Chapter 771: Red Thorn Evolution Request

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 The diversity of life is inherently complex and changeable, and every accidental change contains infinite opportunities.

It's like the digestive cavity, which was originally used as an auxiliary digestive function, was replaced by the tongue of sacrifice when the red thorn was promoted to a fantasy species, and degenerated into a dozen huge flowers that could only play a decorative role.

It is these useless flowers that not only gave the red thorn the ability to communicate normally with humans in subsequent evolution.

At the same time, after the red thorns swallowed the dimensional creatures in the water world, each petal in the flower turned into a gill-like petal, increasing the function of underwater breathing.

And as the red thorns devoured a large number of flesh and blood of dimensional creatures in the water world, the ability of the red thorns to breathe underwater has been perfectly inherited into the digestive cavity and nibbling vines produced through spores.

This allows the red thorn to instantly launch a combat offensive that is not weaker than on the ground even under water.

This is the improvement brought about by the chance of mutation.

Therefore, considering the possibility of these accidents, Lin Yuan felt that it was necessary to improve the four abilities of swallowing, digestion, spore reproduction and energy storage.

However, at this moment, the original mutation of the Red Thorn Sacrifice Mouth escalated again. Lin Yuan threw the vines grown from the source seeds into the Nasa Sacrifice Mouth as if they were alive, and quickly hid them inside.

The plant energy spurts out.

If Lin Yuan doesn't make a decision quickly, the red thorn's sacrificial mouth will soon be unable to shut the growing majestic plant energy within it.

In the end, Lin Yuan gritted his teeth and made a choice, and ordered to Hongthorn.

"Red thorns strengthen the ability to swallow and digest."

After pointing out the evolutionary direction to Red Thorn, Lin Yuan tried to give another instruction to Red Thorn.

It is to allow the red thorn to maintain the basic feeding function during the evolution process, and at the same time continue to produce the eyes of sacrifice.

Lin Yuan felt relieved after receiving the response from the red thorn from his bloodline perception.

After Lin Yuan gave the instruction, the mouth of the Sacrifice, which was originally like a furnace, and the vigorous plant energy contained in it, seemed to have been suddenly closed, and the whole thing fell silent.

However, the mouth of the sacrifice is still open, ready to swallow flesh and blood to produce the eyes of the sacrifice at any time according to Lin Yuan's instructions.

Lin Yuan then sent the red thorn back to the leaf-shaped diamond-level trapped spirit box.

Every evolution and transformation of the red thorn requires a period of sleep, and this time the red thorn does not know how long it will sleep.

But I think that when Hong Thorn wakes up, he should give Lin Yuan a huge surprise.

In the leaf-shaped diamond-step trapped soul box, the red thorn only relies on instinct to feast on the flesh and blood of the water world dimensional creatures around it, and produces new eyes of sacrifice. By giving birth to several slave plants on standby, it is transported to the world and the spiritual creatures to brew blood grapes.

In the jade pot of rattan.

The blood-brewing vines of heaven and earth spirits did not leave the supply of the Eye of Red Thorn for a long time, and it only took two hours to add up to a dozen.

But in just two hours, apart from the main vine, the other auxiliary vines of the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Creation Blood Grapevine have already started to wither.

It seems to be ready to be metabolized at any time, leaving the nutrients contained in it to the main vine.

Fortunately, the red thorn's Eye of Sacrifice has been renewed, and it can continue to maintain the consumption of the blood-brewing vines of heaven and earth spiritual beings.

Otherwise, Lin Yuan would suffer a big loss if he really waits for the Tiandi Ling Blood Brewing Grape Vine to make adjustments and metabolizes the auxiliary vines and most of the immature Blood Brewing Grapes due to insufficient supply of flesh and blood energy.

Lin Yuan, standing in the spirit lock space, took a deep breath after observing the red thorns in the leaf-shaped diamond-level trapped spirit box for a while.

Lin Yuan's decision to let the red thorn strengthen the phagocytosis function it evolved for the first time and the digestion function it evolved the second time was not an impulsive decision.

