Chapter 2925 Don’t try to delay time!

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It wasn't until he walked out of the room that Feng Nuo's brows relaxed again. The rancid smell was really nauseating.

After Fan Lou takes the medicine and puts on the clothes he prepared for Fan Lou, it won’t be too rude for Fan Lou to appear in front of Master Feng Qing!

Feng Nuo originally looked down upon Brahma Lou, but the Chaos Wind Demonic Wolf Clan would indeed give their blood essence to other wolf clans.

Fan Lou can be said to be the one with the lowest level of blood among all the blood bestowed by the Chaos Wind Demonic Wolf clan.

Feng Nuohui's friendship with Fan Lou only started when Fan Lou got involved with the Dark Spiny Fish Clan.

Fan Lou's attitude towards Feng Nuo allowed Feng Nuo to smoothly warm up his relationship with Fan Lou, but now Feng Nuo no longer thinks as highly of Fan Lou as he did before.

I always feel that this dish from Fan Lou is getting cold!

Because of Feng Nuo's change in view of Fan Lou, Feng Nuo became extremely dissatisfied with Fan Lou's attitude.

If Fan Lou didn't have Lin Yuan's relationship and just got along with the Dark Spiny Fish Clan, it would really be like Mo Hen said that he was the Dark Spiny Fish Clan's benefactor and it was all thanks to the Dark Spiny Fish Clan's support.

Even if Fan Lou tried his best to let the chaotic wind energy enter his heart and lungs, he would not treat himself.

The worse your condition is, the greater the reaction of the Dark Spiny Fish clan will naturally be.

But now Lin Yuan's reward for him has been confirmed, and the missions of the four Jihe tribes are under the control of Fan Lou.

Fan Lou must give priority to ensuring his own health at this time.

The spiritual materials that Feng Nuo gave him were not enough to cure the source of his injuries, but they were able to curb the deterioration of his injuries, which was enough for Fan Lou.

As for the outfit Feng Nuo gave him, Fan Lou had no intention of changing it.

As soon as Mo Hen and others were on their way here, it was too late for him to change in his current physical condition.

Secondly, Fan Lou felt that he needed to let Mo Hen and others see his miserable side.

His own misery will always reach Lin Yuan's ears through the mouths of Mo Hen and others, letting Lin Yuan know what he has done, and it can also stimulate the elders of the Andela clan.

The elder of the Andela Clan who has been communicating with the Chaos Wind Demonic Wolf Clan is An Lie. An Lie is already very dissatisfied with the Chaos Wind Demonic Wolf Clan because of the whirlwind.

He is concerned with the cooperation between the Blood Tribe and the Four Jihe Tribes. Seeing his appearance, An Lie will eventually impose sanctions on the Chaos Wind Demonic Wolf Tribe.

Fan Lou was too lazy to act for Feng Nuo, and the same was true for Feng Qing. Feng Qing had no value in letting Fan Lou act again.

It is reasonable to take advantage of this opportunity to change his attitude towards Feng Qing, and it will not arouse the alarm of the Andela clan.

As a lurker, Fan Lou knew very well not to attract the attention of others when doing anything.

Once your abnormal behavior attracts the attention of others, it is easy for others to catch you.

Feng Nuo, who was standing at the door, frowned. Fan Lou's movements seemed a bit slow to Feng Nuo.

Master Feng Qing is waiting for Fan Lou over there!

Just when Feng Nuo was about to go in to urge Brahma Tower, he saw a group of people rushing towards him in a mighty manner.

Among them were not only Lord Feng Qing, members of the envoy from the four Jihe clans, but even an elder from the Andela clan!

This is already the most luxurious lineup that Feng Nuo can imagine!

It is impossible for these people to come to find me. I have no relationship with the four Jihe clans and have never had direct contact with the elders of the Andela clan.

It is only possible that these people came together to see Fan Lou.

The moment Feng Nuo stepped forward and met Feng Qing's eyes, he knew that he had messed up.

What Lord Feng Qing wants is to cure Brahma Lou's injury, and not to let the elders of the Jihe Four Clan and the Andela Clan become dissatisfied with the Chaos Wind Demon Wolf because of Brahma Lou's injury, which will affect the relationship between the Chaos Wind Demon Wolf Clan and the Four Jihe Clan.


Feng Nuo really didn't expect that the Brahma Tower would be so important to the four Jihe tribes!

Feng Nuo was a little surprised that Feng Xuan was not among this group of people. Feng Nuo would not have thought that Feng Xuan had just been personally killed by An Lie, the elder of the Andela clan!

The relationship established in Feng Nuo's heart by Whirlwind is far more useful to the Chaos Wind Demonic Wolf clan than the relationship established by Fan Lou.

Feng Qing lifted Feng Nuo up with one hand. The moment he saw the expression on Feng Nuo's face, Feng Qing's heart sank to the bottom.

Feng Qing glared at Feng Nuo fiercely. The person who came to deliver the message didn't understand what he meant. Feng Nuo shouldn't understand!

