that simple -

This imperial edict is a central edict and does not need to be drafted by a Hanlin scholar or signed by the cabinet. This imperial edict is the largest.

Therefore, the people of Jiangnan Academy who dared to cause trouble were unlucky. The Bai family brothers and sisters who took the imperial edict showed their cruelest fangs. If the academy did not move, it would just be banned and the principal would be imprisoned for a few years.

Just come out, if you talk nonsense and cause chaos - teachers and students will travel three thousand miles together to confiscate their property, and further provoke the villagers to cause chaos and siege the government? Then they will all be killed without mercy.

Scholars in the south of the Yangtze River are prone to making troubles. Originally, they only had good words from the government to persuade them to make troubles, but now they have to lose their heads. The Bai family brothers and sisters are not Bai Lang. Bai Lang doesn't care about scholars scolding him in the pub, but the Bai family brothers and sisters are not so tolerant.

Because of his temper, he dared to scold and kill his whole family. So thousands of horses in the south of the Yangtze River came into hiding. Even the wealthy families with hundreds of years of scholarly families passed down from the previous dynasties were wiped out.

For example, Songjiang Xu... In the previous dynasties, there were six cabinet ministers and six ministers. Songjiang local area covered hundreds of thousands of hectares. Now when the dynasty was overturned, more than ten people in the family were killed, and the remaining women, children, old and young were all killed.

He was exiled to the North. All his family property was confiscated and will be gradually distributed to the peasants according to the laws enacted by Bailang - whether they can hold on to it or not is not a matter for the government to control.

This chapter has been completed!
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