Chapter 1653: Hei and Lin Yuan can’t be the same person!

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 If there is only one person at the moment, the comments about criticizing black people will be deleted.

Not enough to attract attention.

However, too many people have been deleted!

This situation was immediately discovered by someone who was interested.

In an instant, the situation became a topic.

It was posted in a post.

Leading to fermentation with constant heat.

More and more people are discovering that something seems to be a little wrong.

At this time, Lin Yuan was standing next to Gao Feng.

I didn’t expect Gao Feng to directly address himself as Brother Lin.

Lin Yuan knew that Gao Feng made an unintentional mistake.

Lin Yuan didn't care about this.

Like a silver mask, I will finally reveal it today.

Gao Feng cast an apologetic look at Lin Yuan.

Gao Feng knew that it was best for him not to say anything at this time.

Otherwise, any response you give will be over-interpreted.

Lin Yuangang was about to speak.

Suddenly, a dimensional crack opened in the sky above Lin Yuan and Gao Feng.

The originally clear sky suddenly darkened.

The crack is like a black-red scar, twisting and tearing in the sky.

According to the size of this dimensional crack.

Lin Yuan immediately judged that the level of this dimensional crack should have reached the first level peak.

The hole is in the sky, not on the ground.

This means that this dimensional crack cannot be an underground dimensional crack.

No water pours out from the dimensional cracks.

It can’t be a dimensional crack in the water world.

Logically speaking, after the dimensional rift is formed.

It will brew for a while before spewing out the tide of alien beasts.

But right now, the dimensional crack that opened above Lin Yuan's head didn't look like this.

This time the Yuan Crack is like eating five hundred kilograms of croton.

Quickly spit out a large number of insects, the attack is fierce!

It can be said that the dimensional cracks started from the appearance to spewing out the tide of alien beasts.

It just happened in the blink of an eye.

This does not conform to the pattern of the emergence of alien beasts.

The assessment venue on StarNet can be adjusted at will.

Just like the dimensional crack that suddenly opened now.

Without giving anyone any time to prepare, a wave of alien beasts immediately spewed out.

These dimensional cracks that opened immediately became extremely dangerous.

Gao Feng saw densely packed insects.

Rushing towards himself and Lin Yuan.

Not even spiritual creatures were summoned.

He just looked at Lin Yuan subconsciously.

Among all the spiritual creatures in Gao Feng, he is the only one with some fighting power.

Only the breeze hibiscus.

However, Breeze Hibiscus serves as an auxiliary spiritual creature.

In the face of a massive insect tide, it has no effect at all.

Once the zerg has found its target.

It will immediately arouse ferocity and fight to the end with the found target.

As a zerg that together with its companions will be used as food when they are extremely hungry.

All living objects are food that the bugs must eat after discovering them.

Lin Yuan was not panicked at all, under the menacing insects.

Lin Yuan was like a famous general who remained unmoved in the face of thousands of troops.

It's not that Lin Yuan doesn't know about the netizens on Xingwang.

I have always been curious about my own spiritual things.

Lin Yuan didn't want to hide it deliberately.

It was just during the ladder duel before.

I have never encountered a strong enough opponent to force myself to summon it.

Facing the insect tide, Lin Yuan can make many choices.

For example, once again unfolding the wings composed of day and night spiritual silver feathers.

Then pick up Gao Feng and fly to the sky.

But once you do it.

The direction of your own flight will guide the movement trajectory of the insect tide.

It is the use of external force that destroys the original direction of the assessment.

For many candidates, it is extremely unfair.

Therefore, Lin Yuan gave up this option.

Lin Yuan doesn't plan to summon the red thorn at the moment.

Now the strength has been upgraded to the platinum level three fantasy five-change red thorn.

As a six-winged peak fairy who is only one step away from the eight-winged fairy.

This is Lin Yuan’s trump card.

Lin Yuan couldn't reveal it easily.

If it were Lin Yuan, he would really summon the red thorn now.

With the strength of Red Thorn.

A fifth-level demon that can be easily surrounded and killed in a sea of ​​flowers, equivalent to a diamond-level spiritual creature.

Level 5 demons only appear in level 3 and dimensional cracks above level 3.

After the red thorn appears, the assessment space of dimensional cracks is constantly opened.

It will become the dining hall of Red Thorn.

Facing the tide of alien beasts that have arrived.

Lin Yuan must control a spiritual creature and show a method.

At the same time, this method must not affect the movement route of the insect tide.

At this time, the distance between the insect tide and Lin Yuan and Gao Feng was less than twenty meters.

The audience in the Star Network noticed this scene.

I couldn't help but roar.

Among a hundred ordinary people, there may only be three to seven Reiki professionals.

In other words, most of the people who log in to the Star Network are ordinary people who are not even spiritual energy professionals.

These ordinary people have never had the opportunity to face the insect swarm at close range from this perspective.

[Mina-san W: These bugs scare me to death! My husband is going to be chewed up by bugs!]

[Guo Ren: This feels so good! Why am I not a Reiki professional? I don’t have the talent of a Reiki professional!]

[Happy morning: I’ve been unhappy with Hei for a long time. Did Hei’s cerebellum suddenly atrophy? He couldn’t move or was frightened! Didn’t Hei say that Hei once used the sea of ​​flowers to fight against the dimensional cracks of Zerg alone in Mopan Town?

It was possible to do it then, why can’t it be done now?]

The zerg are getting closer and closer to Black.

It's so close that the zerg can jump onto Hei's body with just one leap.

At this moment, the ground suddenly shook.

A quicksand ravine lies between Hei and these insects.

It draws a clear dividing line for the earth.

Those insects that jumped up were all knocked back by the gravel splashed in the gully.

The entire land turned into boiling quicksand in an instant.

A swarm of insects spewed out from a first-level dimensional crack was stopped abruptly.

This scene shocked everyone with a black perspective.

Everyone has always known that Hei has a sand elemental creature.

But I didn't expect this sand elemental creature.

To be able to control such a massive amount of yellow sand.

Before everyone could marvel, they saw the surging yellow sand.

Suddenly a castle stood up.

A constant combination of gravel.

Let the shape of the castle become more and more exquisite.

It's like there is something inside the castle supporting the structure of the castle.

After the castle appeared, the boiling yellow sand stopped.

Only the sand flow below the castle is still surging violently.

Pushed the castle high into the sky.

And those insects want to climb the yellow sand castle.

But they all slipped down due to the quicksand formed on the surface of the castle.

The land that was originally boiling with yellow sand became solid.

The castle is completely cut off from the breath of flesh and blood.

After a long while, it was determined that the insect tide above the yellow sand castle could not be climbed.

Finally, he ignored the existence of the fort and rushed towards the distance.

The scene of the yellow sand castle and insect swarms coexisting in the sky.

In other words, it's Lin Yuan's method.

The audience instantly lost their ability to think.

This chapter has been completed!
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