What Feng Nuo did was simply to look down on Fan Lou. Feng Nuo's arrogance really brought great disaster to the Chaos Wind Demonic Wolf clan!

Feng Qing looked at Feng Nuo who was standing in front of her and said.

"Feng Nuo and these guys are the envoys from Jihe. You have met them before."

"This is Elder An Lie. You probably haven't had the chance to meet Elder An Lie before, right?"

After Feng Nuo discovered that he had not done things well, he immediately started to make amends and signaled the other two members of the Wolf Forbidden Team who were guarding the door to enter the house.

Feng Qing noticed this and planned to delay it for some time.

Every extra minute of delay will make Fan Lou's condition much better, and it will be easier for Mo Hen to calm down when he sees Fan Lou!

An Lie was too lazy to argue with Feng Qingxu here, but after pondering for a moment, An Lie did not stop Feng Qing from delaying, but chose to cooperate with Feng Qing.

The life and death of the Chaos Wind Demonic Wolf Clan is completely in the hands of the Andela Clan, and An Lie had no intention of thinking about the Chaos Wind Demonic Wolf Clan when he did this.

Rather, they don’t want the Dark Spiny Fish clan to turn their anger on the Andra clan because of the state of Brahma Tower.

Indeed, it was the Andela clan who first thought that the venom of the Dark Spiny Fish was highly targeted to the mermaid clan, and then planned to contact the mermaid clan.

But now the Dark Spiny Fish Clan has come into contact with many vampire clans such as the Ellente Clan.

If it offends the Dark Spiny Fish Clan, the Dark Spiny Fish Clan can abandon the Andra Clan at any time and cooperate with other Vampire Clan.

This matter will not affect the Dark Spiny Fish clan, but it will seriously affect the interests of the Andra clan!

Now that it is clear that the venom of the Dark Spiny Fish is effective on the mermaid clan, the Dark Spiny Fish are a rare commodity among the vampires, and there are many vampires who want to make friends with the Dark Spiny Fish.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! This is the main reason why An Lie was so considerate of Mo Hen's attitude when dealing with this matter!

"I have indeed never had contact with him before. You are here to guard. I want to ask you what the status of the Brahma Tower is at this time."

"Will the injuries suffered affect the safety of Fan Lou?"

An Lie's words made Feng Nuo's expression stagnant. Feng Nuo actually didn't know how to respond to An Lie at this time.

Fan Lou has been lying on the bed without saying a word since he was injured by Feng Xuan. Yuan Yu was severely injured from the beginning.

He asked for supplies only to save his own life.

If he refuses to hand over medical resources to Fan Lou, Fan Lou will die within half a day!

This kind of injury can no longer be described as serious or not, but obviously I can't directly tell the situation of Fan Lou at this time!

But if you say that Fan Lou's injury is not a lie, it is tantamount to lying to the Andela clan.

As a family member, deceiving a superior family is a serious crime that can lead to the annihilation of the family.

Feng Nuo hadn't had time to think about the matter and figured out what he should do to best serve the interests of the Chaos Wind Demonic Wolf clan.

Mo Hen, who was standing aside, snorted with displeasure on his face.

"Don't think we can't see that you're stalling for time."

After that, Mo Hen waved his hand, and the envoys and members of the envoys from the other three tribes in Jihe directly crossed Feng Nuo and opened the door of the house.

The members of the Forbidden Wolf Team were all in front of the house. Knowing that the Jihe Four Clans were cooperating with the Chaos Wind Demonic Wolf Clan, the Forbidden Wolf Team did not stop the members of the Jihe Four Clans' mission without Feng Qing and Feng Nuo's orders.


The moment the house was opened, An Lie was keenly aware of the rotten smell coming from the house.

This rotten smell also contains the vitality of blood, which shows that the rotten smell does not come from the decay of dead things, but from the ulcers on living creatures.

The five senses of the Vampire clan are stronger than those of other clans because of their bloodline.

But these high-level envoys from the Realm Emperor-level God Realm led by the Jihe Four Tribes will definitely be able to tell whether the rotten smell comes from living or dead things.

No matter what, Fan Lou has made great contributions to the Chaos Wind Demon Wolf Clan, but Feng Qing is so cruel that he doesn't even let Fan Lou treat his injuries!

As a witness, An Lie knows how many injuries Fan Lou suffered from the whirlwind. If he had never received treatment, Fan Lou would probably be on his deathbed at this time!

If Feng Qing hadn't been a member of the Zunque Council, An Lie might have been so angry that he would have beaten Feng Qing to the same serious injuries as Fan Lou.

Let Feng Qing also experience the feeling of not being able to receive treatment!

Mo Hen knew that Fan Lou was a celebrity around Lin Yuan. Although he thought that Fan Lou would be in bad shape when he was attacked by Feng Xuan, he never expected that Fan Lou would be so miserable!

Mo Hen and others had no feelings for Fan Lou and were not angry because of what happened to Fan Lou.

The anger shown by Mo Hen and others now is purely pretending to please Fan Lou.

Real anger is forbearing and decisive, but pretended anger is crazy and aggressive.

