Chapter 49: Figure it out

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 Chapter 710: Figure it out

At this time, Bai Lang was muttering, "School! Tiaotiao Bubai! Makari touches Ailu! Kong Er?" The man himself also laughed. The Qingxia sister's version of Dongfang Bubai in front of him is not a master, and his strength is absolutely

Not as good as Dongfang Master - that fierce man who can dismantle Gundam with his bare hands, the King of Planetary Alien Fighting Skills, the King of Hearts. "Compared to this one, that Master is stronger and more passionate, damn it! I really want to say that.

"The east is stained red with blood!"

His musings were mainly silent, so Dongfang Bubai didn't notice it. Dongfang Bubai's boat was a sloop, and from Bailang's point of view, it was better than a fishing boat with three or five people rowing and fishing.

However, both of them were innate masters, so there was no problem in controlling a boat back to the mainland. As soon as Bailang got out of the sea, he saw something he had seen in movies before, "Caravel sailboat." Bailang muttered.

The question is, what kind of kingdom should this be called? Is it Portugal or the new Spain? Or should it be called the Kingdom of Castile and Aragon? In short, it is undoubtedly barbarians from Europe. Although these barbarians are said to be maritime merchants, they are actually

They also acted as pirates and were even pioneers of colonization. Now they are extremely bold to appear in the sea off Fujian. Bai Lang stood on the bow and looked at the caravel sailboat. "The load capacity is about 75 to 80 tons?" Bai Lang estimated.

The opponent has side gunports, at least one gun deck, and a wheeled gun mount. This thing is currently considered a relatively fierce opponent on the Asian seas. Portugal in these years was called a Franco machine, and now this

Although the gang members were brave, they still did not dare to do whatever they wanted in the coastal waters close to the mainland - in India they dared to rob on the coast, in Southeast Asia they dared to go deep into the coastline to loot, but in the Ming Dynasty they did not dare to get close.

Bailang took the initiative to approach the ship as a soldier. There was still a slight difference in the height of the ship. Bailang passed five feet away with his toes and easily stood on the deck of the ship. Unsurprisingly, he saw this.

The little tongues that help the rough European barbarians, these people should be stupid to Bailang's power - Bailang himself does not think that the wisdom of all races is similar, even if these barbarians were really picking things up in the woods a thousand years ago

Food, then Rome and Arabia would leave them some food, right?

It's just that these sailors should be the dregs of society, and they were not accessible at all before - judging from the customs and habits of Europe these days, the lower class should be out of reach. These things should be circulated among the nobles, and of course the church is also very popular.

It's possible that Bai Lang thought of the so-called royal knights and paladins, "Everyone can breathe, and there will definitely be people in Europe who gain strength from breathing and visualization." Bai Lang was also tall enough to look down on those Europeans at this time.

The height of Europeans is in Northern Europe, while Southern Europeans are short. And in this day and age, even among Northern Europeans, there are not many people as tall as Bai Lang. Moreover, Bai Lang looks like a tiger with stern eyebrows and a beard.

, directly reminiscent of the Viking barbarians in Northern Europe. Bailang is not here to enforce the law, he is just visiting the Caravel ship - these days, the technological level between the East and the West has begun to gradually expand.

If the Ming Dynasty built ships, the treasure ships of Yongle Year could no longer be built, and the sandbox ships with hard sails were slightly inferior to the caravel sailing ships in front of them - after all, they can really sail thousands of miles and adapt to most sea conditions.

The deck gun is probably a little more advanced than the Ming Dynasty's artillery today, and this force, Bailang casually looked at these sailors, is far inferior to the average level of the Japanese pirates. "Malnutrition, overwork and no martial arts - all relying on some rough fighting


After seeing it, Bailang stepped out of the water and returned to Dongfang Bubai's boat and sailed away.

"Does Master Dongfang plan to go to Nanjing Jinyiwei with me, or is he going to be escorted to Nanjing Jinyiwei by me? When you are in charge of the Demon Cult leader, you still need to make certain things clear. In the case files of the Ministry of Punishment,

There are also a lot of people who perhaps the Eastern leader understands the connection. The leader's departure will also be good for us to find the murderer." Bai Lang leaned against the side of the boat and spoke lazily, but his words were very powerful.

Dongfang Bubai snorted coldly, "Eagle Claw Sun!" Then he took action amidst Bailang's roar, directly killing the official's head. "Master Dongfang is so brave! He is really a rebel who kills officials.

Where!" Bai Lang's body is surrounded by Gang Qi, and his martial arts is superior to Dongfang Bubai's Sunflower Book. The golden bell is thick and majestic, and even Dongfang Bubai's sharp Qi cannot be pierced. If he is not careful, both sides will be injured.

, and the consequences of a lose-lose situation for both sides of the Golden Bell are far lighter than those of the Eastern Invincible.

Bailang's palm power was like a stormy sea, and there was endless chill in it. The ship exploded with a crash due to the confrontation between the two sides. And Bei Fengxing's palm power directly froze the sea surface with a radius of more than ten feet, and Dongfang was not able to

The unparalleled strength tore the ice to pieces in a very short period of time. Bailang smashed the ice with his toes and lifted his palms up. Suddenly, the seawater turned into two giant dragons and was sucked out of the sea.

It rises, circling and dancing around the white waves.

"This is the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon! There is regret for being too strong!" Bai Lang shouted, with one palm, he created a twin dragon entanglement, and rushed directly towards Dongfang Bubai. This palm seemed to bring down the clouds in the sky.

, even splitting the sea and chasing the waves with great momentum. And Dongfang Bubai in red twisted a needle and stabbed it like lightning, which already decomposed the power of this palm. However, in the end, Shen Xiong was thrown into the air.

Half empty.

And Bailang took a step forward to fight in close quarters. The power of his fists and feet could not be broken down by a needle. At that moment, he also used his fists and feet to fight Bailang. The undefeated Sunflower Book of the East really ruled the roost with speed. This person differentiated into

Six or seven figures surrounded Bailang and attacked, and Bailang's powerful attacks forced Dongfang Bubai to keep advancing and retreating to relieve him of his strength, although they were not very successful either.

Dongfang Bubai's attack did not break Bailang's golden bell. His clothes were torn a lot, but the embroidery needle could not pierce his flesh. Bailang's flying palms kept blocking the attack.

On the route where the needles pierced his eyes and ears. The battle went all the way from the sea to the land, and it lasted more than ten miles. It can be said that Bailang and Dongfang Bubai were not completely serious, at least Bailang was so. His martial arts

The knowledge is in the East, and when the tricks are infinitely varied, it is like playing.

Dongfang Bubai should have noticed it, so he spent more of his energy on protecting himself and was ready to run away at any time - if Bailang hadn't locked onto him with the spirit of an innate master at all times, once

If he just ran away casually and hit him with a thunderbolt, the Eastern leader would have run away long ago. Because of this, the moment he set foot on the mainland, the Eastern leader stopped fighting and said, "I'll just go with you. If I want to be imprisoned, I'll go with you."

Your fish is dead and the net is broken!"


This chapter has been completed!
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