But after careful consideration.

In Lin Yuan's view, the phagocytosis function and the digestive function can be viewed together. The two functions complement each other and form the backbone of the Red Thorn combat system.

Without the support of the red thorn's phagocytic and digestive functions, strengthening the energy storage function and spore function can only be a mirror image.

The energy storage function can be regarded as a large reservoir, and the red thorn injects its own water flow into the reservoir to prepare for emergencies.

If the source of the water flowing into the red thorn remains unchanged, no matter how big the reservoir is and how many functions it has, it will still not be able to store water.

The spore function can be seen as a way for red spines to expand and repair the battlefield.

Although the function of spores is very important, if the flesh and blood energy supplied by the red thorn itself is insufficient.

No matter how powerful the spore function is, it still cannot exert its powerful effect.

Although Lin Yuan is not sure what benefits Red Thorn can bring by strengthening its phagocytosis and digestion functions, these two functions are indeed the foundation of Red Thorn's battle and evolution.

As a carnivorous plant, Red Thorn has always been able to devour the flesh and blood of living creatures.

Although the energy acquisition of red thorns has been determined from the beginning of meristem, the general direction will not change.

But if the red thorn strengthens its swallowing function, it can swallow more other things.

Even if you can't get energy from it to increase your level, you can still absorb part of the characteristics of the swallowed object to strengthen yourself.

You must know that the red thorns can very well absorb and assimilate the characteristics of the flesh and blood of various dimensional creatures.

For example, if the red thorn can swallow the metal spiritual material, the energy and characteristics absorbed in the metal spiritual material will be attached to the vines spawned.

So to what level should the overall combat effect of Red Thorn be improved?

Lin Yuan's first choice was to evolve the phagocytic function of red thorns, intending to fundamentally change the evolutionary potential of red thorns.

However, when we decided to evolve the phagocytic ability, we also immediately decided on the digestive function.

Because the evolved phagocytosis function must be assisted by the same strength of digestive ability.

Otherwise, if the red thorn really swallows the metal spiritual material, the red thorn will not be able to digest it without strong digestive function.

Moreover, the improvement of digestion capacity is equivalent to the invisible increase in the power of the melting pot of the mouth of the sacrifice.

It can speed up the advancement of the Red Thorn and also more quickly improve the energy storage function to evolve the production speed of the Eye of the Sacrifice.

And it allows the spore cavity to have more energy supply, spraying out more spores to fundamentally improve the overall flower sea.

This is also in line with Red Thorn’s positioning of fighting style.

Next, Lin Yuan only needs to wait quietly for the red thorn to complete its transformation.

After dealing with the red thorns, Lin Yuan walked to the Spirit Transformation Pond and began to study the Sea Burial Lotus in the Spirit Transformation Pond carefully.

During this period, Cancer Spirit Buried Sea Lotus repeatedly expressed its covetousness for the insect-patterned coral jade.

The first batch of coral jade in the Soul Locking Space has also matured. Lin Yuan excepted the part of the first batch of coral jade with insect patterns that Gao Feng agreed to.

The original plan to lay a layer of coral jade with insect patterns on Qianjiao Lake was postponed by Lin Yuan.

Anyway, the Paradise Angelfish in Qianjiao Lake are already platinum-level adult fish, and the demand for coral jade with insect patterns is not that high.

Therefore, all the remaining coral jade with insect patterns were poured into the Hualing Pond, covering the bottom of the Hualing Pond.

After encountering these coral jade with insect patterns, Cancer Spirit Burial Sea Lotus went crazy and even absorbed the pure spiritual energy.

Instead, it immediately mobilized a large number of white-bone lotus flowers to cover all the coral jade with insect patterns on the bottom of the Hualing Pond, and began to absorb the energy in the coral jade with insect patterns.

But what is different from Lin Yuan's expectation is that Sea Lotus, which has always absorbed pure spiritual energy like Zhu Bajie eating ginseng fruit, is not in a hurry to quickly absorb the energy in these coral jade with insect patterns.

Instead, savor it slowly.

This chapter has been completed!
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