Mo Hen saw that the Mantis Crab Clan and the Mist Hidden Turtle Clan entered the house before him and provided Fan Lou with medical supplies sufficient to treat the injured source.

Mo Hen knew that entering it now would not have much effect.

Fan Lou must have been extremely dissatisfied with the Chaos Wind Demon Wolf clan after suffering such a great injustice. Mo Hen, who wanted to understand this, directly fired at Feng Qing.

"Feng Qing, you have been emphasizing your sincerity with us, the Dark Spiny Fish Clan. The way you treat our Dark Spiny Fish Clan's benefactor, is this an expression of your Chaos Wind Demonic Wolf Clan's sincerity towards our clan?"

The anger Mo Hen showed at this time could be described as hysterical, and even An Lie beside him was a little scared.

Even if Fan Lou saved an important core member of the Dark Spiny Fish Clan, the Dark Spiny Fish Clan wouldn’t have to accept Fan Lou’s love so much, right?

The Andela clan has thoroughly investigated Fanlou's resume. Fanlou's resume is quite complicated.

First he followed the Yanhu clan, and then he was recruited by Feng Qing to be his subordinate.

However, Fanlou had never interacted with the forces there before going to Jihe.

Because he conducted a detailed investigation, An Lie did not suspect that there was something fishy between Fan Lou and the Dark Spiny Fish Tribe. He just assumed that the Dark Stickle Fish Tribe was a group that valued relationships very much.

This made An Lie very happy.

It is more beneficial for the Andela clan to make friends with such emotional forces than to make friends with those hostile forces!

At that moment, Mo Hen poured out all his anger on Feng Qing. The anger in Mo Hen's heart always wanted to find a chance to vent it out.

An Lie gave Mo Hen plenty of opportunities to vent his anger, and Mo Hen would no longer vent his anger on the Andela clan.

In fact, even if Mo Hen wanted to express himself in front of Fan Lou, he would not vent his anger on the Andela clan.

Many of Fan Lou's plans are related to the Andela clan, and it is really inappropriate for him to affect the relationship between Fan Lou and the Andela clan.

If it affects Fan Lou's plan, not only will I not be able to please Fan Lou, but I will be punished by Lin Yuan for this, which is not good!

Feng Qing was also caught off guard by Mo Hen's words. Feng Qing never expected that Mo Hen would choose to fall out with her on the spot.

Feng Qing thought that even if Mo Hen was dissatisfied with him, it would only hinder his subsequent cooperation with the Chaos Wind Demonic Wolf Clan.

Because a little person like Fan Lou offends the entire Andela clan, no matter how you look at it, it is not the choice of a smart person!

In the transaction between the two parties, not only the Chaos Wind Demonic Wolf Clan gained benefits, but the Dark Spiny Fish Clan also benefited a lot.

Feng Qing was a person who cared about dignity very much. At this moment, he was embarrassed and embarrassed by Mo Hen's words.

The current situation does not tolerate Feng Qing's quibbles. The facts are there. Even if Feng Qing quibbles, no one will believe it.

If the Dark Spiny Fish Clan is not cooperating with the Andela Clan, the Andela Clan is quite concerned about cooperating with the Dark Stickle Fish Clan.

Feng Qing would probably fall out with Mo Hen directly after being targeted by Mo Hen.

What is Feng Qing’s identity and Mo Hen’s identity?

Feng Qing is the leader of the Chaos Wind Demon Wolf Clan, but Mo Hen is just an envoy of the Dark Spiny Fish Clan.

Even if the overall strength of the Dark Spiny Fish Clan is not much different from that of the Chaos Wind Demonic Wolf Clan, the Dark Spiny Fish Clan is just a group on the other side of the Jihe River after all.

Unlike the leader of the Dark Spiny Fish Clan, who holds the position of a member of the Zunque Council, from a multi-dimensional perspective, the Chaos Wind Demonic Wolf Clan is stronger than the Dark Spiny Fish Clan.

Even the leader of the Dark Spiny Fish Clan shouldn't talk to him like this!

Mo Hen, a little messenger, dared to question himself!

Feng Qing forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart and spoke in a sincere tone.

"I did not handle this matter well!"

"I have always attached great importance to Fan Lou. Fan Lou is not a member of my Chaos Wind Demon Wolf clan. It was I who gave Fan Lou the blood and essence of the Chaos Wind Demon Wolf clan that gave Fan Lou the opportunity to become a member of my Chaos Wind Demon Wolf clan.


"I know that you, the Dark Spiny Fish Clan, are very grateful to Fan Lou for your help, but if I hadn't sent Fan Lou to your Dark Spiny Fish Clan's territory to negotiate with you, the Dark Spiny Fish Clan."

"Even if I come to Fanlou, I won't have the chance to save important figures from your Dark Spurfish Clan!"

"The friendship between the Chaos Wind Demonic Wolf Clan and your Dark Spiny Fish Clan is indeed caused by Brahma Lou, but we cannot blame all the causes on Brahma Lou."

This chapter has been completed!
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