Chapter 1508 The red thorn advances again

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 As the seeds of the gardener's konjac entered the offering mouth, the three offering mouths roared violently like a furnace.

A majestic energy revived from the mouth of Naji.

This energy affects the mouth of the sacrifice, causing the volume of the mouth of the sacrifice to continue to expand.

The three sacrificial mouths all expanded into huge individuals nearly ten meters long, wide and high.

At this time, Lin Yuan's spirit resounded with the sound of red thorns.

Red Thorn is asking Lin Yuan to choose the direction of evolution.

Lin Yuan knew that Red Thorn was about to advance.

In terms of evolutionary selection, Lin Yuan continued to choose to enhance the digestive ability of red thorns without hesitation.

It can be said that the red thorn has been reaping the dividends of its digestive ability since its growth.

When the red thorn is digesting, it can absorb part of the ability of the digested object to strengthen itself.

Therefore, improving the digestive ability of red thorns is equivalent to fundamentally improving the overall quality of red thorns.

After Lin Yuan made his choice, the three sacrificial mouths that expanded to ten meters continued to expand.

Seeing this, Lin quickly summoned the red thorn from the spirit lock space back to his room.

Then Lin Yuan summoned the ethereal jellyfish and let the ethereal jellyfish teleport through the nodes.

Teleported himself and Red Thorn to the previously marked wilderness.

The spirit-locking space is only that big, plus Lin Yuan’s use of the spirit-locking space.

Let the spirit lock space be filled with various spiritual objects.

If the red thorn's sacrificial mouth is allowed to expand, it may affect the safety of other spiritual objects in the spirit-locking space.

Now in the wilderness, red thorns are swelling unbridled.

In the end, the three sacrificial mouths all expanded to a diameter of about fifteen meters.

This increase in the size of the sacrificial mouth itself is also a manifestation of enhanced digestion ability.

Like two stomachs, one is small and the other is large.

When the digestive efficiency of a large stomach and a small stomach is the same, a large stomach can always digest more food than a small stomach.

The evolving red thorn spawned several slave strains on the ground near itself.

The plants take root in the ground and absorb a large amount of nutrients from the land, causing large areas of land to become desertified.

Congzhu smashed the deserted land into pieces, and the three sacrificial mouths of the red thorn actually escaped under the land little by little.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yuan couldn't help but be slightly startled.

Later I realized that this was a habit developed by red thorns at the bottom of the sea.

While at the bottom of the sea, Lin Yuan discovered that red thorns like to burrow underground in the sand.

Now because the red thorn is evolving, these are all unconscious actions.

Lin Yuan could only wait for the evolution of the red thorn to be completed, and then let the mouth of the sacrifice emerge from the ground.

More than half an hour later, Lin Yuan saw a huge flower bud nearly ten meters in diameter drilled out of the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the bud bloomed and turned into a huge red flower with a crown of nearly fifty meters.

The petals of the flower are like tulle, dancing in the air with the breeze.

This bright red color is like a flame dancing in the strong wind.

Then the earth trembled, and three sacrificial mouths emerged from the earth.

It turned out that above the three mouths for offering sacrifices, a flower neck grew in the center area, and this huge red flower bloomed.

At this time, Lin Yuan saw only the petals in the flower opening layer by layer.

The figure of Red Thorn appeared in the flower center area.

The red thorn with bare feet sits on the flower core, like a queen on a throne, patrolling all things.

This evolution of Red Thorn did not greet the Acid Queen in advance.

The acid-etched queen was so shocked that she almost lost half her life when she was in the mouth of the sacrifice.

But for all this, the acid queen doesn't care at all.

After all, who has the right to care about licking a dog?

Now the house is several times bigger than before, and the acid is more plentiful than before. It's too late for the acid queen to be happy.

Lin Yuan keenly discovered that the front of the tongue spitting out from the mouth of the sacrificer was completely bifurcated.

The tip of the tongue that was originally consumed has a purple tongue tip.

At this time, the red thorn had already rushed into Lin Yuan's arms.

Lin Yuan asked Hong Ci.

"Red Thorn, now your Naked Tongue seems to have split. Can your current Naked Tongue control three more targets?"

Hearing this, Hong Qian nodded and said.

"Lin Yuan, I can control three more bad guys."

For the Red Thorns, the currently controlled Han Tianhe, Liu Yanshan and Zhai Wanmi are all enemies.

Therefore, in the eyes of Red Thorn, these people naturally become bad guys.

At this time, Lin Yuan had already used the real data of Mobius' skills to detect the upgraded red thorn.

[Spiritual creature name]: Red Thorn (Six-winged Fairy) (Thousand-Eyed Sacrifice)

[Spiritual species]: Vine subfamily/Fairy genus

[Spiritual object level]: Platinum level (3/10)

[Spiritual Object Department]: Source System/Wood System

[Quality of Spiritual Objects]:Five Transformations of Fantasy


[The Mouth of the Sacrifice]: Secretes vigorous digestive juices. The digestive juices are extremely corrosive and can quickly digest the energy in food. The Tongue of the Sacrifice in the mouth doubles the speed of digestion and can secrete the food from the flesh and blood.

Acid liquids with various characteristics, and when the tongues of the three sacrifice mouths pierce into the target's body at the same time, you can choose to cut off the tip of the tongue and leave the tip of the tongue in the target's body. When the target is alive, the tongue tip can control the target's spirit and soul.

, when the target dies, the tip of the tongue can control and activate the target's spirit and soul to keep the target alive.

[Eating Vine]: The hollow vine contains digestive juice inside and the sharp teeth growing on the inside of the vine can eat flesh and blood energy by scratching it.

[Eyes of the Sacrifice]: Eyes formed by consuming flesh and blood energy. Each eye contains a large amount of flesh and blood energy. When the number of the eyes of the Sacrifice on each mouth of the Sacrifice remains below sixty, the number of the eyes of the Sacrifice will be reduced.

The eyes can only store energy. When the number of the eyes of the sacrifice reaches more than 60, the more than 60 eyes of the sacrifice will not be stored in the mouth of the sacrifice, but can be turned into an energy ray at any time.

[Flower Sea Jump]: By rapidly consuming the stored energy, the attack power and mobility of the sub-strains in the sea of ​​flowers are doubled. At the same time, the weapons of the sub-strains are specialized to increase the original functionality of the sub-strain weapons.

[Demon Spirit Curse Kill]: When any sub-plant derived from the mother plant touches an enemy target and breaks through the defense of the local target, a curse will be placed on the target. Each curse will be randomly accompanied by a negative effect from the fairy body.

The curse caused by the attack can be stacked multiple times.

Exclusive features:

[Spore Proliferation]: The spore cavity spits out a large number of spores. The spores can absorb the energy provided by the red thorns or the energy of flesh and blood to rapidly multiply and grow daughter plants and slave plants controlled by the mother plant.

【Withered Rong】Red thorns can quickly absorb energy from the land and inject it into the sea of ​​flowers. As long as there are roots of daughter plants and subordinate plants in the land, the ruined sea of ​​flowers will reach its most prosperous state.

Upon closer inspection, Lin Yuan discovered that Red Thorn had transformed from the original tenth gold level to the third platinum level.

This chapter has been completed!
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