Chapter 816

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 Jin Bing has also killed many so-called magicians in Zhao Song's army. This kind of magic can be used to bluff people, and it is no problem to defeat the rabble. However, when encountering a powerful army like Jin Bing, the magic will be immediately useless.

People can also be killed easily. The so-called formations, talismans, and blessings make soldiers invulnerable? There may be such a legend in ancient times, but it is absolutely impossible in this world. If anyone claims so, they must be liars.

The three armies are like one, and only when the fighting spirit is high can the general's aura cover the whole army. Only then can the attack and defense be slightly improved - mainly through the intimidation of the aura. As Bailang charges, the unity of the man and the horse seems to be getting stronger and stronger.

The taller and taller the Jinbing heavy cavalry were, the opposing Jinbing heavy cavalry seemed to turn into huge wolves, roaring and crashing into each other. The ones flying out were the Jinbing heavy cavalry. Just as Bailang's three people flew out, they were accompanied by others.

Equine necrosis

The cavalry behind Bai Lang had already changed their formations and gradually formed a front formation. After Bai Lang defeated the array in front of him, he no longer cared about the cavalry behind him and went straight to the second formation. He had left more than a dozen heavy cavalry behind him.

The first line of Jin soldiers' cavalry were in chaos. The fallen cavalry blocked the passage of their colleagues, and the result was that they were thrown off their backs. Bai Lang didn't even wear much armor, and his horse swiveled left and right, and the mace had no effect at all.

There was a golden soldier who wielded a mace and used his horse power to hit Bailang hard, but it rebounded and broke his fingers. The head of the club even hit his body, breaking his bones and tendons. He was knocked off his horse and was trampled to pieces. Bailang was trampled to pieces.

The horse flew and cut down even more people. The Han general killed one person with one stab, and no one could stand in front of his horse. The cavalry behind him also poured in through the gap he opened, made of fine steel.

The saber swept across.

It complemented the mace, and some people were knocked off their horses by the mace. Naturally, some people used their sabers to scratch the areas of the opponent's body that were not covered by the armor. Relatively speaking, the heavy cavalry of the Jin soldiers fell more, and Bailang rode away the dust.

Having already penetrated the heavy cavalry formation of the Jin soldiers, Bailang had no injuries on his body. Bailang smashed through a bloody alley, and now he had turned around and was preparing to cover up the enemy from behind.

It is impossible to see clearly from the wall of Bianjing City. Not to mention that there were no telescopes in this era. The dust raised alone is enough to block a considerable amount of sight - not to mention that most of the turbaned husbands above are somewhat short-sighted.

.So at the moment when the two sides were about to collide, Zongze slapped the wall several times angrily, "Such a strong force! A strong force that can compete with the Jin Kingdom's heavy cavalry was misunderstood by you! I'm afraid we will be wasted here today."

Got it!"

He slapped the wall repeatedly, "If we can make them surprise at the right time! If we can make them surprise!" He couldn't say any more and could only glare at those husbands. Those few didn't have any idea, they just showed their faces.

The expression of not caring at all - just like watching the fun. Anyway, they are ready to negotiate a peace. If Jin Bing wins this time, they will probably not be so angry? There may be no need to add money to the peace negotiation.

This is the case with the so-called dog Confucianism in the Song Dynasty. Officials are not as good as dogs, and husbands are not as good as dogs. Bai Lang wants to correct this sentence. Some husbands in the Song Dynasty are not dogs.

But now there are mostly male-in-law dogs, and the few who are fighting are not fighting against foreign enemies at all, but out of political struggle. As for the official family of Zhao Song, they can only be described as cowardly dog ​​emperors whose overall level is not good.

Bailang broke out of the formation, and the city head could not be seen. All they could hear were the thunderous shouts and the heavy sound of horse hooves. If so, the next thing they saw was the armored golden soldiers fleeing in all directions. They were about to go into battle.

The golden soldiers' flag fell, and the majestic Pegasus jumped out again. The general above grabbed the golden soldiers' flag and waved it. The cavalry behind him gradually formed a formation, and the ground was full of dead golden soldiers wearing heavy armor.

It only took Bailang two attempts to defeat the 1,500 Iron Pagodas. Back and forth, the 1,500 Iron Pagodas collapsed - Bailang killed more than 130 people below the centurion.

, and the cavalry under his command charged and chased and killed more than 200 people, including those who fell off their horses. The Jin soldiers saw that Bailang was like a god, so they collapsed. However, Bailang's cavalry also lost more than 100 people, of which only less than 100 people were killed.

20% can still be treated before fighting again.

The war horses captured dozens of golden soldiers and horses, and Bailang did not continue to pursue the fleeing golden soldiers. When the dust settled, the big turbans on the city were afraid that their eyes would pop out - actually they wouldn't.

It is not uncommon for the Song army to defeat the Jin soldiers in small-scale battles, but in the overall situation, as long as the Song Dynasty court is still there, the Song army cannot win.

Zongze cheered and encouraged, but the faces of the other princes were really ugly - because it became difficult to negotiate peace, if the Jin soldiers suffered a loss, they would definitely put forward higher conditions. However, these are rebel soldiers and they are not easy to control.

This traitor was sent to the Jin soldiers to kill Xiaoqi Zongze and cheered, but it was helpless. According to Zhang Shuye, this traitor completely despised the Song Dynasty's recruitment. In the eyes of the officials, this person was inferior to dogs.

I am afraid that heroes and heroes can only be used by people like Emperor Taizong of the previous dynasty who looked like dragons and phoenixes.

Zongze himself also felt that the current Taishang and the current official family were indeed inferior - compared with Li Er, all the official families from Zhao Da to the present combined together were not as good.

Bailang defeated the Jin soldiers and was about to return to the camp. When he saw that there was no food and grass delivered, he rushed straight to the Song army camp and broke the camp gate with one blow. "Rat! How dare you bully me!" Shooting the divine arm bow on him had no effect at all.

, and how can anyone prepare something like black dog blood in a hurry? So Bailang killed him through the camp, and directly ordered his subordinates to move away a quarter of the food and grass here.

It's not easy for the other party to even cry, because they are rebels and they are extremely powerful.

In the next few days, Bailang stopped fighting, and Jin soldiers did not attack the city. On this day, Shi Yi's army had also arrived. Seeing tens of thousands of thieves, the princes on the city also had a headache. They really wanted to give more gold.

For a sum of money from the soldiers, the Jin soldiers could simply kill these rebels. Don't tell me, my husband really suggested this, and the officials thought it was a good idea and sent envoys for this purpose.

Shi Dalang was also very happy to see Bai Lang, "Coach, we are going to have a good fight this time!" Then Shi Dalang spat in the direction of Kaifeng Mansion, "What the hell!" He also received a letter from Bai Lang on the way.

, it can be said that he despises the current Song Dynasty court. "First destroy the Jinbing camp! Then settle the accounts with those guys in Kaifeng Mansion!" Bai Lang said.

So Shi Yi quickly arranged for soldiers and horses to set up camp - all he had to do was drive away the rough-looking ones among King Qin's troops and there would be a ready-made camp. Bailang and Shi Yi agreed to fight the Jin soldiers tomorrow to see if Wanyan Zongwang had any chance

Can fight more.


This chapter has been completed!
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