Chapter 789: The distressed young man

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 After saying this, Lin Yuan activated the power of rules in his body and took out some of the repetitive and inferior rules he had screened out in the past few days.

In the process of Wen Yu activating the Celestial Council function of the Holy Origin object to take the lead in star spirits, Lin Yuan gave the spirit liquid, the Shadow Shadow Bat and a diamond-level trapped spirit box that he had cleverly prepared at the expense of these rules that had been eliminated by himself.

Beixu passed on.

After doing all this, Lin Yuan said to Beixu quite painfully.

"When the Celestial Council ends and you leave the void where the council is and return to the real world, I hope you will be pleasantly surprised when you see the spiritual creature you are about to contract with."

"This time I have prepared a little gift for you just like last time."

When Beixu heard this, he immediately showed a look of surprise.

The small gift Lin Yuan mentioned last time brought him back to life. Beixu was particularly looking forward to the small gift Lin Yuan mentioned this time.

After asking Beixu's request, Lin Yuan turned his gaze to Yin Lin and asked Yin Lin.

"The Yingxian's condition is that he wants a contracted spiritual object. I wonder what conditions you want to ask for?"

When Yin Lin heard this, she firmly stated the conditions that she had already thought about and never changed.

"Lion, I want to be able to see the world as clearly as a normal person in the real world."

Lin Yuan was not surprised at all by Yin Lin's request and responded directly with the word "good".

Then he mobilized the will in his body, and at the expense of the will filtered out by Lin Yuan, the life energy released intermittently by Lily Lily's exclusive characteristics was transmitted into Yin Lin's real body through the Star Spirit Seat.

Lin Yuan was not sure how much life energy it would take for Yin Lin's eyes to fully recover, and Lin Yuan could not accurately feel the condition of Yin Lin's body through Yin Lin's will.

Lin Yuan simply spent more of his willpower and injected an excessive amount of the life energy that Lily Lily released intermittently through its exclusive characteristics into Yin Lin's body before stopping.

After reaching Bei Xu and Lin Yuan's conditions, Lin Yuan believed that the agreement between himself, Bei Xu and Yin Lin was truly reached.

Next, as the system, Lin Yuan is ready to issue tasks for Yin Lin and Bei Xu.

The second celestial body council has been going on for twenty-seven minutes so far, and Wen Yu's face has begun to turn pale.

Therefore, Lin Yuan did not intend to make this first mission very complicated.

"You two can establish a power in your original world."

"As for what the forces should do and what functions to choose, it is entirely up to you to decide."

Bei Xu and Yin Lin had different expressions after hearing the mission issued by Lin Yuan.

Yin Lin looked at Lin Yuan as if he were on a pilgrimage, looking gratefully at the man in front of him who had given him light and new life.

Yin Lin, who had been sitting in a wheelchair and unable to see, was also very interested in what Lin Yuan said about building power.

After thinking for a moment, Yin Lin asked Lin Yuan.

"Since you asked us to establish our power, Lion, then the power should have a unified name."

Lin Yuan did not plan to tell Yin Lin and Beixu the name of Sky City at first.

But now that Yin Lin asked, Lin Yuan took the opportunity to speak.

"It's up to you to decide the name of the force."

"When one day your power develops to the point where you are about to leave the continent where you are, you can add a prefix of Sky City in front of the name of your power."

"But before that, just keep the prefix "City in the Sky" in your hearts."

When Yin Lin heard this, he firmly remembered Lin Yuan's words.

At the same time, the four words "city in the sky" seem to have a kind of magic power, which is firmly imprinted in the depths of Yin Lin's soul.

At this time, Yin Lin, who was reborn, also found his first goal in life.

Beixu's face became more and more ugly, and finally even turned a little pale.

Beixu said hesitantly to Lin Yuan.

"Lion...Lion, my waist has been marked with a curse since I was born."

"My cursed identity is a stone insect, so I may not be able to establish power."

As he spoke, Beixu's face was ashen.

Beixu didn't expect that the first task Lin Yuan released was one he couldn't complete.

Beixu, who was saved by Lin Yuan on the verge of death and was given the courage and dream to survive by Lin Yuan, really didn't want to let his faith disappoint him.

When Lin Yuan heard what Bei Xu said about the curse seal and stone worms, he thought of the experience seen through Bei Xu's will and immediately knew what Bei Xu was talking about.

Although the underground world of the Cave Continent is a barren and remote place, its cruelty is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

People who are born with a curse mark usually engage in the work represented by the curse mark throughout their lives.

The curse mark engraved on the body is equivalent to a symbol of identity in the underground world of Cave Continent.

For example, the "stone worm" curse mark on Beixu's body indicates that Beixu will be engaged in mining in underground caves throughout his life.

However, in Lin Yuan's opinion, not only is the idea of ​​using a spell to define a person's identity a bit ridiculous, but the curse seal itself is also really ridiculous.

The curse seal of the Cave Continent is actually a boring little trick.

The spell is formed by applying the juice of a crypt moss plant to the skin. The juice of the moss plant will dye the skin purple-black.

Finally, a caterpillar spirit called an imprinted worm stings the skin stained with moss sap, which allows the skin to remember the color of the bryophyte sap.

Thus leaving the purple-black mark on the body permanently.

And because during the stinging process, the imprinting worm will spit saliva into the skin to deepen the imprinting effect.

The purple-black curse mark formed will be saturated with flesh and blood along the epidermis, and the purple-black color will be imprinted onto the bones.

If an ordinary person uses a knife to cut open the skin at the curse mark, as long as the cut is deep enough to touch the bone, the flesh and blood soaked in the dark purple curse mark can indeed be removed.

However, most of the people who are cursed in the underground world of Cave Continent are ordinary people and spiritual energy professionals who do not have contracted spiritual objects.

Reiki professionals who have contracted spiritual objects often have absolute noble status in Cave Continent.

However, ordinary people and spiritual practitioners who do not have contracted spiritual objects have no chance of surviving if they cut off a large piece of flesh and blood from their waists in the harsh environment of the underground world of the Cave Continent.

Even if you can survive by chance, huge scars will form on your waist if you are not treated by a healing Reiki professional.

Having scars on the waist is a taboo in the underground world of the Cave Continent. No matter what the reason is, once discovered, you will be executed.

As a member of the underground world of Cave Continent, Beixu is naturally very aware of this, so Beixu falls into such emotions.

This chapter has been completed!
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