Chapter 1804 Are you here to steal my job again!?

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 Zixi, who was in Lin Yuan's arms, couldn't help but shrink her neck when she heard the Queen of the Moon's tone.

Because Zi Xi could feel the anger in Queen Yue’s heart that could no longer be suppressed.

Is the five-star peak builder great? Even more awesome than this six-star builder of mine?

This palace can purify the eternal mind, can you!

It's like no one knows how to refine treasures except you!

If you want to refine a treasure for my apprentice, you are worthy!

In fact, the reason why Queen Moon is so angry is not just because of what Lian Shen said.

But Lian Shen had wooed Lin Yuan in public.

However, Lin Yuan is his favored person.

The reason why Queen Yue is able to get along well with Lian Shen now is entirely because Lian Shen took the initiative to seek cooperation, making Lian Shen become Hui Yao's ally.

This does not mean that the dissatisfaction with the God of Mercy in Queen Yue's heart has subsided.

Lian Shen's behavior at this time is, to say the least, a show of care for the younger generation.

This is a sign of goodwill towards Huiyao.

To put it more seriously, this is an open competition for apprentices.

Your own favored person has just died, so you have to take your former favored person’s holy source object to refine a treasure and give it to the person who killed your favored person.

What a vicious person! What a heartless heart!

Queen Yue has always known that Lian Shen is selfish and ruthless.

But I never expected that Lian Shen would be so ruthless.

This also allowed Queen Yue to understand why, as the God of Mercy under the crown of the Free Federation, she made the decision to sacrifice the interests of the Free Federation to fulfill her own selfish desires.

Queen Yue was tickled by Lian Shen here, but she didn't know that Lian Shen would be even more angry after hearing her words.

The six-star builder is amazing!

As long as my strength can improve further, I will soon be able to become a six-star builder!

Even if his strength no longer improves, there is still a chance that he will become a six-star builder within a few years.

The six-star builder's rigid requirement for the soul is that it must ascend the road to heaven.

The soul power of the god who has awakened his destiny has reached the required level.

Do you think it's easy to find a way to show off to Lin Yuan?

It took me a long time to think of this solution!

From Lian Shen's point of view, Yue Hou ruined her chance to show her kindness to Lin Yuan.

At the same time, I thought of Lin Yuan’s eyes towards Queen Yue, which were respectful, gentle, full of trust and admiration.

The jealousy in Lian Shen's heart immediately emerged.

Jealousy filled Lian Shen's brain, and he almost failed to resonate with the big devil of the contract.

If the God of Mercy merges with the Great Devil in Huiyue Hall, it would be tantamount to taking the initiative to start a war with the Moon Queen.

By then, Lin Yuan felt disgusted with himself.

Then why are you cooperating with Huiyao?

Lian Shen knows very well that once resentment arises, it will be difficult to feel love again!

This makes Lian Shen unable to contradict Queen Moon in front of Lin Yuan no matter what.

This made Lian Shen have to turn her eyes red with anger, but like a little daughter-in-law, she bowed her eyebrows in front of the evil mother-in-law Yue Hou.

At this time, Lian Shen's fists were clenched tightly.

Lian Shen, who had never had any goals in doing things, had a goal in his heart.

This goal is that within five years, Lin Yuan will trust himself more than he trusts the Queen.

When the time comes, in front of Lin Yuan, even if he and Yuehou quarrel in person or even take action, the only one Lin Yuan will help is himself.

Lian Shen, who set this goal, did not realize at all that he had changed his original plan for Lin Yuan.

Although the mermaid royal bloodline in Lin Yuan's body makes it difficult for Lian Shen himself to attack Lin Yuan.

But Lian Shen has many ways to kill Lin Yuan.

Lian Shen's original idea was that once he gained Lin Yuan's love, his strength would be further enhanced.

Then Lin Yuan is no longer someone to please.

On the contrary, Lin Yuan's mermaid royal bloodline is an excellent tonic for himself.

Let your mermaid bloodline be fulfilled and gain more possibilities.

After Qian Yu's death, Lian Shen could easily tell him to take Qian Yu's holy source object and create a treasure for Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan is still the one who killed Qian Yu.

This is enough to show how cold-blooded Lian Shen’s heart is.

Lian Shen doesn't like to be threatened by anything.

While Lin Yuan was able to achieve Lian Shen, he himself was a threat to Lian Shen.

Poor God still ignores the influence of bloodline on the heart.

At this time, Lin Yuan was like soft honey.

While being coveted by the God of Pity, I also want to protect you from the bottom of my heart.

Not long after Lian Shencai met Lin Yuan face to face.

The murderous intention towards Lin Yuan in his heart has been weakened subtly due to the influence of his bloodline.

On the contrary, I hope to show off after getting Lin Yuan's love.

Lian Shen still forcibly suppresses the blood energy in his body and maintains his apparent calmness.

But he forgot that Lin Yuan, who has the blood of the mermaid royal family, can clearly feel the blood condition in his body.

The mermaid clan pays more attention to blood than the goblins clan among the original creatures.

High-level mermaids can determine the life and death of lower-level mermaids to a certain extent through their bloodlines.

High-level bloodline fairies are more intimidating to low-level bloodline fairies.

There is an essential difference.

The mermaid royal bloodline is an extremely unfamiliar field for Lian Shen.

Lian Shen didn't know the power of the mermaid royal bloodline.

At this time, Lin Yuan could clearly feel the flow of blood power in Lian Shen's body.

At this time, Lian Shen is using his own power to suppress this mermaid bloodline.

Gather all the mermaid blood into the heart.

In the atrium and ventricle, there is a confinement.

Under normal circumstances, there is absolutely no need for Lian Shen to do this.

When Lian Shen first came in, Lian Shen and his master Yue Hou were face to face.

Lin Yuan did not notice that Lian Shen suppressed his own bloodline.

Lian Shen behaved like this only after he appeared.

Thinking of Lian Shen's goodwill towards him, Lin Yuan suddenly understood many things that he had not understood before.

Although Lin Yuan belongs to the mermaid royal family.

But we know very little about the mermaid family.

The Azure Federation should have the most information on the mermaid clan.

It just so happens that Yin Lin is still in Huiyao Federation and will leave in a week.

Lin Yuan plans to do so within this week.

Learn about the mermaid family through Yin Lin.

It is definitely impossible for Yin Lin to carry this information with her.

All information about the Azure Federation is not confidential to Yin Lin and can be investigated.

But it will never be disclosed to people from other federations easily.

When Yin Lin returned to the Azure Federation, she checked the relevant information.

The next time the Celestial Body Council is opened, Yin Lin will be able to tell herself the relevant information about the mermaid clan through the Celestial Body Council.

Lin Yuan can now be sure that Lian Shen treats him so favorably.

It's because of blood.

But I don’t know what Lian Shen wants from me.

If you have no desires or requests, there is no need for God of Mercy to show kindness to you face to face.

This chapter has been completed!
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